All Chapters of Arranged to the Alpha : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
92 Chapters
Chapter 61
Natalia: “Nat…” “The bath is ready for you, Blake” I said, stopping him, not wanting him to dwell on the subject. I knew that he was well aware of the struggles that I have been through; however, I was never really one to actually voice them out like that. The fact that my parents wanted to choose to give me up as a child never left my mind, and no matter how old I got, or how many times I tried to convince myself to just let it slide, I couldn’t. I was too hurt by them to do so. “Natalia, don’t” Blake said, wrapping his arm around my waist, stopping me from taking a step forward. My chest ached, but I couldn’t say a word to respond to him, and my body wouldn’t even let me move from his grip if I tried. He pulled me to his chest, ignoring the fact that nothing should be touching his stomach or side just yet, at least, not with pressure. “I’m fine, Blake” I said, stopping him before he could say a word. The pressure that I was under lately was becoming too much, and the scary p
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Chapter 62
Blake:“Are you sure that you want to handle seeing him, baby girl?” I asked Natalia who smiled as she put her shirt on. “I can’t keep hiding here from him. Plus, we have to start with this stupid training; otherwise, we are in deep hell when Drake decides to pop up” Natalia said, looking at me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to my chest, feeling thankful for her being by my side. She didn’t even know how happy I was that she was actually giving me a chance to fix things between us, but the last thing I could think of right now was asking too many questions that could make her nervous about us being okay now or not.One thing that I knew for sure, I was thankful for the fact that the two of us managed to share a bed for the first time in weeks, OUR bed, and that is something that I couldn’t have been more grateful for. The night was the first peaceful night in the many nights of us either being in a fight, of us staying at the hospital. The warmth that we felt, and t
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Chapter 63
Natalia:People often say that to be in love is like walking on a knife’s edge.It hurts, cuts, and tears, but at times, it is worth every single pain that you can go through.I never understood what that meant until I saw Blake removing the portrait off that wall.The way he looked at me, and the way he spoke to me, everything about him was different, and I didn’t know what it was that changed him; but I was more than thankful for it.“You need to focus on what element you want to use, you can’t use them all at random.” Dad said, breaking my train of thoughts. I nodded at him, and starting a field, I made water rise from all around me, circling us, turning around before it rose to the sky, forming a dragon’s shape. Crystal, who was on my shoulder, looked at me then at the dragon above.“That’s me.”“Indeed it is, little one.” I told my dragon who purred and rubbed her muzzle on my cheek as a dog would to its owner. I looked at dad who nodded before crossing his arms over his chest.“
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Chapter 64
Blake:I fought to get to my wife who was now unconscious.The men had injected her with something to calm her down, ensuring that she didn’t end up burning the car that we were in, and I was held in a cage that I couldn’t break out of.“You need to relax, Blake. What you are doing is literally not going to get you anywhere.” Drake said coldly. He looked at me through the rear mirror and it took everything in me not to try and break the bars again, not that it would have worked anyway. “What the fuck do you want from us?” I asked my brother who laughed. “You already got the invitation for the game. I am wondering why you’re so surprised that you’re being taken to them?” Drake asked, his tone sarcastic. He looked at Natalia who was asleep, her chest rose and fell with each breath that she took, and glaring at him, I shook my head.“Let my wife go, Drake. Kill me and end this madness, but she has nothing to do with this.” I said, shaking my head at him, trying to touch a spec of his h
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Chapter 65
Natalia: Now, if I have ever felt shaken before, then this was a whole different sensation that I was feeling. The woman, my one challenge in my relationship and love, stood right before my eyes, alive. Her picture on the wall which haunted me for days and nights was enough to make me feel insecure. But this, this was beyond explanation to how I was feeling, and I knew for fact that Blake understood and read my pain very well. Her eyes were fixed on Blake, her arms crossed over her chest as a look of betrayal masked her expression. An expression that I didn’t know whether to feel sorry for, blame her for, or hold a grudge against her for. All I knew was that my heart raced in fear as I saw the way she looked at the two of us as if we had committed a crime towards her. “When Drake first told me about this, I honestly believed that he was lying. I said that it was Blake, my mate, and he wouldn’t do anything like this. But it turns out that your ‘traitor’ twin brother was telling t
