Semua Bab Rise Of She-Wolf: Bab 41 - Bab 50
67 Bab
The slow caress only added to what she wanted, making her bend blindly at him, instinctively searching. She felt something touch the raw fabric of her dress...the bulge so familiar of his sexuality. His tough length matched the V shape between her legs perfectly. His hardness pressed against her soft spot, his mouth possessing hers delicately, while his arms circled hers. She slid her hands into his hair, curling her fingers around his scalp, beneath thick curls that glittered like silk in the moonlight.A rough breath escaped from him, and his lips slid down her throat. Even in her innocence, she could feel the happiness of his cautious touches, the hunger that was tightly restrained by him. Her peasant shirt slid down one shoulder, revealing ivory white skin. His fingers slid across her ribs to the hem of her neck and tugged so deftly that the crumpled linen slid down. Slowly, his hand slipped under her bra.She was round, her soft nipples tightening against the calluses of his fing
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With condemnation
The slow caress only added to what she wanted, making her bend blindly at him, instinctively searching. She felt something touch the raw fabric of her dress...the bulge so familiar of his sexuality. His tough length matched the V shape between her legs perfectly. His hardness pressed against her soft spot, his mouth possessing hers delicately, while his arms circled hers. She slid her hands into his hair, curling her fingers around his scalp, beneath thick curls that glittered like silk in the moonlight.A rough breath escaped from him, and his lips slid down her throat. Even in her innocence, she could feel the happiness of his cautious touches, the hunger that was tightly restrained by him. Her peasant shirt slid down one shoulder, revealing ivory white skin. His fingers slid across her ribs to the hem of her neck and tugged so deftly that the crumpled linen slid down. Slowly, his hand slipped under her bra.She was round, her soft nipples tightening against the calluses of his fing
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Too much
Bewildered, she looked at Sir Sydney. His face had changed somehow, it wasn't quite handsome anymore, but suddenly it was hard and cold. Looking at him now, someone would believe that this man can do anything. Suddenly she couldn't believe that a few minutes ago she'd kissed those stern lips, that his arms had wrapped around her intimately. When he spoke, even his voice was different, the tone seemed a little rougher. The noble mask had just been peeled off, revealing the hardened look underneath. "I'd rather discuss this in a more private setting." He told the count.The earl tilted his head with icy politeness. "There's a classroom inside the wing. Is that okay?""Okay". Sydney paused for a moment before adding. "Miss Ezra will come with us."Torcia looked at him blankly. Your request is absurd. Suddenly she felt cold all over, and a shiver ran down her spine. "Why?" She asked through dry lips."She has nothing to do with this," said Lord Wessex curtly, rising from his chair.Sir Sy
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Came to her
"It was never my choice." She told him. "It was an arrangement when I was a child. My parents promised Mr. Warren that I would become his fiancée under his protection. I had a hard time accepting the position, but Warren is the one who is unreasonable - not proper - in my assessment. His plan is to expose me to no longer me - he treats me like an animal that needs to be trained. to please you. Suffice it to say that I'd rather die. You have to believe me, I never begged for it..."."I believe you." Still possessing her hand, Wessex glanced at Kai Reeves. "Having known Miss Ezra for a while, I can only assume that her objection to marrying Warren is true.""That's right," replied the policeman at once. He wandered over to the fireplace with a misguided laziness, one arm leisurely resting on the mantel's surface. Bright red tongues of fire covered his dark face. "Warren is a pig. But besides that, her parents have agreed to this marriage. Money, a great offer, can change all control. An
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Kai knew that Torcia wouldn't react passively to the knowledge that he was hunting her in Sir Warren's name. But her frantic reaction to being cornered had startled him. Now that she had regained her composure, she stared at him with a reckless calculation that he understood was all too good. He thought she was wonderful.Lord Wessex clearly disagreed with Lotiie's request, his brow furrowed in displeasure. "I'll wait in the next room," he said, seeming to think Kai would lunge at her like a predator as soon as the door closed. "Speak up if you need help.""Thank you, boss." Torcia muttered, giving the earl an appreciative smile that made Kai boil with jealousy.He wanted a little provocation by slamming his fist into Wessex's aristocratic face, especially since he took Torcia's hand to comfort her. Kai has never shown any desire to possess anyone in his life, but he clearly doesn't tolerate any sign of accepting Torcia for another man to touch. Something was happening to him, he had
