All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
461 Chapters
341 . Moo Shang first group's gathering. ( 2 )
" Everyone..... Hye ... you can call me aunt Vera and this is my husband uncle Yun . Aunt had prepared a game for you . Those who got the first place for this game will get three hundred Yuan and the second and third one hundred Yuan . Fourth and fifth , fifty Yuan ." Vera gives a beach ball to the boys in the water . " Pass the ball to your friends when the music starts. Those who hold the ball when the music stop can't answer the questions given . " And these three uncles will be the judge. See they brought their laptop so you can't cheat..." Vera laugh as she pass the microphone to her husband because her husband will give the questions to the kids. Moo Shang push Yang Ke towards the pool " Go... Yang Ke...try your luck." " Ah Shang... you won't join?" Tai Shen ask . " No... no he can't join or we won't have a chance to answer the questions." Yu Jang quickly said . They knew how pervert this boy was . He was just a computer . He can't give the answer to their teacher wit
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342 . The helps given by Moo Shang to his friends .
" Mom... something happened to the company ." Moo Shang worriedly look at his mother who looks calm while reading her book. He was worried so he looks for his mother and found out she's in his father study room . Elina puts down the book as she looks at Moo Shang with smile . " Nothing bad happen... It's just... your father's friend's , your in le Hunter's company's server had been invaded and the hacker had taken hundred million from his company's account . That is why your father takes along his hacker's team . Furthermore , our company had so many joint project with your uncle Hunter 's company ." " Ermm.. I believe dad will be able to solve the problem . Ermmm mom..... I need your help ." Moo Shang slowly said gently . " Tell me , what is it ?" Elina focus his attention to her eldest son that sit opposite her . "" He slowly explain about Yang Ke who had four siblings ... the Yu twin that had four more siblings and his eldest brother who had married but still
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343 . The boys father's plan with the three million yuan.
Like mother , like sons .... the three of them sure had a kind heart . Luckily , they always had had good financial . They had their own money resources. So although they gave away the money or their belonging , Adrian won't say anything to the mother and his two sons although his subordinates always give him reports about what they had been doing twice a week . Moo Shang notes to Yu Ke .... He ask the MPV to give to his mother to use it to send them to schools and fetch them from school . He also gives them a house key. The house is at the condominium near the high school . The condominium is full furnished with four bedrooms and three bedroom . Moo Shang ask father Yang to open a bank account with fifty thousand yuan for all his children . Don't let Yang Ke eldest brother to work anymore. Let them focus on study . He even said there is a white BMW for Yang father in the condominium car park . Be a good father and always loyal to his wife who had been with him all these hard y
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344 . Adel got a fever .
" Today ... mommy will come home late ... daddy too . If you had time come home early to accompany the triplets ." Elina gently ask her two sons . Today she had to attend the night class for the surgery in the hospital suggested by their professor . The surgery starts at six and might ended late . He husband had a video conference with this companies in the overseas. So he had to stay in the office . " It's fine mom.... our taekwondo class is on Tuesday and Thursday... we will come home early today ." Moo Shang assure his mother . " Thank you then ." Elina gently answers him . She knew , if he could ,Moo Shang rather stay with the triplets at home than goes to school but Adrian is a man who value education for his children . So the boys need to study hard and underiwell ,it's for their own future . Furthermore , she knew Moo Shang and Moo Sheng doesn't want to inherit the Moo's company. Moo Sheng focus more on medical and Moo Shang had set his mind to enter the military .
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345 . The siblings are too generous .
Times fly away quickly ..Since the family move back to the mansion three months ago the triplets become healthy and safe again . Moo Shang and Moo Sheng gave their third dark guards to the triplets and take with them four bodyguards from the Moo family anywhere they go . " Ah Shang.... since you guys enters our school , we have airconds in the class ,new sports equipment , new stadium and new taekwondo class equipments . It's been two months and the school account will add three hundred yuan every first day of the months to our school canteen card." Yu Hang suddenly said as they eat their lunch . " Eemm... luckily .... we can change back the points to cash after the end of our end of year exam. " Tai Shen sighs. His card had more than a thousand yuan and he only had about five weeks in the middle school . " Ah Shen.. . just transfer your money into your siblings card ." Yang Ke suggest. He also will transfer the money in his card into his two siblings card later . " Yes.. me too
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346. The charity banquet .
