All Chapters of Red Stripes On The Silver Moon : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
83 Chapters
Ep 71
A sun-drenched area beneath the forest's wide canopy served as a playground for the two young male Alpha Werewolves. Raff and Rolf rushed through the soft grass, their enthusiasm limitless and contagious, born of different mothers but destined to be leaders in their own right. Under the sunlight, their fur glistened with a vivid blend of gold and silver, mirroring the strength and grandeur that raced through their blood.Raff pounced on a fallen limb with a wicked glitter in his amber eyes, his playful snarl a challenge to his brother. Rolf matched his passion, his eyes the color of stormy sky. He raced forward with a fierce snarl, his muscular paws thudding into the soil as he headed at Raff.The two puppies collided in a tangle of limbs and fur, their wrestling a fun sibling rivalry dance. Laughter and the sound of padded paws filled the air, creating a symphony of ecstasy that echoed throughout the forest.Meanwhile, months have passed. A uncommon and strong incident had occurred i
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Ep 72
Tigreal and Freya hid among the lush vegetation and watched the events unfold on the bright field. Raff and Rolf's joyful antics had won their hearts, demonstrating the power and togetherness of their kids. Tigreal and Freya's pride shone in their eyes as they shared a silent moment of gratitude.Seraphine's presence, however, broke the tranquillity. Freya's smile changed from satisfaction to concern as her forceful voice reached their ears. Tigreal noticed Freya's concern and reached out his hand to gently grasp her arm, providing a soothing anchor. "Freya," he muttered, his voice a soothing presence in the middle of the tempest.Freya's eyes were fixated on the spectacle, her clinched fists revealing her inner agony. "Tigreal, this is unacceptable," she said, her voice tense with rage.Tigreal's eyes was fixed, his fingers gently squeezing. "I understand how you feel, Freya," he responded, his voice a blend of empathy and resolve. "Let us not enter rashly. We must proceed with caut
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Ep 73
In the midst of metropolitan New York's busy urban chaos, Trevor's presence stood out as an odd figure moving among the masses. He had no clear direction, and his route was more determined by the chaotic alignment of his stumbling feet. On his lips, a cigarette dangled perilously, its flame a flickering ember against the darkness of his hunched face. On the one hand, a rum bottle swung like a pendulum, releasing a pungent scent that mingled with the din of the city.Pedestrians became inadvertent players in his tipsy dance, bumping with his unstable body, their rushed gazes emitting a mixture of anger and disdain. They cursed beneath their breath as they avoided his unpredictable path."You're a good-for-nothing, you fucking drunkard!""Get lost, you filthy junkie!"Their mocking words established an imaginary barrier around him, one he paid little attention to. The insults were hardly audible in the midst of his mental storm. Trevor has been a castaway since his separation from the w
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Ep 74
As Trevor entered the luxurious home of Balmond, his pulse beat rapidly like the steady beat of war drums. With a soft thud, the massive doors that were artistically carved with shimmering patterns closed behind him, locking his fate inside the opulent walls. The large doorway was decorated in a symphony of the powerful and sophisticated hues black and gold.The messenger motioned for Trevor to follow while wearing a slick black uniform with matching gold trimmings. The seriousness of his trek into the unknown was emphasized by the echoing effect of each step he made. The black marble flooring were illuminated by soft, flickering radiance from crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling.Trevor's sense of insignificance intensified with each step further inside the mansion. The grandeur on display around him was breathtaking. Huge gold-framed images of wolves lined the walls, creating a gallery of majestic landscapes and solemn people that appeared to murmur their own stories. Ever
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Ep 75
Trevor's path crossed with an unexpected figure as he approached the threshold of Balmond's richly decorated sitting room. During his leaving, he found himself walking beside a man who, at first look, appeared to be an average visitor to Balmond's domain. However, when their shoulders brushed against each other for a split second, an electric current of familiarity shot through Trevor's veins, igniting a newfound sensation of awareness.Trevor's feet briefly slowed down in response to this strange familiarity, giving him a priceless additional second to secretly examine the man's face. It was a quick but purposeful gaze meant to capture the man's soul without revealing his intentions. He had an enigmatic nature that sparked a flood of recollections and feelings that had been kept under wraps. He then realized that this man was none other than Mr. Balerick, Freya's villainous uncle, with the destructive ability of a lightning bolt.Trevor's heart gripped at the sight of Balerick, as me
