All Chapters of I'M IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
104 Chapters
"You sounded so sure." Layla said, looking at Gianna.Gianna blinked and looked away. "I'm just giving you the support and courage that you need, I don't want you to lose hope just yet.""Thank you, Gianna. Thank you so much. You are the daughter I never had." Layla said with a smile.Gianna smiled at the woman. "I want to tell you something though."Layla nodded, listening."I don't think I can stay here anymore. Yeah. I need to leave." Layla was immediately sad and surprised. "Why? What happened?" She asked."Nothing happened. I just wanna go see my mom. I've missed her so much and she needs me." Gianna mumbled a reply.Layla nodded and looked away. "Your mother must be so lucky to have a daughter like you. Are you ever gonna come back?" Gianna smiled and shrugged. "Yeah. Maybe to see you. Will you still be here?" She asked.Layla thought about the question and shrugged. "I have no home, Gianna. I have no family to go to. I will be here for as long as the boss will have me."Gian
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Leaked information
"Thank you." Samantha mumbled as she disengaged from the embrace."I got you some beverages, somethings you will be needing here." Tristan said, pointing at the shopping bags on the table."Thank you, Tristan but I won't really be needing them that much." Samantha replied."Why?""I called my mother, I told her to get me out of here." Tristan stared at her. "Isn't that dangerous? You shook have waited for some days before making that call.""I know but I'm just scared. I can't stay here anymore. It's scaring." Tristan shrugged. "I understand. Be careful.""Thanks. I also called Ethan Welch, my manager.""Why did you call him?" Tristan asked."To report my family." Samantha replied.Tristan sighed and walked towards the window. "I didn't ask you to do that. Why would you give your such information?"Samantha glared at him. "I don't understand you, Tristan. This has everything to do with me and it's just right that I do what's right." Tristan turned to look at her. "You do not know t
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Tristan left Leah's room, pissed off. He saw Layla walking towards the stairs and stopped.He stared at her as she walked. His mother.She was beautiful and young despite the poor care of her body.He quickly turned away when Layla turned to look at him. She walked towards him and bowed.Tristan couldn't look at her but he wanted to ask her one thing; why she abandoned him at the orphanage. Why she let him go at that tender age."Boss ...""Where's Gianna?" Tristan cut her short."She left." Layla replied.Tristan was taken aback. He stared at her. "Left? Where did she go to?""She went back home. Washington DC." Layla replied.Tristan blinked and looked away. "I see...I will be heading out now." Layla stared at him as he left. She could feel it in her mind that all was not well. She went after him. "Boss..."Tristan snapped around angrily. "Yes? What do you want? What is it!"Layla moved back, startled at the outburst. "I'm sorry boss but I wanted to ask you if you were alright. Y
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Gianna sighed unbelievably. "I can't believe it, Nicholas. You?""Yes, Gianna. I'm sorry for hiding it from you. I was only following his orders. We became friends too soon and it made me realize I had to make my own decisions."Gianna sighed and shook her head. " What's your decision? Are you going to continue working for those murderers?"" No, on the contrary. I will try and get away from this hellhole and make a living for myself." Nicholas replied and Gianna smiled." I'm proud of you, Nick. Soon enough, they are going to pay for all they've done."When the call had ended, Gianna went out of her room and found her mother in the small living room, mending a basket.She walked closer to the woman and sat beside her. "Mom," She began, "I've decided to give Dad a second chance."Tracy smiled at her and nodded. " I know you, Gianna. I know you have a good heart and that you will forgive him." Gianna shrugged. " Everyone deserves a second chance in life. So, when are we going?"" Tomm
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The failed plan
Gianna got Nicholas's call while putting on her nightwear. She was getting ready to go to bed. She picked up the call immediately. "Hi, it's you.""Yeah, it's me, Gianna. I'm sorry for bothering you but something is up. A lady from Tristan's workers was here, she's going to betray him." Gianna's eyes widened. " What?"" Yeah. They are headed towards Tristan's place right now." Nicholas announced.Gianna's eyes widened. " What? Oh my God. That must be Leah. Thank you, Nicholas. I will inform him immediately."Once she cut the call, she hesitated before dialling Tristan's line. She didn't know if he was going bro pick her call judging from the fact that she didn't pick his.Nevertheless, she dialled his line.*Tristan waas walking into his room when Gianna's call came through. He was extremely glad she called and quickly picked it. He has been trying to hide the fact that he loved her, cared for her."You finally called. Why did you leave without letting me know?" He asked, sitting on