As he promised , the Saturday morning , the Yu twins , Su cousin ,Chan Si , Yang Ke and Tai Shen received four red boxes with a notes on each boxes. Each notes written with either maternal grandmother, maternal grandfather, paternal grandfather or paternal grandmother. Because of the curiousity ,the open the boxes and see their paternal and maternal grandfather boxes contains a green jade pendant and a green ring jade . The boxes for their grandmothers are smart of gold necklace with jade pendant , a pair of jade earings and a green jade bracelets . While Luo Jiang only received two boxes of jade accessories for his paternal grandmother , a box of a set of gold accessories with necklace ,ring and a pair of earrings for his paternal eldest uncle's wife also a box of jade ring for his eldest uncle . It shocked their parents but because they heard their sons had promised Moo Shang not to open the boxes and not to reject his gift and they had to assume the gift are from their paren
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347. The weekend programmes.
" Well... if you guys wants to follow me to the mountains ,you know you should have some strength . I won't worried about Lou Jiang , Tai Shen and Yang Ke ... they had been in the Taekwondo class with me for two months . Yu Hang , Yu Jang you two can you climb the mountain and live in the hardship of the mountain . Su Yang and Su Ming too . Can you sleep in a jungle . It will be cold there ." Moo Shang explain to them . Just now his father had ask the upper management of the project to give him ten spots for the sixteen years old students . They will be arranged to the village at the mountain . It take five hours journey from the city with cars and had to walk for an hour and twenty minutes from the small town to reach the village and forty minutes by the cow cart. " Then , from Monday , we will run in the evening for an hour and follow you all to the taekwondo class. " Yu Hang quickly said . " Then .. you only had about two months to improve your strength. " Luo Jiang suddenly
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348 . Only six allowed to go .
" What a beautiful song with our handsome first young master right ." Vera laugh when the young single female workers reply with blush on their face . "Luckily the first young master is still too young." She thought to herself . Then she call Moo Sheng to the stage . " Be carefull everyone, the second Young master Anston or Young master Moo Sheng will show us his martial art ." Then Moo Sheng appears on the stage with his white robes and a fan . His two guards with black clothes and black mask on their face follow behind him . He bows a bit before one of his guatd attack him fiercely with the sword's cover . He quickly jump and face the two guards with his cold expression and alert eyes. " Did .. Ah Sheng learnt martial arts ?" Lilian ask Elina . " Eemm... Ah Shang too ... .I intend to let them teach the triplets once ,they are five ." Elina quickly reply Lilian . A family like them , both knew their children needs to have some defense self movements to protect themselve
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349 . The space rings to his friends.
A month ended in a blink of eyes Elina had ended two of her exams with flying colour results same as Zinnia too. Both are waiting to take their third year exam with their classmates in two weeks. The two boys Moo Shang and Moo Sheng are now busy with their revision classess . They spend more times in the house in the weekend to study and play with the triplets . They had only a week before their end of year exam . Because he and Chan Si wants to skip grade , both will take the eight grade exam papers . Maybe because of the stream spirit water in Moo Sheng's space both had clear mind ad a high IQ . They can memorise everything they read only after reads them for once. Their class teacher Miss Lui also helps them with the grade eight previous years test papers . While the siblings spends their time in the mansion study their friends spend their Saturday evening shopping around , buying clothes , shoes , foods ingredients , cooked foods , hot and cold drinks , quilts, pillows ,matt
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350 . New year festival .
" Happy ... new year daddy , mommy !" Moo Shang and Moo Sheng walks towards the living room with the triplets . " Come ... happy new year too !" Elina smiles to her children . Today the Moo family celebrate their new year festival in the Angel mansion with their mansion workers . Last night in the big gathering , almost all the Adrian and Elina's friends come to the mansion to eat the dinner with them . " Why do you looks sleepy , Ah Sheng" Moo Sheng looks at his mother that sitting beside their father leasury . " Mom... I ' m counting the money in the red angpow ." Moo Sheng answers her with smile . " Well... the why do you look so uncomfortable now " Elina ask again. " You know mom... You promised to visit aunt Lilian , aunt Lili and aunt Winnie villa and the Blue mansion today . Well.... I have to give the little children more money in the red angpow then what the aunts gave me last night ." Moo Sheng looks confius . " Well... actually... let mom and daddy worried about
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