All Chapters of The Doted Lady is Fuking Wild: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
764 Chapters
Chapter 671 Make friends?
One hand for news, or one leg for news. Kristen Oliver naturally didn't want to choose any one, so the left and right bodyguards moved and blocked the door behind him. Ethan Wharton frowned and held Kristen Oliver in his arms. Kristen Oliver looked at Sister Rui and asked in a cold voice, 'Sister Rui, what do you mean?' Sister Rui smiled. 'Don't worry about Miss Healey. I just want to make friends with Miss Healey.' If you have nothing to do, you are either a traitor or a thief. Kristen Oliver has some resistance in his heart, but it is obviously not a rational choice to turn his face at this time. 'Sister Rui, since we want to make friends, should we give my brother back to me?' Kristen Oliver just blurted it out, but I didn't expect Sister Rui to really nod her head. 'Sure, let's go and have a meal.' Kristen Oliver and Ethan Wharton looked at each other, and both of them had some accidents. Unexpectedly, Rui Jie promised so readily. But for now, whether it's a
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Chapter 672 Forced to give up
Ethan Wharton shook Kristen Oliver's hand and said softly, 'Let's go first.' This means, let yourself give up Tang Tang temporarily. Kristen Oliver felt oppressed in her heart. Tang Tang was only a teenager, and she should be spoiled around her parents at this age. At worst, it should be in a carefree place, not a group of dark cities, and dangerous people who may hurt themselves at any time. Kristen Oliver looked down at Tang Tang. Just now, she was clutching her child, but now she suddenly let go. 'Sister Kristen, you go.' Children's eyes are red, tears are still in the corner of their eyes, and even some words are choked, but their calves are taking a step back. He really wants to let himself go, because of what? Because you want to protect Ho Choi? Kristen Oliver felt so depressed that she raised her hand and touched Tang Tang's little head. 'Don't worry, I will come to pick you up.' After Kristen Oliver finished, Rui Jie was impolitely sneering. 'If you want
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Chapter 673 Shoot people?
And the two front desk ladies are watching tacitly, at the scene of eating melons, and their excited hands are shaking. Kristen Oliver's cell phone just rang, picked it up and whispered a few words, then smiled and gestured, 'Excuse me, can I borrow a number?' 'Of course.' The receptionist quickly put the pen on the paper floor, and Kristen Oliver leaned closer to the computer. And Ethan Wharton also took out his ID card over there, and both the front desk ladies got together. Husband and wife cooperate tacitly, one attracts attention and the other copies the room number. Kristen Oliver wrote down the room number and put it in his pocket. On the other hand, Ethan Wharton also speeded up the registration, took the room card, and they kissed the elevator hand in hand, followed by the gossip of two front desk ladies. 'Sure enough, online gossip is not allowed. Isn't Kristen with Mr.Wharton?' 'yes, and Mr.Wharton is so handsome, my god.' 'It's really handsome.' In the
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Chapter 674 Bail out
One night in the detention center, Kristen Oliver didn't face a cold cage. The policewoman on duty turned up the temperature and gave Kristen Oliver a blanket. She said: Kristen, I am a fan of yours, and I believe you are innocent. In a word, it warmed Kristen Oliver all night. The next morning, Kristen Oliver saw the lawyer. 'Miss Healey, you have suffered. This matter is too widely concerned by the society, so we can't bail you out for the time being. ' Kristen Oliver shook his head. 'It doesn't matter. I'm fine here. How's the monitoring and investigation?' It happened in the room at that time, and there were no other witnesses. They could only pin the truth on the monitoring. The lawyer shook his head with a serious face. 'The floor is on the eighth floor, without any monitoring, and the appraisal has come out. The gun you held in Miss Healey did fire a shot, and the bullets on the deceased were consistent with those in the Miss Healey pistol. The person who set up
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Chapter 675 The tacit understanding between husband and wife
'hmm.' Kristen Oliver choked and answered, leaving tears in rows. Although she said that she would do it all over again, she would still choose to take risks alone to save Tang Tang. What she regrets is that she didn't protect herself, which made grandpa and his family so worried. The next day, Kristen Oliver finally stayed until Ethan Wharton woke up. 'awake?' As soon as Kristen Oliver said something, Ethan Wharton touched her cheek. 'Being wronged, I won't let you into that place again.' Tears were left unpromising, and Kristen Oliver blushed and scolded, 'What's wrong? I am not wronged at all. On the contrary, didn't you promise me to take good care of yourself? Make yourself so embarrassed, there is no mighty domineering of Mr.Wharton. ' Ethan Wharton smiled weakly. 'I'm in good health and will be fine soon.' Kristen Oliver leaned over Ethan Wharton's chest and pleaded in a low voice, 'Ethan, you must take care of yourself, you must.' Ethan Wharton leaned over
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Chapter 676 Jorden crashed?
