All Chapters of The Doted Lady is Fuking Wild: Chapter 661 - Chapter 670
764 Chapters
Chapter 661 Who is qualified to be a brother?
Kristen was relieved and closed her eyes. Zeev Oliver squeezed his cell phone nervously and asked softly, 'Kristen, are you hungry or thirsty?' I ordered your favorite seafood porridge, which is still hot. ' Kristen shook her head weakly. Now, she has no appetite. The ward door was pushed open and Ethan Wharton appeared panting at the door. It is winter now, but he only wears a thin suit, and his ears and face turn red. However, his eyes were locked on Kristen as soon as he entered the door, and he couldn't move away. “Kristen。” Ethan Wharton's voice was hoarse, so he just stepped forward quickly and held Kristen's hand tightly. When I touched my warm hand, I realized that my hand was cold and biting. Ethan Wharton withdrew his hand, but Kristen had already opened his eyes. Looking at Ethan Wharton wearing thin clothes, Kristen was distressed and helpless. 'What's the matter, wearing so thin?' Ethan Wharton was in the office when he learned that Kristen was missin
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Chapter 662 The kindness of husband and wife
When Kristen recovered completely, she only knew that the public welfare project had been won, everything was going on as usual, and there was no messy trouble. When Kristen felt that the plan could not keep up with the change, Ethan Wharton told a fact. 'The new person in charge of the public welfare project has a friendship with Elvis Sterling. This cooperation can be signed, and Elvis Sterling has also helped a lot.' Kristen looked at Ethan Wharton, whose eyes were dull. Kristen walked in and couldn't help teasing. 'Tell me, Mr. Wharton, aren't you afraid that I will be moved?' 'Elvis Sterling really helped us a lot.' Ethan Wharton's tone is carefree, but a word 'we' has also drawn the line. Kristen couldn't help laughing, and then she was hugged around her waist. Ethan Wharton lowered his body and whispered, 'This kindness should be returned by us together, shouldn't it? Mrs. Huo? ' Mrs. Huo, Kristen was numb all over. Just as I opened my mouth to say something,
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Chapter 663 Emergency public relations
Everyone: '...' Excuse me, what about a small number of bad temper? Kristen went on with the meeting. She seemed to be rambling at the meeting, but in fact Gavin didn't miss a word of the key points. In the face of employees' seemingly asking questions, they are also answering questions that are actually difficult. If employees can't answer, they will sigh with emotion. It seems that the business circle is very easy to mix! If she can answer the first question, Kristen will ask a few more, and when they can't answer, she will pretend to sigh. At the end of the meeting, Kristen specifically told me, 'Work hard, don't bother me with everything, or I'll fire you.' For an amateur's accusation, and they, who think they are elites, feel a great insult. As a result, a group of people are like chicken blood, all holding their breath, working hard, just don't want Kristen to catch anything. The company's illegal scandal was handled by the third brother, but Kristen ended up
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Chapter 664 What does he know?
What is the experience of the boss of a rival company coming to his own company? Wherever Zeev Oliver went, he looked carefully, and some colleagues even muttered. 'This is the youngest chairman of the group?' 'It's so handsome!' Zeev Oliver still wears a pair of iconic gold-rimmed glasses, and his khaki coat makes him more and more Wen Ya. Female employees can't help but have warm cheeks. Who is not confused by such a handsome and promising chairman? Until Kristen's office, Zeev Oliver looked at the president's sign hanging on the door and smiled. Who would have thought that the girl who hid behind him with red eyes and protested that she didn't want to learn to do business was still sitting in this position. The secretary pushed open the door and motioned, 'Mr.Oliver is here, Mr. Shu.' Kristen watched Zeev Oliver approach, but she was expressionless. 'What can I do for you, Yin Dong?' Kristen glanced behind him, sarcastically in a cold voice. 'Are you missing a
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Chapter 665 Tang Tang was kidnapped
Yu Chujie explained the situation concisely. 'Monitoring shows that Tang Tang was taken away by a black off-road vehicle and disappeared in the north of the city. I have already reported the police and sent someone to check it. ' Kristen listened and thought quickly in her mind. No sooner had Zeev Oliver warned himself than Tang Tang disappeared. Could it be said that Zeev Oliver knew about this for a long time, so he specifically told himself? On the way to the dream, Kristen told Ethan Wharton about it and wanted to use ten nights to find the whereabouts of Tang Tang. When Ethan Wharton learned about it, he immediately sent someone to look for it. Kristen went to the company and checked the surveillance of Tang Tang's kidnapping. In the surveillance, Tang Tang was abducted in the underground parking lot. One by one, the kidnappers wore masks and couldn't see their faces clearly, but one of them was obviously slim and looked like a woman. Seeing women, Kristen though
