All Chapters of Hybrid. The Alpha's Son Revenge: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-one: Trying To Get Along
To try to get along, Dan asked Norma to go with him to revisit the cave and caverns found under the abandoned cabin. He knew that they would not find the vampires there because the leader had told him that they would leave the place, however he told her that he wanted to go check to see if they found any clues or traces that would lead them to Brooke.Deep down, he just wanted to earn her trust and dispel her suspicions about him, because he knew it would be difficult for them to find anything there.She accepted because she hadn't had time to check out the area due to Roy's death. Even though she knew that Captain Mulligan had swept the place from top to bottom with a special commission, she wanted to go do her own inspection of the place, not caring that this guy was meddling.The drive from the city to the cabin area was uncomfortable; neither of them wanted to talk the whole way. Only when they reached the cabin and entered the tunnel did Dan speak to her to
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Chapter Thirty-two: The Suspicion
Mark and Doris met Norma that night at a discreet bar near Fifth Avenue. She had called them to discuss the case of the vampires and the disappearance of Brooke Daniels. She was waiting for them sitting at a table near a corner. She had a bottle of vodka in front of her, which was already half full.“We only came as a professional courtesy, Norma,” Mark told her. “You know we can't share any information about the case with you. Mulligan would kill us if he found out.”“Come on, guys! I owe it to Roy. I've also found out a few things for myself.” Despite everything she had taken, Norma was still not completely under the influence of alcohol.“Yes? What things?” Doris asked.Norma was silent; she had nothing until that moment and thought she could fool her companions. Maybe the alcohol was already taking effect.“I knew it,” Doris said at her silence.“Yes, it's okay, I accept i
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Chapter Thirty-three: Zander's Decision
Unlike Christopher, who had his lab at home, Dansk made the wise decision to have his lab elsewhere. That's how vampires differed from wolves, in the marked distrust they have of everyone. Dansk had his laboratory in the basement of another house just outside the city to have the greatest possible discretion. In addition, knowing how restless his clanmates were, he did not want to risk being seen when they went there for any reason or when he himself took them for some activity of scientific interest, such as the one in which he developed the compound on the skin to protect them from the sun and they were going from group to group to put it on each one.Leaving his home in the city was not a problem or concern for him. He had three more houses besides the one where he had his lab, and only the address of the one he left was on his driver's license, so he wasn't worried about the police looking for others he owned.He knew the police would find nothing in that house, si
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Chapter Thirty-four: Casting the Hook
The following days went blank for Norma, who in addition to being away from the case by orders of the captain, was unable to make progress with Daniel Ranlone. The boy had apparently left his quest to find her girlfriend trusting the police to do it, and in light of that he hadn't communicated with her anymore. Despite the fact that she kept following him and keeping a close eye on him to see if he revealed anything useful, she also did nothing to contact him so that he wouldn't walk with her and get in her way.She decided to talk to the captain about letting her go back to work since it had been at least eight days and she was starting to get over her grief over Roy. They were also far from solving the case.“Please, captain, I already feel ready!” Norma insisted. “I have to go back to work because if I don't I'm going to go crazy at home. Besides, I owe it to Roy.”Mulligan looked at her for a while in silence, deciding.“
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Chapter Thirty-five: The Ambush
The moonlight cast eerie shadows from the trees across the forest floor in the clearings that occasionally appeared in front of Dan as he walked. He had been about to reach that vampire three times, but two or three more appeared out of nowhere and made him distract himself from his goal without being able to catch them. He was now in the woods and had lost sight of them, but he still felt them. When they took him there, he thought that due to the number of his attackers, perhaps it could be a trap and he decided to be more cautious. He felt his presence everywhere and realized that he was practically surrounded.Zander commanded the actions from an SUV hidden among the trees a few meters from the ambush site. He ordered another member of the clan to draw his attention and take him there, where they would proceed to capture him. That's what he did, appearing in front of Dan and telling him that he knew where his girlfriend was but that he wouldn't tell him. But Dan was alread
