All Chapters of Fate With The Lycan Prince: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
238 Chapters
Chapter 121
Roy mused and at the same time, pressed on with his gaze on Liam. Nathan was furious and rushed at Liam. He locked him by his shirt ready to throw a punch right on his face but was stopped by Roy when he held his arm. Liam gasped as he was scared with the way they reacted to his statement.Roy and Nathan had just been told by Liam how Cara saw the vision where his parents were killed and ever since then, he had gotten close to Cara with the aim of finding more about it. Cara who seemed the caring type was also ready to help neglecting the fact that he was the one who brought her into captivity. He made it known to them how Cara had asked for his help to get to the Blackpool Pack in search for Roy. Though he lied, he was planning to search for Roy.What infuriated Roy and Nathan was the fact he spitted out about Stefan, the Alpha of the pack was trying to take Cara as his mate. Nathan could not control his anger and unleashed it on Liam. Liam backed away, his back leaned on the tree. H
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Chapter 122
Stefan's POVI had a nightmare and you seemed to be the centre of it all. You seemed to be the only one who could save me as you were the only one around at the time it happened. In my dream, I was pursued by eight wolves. They don't really seem that strong but they were still capable enough to take me down. But you know, as an Alpha, I was stronger and that gave me an advantage. We were all in the forest with miles of trees and low grasses. We could see each other with clarity. Though it was dark but it was also the full moon. The light emitted by the moon lighted up the whole forest. Nothing was hidden. The eight wolves clustered around in a circle in an attempt to fight me together. They growled and I growled back at them, already in my wolf form and was ready to pounce on whomsoever that come at me.But yet they could not come any closer to where I stood. I wandered as to why was that. What could have stopped them from coming. Were they scared of me. I don't know but that was the
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Chapter 123
Cara mused after listening to the story of Stefan about the dream he dreamt. Cara gulped, with an expressionless face. He stared at Stefan while at the same time, Stefan gazed at her. He took a step forward but Cara stood still on a spot. "Stefan, it was just a dream and nothing else," Cara claimed and sighed. Stefan smirked and nodded his head. He knew very much well that it was a dream since he was the one that saw it, it was his dream."But that doesn't change the fact that you helped me," Stefan said. "Dreams could come true," He added and smiled at Cara. He stated the fact how he had dreamt of the day he brought Cara to his pack even before it happened and if that could happen, his dream might come true a second time. ``How is that possible... No, no, you can't be serious,`` Cara soon gave off a smile after thinking through. Stefan sighted the look on her face and questioned her with a friendly time why she had laughed. Cara, herself who does not know how it happened muted and
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Chapter 124
Branches of tree were broken, making a loud crackling sound as Liam stepped upon them. He turned his head to look behind him when he heard the silent chattering of Roy and Nathan. They made Liam got down from his horse after a few minutes when they noticed he was not going to keep silent anytime soon. Liam had to get down from his horse since he was at their mercy. Though throughout the course of Liam talking and laughing in attempt to keep the atmosphere alive. Roy kind of smile, including Nathan as he talked about himself, specifically.Roy looked at him, seeing that he was young of age. Roy though, tried to hide his smile but could not. Liam got him through the expression of his face and bursted into laughter, making gest of Roy. "You're trying to frown but you're not very good at it," Liam uttered amd bursted into laughter a second time. His words kind of got into Roy, causing his mood to change. He flair up suddenly and looked at Liam solemnly with a straight face. Liam, after se
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Chapter 125
Stefan's POVI glanced at Cara and she seemed happy about the coming of Alive. She did not even know her nor had not the slightest of idea about who she was. Could she have seen something. I feared she might have but she could have done something or rather made a move if she knew some things about me. Her mate to be being a killer and unable to control himself. I guess she might have been wondering i never turned, not once right in front of her. Well that doesn't matter anyways. I can't be judged by that.But why had she come here. How did she know I was here. Could she have heard about me. I wasn't that famous, that could not be the reason. She must have been searching for me and have gotten this place. I have to find a way to stop this. I can't let Alice get in my way. That would be to difficult for her to bear, she can't know about everything. Everything I worked for was all for Cara. Now it seemed like they would come rumbling after all these weeks. What if she's here to unravel
