All Chapters of Rise Of She-Wolf: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
67 Chapters
She’s a rabid wolf or something?
- Riven I run my finger down the length of my wound, which is already starting to scar. The only thing that leaves me concerned is the fact that it still aches after all this time. I don’t know what that bitch Kera used to try and take me down, but whatever it is, it’s leaving a lasting effect. Footsteps move toward me, and I jerk my head up as I spot Niles walking toward me. He’s wearing a smile, something he’s been doing more often ever since I became a pack leader. He even invited me to come and stay in the pack leaders’ cabin, but it felt weird to leave my own space. But I know another reason that I haven’t wanted to move in to the pack leaders’ cabin, and it’s because I can’t picture Kate slipping into a cabin with Niles, Monica, and Harrison in it and sliding into my bed. She said that she wants to put things on hold, but my mind won’t let me move on. I don’t think that things are over between us. If things were that simple, we would have been able to leave each other alon
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A great wolf under my nose
- Riven I’ve had a great wolf under my nose this entire time. This entire time, I’ve been training Kate and waiting for her to stand up for herself, but she’s never really needed me. I just wish that someone had told her that she didn’t need me. Monica and Niles scan my face, waiting for a reaction. I cross my arms over my chest. She’s still the same Kate. Nothing will keep me away from her. “I don’t think that she’d truly hurt anyone. But, I’ll take what you said under consideration. I need to get some exercise. I can’t let my muscles atrophy while I wait for this little wound to go away.” I stand up and push the chair back. I nod at all of the pack leaders and turn on my heel. I step out of the cabin, and my muscles relax when the smell of the woods fills my nostrils. I keep my feet glued in place, feeling the planks of wood underneath my feet, hearing the smack of an axe hitting a piece of firewood. I sigh. I need a moment to reset, and figure out how I’m going to assembl
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- Kate It feels like electricity is shooting up and down my spine. He’s kissing me with so much want, so much need, that I feel like I might disappear into him completely. As my lips move against his, my mind is still tugging me toward thoughts of what the pack leaders might think. They probably saw him walk into my cabin. If he’s in here for too long, then they might start to talk about separating us. I pull back and I soak in the look in his eyes, the longing that he’s making no effort to hide. Riven is as tough as nails, but in this moment, he needs me to want him back. He needs me to forget that we’re looking for Marcel, or that we captured someone, or that we’re still trying to avenge Rico’s murder. He’s kissing me like he needs me. I let my tongue tangle with his, and something surges through me, racing all the way down to my fingers and toes. What is this feeling? I’m bracing myself for more thoughts about the pack, about what people will say, but they won’t come. I g
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- Kate I’ve seen Marcel from afar, but I have to admit, Riven was right. Marcel is a sight to be seen. His hulking wolf sends chills down my spine as I push my legs apart and dig my heels into the ground. His wide, dark eyes focus on me, and I can practically picture the smirk that he’d be wearing if he was in his human form. “Fuck...” Riven groans from beside me. His hand flies to his side, where one of the bullets struck him. My heart pounds against my ribcage as I look past Marcel. My pack mates are exploding into their wolf forms and sinking their teeth into some human werewolf hunters, along with the battered forms of some of Marcel’s pack mates. My pack is fighting for its life, and right now, I have a chance to defend us, to show the pack leaders that I have always been here, and I have always been ready to be seen as a real part of this pack. As I bend my knees, and prepare to transform, heat spreads throughout my body. My limbs are tingling as if I just pressed my
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Why should I bring Killi down with me?  
