All Chapters of I'M IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
"Thank you...." Layla said, unsurely."How am I gonna trust you that you are gonna come back and render the help needed from you?""You can put trackers in my phone to be able to track me down if you want."Tristan scoffed. "You might just remove it and run off.""I can't leave Gianna behind. She's like a daughter to me now." Layla said. Gianna touched her hand and both shared a smile."Its okay. We will put an active tracker on your phone to be sure where you are going. Meet up with Leah. She will pay you the money. You both."Gianna rolled her eyes at the mention of Leah's name. "I don't want any more troubles with your girlfriend, boss."Tristan stared at Gianna, wondering what gave her the notion that Leah was his girlfriend. "You think she's my girlfriend?""Oh my God. I'm sorry for calling her your girlfriend. I didn't know she's your wife." Gianna apologised.Tristan tightened his hold on the pen in his hand almost breaking it. "That was worst. You can leave now.""Thanks boss.
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Agonizing memories
(A flash back)"Dude....take off the panties. Now." Sister Beatrice had said to the eight year old boy in the rest room with a mischievous look on her face.The little boy had panicked when she threatened to starve him if he didn't do as he was told.Out of fear of going hungry and starving to death, he had taken off his panties and watched in pure horror as the lady started undressing.She came right at him, pulled him down on the toilet seat before taking his tiny d*ck in her hands.The boy had struggled to free himself as he could not understand how exactly he felt especially when the lady had taken his d*ck into her mouth and began sucking.He had wanted to scream for help but she threatened him again, slapped him hard across the face.The boy had wept so much as the lady sat on him, taking his manhood into her body.Few minutes later, he saw himself spilling out white substance from his little man while the lady dressed up again. She had smiled at him, kissed him on the lips. "Y
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The curiousness
"I'm sorry but you can't...""I can't come in? Come on, Ashley. I'm not gonna hurt you. We were once married." Quentin said and Ashley scoffed."You hurt me even when we were still married. You will probably do more than that now that we've split up. Please, you have to leave.""I'm still your husband, Ashely. I never divorced you." Ashley nodded with a smile. "That divorce happened here in my heart. What you doing here, Quentin? Please, don't tell me you are here to make my life more difficult as it is?""Please Ashley. Stop saying all this to me. I'm here to beg for your forgiveness and also to tell you something I've held away from you since all the years we've been together.""You don't need to tell me that because I already know about your second family." Ashley announced and watched Quentin's reaction.He was surprised. "How did you know?""How I knew isn't necessary. Just leave Quentin. I'm sure they need you.""I'm here to see my daughter." Quentin cut in."Which one of the d
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The realization
"Yes. The red garden." Tristan mumbled."I don't know what it is used for, Tristan but what I do know is that no one is allowed to go in there. Not even me." Samantha said, pacing."Doesn't that ring a bell? Isn't that enough proof to let you know that the red garden is not just any ordinary garden?" Tristan asked from the other line.Samantha paced in her room, listening attentively to Tristan. "Now that you are saying this, Tristan, it is starting to make a lot of sense. You know.... I've never suspected anything about that garden. I've always thought that it was normal. Now that I think about it, that thing about the garden is very creepy. What do I do, Tristan? Help me.""Get some health care inspectors to the house. Have them examine the red garden and that's if your brother and father will allow it." Tristan adviced."And if they don't, it only means one thing...that they are definitely hiding something from the world and from me." Samantha concluded.After the phone call that
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Finding out the truth
Leah scoffed and walked away while Gianna slowly walked into the room. She saw Tristan standing in front of his window, his hands thrust into his pocket as she stared out.Gianna stood behind him, few miles away and sighed softly. "I'm.... deeply sorry for being rude...boss." she mumbled, staring at at him.Tristan was silent. He didn't turn, bulge or say anything.Gianna tucked her hair behind her ear nervously and shrugged. "Okay fine. Do whatever you want to me. Punish me or anything. I deserve it. I shouldn't have spoken to you that way." Silence.Gianna sighed and turned. When she got to the door, she heard Tristan's deep sigh and turned."Even though you attacked me with your words, it's still true. I've never felt what it is like to have a mother. Never even imagined what it is like." Tristan mumbled, still staring out of the window.Gianna was feeling very bad now. She wanted to slap herself for making him feel this way. She couldn't believe that some body so mean and cruel c
