All Chapters of One Luna Two Alphas Three Gifts: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
97 Chapters
ADDIE POVI got off the bus in St. Louis. My seatmate was getting off and there was a driver change so I thought it would be the best and easiest way for me to disappear. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I had a nagging, bad feeling like I was being chased or something. I waited until the driver had disappeared around the corner and then I got off the bus, heading in the opposite direction.Night in St. Louis near the bus stop isn’t the nicest area of town, but with the afghan wrapped around me, I looked like I belonged. I walked and walked, not wanting to take the chance of being robbed while I slept. I kept heading east until I was standing on the shore of the Mississippi River.And here was a dilemma. Large cities are easier to disappear and hide in, but they’re also more dangerous. From my map study, I knew that there were lots of suburbs of St. Louis and some were quite large. They would probably be a little safer and probably offer more opportunities for employment t
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EMILY POVI drove back to Michigan, my mind racing the entire way. I knew that Toby was sending me some backup and one of those warriors was Snap. I called him.“Hey, it’s Emily. I will meet you guys at the Four Seasons hotel. Grab a room for all of us. And I need you to do some shopping. Get a good computer and some sort of data plan. I am going to need your hacking skills.”He only grunted in an affirmative, but I knew that he was pretty excited about using his skills. I knew he works a lot with our IT guys, and he was getting really good at it. James used him sometimes in the field.I worked out a plan of action while I was driving and then I called my guys. Toby answered immediately.“The witch confirmed that she did the memory spell on Addie. The only other decent information she gave me was that they put her on a Greyhound.”“Did she confirm who hired her?” I could hear James howling in pain in the background. My heart broke for him.“She doesn’t use names. Descrip
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ADDIE POVIt’s been a week since Jenna picked me up and took me home with her. I’ve been sleeping on her couch the whole time. I like Jenna but I don’t like her prick of a boyfriend. He keeps hitting on me.I got back to her apartment and tossed my bag in the corner of the room, sitting down on the couch. I just got done with my second shift of the day at the local grocery store as a cashier. I didn’t like the work, but they paid decently and gave me as many hours as I wanted. I was hoping I could get enough hours so that my first paycheck would enable me to get a room somewhere else, even if it’s in an extended stay hotel. I felt bad taking advantage of Jenna’s hospitality, and I was genuinely afraid I would say something to her boyfriend that I would regret.I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes, running through my head the things I knew.When I first got here, I didn’t know a whole lot. I knew my name was Addie. I knew I was a werewolf. I knew that there was somet
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Elder Jackson
JAMES POVI miss Addie. I miss her so damn much I physically hurt. Toby and Bryon, my Gamma, are the only two that I can even have near me. I have no patience for anyone else.In the last week I’ve had two more visions, and because of this I have Toby or Bryon with me all the time, even when I’m sleeping. We need as much information as we can possibly get, and my visions are giving us a little bit at a time. They are incredibly emotional and draining and I’m dreading having another. I’ve never seen my death before and to have now experienced it three times, well, let’s just say I’m over it.Our IT team is going over thousands of hours of footage, trying to see if we have had a breech of the borders. My patrol has tripled and warrior presence in the village has doubled. We don’t know what or who we are looking for, yet, but we are doing our best to figure it out.I had just come down to my office on Saturday morning when I felt the familiar feeling I get when I am about to have
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St. Louis
EMILY POVWe got on a plane for St. Louis. Snap had managed to pull video of every stop and review footage. We saw her get off in Mount Vernon, but she got back on ten minutes later. He almost missed her getting off in St. Louis. She waited until everyone was off and then she slipped out. Snap watched footage until the bus left but we didn’t see any sign that she snuck back on.We were going off the assumption that she didn’t want to be found. From my conversation with the witch, we knew she didn’t have a memory, nor did she have money or other resources. I knew that Addie was used to living on her own without anything, but I also didn’t know how much of that life would be instinctual and come back to her. We needed a place to start, and St. Louis was going to be it.When we landed, we split up. Bruce and I were heading to the bus station to see if anyone remembered her, and Snap was taking James’ black Visa and heading to one of the nicer hotels on the river. Nicer hotels t
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Remembering the Gift
ADDIE POVThe hotel wasn’t as bad as I initially thought it would be. I dropped into bed, fully clothed, and slept off my headache. I had a memory come back but my migraine was so bad I couldn’t process it.The next morning, I took a shower and put on the black slacks and burgundy top that I wear to the grocery store. I rinsed out my second set of clothes in the sink, using the rest of the tiny bottle of shampoo that was provided. I checked the cash I had in my wallet and decided to go through the clearance bins at work and see if I could find some shampoo and maybe laundry detergent. I hung up my clothes and then left, locking the door behind me. I just had a short walk to get to work. It was closer than Jenna’s apartment had been to the grocery store but in an opposite direction.I thought while I walked. I realized that something had happened when I spoke to the front desk clerk. I used a firm voice and was very specific about what I needed, and to my surprise, he agreed.