- Kate “You don’t know how to control your power yet, but I bet it will be useful.” A groan escapes me as my eyes flutter open. The aged wood of the cabin’s ceiling rests above me. I blink, and inhale, fully expanding my lungs. What the hell? I shake my head and gnash my teeth together as I pull myself into a sitting position. I relax the muscles in my jaw, and my mouth hangs open as the bitter taste of medicinal herbs settles on my tongue. Memories sail into the front of my mind. Riven, the silver tipped blade, and Payna’s soft smile as she blotted a towel against the sweat-slicked, cold skin on my forehead. Marcel. “Power…” I glance at the fingernails on my right hand. They’re perfectly normal, deceptively human-looking fingers. There are no remnants of the long claws that rested there before. I open my mouth and slip a finger against my canines. The sharp points are gone. What’s happening to me? My head snaps toward the door as it creaks open. Payna steps inside
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Run into the night
Kate Why is it that every time I see him, I’m reminded of exactly how much I want him? It’s especially bad because I can’t want him. The pack leaders have pretty much made it clear that I am not to be treated like a true member of this pack. Because I’m dangerous. But what’s more dangerous is what I’m capable of when I’m left alone with Riven. Riven grins and steps to the side. “You’re okay.” I nod and step inside the cabin. I press my back against the door, and I say, “I’m fine.” “I haven’t seen you all day.” He frowns. “I thought that you might still be with Payna.” “I’m fine.” He steps toward me and sets his hand on my shoulder. “Kate, what’s wrong?” The tears from earlier start to sting my eyes again, and I know that I can’t let him really see what’s wrong. But I also can’t let this go, I can’t leave without talking to him about it. “How much have the pack leaders shared with you?” Riven frowns and says, “What do you mean? They’ve shared just about everything
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Control Kate
- Kate “What the fuck was that?” My head snaps toward the sound of a branch being crushed under a heavy boot. I picture a solid, black boot attached to someone that’s been watching me from the darkness. My heartbeat quickens and my muscles tighten as I narrow my eyes and scan the darkness. A doe looks at me curiously, her round, black eyes are also searching for threats as we look at each other. She cautiously lifts one leg, waiting for me to move, then she takes off. I exhale and shake my head. If I had been thinking straight, I could have gotten dinner for the night. Riven wouldn’t have hesitated to kill that deer and have it served. Him being so proactive is part of why they made him a pack leader for now. I let a long sigh that I’d been holding onto since I left squeeze past my lips. Riven. Every time I stop moving my feet, an image of him rises to the front of my mind. I picture the set way his jaw sits, and his eyes as he soaks me in. When will someone look at me like
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- Kate As people walk past me, giving me the occasional curious glance, I start to feel like I’m going to be swallowed up by the night. My eyes fly around before they land on the brightly lit windows of Joe’s bar. I wonder if Joe will let me stay there again. I don’t have any money, but I’m still a “friend” of Arnold’s. As I walk across the street to the bar, I’m reminded of how desperate Arnold was when we spoke to him a few weeks ago. He’d been looking for Marcel for weeks, and we were his last glimmer of hope. I think that any human that’s pursuing him is in over their head. This is between wolves, and even if my pack doesn’t think I’m the wolf that can handle it, we’re going to take Marcel down. And figure out what to do with all of those women. Country music floats out of the bar, and a group of women stumble out. They’re teetering in high heels and falling against each other. “Oh my God, Cynthia, I have to get out of here.” One of the women turns her hazy eyed ga
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A body
- Kate His smell is strong here. I’ve been walking for a while, but the smell of Marcel’s scent comes and goes. Ever since the sun rose higher in the sky, my sense of smell has waned to what it normally was. Damn it. I can’t help but feel a little discouraged as I make my way through the woods. I’ve never been here before, and as I get swallowed up by all of the green around me, I can’t help but feel a sense of dread that has glued itself to my skin. The hairs on the back of my neck practically stand up as I walk further into the woods. My eyes fall on a family of rabbits. My stomach trembles. The bagel that I had earlier feels like a lifetime ago, because I’m starving. I sigh as I slowly lower myself to the ground. I snatch one rabbit off the ground, careful and quick like Riven would have, and I snap its neck. The other rabbits scatter, and I go to a fallen tree trunk. “I just need something to skin this with,” I mumble. “Do you need a knife?” “What?!” I jump n
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I killed her
- Kate Her wolf is quick, and she’s obviously had time to heal since our first run in. She doesn’t limp, or waver as I slam my body into hers. She jumps up onto her feet and snarls as she snaps her jaws at me. The feeling, the feeling that I now know is the great wolf, returns and I feel like I’m floating on air. Her blood is calling out to me, and I want nothing more than to taste it as I rip her open. I duck underneath her, which confuses her as she steps back. I swing back around and sink my canines into her back leg. She squeals and rips her leg out from between my teeth. Her blood covers my tongue, and its just like before. Everything feels brighter, faster, stronger. Better. Brea limps around me, her eyes trained on me as I stand in the center. She’s already lost this fight, and she’s just trying to buy herself some time so that she doesn’t get killed. I almost want to transform and tell her that she can go, but Marcel needs to know that I’m coming for him. I can’t
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