All Chapters of Fate With The Lycan Prince: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
238 Chapters
Chapter 81
Cara stared at Roy for a while after having heard what happened to him during the time he was unconscious. She smiled and nodded her head. Cara was happy that she could do something for Roy. Roy embraced her and thanked her for not giving up on him. They were both inside the residence where the Alpha and Luna of the Moonlight pack had always stayed. Roy called out to Shaw who was outside the residence and told him to call the others inside. Shaw went away with impelling alacrity to carry out his order.In no time, Shaw came back with Nathan and Kyle and they settled down on a sit beside Roy. Shortly after Nathan and Kyle got to the residence, Priya and Laurel joined them while Vivian came inside the residence a few minutes late. They all sat and surrounded a round table. It had always been that way in ages. The council were the only one who have access to sit at the round table and the purpose of that was for each council to give their opinions on certain subject. As the Alpha of the
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Chapter 82
Roy and Cara rode on a cargo while Kyle and Nathan rode on a horse behind them. They were already clothed in the Royal guards attire. Same goes for Shaw too but he was not part of them as Roy had ordered him to undergo some trainings before he could be given the chance to roam around and fight whenever a war break out. Kyle already made s promise to Jon that he would protect Cara no matter the cost. Though it was Jon that made him swore and being that Jon had saved him once before, he didn't hesitate before he made his promise.It was the second week of their arrival at the pack. Cara waved his hands to the whole members of the pack as they rode across the pack. She was already crowned as the Luna of the pack. Everyone cheered and made some noise that filled the entire pack. The pack had grown stronger as some few other wolves have joined them. The main gate of the pack was made tall than before. They seemed to be the strongest pack at the moment. Roy also stationed some wolves a few
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Chapter 83
Cara stopped running after a while and told Kyle they could have waited and fight the guards off since they were not that much. Laurel and Priya supported Cara with her opinion. Kyle made theml understand that for a group of wolves to attack them, they were not alone. They would have some other wolves somewhere else, maybe hiding and waiting for an order to strike. Being that Kyle had roamed about the bush before and was once a prisoner. He had seen, making him superior in experience when it comes dealing with rouges. "They could not have attacked us without wanting something from us," Kyle muttered. Cara looked at him and asked him what he meant by that. Kyle nodded his head and kept silent as he did not know how to explain it for Cara, including Laurel and Priya to understand him. Cara was about to take a seat on a rock when Kyle stopped her. "We have to move on and seek for refuge before taking a break," Kyle said. Laurel and Priya helped Cara up. "Why do you get tired easily, you
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Chapter 84
Kyle and the two other guards turned their back against each other while Cara, including Laurel and Priya stood on a stance behind them. They were already outnumbered as there were dozens of guards that stood right in front of them ready to capture them. Kyle knew that they won't be able to win the fight even though they fought with everything they've got. He knew that if only Roy was with them, he alone was enough to take down dozen of guards. Being that he had seen the way he fought during the fight against Ethan.He whispered some words to the guards. Everything he told them was for the two guards to find a way to escape back to their pack as soon as the fight began and inform Roy about what was going on."We want the seer... Our leader requested an audience with her," One of their rival said with a loud thick voice. He seemed to be the one that lead the pack. He looked big when he was in his wolf form and seemed to be the strongest amongst them. Kyle thought, if he could be that w
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Chapter 85
Cara shook her head and opened her eyes slowly until she could see vividly every thing that was around her. She was unconscious after Liam hit her hard on her head. She could hear the voice of a few wolves chitchatting with one another. "Where am I," She whispered, silently and questioning herself. She tried to shift to her wolf form but noticed that she could not. She felt so weak and could only make a grunt. "What is going on, what is happening to me," She questioned.She was kept inside a small iron cage. She looked around if she could sight either Laurel or Priya but could see no one. "Where is Kyle... Kyle," She said with a low voice. She thought of what to do and how she could set herself free. She strived a second time to transit into her wolf form but she could not do that. She heard footsteps coming towards her way. She immediately lay back and acted as if she was still unconscious."She should be awake by now," Liam muttered with a lowly tone on getting to where Cara was kep
