All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
463 Chapters
321 . Back to the future . ( 1 )
It's will be new year festival in three days. Elina and Adrian knew they will be stay in this world for another four days . Because of that , the couple send two hundred chest with each chest had two hundred silver ingots and a hundred chests with each chests full with two hundred gold Ingots to ministry of Revenue , ministry of war , ministry of education , ministry of workmanship , ministry of agriculture and ministry of health warehouses . They also send ten chests of Jade ,ten chests of gold bars ,a hundred chest with two hundred silver ingots , a hundred chest with two hundred gold ingots each and ten chests full with accessories to the emperor study room . Then ,they also send a hundred chests full with two hundred silver ingots and ten chests full with accessories to Leng Hui study room . The couple also send ten a hundred years old and above ginsengs to the Leng family mansion warehouse with twenty chests full with Jade and a hundred gold bars and a hundred chests full wi
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322. Back to the future. ( 2 )
The Moo family left after staying for almost two hours. They go to the Su mansion to visits the old couple. This time Elina left two chests full accessories to the old madam Su and one chest the first madam Su . Adrian gives the old man Su a sculpture from green jade as big as a new born baby . He also gave a jade pendant to Su Ming as the boys first uncle . Furthermore only the four of them received them today . After few conversations , Adrian left two chests full with silver ingots to old master Su and a chest to Su Ming . He told them ,he might need to go back to their hometown for almost half years and hope Su Ming can look after the two boys . He also said as long as the old couple still alive ,the Moo mansion will send a chest of silver ingots to the old man Su and a chest of accessories to the old madam Su every new year festival as the two boys filial piety to their maternal grandparents. They left the Su mansion after more than an hour . They reach the Moo mansion jus
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323. Adrian's late mother's villa .
" Butler Hong ." Adrian greets the old butler who looks like in his seventies. " Young master , young madam . You cames back . Come in come in !!" He happily invites them in . He only saw the young madam twice since the couple married few years ago . " I have to go now . I have so many works to do ." Butler Zhang excuse himself . " Old Yu , young master and young madam are here . " Butler Hong call his wife . ." Good ... good .... I had prepared their room. The other rooms too . " Old Yu who looks like in her sixties smiles as she stand at the staircase . Butler Hong send them to their room at the first floor . Then he left them after telling them to rest and he will call them for dinner . While Butler Hong and his wife also his daughter busy in the yard . Elina and Adrian walks to the room beside their bedroom . Elina takes out three cradles and a double decker bed. She puts the babies necessities in the large closet and puts the large bed in her space. She takes out the
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324 . Reunion
While they eat the pastries, they sees Elina and Zinnia walks towards them with smiles . " Eli ...... Zin!!!" Winnie and Lilian also Olivia run towards the two. Three of them hug the two while they cry. " It's been too long Eli ...." Lilian sobs as she hug tightly her best friend. " Okay ...okay.... let's sit first. You all .. you had become a mother and still crying like little girls ." Elina tease them . She had known Olivia already had a son and a daughter . Winnie had a son , Lilian had twin daughter and pregnant again and Lily had two sons . " Well.. long time no see Eli .. zinnia ." Lily smiles to the two . She had feels something changes on these two young women. " Sister Lily ... long time no see ." Elina smiles to her . " Long time no see professor ." Zinnia reply as they all sit on the sofa . " What had happened to you two ?" Lilian ask curiously . " Well... I hope you will believe me ." Elina then tells them from them trap in a fog and appears in the ancient t
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325 . The auction .
