All Chapters of Fate With The Lycan Prince: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
238 Chapters
Chapter 101
Roy and the rest of his guards stood as if they were lined up in front of the river. He had just told them what he saw and brought them all back to the river side. He could hear a few of them murmured at the view of the place. He ignored them as he thought they were not really wrong to do that, since the place looked like one that has never been inhabited before. The guards had a second thought that thy might be wasting their time but yet, none of them could question the order of Roy.Roy soon stepped inside the river after ordering the rest of his guards to stay back until he have crossed. His aim was to scout out the area all by himself as not to put the whole pack in danger as he could not tell what might be waiting for them on the other side of the river. At first, Nathan disagreed with his intentions but Roy himself insisted as he was only trying to protect them all. He dipped his second leg inside the river. The warmth of the river took him back to the summer time when he was s
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Chapter 102
Laurel ran and meet up with Cara on seeing her. She embraced her folding her arms behind her back. Henry had just taken Cara to the room where Laurel, including Priya and Kyle were kept under the directive of Stefan. After Stefan conversed with Cara the first time. He ordered Henry to migrate Cara's friend to an empty room in the residence. Though the barriers were still on their neck but his aim was to prove to them that they were not his prisoners.They both stayed on the same spot for some moment. "I thought I'd never see you again," Laurel whispered, her head behind her neck. Cara smiled and patted her on her back. She soon reclined her backwards so that they separated from each other. She walked up to Priya and drew her closer to herself so that she hugged her too. Kyle bowed before her as he could not look at her face. He toon the blame for not having protected her against Stefan. He felt on his knees and apologized to her. Cara bent down immediately and begged him to get up on
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Chapter 103
Roy sat on a rock in front of a burning fire. He was sitting a few distance away from the rest of the pack. He turned his head to sight his guards and smiled when he saw how they were struggling to get their share of the meat they got from the snake Roy killed at the river side. Roy hummed and turned his head to look at the fire. He thought about Cara but his thoughts drifted when Nathan came to sit beside him. Nathan took a seat on a rock in front of him so that the fire was between them.Roy questioned him why he he was scared of the snake. It was not like to be scared of anything. Since he knew Nathan and with everything they've gone through at the time they were running away from Ethan, he does show his fear neither has he been afraid. Roy made jest of him for a while, making some crackling laughter. He soon got serious and asked him what happened as he knew it was not okay for a wolf to be scared of such reptile. Nathan grunted and stared at the fire. His face looked pale, havin
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Chapter 104
Roy wagged his head and rubbed roughly the hair of Nathan. He smiled at him but noticed something missing in his story. He pondered within himself why he did not mention his mother throughout the course of him sharing his story. He wanted to ask him about his mother but had some other thought that he might be prying in his personal life. He kept quiet for a moment but felt the urge to ask him about his mother."You did not talk about your mother, I wondered why," He muttered and stared at him. Nathan mused, he threw down his hand filled with the snake meat. He inhaled and breathed out. His eyes were closed. Roy could see his reactions at the question he asked him about his mother. He apologized immediately for having asked him that but Nathan smiled and told him it was okay to ask.Nathan decided to tell him Roy everything he knew about his Mother. Though it was not enough as a son to his mother. Nathan never knew his mother since the time he was born. Though he questioned his Father
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Chapter 105
Cara felt enraged as her wolf could do nothing to help her. She blamed her for having talked to her in the first place. All her wolf did tell her was to wait as the barrier on her neck would prevent her from showing up and even though she was to get the barrier off. She had no idea how strong Stefan was, including Henry. Kyle watched her as she punched the wall of the room numerous times. The sound of her blow woke up Laurel and Priya to such an extent that they stood up on a stance ready to fight as they thought they were being attacked.Laurel walked up to Cara and consoled her after hearing why she did what she had done. She tried to made her believe Roy was coming for them. Kyle who ordered the two guards to escape so they would inform Roy about what happened already lose his believe as he thought they might have been captured on their way and probably killed. "I can't look at him in the eyes... I can't," She said, faintly so that Laurel would be the only one to hear her speak. La
