All Chapters of One Luna Two Alphas Three Gifts: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
97 Chapters
The Underground Fight
ADDIE POVI got dressed in my new outfit. Wolf was right, it wasn’t leather. It was actually really soft and really stretchy, and it felt good on my body. The boots weren’t exactly my style, but I could fight in them. They were a square heel, like a combat boot, and laced up my calf. `They were definitely sexy in an industrial sort of way. I put on the hood with the mask and only my eyes showed. I tucked my braid behind everything so that no one could grab it. I was ready, so I left the locker room and met Damian and Wolf out on the floor.Wolf seemed to be having second thoughts and Damian was soothing him. “Dude. You said this girl could fight. So let her fight.”“The guys she was fighting were wimps. She’s going to be up against real fighters.”“She has a wolf,” Damian countered, trying to calm him. Wolf frantically shook his head back and forth. “No, her wolf is hurt. She can’t hear her.”I stepped forward. “I’m ready. And I’ll win. I know I’m a fighter. I feel i
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EMILY POVI mind linked Troi to join me in the gas station. “This guy knows Addie. Says we have to come back tomorrow to talk to someone named Jenna,” I told Troi. “Oh, too bad,” she cooed. “We’re not going to be here tomorrow. Could you just give us her address? We can stop by and talk with her.”The clerk shook his head. “Nope. Don’t know it, don’t want to. Jenna is mixed up with some crazy dudes. Definitely don’t want any part of that.”I looked at Troi and then walked out. I knew she had ways and that she would get any information he had out of him.Five minutes later she sauntered out of the convenience store, red hair flashing in the light. She handed me a piece of paper with some numbers scrawled on it. “Jenna’s phone number. It’s all the info I could get.”I looked back at the store and saw the clerk looking out the window at us. He looked terrified. “Should we go?”Troi looked back at the clerk and sighed. “Yeah, probably. He might be thinking about calling
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The Capture
JAMES POVIt was Monday night, the first night of the two nights of patrols that we had planned. I was standing next to Callie, the girl that I had seen ripped apart by two wolves in my vision. It was so dark I could barely see her, but I knew she was there.I also knew that Bryon was on my other side, ready and waiting. Toby was further in. That was all the reinforcements we had. We didn’t know who to trust and I hoped that we were enough.Callie moved to the left, starting to patrol her small area of boundary that had been assigned to her. I fell back and to her right, keeping her in sight but staying out of sight myself. Staying out of sight wasn’t the problem. Keeping her in sight was. It was a really dark night. I followed a little closer than I should have but I wasn’t going to let her out of my sight. In my vision I had to give her body to her parents, and I had felt like my heart was ripped out when her mother howled her anguish. I was not going to let that happen
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EMILY POVWe were back to waiting and following Jenna home. Every piece of mail was in her parent’s name. Snap tried to find a lease agreement in either her name or her parent’s name but couldn’t find anything that was online, so she was either subletting, squatting or her landlord was entirely on paper and had nothing online. We were stuck for the rest of the night.We decided to go clubbing. I hadn’t been in ages and Snap had never gone. Troi was a pro at it, and she managed to put together outfits for the guys that wouldn’t disgrace us. I threw on some jeans and a leather top that Troi loaned me. My boobs were bulging out the top, several cup sizes larger than I was pre-pregnancy, but I had gotten most of my waist back. Bruce whistled when he saw me. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that Toby would have snarled. What Toby doesn’t know won’t hurt him.I enquired at the front desk and followed the directions of the hostess who sent us down to the river. Someone had turned
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JAMES POVI dreamed about Addie. I dreamed I was on one side of a raging river and her wolf, Talia, was next to me. We were looking across the river at Addie who was calling to us, but we couldn’t hear her.She looked sad and tired. I tried to mind link her in my dream, but it didn’t work. I tried shouting over the noise of the river, but the distance was too great and the noise of the water was too loud. I sat down and Talia lay next to me, putting her massive head in my lap. I stroked her and we watched Addie running up and down the riverbank, trying to find a way to come back to us, yelling for us. I knew she wouldn’t be able to cross, just yet. She would eventually, though. We just had to find her.I woke up with a gasp and lay on my back, tears leaking from my eyes. It took so much control to not leap on to a plane or hop into a car and drive to St. Louis to find my mate. I had to trust that Emily was doing what she could with the information she had. I just wanted mo
