All Chapters of Red Stripes On The Silver Moon : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 Chapters
Ep 61
The anguish of losing a mother was devastating, as was the pain of losing the pillar and source of strength. Balmond couldn't help but accept the fact that his mother was no longer with him.Azure's dead body lay still as Balmond squeezed her until she stopped breathing altogether."She's no longer alive!" Balmond yelled in agony, "She's really dead!" as he sobbed hysterically.Xirza amusedly chuckled at him."I warned you it wasn't going to be as easy as you thought," he giggled.Balmond's shouts reverberated over the whole battlefield."Did you feel this way, Tigreal? Is this how losing one's mother feels like? Is this how seeing the blood of a loved one hurts? Balmond wailed, "I'm feeling this for the first time, didn't know it hurts like badly. "No, it's different; your mother is accountable for the death, and mine is innocent except for the fact that she gave birth to a frail and helpless Alpha. Which of the two hurts more, yours died with guilt and mine died with innocence?"
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Ep 62
Freya's POVAs I walked through the vast flowery green field, my heart fluttered with excitement and nervousness. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and the soft breeze played with my hair as I moved towards the figure standing in the distance. It was him, Tigreal, my love, whom I had been separated from for what felt like an eternity.Finally, I had regained my memory, and the flood of emotions overwhelmed me. I remembered our shared moments, our laughter, and our love. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I closed the distance between us."Tigreal," I called out softly, my voice barely above a whisper. He turned around, and our eyes locked. In that moment, it was as if time stood still, and all that mattered was the love we had for each other.I ran into his arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace wrap around me like a cocoon of safety. His scent was familiar and comforting, just as I remembered. "Freya," he said, his voice filled with tenderness and love. "You're back. I
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Ep 63
"Ooooh Seraphine?That invincible She wolf?......well, she's not some kind of threat to us", Tigreal stuttered, trying hard to conceal the secret from Freya. "But……She said some kind of strange words on the battlefield while we were fighting together?. Yes, why should your ally fight me with those deadly moves?", Freya retorted. "Did she? Well, as far as I know, she doesn't stand a chance before my Frey", Tigreal replied in a ludicrous manner, which forced Freya's cheeks to blush with a huge grin displayed all over her visage.They laughed and shared tender moments, catching up on the time they had lost, oblivious to anything else.Little did they know that their blissful bubble was about to be burst.Suddenly, a soft rustle in the bushes caught Tigreal's attention. He turned his head, and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Seraphine, the powerful ally he had beseeched for help, standing there with an enigmatic smile on her face."Seraphine?" Tigreal stammered, not expecting to
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Ep 64
"Because of your ambition Seraphine, your ambition to become the White moon's queen", Tigreal replied to her thoughtlessly with anger.The word slammed heavily on Seraphine, however, she shook it off and didn't make her pain control her tongue.The air was thick with tension as Seraphine took a step closer to Tigreal, her eyes glistening with unshed tears."Tigreal," she began, her voice trembling with emotion, " To you this is just nothing but a child's play, but to me it's beyond a lifetime wish. I can't keep these feelings hidden any longer. I have loved you for as long as I can remember, from the days when I was alone in the dark woods and you passed by, after being maliciously stricken by Balmond your brother. To you, those are sad days, but to me they're glorious days. That day I enquired about you and I and my family had the plans to bring you over and win your heart. Unfortunately, I heard that you've left the pack and fled to the human world. Tigreal, can you imagine how he
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Ep 65
Tigreal's heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the dense woods, the branches and leaves rustling in his wake. He couldn't shake off the guilt and fear gnawing at him. Freya's pain was evident in her tear-filled eyes, and he knew he had to find her and make things right.His mind raced back to the moment he had left Seraphine behind. He couldn't bear to see the hurt in her eyes as he rejected her love. Yet, he couldn't deny his heart's true desire. It belonged to Freya, and no one else. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if she suffered anymore because of his mistakes. Tigreal ducked low under a thicket of foliage to avoid a falling limb, then sprinted forward again, searching all corners of the forest in search of Freya.His breaths were coming faster now from exertion and anxiety, but he ignored it and kept searching."Freya? My Frey?", he called as he advanced further through the trees until the shrill sound of a child crying reached his ears. His stomach twisted