Ho Choi smiled. 'Big star, I'm calling to tell you that I'm going abroad so that the big star won't be threatened.' Kristen Oliver said unexpectedly, 'Are you going abroad?' Ho Choi: 'Well, Tang Tang still has to ask you to take care of it for a while.' Although Ho Choi's tone was relaxed, Kristen Oliver sensed something was wrong. 'Ho Choi, are you in some trouble?' Telephone there rapid reply, 'how is it possible? What kind of trouble can I get into? It's just that hiding in Tibet is boring and going abroad is chic. ' What he said made Kristen Oliver more and more suspicious. However, Kristen Oliver knows that she has a few pounds, and there are some things she can't help. 'If you need any help, just let me know.' Cui Hao listened, but laughed. 'Big star, you are really a good man.' Although he is not in Tornzia, Tang Tang's case and Kristen Oliver's dangerous murder case are all raging, and it is difficult for him to know. He also knew that Kristen Oliver was
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Chapter 677 Chen Wei's provocation
Watching grandpa fall, Kristen Oliver clenched his fist, lifted his left leg and swept away, facing Chen Weizheng's face. The bodyguard next to him reacted very quickly. Just as he wanted to reach under his crotch, his abdomen was hit by a black leather shoe. When the body flew out, the bodyguard saw Ethan Wharton's cold face. However, Chen Wei looked ordinary, but in fact he was also a practitioner. He easily crossed the legs swept by Kristen Oliver, but when his arm was lifted, Kristen Oliver lost his stability. Chen Wei's face was just a little contemptuous, and the next second Kristen Oliver punched him in the face in an unusually tricky direction. Chen Weisheng was born with a punch, and the pain of half his face made him understand that a slim little girl should have such great strength. Kristen Oliver stood firm and said in a cold voice, 'Get out of my house.' Chen Wei looked Kristen Oliver up and down, but instead of being angry, he appreciated it. 'Little girl ha
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Chapter 678 Witnesses
She made a decision that she was going to find Jorden. 'Kristen, help me take good care of my baby. It's very little darling. Last time I wasn't with him, this time I want to be with him. ' Natalie smiled brightly in the sun, as if her hair was shining. Kristen Oliver watched Natalie pull the suitcase away, her heart tightened, and there was only one sentence to her mouth. 'Natalie, call me anytime.' Natalie smiled back gently, glanced at the child and turned to leave. Kristen Oliver held a child in one hand and didn't turn around until Natalie was far away. It doesn't matter if you turn around, just in time to see Aldrich Oliver running. 'Natalie left? Little sister, why don't you stop it? ' Kristen Oliver sighed. 'If Ethan is missing, I don't think anyone can stop me.' Aldrich Oliver is like a sore throat. If something happens to someone he loves, who can stop him? but ...... Aldrich Oliver is a little worried. 'There are so many bastards out there eyeing us.
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Chapter 679 Being blackmailed
In the face of such an outrageous statement, even if the opposite is a big star, it is useless. 'Miss Healey, what are you talking about? I'm fine. How could I die? Is that man outside a killer? I am an ordinary people, why do they want to kill me? ' This is a bit ridiculous. Kristen Oliver stared at the man and said without meaning, 'Because you ... saw the murderer.' This time the man didn't refute, but his face was frightened. The sound of breaking the door outside the bedroom scared the man to be clever. The man responded quickly, and quickly asked, 'Take the fire escape.' Kristen Oliver watched him skillfully open it, and his face was a little weird. Really skilled, this community, will not always have fire drills? The man's front foot was ready to pedal, and suddenly he remembered something, and suddenly he went to the bedside and put the camera on his back. Kristen Oliver paused for a few seconds on the camera and went up the fire escape together. Following
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Chapter 680 Come to a dead end
In the face of Zhang Jinglong's 100 million blackmail, Kristen Oliver gave orders without blinking an eye. 'Throw people out.' Two bodyguards stepped forward and directly dragged Zhang Jinglong away from the ground. When Zhang Jinglong saw that Kristen Oliver was not joking, he suddenly panicked. 'Ah ah, Miss Healey, what are you doing? Don't you want the video? Don't you want to clear your name? ' Kristen Oliver chuckled and played the rogue. 'I don't have that much money. Since you won't give it, I can't help it. I have no obligation to protect you, and of course I have to send you away. ' Kristen Oliver bit the delivery word very hard, and then gloated: 'I don't know if those people outside are still there, Mr. Zhang. You should protect yourself when you go out later.' 'No, no, no, we can discuss the price.' Zhang Jinglong yelled, but he has seen the horror of those people. If he falls on them, he will really die. Kristen Oliver wrapped his chest and smiled cunning
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