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ADDIE POVI wasn’t paying attention when I walked back to the grocery store, and I was surprised when a man stepped into my path. I growled at him.“You need to get out of my way. Messing with me isn’t a good idea right now.”He grinned at me. “I know. I saw. I followed you because I thought I’d need to help you. I was wrong.” He tipped his head to the side. “Where did you learn to fight like that?”I shrugged, pushing past him. “Here and there.”He reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I angrily turned, ready to fight again. He backed off, raising his hands up.“Whoa! I’m not going to hurt you. Quite the opposite. I want to offer you a job.”I put my hands on my hips. “I have a job.”He nodded, looking at my now dirty uniform. “Yeah, I see that. Probably pays, what? Ten an hour?”“Twelve.” I was curt. “I’ll pay you twenty.” He pointed. “Look. I’m not some weirdo. I own a kickboxing gym that’s at the end of the strip mall down there. I also teach self-defense c
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JAMES POVToby’s plan was solid. We had to move fast because we had just one day head start. And our first step was to make sure that everyone thought Alice was dead.I wanted to get her out of the picture immediately and just put out word that she had a heart attack or something, but both Toby and Bryon nixed that idea immediately. We got Alice on the phone and explained to her what was going on. She agreed that it needed to look like Zoe was the one who managed to kill her or it would be too coincidental.We had the advantage that we knew Alice was going to be poisoned. We didn’t know if it was going to be through food, or maybe someone would ambush her and inject her. Both Toby and Bryon thought it would be through food. Easy to do, little risk, and would be easy to try again without suspicion if unsuccessful. We also knew that someone was on the inside working with Zoe and Danny. They were going to do something to our surveillance system to make it so that we don’t see
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Grim Reaper
ADDIE POV I dreamed of my wolf last night. In my dream I was on one side of a fast flowing, deep river and she was on the other side. I called and called to her, but she only looked at me sadly, the wind ruffling her beautiful, golden fur. I woke up with tears running down my face. I was so lonely. I missed my wolf. Having Talia nearby would help heal that huge hole that I felt every time I tried to remember my past. I got up and dressed in my new workout gear and headed into the gym. It was the second day of my job, and I was getting along with the clients and other staff well. I enjoyed it and it helped me to relieve some of the frustrations I felt. Not having my memories is almost physically painful. I was constantly frustrated, and I could now relieve it by kicking and punching a bag. Tonight, I was planning on making some serious cash. Monday nights Wolf ran an underground fighting club where people can place bets and fighters can win some money. He and his frien
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Relocating East
EMILY POVI feel like we’re wasting time in St. Louis. We hacked into the traffic cameras and watched hours of video on fast forward. Snap found footage of Addie waiting to cross a street. Unfortunately, we found the footage five days after it had actually happened, but it was confirmation that she was heading east.We started going into businesses and showing Addie’s picture and asking around. We stuck to main roads and just kept working our way east, hoping that someone would have seen her, somewhere. We weren’t having any luck.I talked to Toby every night and Facetimed Gracey. She was cooing and waving to me, and I loved every minute of it. I miss that little baby girl and my team has convinced me to fly back on Wednesday after the theatrics we are hoping will take place. Today was Monday. We were hitting the streets again and hoping to get lucky. I also had my phone on me, waiting to hear updates of the plan that was in place. First plan of action was that Alice was go
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