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Chapter 86
Nathan hurried to the main gate of the Blackpool Pack as he had been called by the guards that were at the gate and watching over the pack. He was told that two guards that followed Cara on her adventure were back and not really in themselves and hurried down to the place with impelling alacrity. Nathan got to the gate and saw the guards trying to catch their breath as they were already covered in blood.He rushed to meet them and grabbed one of the guards by his shoulder. He bombarded him with questions why they have come back to the pack without Cara and the rest of the crew. He mused, looking expressionless. Nathan moved away from and asked the other guard what really happened. He grunted as he was scared to speak up, with his head looking straight to the ground."What's going on," The guards looked up with a straight face while Nathan turned his head to look behind him when he heard the voice of Roy. Roy was inside another room in his residence, training himself. He had always don
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Chapter 87
Cara woke up from the nap she had decided to take when trying to think of a way out. She slightly opened her eyes and sighted two guards, sitting a little stride away from her. She sighed and yawned. She called out to them so that they would come close to him. The guards who already had an experience with her when she hit their heads against the iron rod stood up on their feet but none of them dared to move closer to her. Cara noticed their reluctant movement to get closer to her and soon figured out why they had done that. She bursted into laughter and made jest of them. The guards were so belittled by her attitude, they made haste to move closer to her only to hurt her but they were stopped by Liam when he yelled at the both of them from afar. They both trembled as they stood on a spot. Liam walked up to them and dared the two guards to look at him in the eyes. Since he ordered them not to move closer to her but only to watch over her. He was angered that they would not listen to h
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Chapter 88
Cara's POVI guess you're not the bad Liam. You have your reason for having done what you did and that was probably because you had no choice. It was the only way you know. There's no need for you to look at me that way. Remember I'm a seer, I should know after having contact with you. I saw something about you and that gave you some advantage. It's your past but part of your future was also revealed to me. Apart from the one that have requested to have an audience with me. You still have another Alpha you're scared of. He took you in when you had no one. You was like a son to him and everything you've been doing was striving to pay him back. That was why you've been doing this.But what if I told you I know your parents. C'mon, I know it's hard to believe but there is no limit to what a seer could do. I saw them and I'm going to clarify that go you. You've lived with your parents up on a hill, so very closed to the mountains and far away from every other packs. Your parents seemed t
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Chapter 89
"Who are these ones... are they with her," "Yes but I kept them for safety purpose,". "Where is she... He wants to see her,". Cara strained her ears so she could hear what their conversations was all about. She perceived scent that was different from Liam's and the rest of her own crew and soon figured out that someone else was around. Even though her powers have been restricted, she still could smell the scent of other wolves. She could not hear the one Liam was conversing with neither could she hear Liam's words vividly."Could it be the Alpha he was talking about all along," She questioned herself and pondered about the answer. She closed her eyes and focused herself if she could have a glimpse of what they were discussing. In no time, she heard the scream of Laurel. She screamed out with a loud pitch sound as he was slapped right on her face and punched on her belly. She had just spitted on Liam when he tried to touch her after discussing with the one that Cara had not w single i
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Chapter 90
Roy jumped up and perched on his horse. The white horse was designed with the logo of the Blackpool Pack. It was obvious that the horse seemed to recognized only him. As in the first place, the horse kicked away the two guards with its back foot when they made attempt to hold it down for Roy to get on it. The guards soon knew that they could not control the horses. Roy came out and with a touch of his gentle hand on the horse head made it calmed itself. Nathan climbed on a horse too and rode along side Roy. Vivian bid Roy farewell and waved her hands to him. Roy slightly bowed his head to her and nodded his head. Roy had bestowed unto Vivian the authority to oversee the pack in his absence. Though Vivian was reluctant in the first place as she does not wanted to abide by Roy's order. Roy had to make some plea since he had decided to lead the guards in search for Cara.Roy worst fear was losing Cara and each time he had to think about Cara missing. He would always be reminded of Vivia
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