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The arrest
By the time they got to the Mansion, the policeman were already there, searching and investigating."What a f*ck." Tristan cursed when he saw what was happening. He wanted to kill those people himself, he wanted to strangle Jasper Milton with his bare hands."What are we gonna do now?" Matteo asked as they watched the scenario.Tristan took the camera away from his face, placed it beside him on the seat. He got down from the car and started pacing. He didn't like what was happening one bit. He'd always wanted to destroy the man that stole from his father.Matteo came down from the van and walked towards Tristan. He stood behind him and sighed. "I know what's going through your mind boss. I know you have always wanted to take Jasper Milton on by yourself."Tristan turned slightly. " That man is going to die by my hand even if I will have to take him from the police." From afar, they saw the police men leading the two men to their van. They got in and zoomed away.Tristan stared after
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Few minutes later, they got to Quentin's apartment. Gianna couldn't believe her father lived in such a luxurious apartment. The house was big, decorated and beautiful. "Wow. Mom...did you say dad lives here?" Gianna asked as they waited for the security men to open up."Yes. He lives here with his current wife." Tracy reply with a sad smile. " Oh mom. Don't he like that. I thought you said you've forgiven him. We can go back if you don't want to face them."" No, darling. It's okay. I want to do this for you. You have to reconcile with your father, staying this way with him is not gonna do us any good."Gianna smiled. " Okay mom." The small gate opened and they were asked to come in. Gianna stared around the compound, looking so amazed. She was not taken aback by the beautiful things she saw surrounding her. It was the fact that her father owned them. It was as big surprise.They got to the main entrance and entered the house. Quentin and Agnes were in the living room wheg they
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Taking over
(ITALY, BRUNO FAMILY HIDEOUT)Iris sat on the throne in the large room, staring down at her cellphone. A bug frown plastered on her face and she glared up angrily. "Diane! Diane!!" She called.Diane walked into the room, bowed in front of her. "My queen. You called me.""How did Winston get caught? We were making plans together! How did he get caught?" Iris shouted.Diane looked at her, confused. " Who's Winston?""Don't be so dumb you sickhead. Winston...the guy who came here asking for that b*stard brother of mine." Iris replied." I didn't know he has been caught." Diane replied." That son of a b*tch... he's going to reveal everything. How do I get him out of there? I'm sure Elvis is behind this. He's Tristan's informant."" Then he has to be captured and dealt with." Diane said, equally mad.Iris nodded. "Sand that has to happen now. Tell Alfred to prepare the boys." " Yes my queen." Diane replied and left.Iris stood up from the throne and walked upstairs to her room.Her mothe
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Missing her
Tristan dropped his phone on the drawer with a satisfying look on his face. Finally, he was back in charge again even though he wasn't there, but yet, he in charge.He thought as he walked back to his bed. He thought about what to do with Leah and concluded it was best he sent her back to Italy. He picked up the jacket on his bed before walking out of the room.**Leah sat on the bed in the room she was kept locked in. The handcuffs were still on her wrist, making it impossible for her to do anything. The door suddenly opened and Tristan walked in. Leah looked like and smiled sheepishly. "You are finally here."Tristan only stared at her without saying a word. He walked to the table, took one of the wine and poured himself a drink. "Want a drunk too?" He asked as he sipped his drink.Leah scoffed and raised her hands. " I can't do that with this God forsaken handcuffs around my wrists, can I?"Tristan smiled. " I wouldn't give you either, just pulling your legs. You don't deserve w
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Matteo sat in the tech room all alone, looking so lost in thought. Few minutes earlier, he'd overheard Tristan talking to Leah. He heard him correctly when he said Layla was his mother.He couldn't believe his ear but yet, Tristan couldn't have been lying about something so important."Now it's making sense." Matteo mumbled and nodded. He'd always suspected that something was not right and what he overheard confirmed it.He was not only surprised but also shocked as well. **Gianna was getting ready for bed when her phone began to ring again. She rolled her eyes and picked up the phone."It's Tristan again. What does he want?" She asked herself and decided to take the call."Good evening." She greeted."You finally picked the call, Gianna. What's happening?" Tristan asked from the other line.Gianna scoffed. " Did you just ask me that? Well, maybe I should remind you of what you said to me right before I left your house. You'd told me that there was nothing between us and that it w
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