All Chapters of Hybrid. The Alpha's Son Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Chapter forty-one: What will come next
“What the hell happened?” Christopher asked, quite scared when he saw that Jerome entered his house with Dan in his arms.Jerome didn't know at first where to take Dan. If he took him to a hospital they might find out that he wasn't a normal human being, so he decided to take him to Christopher's. Anyway, he was also some kind of doctor and had already rescued the alpha's son from the hands of death.“They shot him!” Jerome said, distraught. “It was a trap! They shot him! I couldn't do anything!”“He barely has a pulse,” Christopher said as he checked Dan quickly. “Let's take him to the lab right now!”Once in the lab, Christopher could see that the bullet had passed through Dan's chest, entering and exiting cleanly, rupturing two rib cartilages, compromising a lung, and passing very close to the heart by a scant centimeter. Fortunately, he had not damaged any arteries or the sternum. He dedicate
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Chapter forty-two: War plan
Darius was meeting at Christopher's house with Jerome and Brandon, the two best warriors in his pack. He had summoned them to refine the details of the plan he had in mind to take revenge for what they had done to his son. More than a revenge plan, it was a war plan, since he considered that with this last action by Zander, the peace pact had been irretrievably broken.Of course, they agreed with hostile actions against vampires, especially on the part of Jerome, who still hadn't gotten rid of the thorn despite the fact that two days had passed since the attack on Dan.“They have progressed a lot”, Darius was telling them. “Now they can withstand sunlight, so we can have battles during the day as well. What was an advantage for us now is not.”“I am prepared to face them any day, any time,” Jerome said. “You don't know how much I want to face them!”“I'm ready too,” Brandon agreed. “This af
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Chapter forty-three: Something is definitely happening
After two days of fruitless waiting, Norma gave up. She hadn't seen Dan leave his house in those two days and she was considering stopping following him and looking for new leads. To make sure everything was okay with him, she went up to his apartment and knocked on the door and rang the bell several times, with no answer. Has he gone under cover of night to some other place? Will he be at his uncle's house?She decided to go to the Dan's uncle's house to find out if he was there or not. When she arrived she found that there was movement in the place. She saw Darius and two other men enter the house. It shouldn't come as a surprise that this man visited his brother, but what about those other two men? Who were they? Why hadn't she seen Dan in the last two days? Her instincts told her something was happening and she wanted to find out what it was.“¿Now I'm getting Roy's hunches?” She taught sadly.She got out of the car and went to the house,
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Chapter forty-four: The war begins
The tracking and location groups did their job and already had the location of the "nest" settled on the land of the Ranlone property. Apparently it was the one that Dan had discovered days ago in the abandoned cabin and where that police detective had been bitten. The group of vampires that made it up had moved further north, to the limits of the property and another private property, evading the police search.“Are they underground again?” Darius asked upon having the report.“A part of the tunnel communicates with a small nearby hillside,” Jerome replied, “where they have a hidden entrance to a cave.”“Are you sure it's the entrance?”“Very sure, sir. One of the trackers saw several of them enter there last night when they came from hunting; he followed them but didn't go very far, since he was getting lower and lower and feared that they would set him up a trap. But he's sure.”“
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Chapter forty-five: The first meeting with Zander
The group of at least ten patrol cars were after Mark and Doris's car headed for Zander Udimov's house. Norma was with them in the back seat. She felt that they finally had a solid lead to follow to find the vampires, Brooke Daniels, and now Dan Ranlone. After seeking the search warrant with the judge, she reminded Captain Mulligan of the murdered and butchered vampires she had found, and he agreed that they bring backup. Lots of reinforcements.She still wondered who were the ones who found that "food collection center" for the vampires in the funeral home and put them on alert. Maybe they were the same ones who murdered and slaughtered all those vampires in the alley and on the Ranlone cabin grounds.Until that moment they had only focused on finding the girl and the vampires. They would also have to be looking for whoever was decimating them and now exposing their food sources.They arrived at Zander's house and Norma quickly got out of the car to go open the door herself. After he