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Chapter 666 The trail of Haward
Kristen nodded and voiced her doubts. 'I watched the videos of those who took Tang Tang, and there were obviously women.' The idea was a bit wild, but Ethan Wharton still took it to heart. 'I'll let the cold check.' Kristen nodded and leaned over Ethan Wharton's shoulder to listen to him on the phone. Seeing that it was early in the morning, Ethan Wharton approached softly and said, 'Get some sleep. I'll call you if anything happens.' Kristen held his neck and pulled him down together. 'I sleep, you sleep, how much sleep for a while, and I will have the energy to continue looking tomorrow.' Ethan Wharton nodded and Kristen slept together. I said I was resting, but I only slept for three hours. Before dawn, Kristen went to the public security bureau again. The result is still the same, and nothing has been found so far. Kristen didn't go home, but went to Dream Company. The company is in the center and the news is convenient. It's just that Kristen never thou
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Chapter 667 The price of jealousy
Heloise Oliver put away his abnormal emotions and gestured: 'Since I am free this afternoon, I will go to the hospital with my two grandfathers for physical examination.' 'good.' Hearing this, Kristen immediately sat up from the balcony. When I went out, Anna Garcia had packed her things. 'Thank you, Anna.' Heloise Oliver said with a smile, and then turned to Kristen to vomit. 'I can see that you are too responsible as an agent to take care of her.' Kristen looked at the kettle, scarf and hat Anna Garcia was carrying, and she was lost in thought. It seems that she really can't take care of herself in the life that Anna takes care of. 'No way, Anna is too good.' Kristen opened her mouth with emotion, and Anna Garcia complained. 'Aunt is not. Kristen is afraid of the heat. She deliberately doesn't wear a scarf and hat.' Kristen:“......” Heloise Oliver looked at Kristen again and said with a straight face, 'What, do you want rheumatism or cold legs when you are old
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Chapter 668 Tangtang trail
Room. Kristen pushed away the hot-eyed Ethan Wharton and spread out the note. This note, a note that Haward left for himself. The content on the note is simple, but it is very scary. Five days later, Jorden Oliver is in danger. Looking at the surprise on Ethan Wharton's face, Kristen added, 'There are still three days.' This letter, like a warning of danger, makes people's backs cold. Looking at Kristen's red eyes, Ethan Wharton leaned over and kissed him lovingly. 'The day before yesterday, you asked where Jorden was because of this note?' Kristen nodded. 'I'm a little worried.' Ethan Wharton reached out and picked up Kristen from the bed, carefully placing her on her lap. 'Don't worry, didn't Jorden say that he is safe now? In another week, Jorden will be back. ' 'In my heart, I always feel a little embarrassed.' Kristen couldn't tell what was in her heart, only that something would happen. 'Hey, here?' Ethan Wharton said, raising his hand and covering K
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Chapter 669 Private auction
Ethan Wharton said in a cold voice, 'Say, where is Tang Tang?' Bodyguards are specially trained, and their feet are tough and sharp, which makes men feel so painful that they can't speak for a long time. Knowing that he has met a tough character, men are afraid to argue again. 'It was taken away, just taken away.' Was just taken away? Which car is it? Kristen Oliver's heart thumped and she quickly grabbed Ethan Wharton. The two had a tacit understanding. Before Kristen Oliver could speak, Ethan Wharton had picked up his cell phone and made a phone call. 'What about the car I followed?' Opposite the mobile phone, there came the voice of the bodyguard in a hurry. 'Mr.Wharton, I was just about to call you. The car we followed seems to have a child.' Two people glances, quickly turned to leave. Before leaving, Ethan Wharton did not forget to say, 'Send them to the public security bureau.' Ethan Wharton was on the rampage all the way, and he was about to catch up. Th
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Chapter 670 Tangtang whereabouts
Ethan Wharton didn't break his word and took Kristen Oliver to see Sister Rui early the next morning. A private auction can't be entered without an invitation. Kristen Oliver, believing in evil, took off her sunglasses and went forward. 'I came to the auction with Rui Jie. If you don't believe me, you can ask.' Dead ringer was revealed, and the name was taboo. However, the security inspector still looked indifferent. 'Sorry, madam, we can't release it without an invitation.' Ethan Wharton chuckled behind him, took out his mobile phone and handed it to him. There was an invitation on the mobile phone. Kristen Oliver looked at Ethan Wharton with a smile, a little sad. 'Don't you have an invitation to take out earlier? Look at my jokes on purpose, don't you? ' 'You walked too fast.' Ethan Wharton nodded her forehead and grabbed her waist. 'Together.' 'Please come in.' The security inspector handed the mobile phone and gave them masks. As the etiquette lady ente
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