Times fly away quickly. Today the auction day in the antiques street association make an auction . The news spread about the sculpture and swords from the Ming Dynasty that belong to the famous General that vanished when he was framed and all his bloodline send to exile by the emperor that time. There is also five imperial jade and a Buddha sculpture from green imperial jade to be auction today. Adrian follow Karl , Shane and Vernon as their bodyguards to enter the hall . Once they enter the VIP room he sit with them while waiting for the event to start . He casually takes out the ancient wine pots from his space and pour the wine to his glass. " Just take them if you want. I had plenty more in my space ." He had told them about the space anyway. He then casually takes out three boxes pastries . " Eric.... here in these three boxes are a thousand years old ginsengs. Tell them the Moo company put the ginseng for auction. " Adrian takes out three red boxes . " Send them .. I wi
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326. The press conference. ( 1 )
Elina found something strange , her space ,her husband space , Thunder , Tasya and Zinnia space can't duplicate the yuan notes . They can duplicate the gold bars , foods and living sticks ,foods ingredients except the yuan notes . " It's fine baby . We have many jewellery, jade , gold and diamond to sell . " I will ask another guards from the Angel's mansion to sell ten more jade tomorrow . I will sell the gold bars to the bank tomorrow . It's fine , the company now had some cash flow problem too , We can only slowly climb up again . As he promised, the next day twenty bodyguards walks into five different banks . Each of them sell twenty gold bars as large as half the brick . With the gold currency price , each team brought back cash five hundred million yuan. The next day , Eric send to Italy and Switzerland with Thunder , They sold five hundred gold bars in different banks for three days . All the money kept in their space. Before , they board the flight back , they change th
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327 . The press conference. ( 2 )
" Mr Adrian Moo... and isn't that Mrs Moo . " " They had come back ." " There are three babies ." Many voices heard as the reportes start to take pictures and make few speculations . " Good morning , everyone . I am Eric ,Mr president first assistant . We will begin our preess conference and please one person only can give two questions ." Eric Said as his eyes focus on the reporters . The triplets obediently sits on the baby's chair . They put a bright smiles and looking at the reporters who takes their pictures repeatedly . " Hello , good morning ...... I am Adrian Moo ... This beautiful lady is my wife and these three babies at my wife right are my triplets . Two boys and one girl . The youngest is my daughter . I had been missing from the business world for more than two years. I , my wife and my two bodyguards encountered something that needed us to left the business world for sometime . We had to wait until the babies delivered safely , grown up
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328. The banquet. ( 1 )
Moo Shang and Moo Sheng stays in their rooms for the whole days except for breakfast ,lunch or the time they spend with the triplets. Elina is busy with the banquet arrangements with Butler Zhang . The bodyguards team also had their banquet as Fred and Thunder wants to treats their colleagues for lunch. Thunder takes out ten boars , ten deers , fifteen goats , twenty pigs , fifty chickens and ducks , fifty kilogrammes white rice , ten kilogrammes cabbages , winter melon and long beans . He also takes out three hundred apples , a hundred watermelon and a hundred kilogrammmes grapes . Then he takes out fifty pots of wine . The women in the married blocks cooks the rice ,vegetables and divided the fruits . While the men roasted the animals . Thunder also takes out twenty horses and twenty foals to let the children's learn to ride horses. Their madam had told Fred that she wants Thunder to duplicate atleast thirty horses to keep in their training camp to use in the mansion . They o
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329 . Choosing the names to register .
" This ... isn't them too expensive. " Zhuzhu shocks to see the things in the two boxes. " It's fine .... just take them .... the boys had many more with them . It's their own treasures ." Elina smiles as she chuckles. " Isn't these gold ingots ?" Shasha ask curiously . " Yes ... aunt ... it's fine I have many more in my room . It's for the baby. He is so handsome . Moo Shang politely answers Shasha 's question . Luckily , the food served early and the roasted deers , goats pigs and chickens attract their attention. They wouldn't know , once they open Elina's gift they are almost fainted when they see the five gold bars , two jade as big as man's adult fist and the three diamonds . Everyone get one box from Elina . The married couple had ten gold bars , four jades and six diamonds as big as baby fist . Their children each had five thousand yuan from Elina . They even got two boxes of pastries , three boxes of deer ,pig and goats meats . Everyone had eating to full at the
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330. Sending her sons to school.
A week fly away just like that .... They had move to the Triumph three Villa's residential near the university . It's Monday today , Elina ask for morning leaves from the department's director as she wants to send her two sons for their school registration . Elina walks with Bonnie and the two boys follow behind them . Elina comes with her three inch closed black shoes and a soft blue knee length dress . She looks young , fresh and elegant . " Hello , young boy ... where is the school principal office ?" Elina ask two boys who walks slowly to the building . " Let me show the way then sister ." One of the boy politely offer his help . " Then ,thank you ?" Elina gently said . " What grade are you boy . How old are you ?" Elina ask again . " I am thirteen and I am at the seventh gred. I am at the seventh gred A . But .... I am not as clever as the others . Here we are aunt ." He smiles to Elina and Bonnie when he excuse himself . " What a good boy . If you sit in his class befr
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