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Chapter forty-six: Andrew's caution
Andrew had been sitting in the interrogation room for half an hour without saying a word. Norma was with him, while Mark and Doris watched through the glass.“Everyone in that house was vampire, except you,” Norma told him, trying again to get him to say something. “How is it possible that you are the son of a vampire, and not a vampire at the same time? Maybe you were adopted. That would surprise me a lot What idiot would give a child for adoption to a vampire? Forgive me if I'm suddenly rambling, but there's a lot going on in my head right now. And since you don't want to say anything… You see, several policemen died there and someone has to assume those deaths. If we can't find your "father," then we'll charge you as co-responsible, because you live there too.”Andrew looked up, meeting Norma's.“You can't do that,” Andrew told her, staring at her. “You know I wasn't there when it all happened.”&l
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Chapter forty-seven: The counter attack
Just three hundred meters away from Zander's house, is the luxurious mansion of a millionaire named Wendell Donaldson. Donaldson was known for being the millionaire's millionaire lawyer, solving their toughest problems and making them huge amounts of money by advising them on investments in every possible area, from real estate to the stock market. No one knew how he managed to make his clients’ money, but he did it.They also did not know that Donaldson was not human.It was actually a demon named Luzcaefel, a very powerful one, who planned to reign over the earth.Not at the moment, but he was creating the conditions for it in the not too distant future.He had met Zander when he came to the United States from Romania. He knew what day he would arrive and on what ship and he waited for him at the exact time of his arrival. Zander would eventually be useful to his plans, and he sought to earn his loyalty and devotion.He arranged everything
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Chapter forty-eight: Death haunts the Ranlones
Alarmed by the disturbance, the neighbors called the police and within minutes several patrol cars were at Christopher's house. Norma arrived minutes later, after Mark and Doris woke her up to tell her that another bunch of dead vampires had turned up in one of the Ranlones' houses.“Where's the owner?” Norma asked Mark and Doris once she had entered the house and checked that there is no one but the destroyed vampires everywhere.“It doesn't show up,” Mark replied. “Maybe he was kidnapped too.”“I'm tired of seeing this scene,” Norma said. “There's definitely someone doing this, and we don't have a damn clue who it might be.”“This is the second member of the Ranlone to be involved in any way with vampires,” Doris said. “I'm already beginning to doubt the story that they are attacked for trying to get the boy's girlfriend back. Something else is going on here.”&ld
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Chapter forty-nine: Not everything is as it seems
After taking three or four more puffs of air, Christopher fell unconscious. At least he was breathing, and that was a good sign. Darius refocused his attention on his brother, returning to his original form.“What was that you injected him?” Dan asked Dansk.“When Zander adopted your puppy, he asked me to do some things,” Dansk began to explain. “One of them was to make him immune to our venom, in case one of his servants or a "renegade" were to bite him, whether by accident or not. After much trial and error I managed to synthesize an antidote that apparently works. That's what I injected him.”“You had an antidote and didn't give it to me when one of the Dansk vampires bit me?” Dan asked, annoyed.“Christopher and I promised not to use our investigations to harm us,” Dansk explained.“Well, it doesn't seem like it, because by not giving me the antidote I became something that is ki
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Chapter fifty: Discovering the creature
With such a simple assignment, Zander wondered why those sent to eliminate Christopher hadn't returned.Although he suspected it.He called one of the young men and ordered him to go find out what had happened. An hour later, the envoy returned with the news that the police had the house secured as a crime scene, the owner had not shown up, and that he had heard an officer say it was littered with mangled vampire bodies. He didn't seem very smart.“People really do fear us, sir,” the young vampire said, feeling proud of what he heard. “I heard some people say that they were very afraid of us.”“And you think that's good, idiot?” Zander reproached him. “It could unleash a manhunt on all of us! Get out of here!”Once the young vampire was gone, Zander thought about the situation he faced. The only way for his envoys to be slaughtered is if the young wolf hybrid wasn't dead. Andrew and Zylkianov swore that they had eliminated him, especially Andrew, who saw when the bullet hit him and fe
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