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New Home
ADDIE POVThe guys insisted on dropping me off at my hotel room, even coming into my room to make sure it was safe. I snickered that this; I had just defeated more people in the ring than had ever been done before. But if it made them feel better to make sure I’m okay, then that’s fine. I don’t mind. I kind of liked it, actually.Wolf looked around with distain. “You got enough cash to move out, now, right?” He looked a little disgusted when he looked behind the shower curtain to make sure no big, bad wolf was hiding there.“Yeah. I’d like to get a refund for the week I didn’t use,” I mused. “I’ll ask the clerk tomorrow.”Wolf nodded. “Good idea. Find yourself another place to stay before you come into work. I’ll have one of the girls cover for you.” He turned to go and then looked back at me. “You up for another fight tomorrow? One of the guys in Afton is hosting tomorrow night. It might be a good way to make some bank quick.”I shrugged. “I’m okay with that. An apar
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Zachary's Confession
JAMES POVZachary was nervous. Too nervous. He was going to blow it and we knew it. I sighed. “Gag him,” I gave the order to the guard and then gestured that Zach sit next to Bryon on the couch. I took out the phone we got from Dale’s body and handed it to Toby. We knew that this would be a possibility, but we were hoping that we wouldn’t have to do it.Danny had dealt with Dale, and we were counting on the fact that Danny probably didn’t know Zach’s voice well. I kept him in the office just in case Danny asked a question we didn’t know the answer to. I could do my little trick, peek into Zach’s mind, and figure it out.Toby called. Danny answered after the second ring.“I know this isn’t Dale. He’s never prompt.”“Yeah. It’s Zach. Brad killed Dale. Got mad about something and next thing I know Dale’s bleeding out. What the hell, man? I didn’t sign up for this.” Oh, Toby was good. A little bit of fear and a little bit of resentment. Perfect.“What did you do with the
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Just Missed
EMILY POVBruce left after breakfast to hang out at the gas station and follow Jenna back to her house after her shift. We knew that Addie didn’t have a car or money when she started out and we assumed she would get a job right away. We were going to use the apartment as a starting point and then canvas out, looking to see if we could find her place of employment and, hopefully, her.We had the license plate number of Jenna’s car from a surveillance camera and Snap was going through footage to see if he could find it anywhere. We were hoping to not have to wait until the end of Jenna’s shift to figure out where she lived.And Troi and I were back to canvassing the streets. We decided to start knocking on the doors of some of the lower priced hotels in the area and seeing if Addie was staying at one of those.We lucked out around noon. We pulled into the parking lot of an incredibly sleezy hotel and Troi made a face at me. “No way Luna stayed here. Let’s move on.”I shook my hea
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Little Pup Fights
ADDIE POV We closed up at 4:30 and Wolf gave me a ride back to my new place. I made dinner for myself in the kitchenette with a few things I had picked up at the grocery store over my lunch. It was a simple dinner of macaroni and cheese with some meatballs I had made out of ground beef and barbecue sauce, but it was delicious. I think I like to cook. I don’t know, though. I hadn’t had the opportunity before now. I then got dressed in my outfit and turned on the television while I waited for Wolf and Damian to pick me up. The fight was at midnight and I had some time to waste. I had no idea what type of fight it was but I was ready to make some money. I figured I would fight as many fights as I could until I had enough money to comfortably rent an apartment, furnish it and have a little bit in savings. When that happened, I was done. I didn’t particularly enjoy beating up humans one after another, especially when they didn’t do anything wrong. I dozed off and woke up to
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JAMES POV“We found her, Alpha!” My phone rang and before I could utter a greeting, Emily burst out. “We found her!”I leaped out of my chair before I realized I didn’t have anywhere to run to. “Does she remember?”Emily laughed, giddy with relief. “We don’t know. We haven’t actually got her yet. We found where she works and found out she’s involved in underground fighting. We called the owner of the gym she works at, but he didn’t answer. Snap found information of one of the employees. She didn’t know where Addie is currently living but she knows where she’s going to be at midnight tonight.”I couldn’t stand the suspense. “Where?”“An underground fight. She’s fighting as the Grim Reaper. It’s how she’s making her money.”“And she’s going to be there at midnight? For sure?”Emily laughed again. “According to this girl. She said Addie’s really good.”I felt pride swell. Yes, she was. There would be no human that would defeat her. Toby came into my office. I switched th
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