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Ep 66
As Tigreal and Freya basked in the glow of their newfound reunion, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the sudden appearance of a messenger from the pack. The messenger's arrival was unexpected, and Tigreal couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding."What brings you here?" Tigreal asked, his voice tinged with concern as he looked at the messenger."I bear a message from the pack, Alpha Tigreal," the messenger replied, bowing respectfully. "There is an urgent meeting that has been called, and they request your immediate presence."Freya's brow furrowed with suspicion. "An urgent meeting? What could be so important that they need Tigreal right now?" she wondered aloud.Tigreal exchanged a glance with Freya, his mind racing with possibilities. "I don't know," he said, his voice grave, "but I have a feeling it's not a good sign."Freya nodded, her intuition telling her that something was amiss. "Could it be Seraphine's doing?" she asked, her eyes narrowing in thought."It's
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Ep 67
Angst was boldly etched onto her delicate visage, her gaze a fierce furnace of emotion as she fixed her eyes unwaveringly upon Kelvin's countenance, not a single word passing her lips. The aura surrounding her radiated annoyance and a dangerous intensity that hung in the air like an electric charge. Kelvin, caught in the tempest of her emotions, remained silent like a steadfast stone, desperately avoiding the fiery gaze that Christine directed his way.In the heart of the enchanting woods, a tension as palpable as the mist enshrouding them settled between the two. Kelvin had meticulously orchestrated his actions to steer clear of intimate encounters with Christine in secluded settings, recognizing the volatile mixture of emotions that brewed within them when alone. Conversely, Christine had stealthily maneuvered to corner Kelvin in those very moments of seclusion, craving an opportunity to be alone with him, away from prying eyes. And now, her determination had borne fruit.A sigh of
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Ep 68
The air was fragrant with wildflowers, their petals waving softly in the gentle breeze. Christine was alone in a little clearing among this natural symphony, her heart aglow with a newfound gladness.Her ideas flitted around like fireflies, each one carrying a spark of excitement that lit up her head. Kelvin's shared sentiments had lifted her spirits, and the love they had expressed to one other had created a warm, dazzling light within her chest.Christine whirled in place, her skirts billowing around her like a blooming flower, with a beautiful sigh. The world appeared to have changed, with each leaf rustling with secrets and each bird's song a serenade to her newfound bliss. Kelvin's presence could be felt even when he wasn't physically present, a soothing sensation that wrapped around her heart like a warm hug.Her laughter filled the air as she spun, a beautiful tune that melded effortlessly with the sounds of nature. Her heart, which had formerly been heavy with uncertainty and
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Ep 69
Long shadows were thrown by the waning sunset light across the countryside, reflecting Freya's inner struggle. She ran into the trees, her feet pounding the woodland floor, her breath coming in frantic gasps. Each stride appeared to reflect her heart's quick beating, matching the hurry and anxiety that overwhelmed her.Freya's chest was seized by excruciating and persistent fear. The image of Tigreal and Seraphine intertwined in the moonlight was a terrible apparition that tortured her imagination. The moon watchers' announcement had hit her like a blade, the weight of its implications too much for her to handle. A coupling between Tigreal and Seraphine, culminating in the creation of their child, would permanently tie Freya to Seraphine's dominion.Her thoughts were a jumble of emotions as she ran. She couldn't imagine a scenario in which she was demoted to the rank of a mere servant and her standing was negatively impacted by the birth of a rival's child. She felt imminent loss in h
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Ep 70
The first whispers of morning stirred the planet from its slumber as the faint light of dawn began to throw its soothing shine across the countryside. Freya's eyelids flickered open, her senses gradually awakening as she blinked against the gentle light seeping through the windows of her chamber. She lay still for a little period, stuck in the murky zone between dreams and reality.Freya's heart skipped a beat as she became aware of her surroundings. Tigreal sat next her on the bed, his gaze fixated on the horizon. Her first reaction was one of perplexity and dread. Her muscles stiffened involuntarily, preparing her for a fight or flight response.Freya recognized the familiar curves of Tigreal's face, the strong jawline, and the weary frown carved onto his features as her foggy eyes cleared. The immediate shock of his appearance faded, replaced by a sensation of recognition that broke through the cloud of her apprehension."Tigreal?" she said, her voice a combination of amazement and
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