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Fumbling for her bra, she draped it over her breasts.Their gazes met, her eyes shining with shame, and he reluctantly hesitated. And finally Kai came to a decision."I want you," he said. "Actually I don't have to humble myself to anything to have you. But I don't want you to be a lover. I want a complete and unchanging possession. All that I can give Warren, or Wessex."Realizing what he meant, Torcia stared at him like he was insane. It took exactly half a minute for her to have the strength to speak. "You mean marry? What's the difference between marrying you or Mr. Warren?""The difference here is that I give you a choice.""Why are you willing to chain yourself to me for the rest of your life?"The truth was something Kai would probably never admit to her. "Because I want a suitable wife." He lied. "And I'll do it just as well as other women."She shook her head in a breath of insult."Make your own choices," Kai pointed out. "You can keep running, or you can become someone's wi
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It seems
Torcia realized that in all her thoughts, she really had no idea what her life would be like if she were with Reeves. Oh my God. What kind of life does a Bow Street cop earn? Bet his salary is very minimal, but surely with his own affairs he will make enough for a decent lifestyle. She didn't ask for much, a room or two in a safe area of London would suffice."I'll be damned if I have to prove my financial ability to support my own wife." Reeves said. "All you need is to know that she won't starve to death, and that she'll have a roof over her head."Finally, the journey to London departed at almost 12pm, which meant they would travel through the night and arrive in the early afternoon. Torcia rests in the dark brown velvet upholstery in Reeves's fully equipped car. As they were on their way, Reeves moved to weaken the small lamp that was illuminating the interior of the carriage."Do you want to go to sleep?" he asked. "It's not long before dawn."Torcia shook her head. Despite her f
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Very busy
"Sixteen". Torcia muttered, confused by the realization that her brothers had grown up, as she had been. They all changed during the time they were apart. Her head suddenly throbbed, and she squeezed her forehead. "When my parents talk about me, they seem...""What?""Do they hate me?" She asked frantically. "I've often wished...""No, they don't hate me." His voice suddenly became soft. "They care about themselves, and of course, they seem comfortable with the belief that you will benefit from your marriage to Warren.""They never understood what kind of person he really was.""They don't want to understand. They get more benefit from fooling themselves."Torcia was prompted to reprimand him, even though she had thought about them a thousand times before."They need Mr. Warren's money." She said it was not clear. "They have expensive tastes.""Is that a way to make your father lose the family fortune? By living beyond his means?""I don't believe there are too many assets to begin wi
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The accompanying silence was surprisingly comforting. Torcia settled into the corner of the car, exhausted and stunned by the unexpected directions that had just taken place in her life. She had expected that sleep would be hard to come by, with all the thoughts buzzing in her mind. At any rate, a deep sleep came over her, and she leaned against the cushion in the seat. Swirling, squirming restlessly, she tried to find a comfortable position. She felt herself begin to shrink and shrink like a child, and the dream was too comforting for her to resist except to surrender to cunning pleasure.Something soft brushed across her forehead, the last few pins holding the tangled hair gently falling from her hair. She sighed in a sense of wonder, the refreshment of wool and shaving soap enveloped with the perfume of clean men's skin.Realizing that she had leaned against Reeves' arm, snuggled into his lap, she staggered around. "What's that... what's that...""Sleep," he whispered, "I won't eat
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The carriage stopped in front of a symmetrical pre-Georgian house, with white Doric columns and glazed folding doors leading into a vaulted foyer. The small but elegant building had so far exceeded Torcia's expectations that she looked at it in speechless astonishment.Stepping out of the car first, Reeves helped her down, while a servant hurried up the steps to inform the servants that the master had returned.Wincing at the constriction of her leg muscles for so long, Torcia leaned against Reeves's supporting arms as they made their way to the door. A middle-aged housekeeper greeted them. She was a chubby woman with warm eyes and silver-brushed hair."Mrs Trend," said Reeves with a sudden mischievous glint in his eyes, "as you can see, I've brought a guest here. She's Miss Sette. I'll advise you to treat the lady well. , because she just convinced me to marry her."Realizing the implication that she was the only one forcing the marriage, Torcia gave him a talking look, and he grinne
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