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Chapter 126
Stefan sighed repeatedly as he sat on his chair while Cara sat by his side on another wooden chair that was close to Stefan. Alice was silent and could only stare at Stefan. Stefan gulped, waiting for her to speak up since she was the one that came looking for him. Whereas, Cara was patiently waiting for the first to speak up and change the atmosphere of the residence since everyone was silent and just staring at each other. After a long minutes of waiting patiently, Cara coughed, seeing that her expectations would not be met. She grunted and asked if Alice knew who she was. Alice turned her head suddenly yo notice her when she heard the question that Cara had asked her.Cara reclined back in her chair after seeing the look on her face. It doesn't seem friendly. Cara looked down, her face directed to the ground and looked away from Alice with a grunt. Cara knew that Stefan and Alice were not on good terms. Seeing Cara with Stefan might have angered her as she might thought of Cara as
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Chapter 127
A few women stood right beside Alice. There were seven of them and they had the same scars as Alice. Their faces was at first hidden in a hood but the scars on their faces were revealed the moment they took it off. Cara gulped at the sight of the scars. ``What could have happened to this women,`` She thought. ``It can't be Stefan's doing,`` She exclaimed. Though Stefan told her about the women that got injured after he turned but he never told her how serious it was. But yet all their wounds remained the same. The scars were still clearly visible. "How come is this still there," She whispered, silently.Stefan still on his feet, glanced at the faces of the women. He could still remember every single one of them as their faces brought back old memories. "Have you all come here to seek refuge," He questioned, expecting a response from them. His voice was already changing from a friendly tone and he seemed to be agitated at the moment. "It started again... You still don't know how to c
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Chapter 128
Cara's POVWhat was that all about, I don't seem to understand everything that happened back at the residence. What was Stefan like at the time Alice helped him. The scars, they looked so scary. Could Stefan had done that to them. But he told me that they were just slightly injured. It can't be him. If it was him, it won't be up to what my eyes saw.But who could have done that to them. Maybe that was why she had come with the other women. Maybe she was being threatened and pursued by another stronger pack and had come here for protection. But other than that, the way she talked to Stefan gave off the impression that they were not really in good terms. What am I really missing here... I need to know more. I need to know who Stefan was at that time and even now. Judging by the looks of it, Alice seems to be scared of Stefan otherwise why would she not allowed to be touched by him. For someone she knew and took care of for a while before deciding to throw him out of the pack. It doesn'
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Chapter 129
Stefan sat on his chair, staring at the mirror that was right in front of him. On normal days the mirror should be left hanging in the wall on at the edge of the room, so very close to the door. But Stefan had decided to bring it down. He gazed at the mirror. His expression gives off the impression that he was restless. He fidgeted constantly on his chair and biting his nails. The whole reflection of his was clearly visible to him. He stood up from his chair, his hands behind his lower back. He walked away from the mirror upto the the door of his room and stopped. He shrugged and stared at the door for a while. In anger, he made a fist with his hand and threw a punch at the door, thereby making on hell of a noise. On hearing the sound, two of his guards who were on the other side of the door opened it up and barged inside the room. They were already in their wolf form. Since they were Stefan's guards, their thought was that there might have been an intruder and was now in a fight wit
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Chapter 130
Henry rode on his horse into the bush. The horse had been worked up as it has been running for a few hours. Henry notices the neighing of the horse and decided to take a break. He held the rope that was used to fasten the neck of the horse and tied it around a tree. He looked around, glancing his sight from one tree to another. He shrugged and smiled when his eyes caught a fruit that was held firmly by a tree branch.He jumped up so high and perched on the tree. He used his claws to cut down the fruit as he turned to his wolf form during the process of the jump. He perched down back unto the ground.. He cut the fruit into halves and gave one to his horse. He placed it right in his mouth and soon settled down under the tree where his horse was tied to.He yawned as he was feeling tired already. He leaned his back against the the tree and took his thoughts back to the time when Alice showed up at the residence, spitting out her words with great confidence. "Who is this so called Alice,
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