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The suspicions
Nelson and the boys walked down the underground, oblivious of Samantha's trail. They walked in total silence and soon they were out on the waterside.Three other men were waiting and they quickly bowed when Nelson got closer. "Boss. We are here." One of them said."Yeah. I can see that. Elvis, pass the package." Nelson ordered and Elvis did as requested.He placed the flask on the ground and one of the men went forward to confirm the content.Samantha stood behind, watching what was happening from where she stood. She has never been so confused all her life. She bay wanted to see what was going on.Firstly, it was a surprise to her that there was an underground in the building.She never knew and had not seen it before, it was all new to her and it only increased our curiousness. She watched on as her brother negotiated with the strange men and she was deeply sure that something strange was going on and she was getting closer to finding the truth. Turning, she took her leave.**Tri
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The hidden truth
Few hours later, the result from the DNA test was sent to Tristan.He stood in his private room, the result in his hand. He was afraid to look inside the sheet just yet as he prepared himself for the worst.When he was certain that he was ready to look inside, he got the sheet from the envelope and opened it.His eyes scanned the content of the paper and slowly, it slipped out of his fingers and floated to the ground. Tristan gasped as he gently sat on the bed, looking so shocked.The DNA result came out positive. Layla was his mother.He stared into space for what seemed like eternity. He couldn't believe it and yet, it was true. Very true.He ran his palms nervously on his hair, really dumbfounded. His mother has always been one call a away. She has always been where he could reach her.A mother who abandoned him when he was little. His hatred bursted out into the surface. He needed to send her away. Immediately.**Samantha paced about in her room, dialling a mom's line. She was s
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First time together
Matteo came into the room after knocking. He met Tristan standing in front of the window. He bowed and looked at him. "Boss..""What? What is it?" Tristan asked without sparing him a glance."A massage came from Italy.""I'm in no mood for business. Business is closed till further notice." "Boss ...""I can't remember the last time I told you you can suggest or question my orders, Matteo." Tristan cut in, his voice cold.Matteo quickly bowed. "I'm sorry boss. I didn't mean to be persistent. I will take my leave now." Matteo left the room and Tristan turned away from the window. He was thinking hard on what to do. He knew Samantha could be in danger because of him but then,he had another pressing matter he needed to attend to.He didn't know how to face Layla, hiw newly founded mother. He didn't know if he still had the strong hate for her or not but one thing was sure.He would never be able to accept her. Never.There was another knock on the door and Tristan glared angrily at the
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The raid
"You are a dominant." Gianna said again staring deeply into Tristan's eyes.Tristan stared back at her, shrugged his shoulder. "Does that bother you? Are you too big to surrender in bed?" He asked her, touching the sides of ger breasts.Gianna inhaled sharply and nodded. "You can't toe me up this way. You have to get it off." She whispered.Tristan chuckled and looked at her. "You are already dripping wet down there." Hr whispered into her ear and nibbled softly at her lower lips.Gianna moaned when his hand slid down between her legs. She spread them wider, her face heated with the burning desires to be touched.Tristan, seeing her submission processed with his touch. He gathered her into his arms, kissed her madly on the lips. His hands moved over to her breasts, cupped them and muddled them between his fingers.He has never seen anyone who has such creamy and elegant breast. The sight was maddening and he couldn't resist the huge to bend and take a sip from her pink taunt nipples.
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The unbelievable truth
Samantha shook her head and laughed. "No. That's not possible, it can't be. No." She said, moving away from Tristan. "My brother will never do that. He's not capable of such thing! No!" "You have to calm down." Tristan admonished.Samantha turned around to look at him. "Do you even know what you are saying? Kidney? Killing people and taking out their kidney? That's a lie. It's not true.""Okay. You said you followed them? Where exactly did you see them?""Underground...they came out to the waterside and some men down there, waiting" Samantha answered."What were they carrying? Did you see them carrying anything as you followed them?" Tristan asked again and Samantha nodded."The food flask." "What do you think was inside that food flask? Don't tell me you thought it was food. You think those men waiting came to get food from your brother who passed through the underground to deliver? Come on Samantha, think. What do you think is inside the food flask?" Samantha gasped as realisatio
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