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Chapter thirty-six: Peace at risk
The SUV quickly headed towards the nearest dirt road that connected further ahead with the road that led to the highway. Dan was approaching it quickly, but did not notice that it had emerged from a group of tall bushes and trees to the right. Next to that bush, with the vehicle's engine and lights off, Zander waited for the decoy SUV to move far enough away with Dan following it closer and closer to give the order to retreat again, but in the opposite direction.A few yards later and despite the SUV's effort to gain distance, Dan caught up with it. He thought that he should stop it in such a way that it would not involve a spectacular accident because Brooke was inside and with a big jump he was in front of it. When the SUV dodged him, it skidded twice and was about to overturn. When it stopped, Dan immediately slashed the driver's side tires with violent claws, grabbed the rear door and tore it off, then threw it away.He leaned into the back seat and saw no one. Startled, he tore o
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Chapter thirty-seven: The revelation
Despite his suspicions, when Andrew found out he wasn't a vampire his world turned upside down. Not so much because he wasn't, but because it wasn't his real family. He felt like one of them, even though he was always in the shadow of the rest of the clan, living his life practically as a human. He never participated in the group's hunting expeditions because Zander wouldn't let him, claiming as a justification that he was not like the rest, that is, he was not a "renegade" in need of blood, and that made him leave aside his concerns and questions, although most of the time he wanted to do it fervently, perhaps because of his lycanthropic hunting instinct. The few times he interacted with the clan it was to carry out Zander's orders and wishes, either by moving them around or controlling possible unauthorized activities imposed by him.Of course, he was recognized as the highest rank after Zander, who introduced him to the clan as his son, and where despite the fact that everyone knew
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Chapter thirty-eight: You follow him, I follow you.
Norma had left to start watching over Dan when he left for work around eight in the morning. To her surprise, he didn't leave at that time, but was arriving. Apart from being surprised for arriving at that time, she was also surprised that he arrived without his car, entering his building through the main entrance. She quickly got out of the car and followed him into the lobby, stopping him at the elevator entrance. Dan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and Norma immediately noticed the wounds on his arms, which had almost disappeared, but were still somewhat visible.“Party night?” she asked him, pretending not to have seen the wounds. “I hope it was good for you to come back at this time.”Dan looked her up and down, thinking: this cop is asking me to get home at this time? Who does she thinks she is? My girlfriend? Amazing!“I hope you're not offended, detective,” Dan emphasized the word detective, “but I guess it's n
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Chapter thirty-nine: Everything is connected
Suspecting that she might have a solid lead on her hands, Norma returned to the station to do some research on the man who was following Dan, and also on the address he went to in the cab. She took advantage of the fact that Mark and Doris were also there to help her investigate.“The facial recognition program doesn't give a definitive result,” said Mark, when the program had finished. “I knew that would happen because we only have half of his face, but I still wanted to try.”“And how many possible results does it show?” Norma asked.“You don't want to know,” Mark replied. “What have you found out about the address?”“The owner is a certain Anatoli Margorov, a Russian national, but something is not right here”, said Norma.“What do you mean?” Doris asked, coming up to her with Mark.“I have a copy of the registry of the house, and this Margorov guy ap
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Chapter forty: A new and successful ambush
Norma found nothing amiss in the identification records of Zander and Andrew Udimov. Zander was of Romanian origin, while Andrew was born in the United States. It only remained to find out why the house was not in Zander's name. That would be done more calmly later. Now she had to follow Dan Ranlone again, and see if anyone else besides her followed him again.As he had been doing for days, Dan did not go to work. He wanted to stay home until his wounds healed so he would not have to explain himself to his co-workers. But he was also looking forward to finishing recovering to start his search for Brook again, and incidentally take revenge for the trap that had been set for him and that left him in that state. It was obvious that Zander already wanted to get his hands on him to find out about his hybrid condition, but since he did not succeed then his second option was to eliminate him. His father had promised to talk to Zander one more time to try to keep the peace, but he wa
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