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Chapter 106
Liam walked along the narrow path of the residence that led to Stefan's room. He threaded slowly, taking a step after the other and thinking about Cara. Everything she said concerning Stefan was true. Now he had been summoned by Stefan and was thinking how he was going to look at his face. Though he was not sure as he does not wanted to accept the fact that he killed his parents and lied about nurturing him but deep down within him, he thought Cara might be telling the truth. He felt scared and constantly fidgeting as he walked, biting his nails. "How am in going to face him," He muttered and folded his arms. He could not see Henry who was already standing a little stride away from him, facing his direction as he was looking straight to the ground. Henry called out to him but Liam being lost in his thought was oblivious to that. He was startled when stopped him, pushing him backwards with his palm as he was about to burst into him. Liam immediately bowed his head, showing his respec
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Chapter 107
Cara asked for permission from the guard who was posted to oversee her crew in order for her see her friends. The guard questioned her if it was Stefan who sent her. She nodded her head and answered him. The guard at first did not believe her but when Cara turned, claiming to report back to Stefan that she was permitted to get in because the guard won't give allow her. He had to call her back and let her in. She opened the door and immediately, Laurel and Priya rushed at her. They both embrace her and soon separated themselves from her. Kyle bowed his head, slightly and raised it up. He asked her how she was doing. Cara smiled and replied him. "You don't have to worry about me,". Cara soon explained to them that a trial would be held in the pack and all of them were to be present. Cara decided not to hide the fact that Stefan wanted her as his mate and that was the purpose of him kidnapping her but she did not disclose the fact that she knew him well when she was young. Kyle was inf
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Chapter 108
Liam halted while Cara did the same when they got to a few distance away from the pack. Cara told him to now tell him that which he could not say in the presence of her friends despite the fact that she trusted the three of them. Liam glanced around them and recollected how Henry was suspecting him based on the fact that he noticed a slight change in his attitude and figured out that he might be watching him. Liam wagged his head sideways and inform Cara about it. He decided to go out with her to the spot they were close to the prison yard. Cara disagreed with his intentions as she does not wanted to be seen by anyone especially not by Stefan, knowing that she would be attracting trouble if she was to be caught by Stefan. Liam seemed to out of opinions and soon disclosed to Cara what happened between him and Henry. Cara nodded her head and questioned him. She sekemed to know that Liam has something else to say. Liam smiled and praised her based on her ability as a seer. He soon told
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Chapter 109
Cara halted and turned her head to notice the one who had called her name. Though, judging by the sound of the voice, she seemed to recognize it as it sounded familiar. She looked behind her only tok see Henry. She was startled as she left Liam a few minutes ago. She suspected that Henry might have been watching her and might have even seen her with Liam, knowing it was going to be a problem for her. Not only her though, also her friends. She fidgeted on a spot. Her lips were folded, biting them gently. She thought about everything she could say as she volunteered the questions Henry might asked her.Henry stared at her as he walked up to her. He figured out she was out of balance, judging by the expression on her face and the way she took her steps forward in attempt to meet up with Henry. Henry, on getting to where she was chuckled and soon bursted into laughter. "You were scared... I could sense your fear," He said. Cara muted but pressed on with her gaze on him. Henry could no lon
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Chapter 110
Cara strived to see whatever her eyes could catch in the dark room. She was all alone after being locked away by a guard who was obeying Stefan's order. Cara cried, making some whimpering sound. Her head was buried under her arms as sh rested her head on her knees. She whispered Roy's name, repeatedly asking him to help her and questioning why he hasn't showed up yet. She crawled on her knees and felt the wall with her hands. She soon decided to lean her back on the wall. She mused, lost in her thought. She bursted into crying a second time.Cara thought about Stefan. To her, he wasn't that way when she knew him. Though he was young the but Cara took the whole blame and concluded that she turned him that way. If only she searched for him and helped him at that time, he wouldn't have turned out this way. She lamented and could not stop herself from crying. She looked up and noticed the light rays that penetrated into the room through a small hole that was at the door. It lighted up onl
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