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Ep 76
Trevor's thoughts raced with a fresh resolve as the echoes of Balmond and Balerick's dialogue reverberated in his head. The truck Balerick was escorting into the city had secrets that were considerably more frightening than they initially appeared to be, which had put the wheels of curiosity in action. There was a definite hidden objective at work, and Trevor was determined to find out what it was.Utilizing his connections, Trevor put together a small team of reliable people who were eager to help him in his quest to unravel the mysteries behind the trucks. They established an impromptu camp under the shelter of the thick woodland, hidden from prying eyes but well situated to watch the trucks' approach.Tension lingered in the air like a charged current as the sun sunk below the horizon, sending sweeping shadows across the countryside. Trevor's senses were tingling with anticipation at every sound, including distant wind and rustling leaves. He was aware that what he was going to fac
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Ep 77
Under the cover of night, Trevor and his men surrounded Balerick's towering home. Their steps were deliberate, like burglars in the dark, as they approached the home of the enigmatic individual in charge of the perilous mission. The weight of their goal weighed heavily on them, a mix of resolve and anxiety propelling their every action.Trevor's men secured the perimeter of the home with the precision of a well-oiled machine, their rifles drawn. The night air was heavy with suspense as they awaited Trevor's signal to make their move. Balerick's destiny hung in the balance, a captive audience to the impending clash.Trevor's grip on his firearm was firm, his sight fixed on the home in front of him. He understood this was the decisive moment, the climax of their attempts to foil Balmond's terrible ploy. The crew rushed forward as the signal was given, their actions synced in a precise dance.The element of surprise worked in their favor as they invaded the mansion, quickly and expertly
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Ep 78
As Trevor and his men prepared to leave the room, they had no idea that Balmond had a cyberpunk agent, a master of virtual manipulation, who had managed to hack into the system and decode the location. The agent had traced their positions through the intercepted phone conversation between Balmond and Trevor's squad, sending critical information to Balmond's waiting men.Balmond's men filled the room as the door slammed open, their forms silhouetted by the faint light of the corridor. Trevor's pulse rate increased as the standoff intensified, each second ticking by in a tight symphony of expectation."Looks like we've got company," one of Trevor's guys said, a sardonic smile pulling at his lips despite the risk."Take cover and keep them at bay," Trevor said quickly, his voice dripping with anxiety. We must buy some time."Bullets flew through the air as Trevor's crew fought a desperate struggle against Balmond's well-coordinated men. The room had turned into a battleground, with furni
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Ep 79
The annual "Luminance Festival" erupted like a bright supernova in the heart of the White Moon's Pack, igniting the very air with pleasure and unity. This lavish celebration symbolized the pack members' harmonious relationship, a monument to their shared devotion to peace and prosperity. Laughter cascaded through the old forest, forming a tapestry of delight that transcended species and size, as every creature came to celebrate their connected life, from the mighty to the tiniest.The event was a visual work of art. Vibrant flags swayed in the mild breeze, like bursts of color adorning the scene around them. Tables heaved under the weight of delicious treats, which included everything from luscious meats to scrumptious desserts. Fruits and nectar-filled goblets glistened in the dappled sunlight, enticing anybody who came close. The entire pack sank to the seductive beat of dance and song as musicians performed energetic, captivating songs. Tigreal, magnificent in his festive clothing
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Ep 80
Freya's heart wrenched as she saw her son, Rolf, suffer. Her previously limitless patience had been completely depleted. Her gaze stayed fixated on Raff and Seraphine, two figures who relished in their spiteful victory, flaming with a violent mix of maternal love and rage. Her own clan's hypocritical methods had left a dark stain on what should have been the Luminance Festival's clean, joyous mood.Freya's change into her powerful werewolf form unfolded with captivating speed, punctuated by a primal cry that pierced the air and rang across the pack. Her pure white fur shimmered wonderfully in the dappled sunshine, almost otherworldly. Her eyes were like twin fires, conveying a strong resolve. She sprang from her seated position, landing with an earth shaking impact in the center of the arena, fully prepared for the confrontation that lay ahead.As Freya saw her rival's change on the other side of the arena, Seraphine's eyes narrowed and met hers. She had a long-standing desire for dom
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