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Chapter 66
Blake:I wrapped my arm around Natalia who was sitting in front of me.Her back was to my chest, and despite her not saying a word, I could tell that a lot was going on in her mind. I didn’t even have the courage to try and get into her head to read what she was thinking. The fear that I was feeling was one that I couldn’t really describe. “Natalia, do you want to talk to me?” I asked, breaking her train of thoughts. She turned to look at me, and it broke my heart to read the pain that was in her eyes. The insecurities that I have fought hard to help her get over were back in her eyes, and I knew that the reason behind that was her seeing Myla alive in front of me. Hell, even I didn’t understand how that happened, but I didn’t even want to think about it. I would rather leave it vague for now.“I am scared of what you would say, Blake. I am scared of you considering…”“Natalia, I am not going to consider anything concerning this topic." I said, stopping her. “I am shocked, I won’t te
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Chapter 67
Natalia: I stood, ready, as fireballs formed on my hand, glaring at my mate’s twin who entered the room with a bunch of witches. Two witches who tried to attack me were shot by my fireballs, making them scream out in pain as their bodies burned. I stared at them, watching as the agonizing pain hit them with each second as their bodies burnt, and catching the burning smell of their flesh, Drake froze before looking at me. Crystal, who was somewhere near, flapped her wings, and I smiled feeling her presence around me. Blake’s eyes met mine as he snapped a witches neck before he shifted. His body landed on top of another witch whose eyes widened in surprise before he went to bite her neck. But before his canines could touch her neck, my mate was pushed off her body, his twin brother, who was frozen at first, shifted, challenging him. I had to fight back burning the Alpha alive, not wanting to affect Blake more than he already might have been. I knew not to interfere by getting in his
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Chapter 68
Blake: I growled as I glared at my brother who was announcing us as if we were some sort of game up on the podium. His eyes met mine and I shook my head as my heart raced against my chest, processing everything that was happening. My wife, support, and mate, stood by my side, her eyes wide in both anger and fear as she looked around us. “Blake, we are going to get screwed in this, and the fucking bastard is literally doing it publically. How bad could this be getting?” “I am just as lost as you are, princess, but right now we have nothing more to do than survive. The man is having a public execution, and these people don’t know about it.” I said, looking up to find Jaiden and mum sanding, looking down at us with wide eyes. Mum shook her head as she covered her mouth, not believing what was happening. The funny part was, I did warn them about this. It was them who chose not to believe it. Dad, who was somewhere close by, had his back to the podium, refusing to look at me, knowing
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Chapter 69
Natalia:“You fucking…”Blake wrapped his arm around me, not allowing me to approach his brother, knowing that I might end up doing something stupid. If anything, the man deserved what he was going to get. “What did you think of the tasks? I was honestly waiting for what you were going to have to say.” Drake said, giving me a cold smile. I glared at the man, wanting to move from my husband’s arms only to frown when Blake tightened his grip around me. I knew that it was the number of witches who were around, the last thing that Blake wanted was for me to get in trouble with them, but that still didn’t mean that I was going to let Drake go. He knew what he was doing, and either way, regardless of whatever result, he was going to kill Blake. “I told you not to put my mate in this, Drake. She has…”“Whatever it is that you are going to tell me, Blake, does not matter.” Drake said, stopping Blake who let out a low warning growl. Drake returned the growl despite the state that he was in,
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Chapter 70
Blake:I ran my finger over my wife’s back as she lay on my chest.I could tell that she was scared of what was going to happen. It was something that I didn’t need her to tell me about. It was something that killed me inside, and just the idea of something happening to her was enough to have my heart aching. And I had to admit, it was at that moment that I felt like I was stuck between two thick walls with no way out. Whatever the outcome would be, I knew that it would cost her life, and though I didn’t voice it out loud, the fear that I had because of that. “Natalia, I know that you are awake.” I said, tightening my grip around her. She ran her finger over my chest before sitting up to look at me. “What’s on your mind, princess?”“We both know that you can easily read my mind, Blake.” She said, and I smiled, pulling her closer to connect my lips with hers. My kiss was both gentle and loving. The way she felt helpless was something that I didn’t like. If anything, it was something
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