All Chapters of Arranged to the Alpha : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 81
Natalia:I ran through the forest as I tried finding my dragon, knowing that she needed me now, more than ever.“Crystal!” I called, following the bond. The closer I got, the further she was, and that scared me more than ever.Especially since I didn’t know where anything was going to go or where all of this was going to lead. My heart dropped as I saw my white dragon laying on the ground with blood falling down her neck. I tried approaching only for my legs to give out on me as I saw my mate, Blake, walking toward me in wolf form with blood pouring from his mouth. “Blake? Why?” I asked, putting a hand on my neck as my own blood poured. He shifted back to human form before standing in front of me as my heartbeat slowed down. Myla slowly approached from behind him and took his hand in hers, slowly intertwining their fingers as both kept their eyes on me. She stood on her toes and kissed her cheek before he turned to look her in the eye, connecting their lips together before he pull
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Chapter 82
Blake:I knew that Natalia fought every single instinct that she probably had to respond to Myla as she nodded.She gave her a cold smile before the two of us walked past her, heading toward the podium where everyone cheered on.The fact that they were still seeing that this was a game amazed me. But I blamed it on books, video games, and more specifically, movies. To them, this was a live theater show, and they didn’t seem to understand that this was our real lives that were on the line.“You need to relax, baby girl.” I said, looking at my mate who raised an eyebrow at me before kissing my cheek as the camera turned to us. I smirked and turned to look at her before connecting my lips with hers, knowing that everyone was watching.The two of us pulled away from one another and I couldn’t help but frown as I took sight of her mum, looking at the two of us with wide eyes. She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair as if trying to find someone to stop this; however, mum ca
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Chapter 83
Natalia:I had to fight back turning around as I heard the pain and anguish that those who didn’t pass went through as they were killed by whatever shit Drake had set for them.My heart raced against my chest, and Blake’s arm wrapped around me was the only thing that told me that the two of us were alive and made it out.Jaiden’s, I couldn’t even call him father anymore, words played in my head about him telling me to allow my powers to guide themselves. I had to work on instinct depending on the situation, and that was what I was doing. Thankfully, so far, it was working fine for me. However, I wasn’t sure if that was going to be the case through the rest of the challenges that we were going to go through. Mostly because I currently didn’t trust myself enough to know whether or not I could rely on them.The Land of Flame was suddenly carved with fire on the floor in front of us, and I frowned before taking a step back alongside my mate.“This should be easy,” Riya said, reminding us
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Chapter 84
Blake: I wrapped my arm around my mate once I’ve put my clothes back on, smirking at the fact that she managed to conceal my nudeness in front of the audience, not that it mattered to me anyway. It wasn’t like I would be having anything that they haven’t seen or don’t have, but it proved to me that she simply wanted the sight for her eyes. “Are you okay?” She asked, handing me a stone cup which she formed before filling it with pure water. I smiled and took a sip of it before handing her the cup to drink. She smiled at my concern and took a sip of it before handing it back to me. “You need it more than I do right now, and a sip is more than enough for me.” I kissed her forehead before drinking the rest of the water, not wanting to break her word before turning to the final round of the day. The Forest of Doom was engraved on the ground and both Natalia and I rolled our eyes as we read the words. The last thing that we needed right now was to deal with such a fact, and considering
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Chapter 85
Natalia:“How the fucking hell did you manage to get out of this one?” Riya asked, glaring at us. I smiled at the woman as my mate tightened his arm around me.To say that I was at peace was an understatement to what I was feeling. Hell, the man was not only giving me the love that I wanted and desired, but he was giving me the contentment that I knew I wouldn’t find elsewhere if their lives were taken for me to find it.“I believe that it doesn’t concern you, especially considering the fact that you too managed to pass.” Blake said, smiling at her. I knew that he was also feeling not only content, but at peace. His wolf has been purring lowly for my ears and I couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on my face regardless of how hard I tried wiping it off.Hell, as hard as this was, this day was the best of my life.“You two are playing the rules way too much for my liking.” Drake said, entering the hall where we were standing. Not even he could bother me tonight, that was one thi
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Chapter 86
Blake:My chest ached as I found myself waking up beside my wife on a field of grass.Flowers were sprawled almost everywhere around us, and for a second, I could swear that I was back at the house, OUR garden. But I could also tell that it was different, this was a place that we knew, but it wasn’t ours, not yet anyway. Natalia frowned and shook her head in question before I got up from the floor. She sat up and pinched the bridge of her nose before turning to look at me. I watched as she stood up and looked around, taking the scene that was in front of her.Birds flew around and the sound of water could be heard from a distance, but I couldn’t catch a scent to let me know where I was, nor could I define the image that we were seeing. “Are you in my head again?” She asked, and I shook my head, making her frown. “Not that I know of,” I said, only to frown when I saw Alexander and Nikita standing in front of us. The two of us were wearing complete white outfits, my beauty wore a whi
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Chapter 87
Natalia:My heart raced against my chest as I felt my dragon being close and yet so far to reach.I could tell that Crystal was here somewhere, I just didn’t know where she was.Blake wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as we entered the podium. No one really bothered to approach us, and I knew the reason; everyone now believed that we were either cursed, or they thought that they were going to watch us die.I looked at mum who was standing in the center of the podium along with Blake’s parents and the two of us frowned before being approached by them. Almost everyone else had their families waiting for them. Mum wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in for a hug before I could say a word, and though I didn’t understand her reason, I couldn’t help but feel my chest ache.This was the first hug that she has given me in years.She pulled away to look me in the eye before running her finger over my cheek, clearly in pain because of what was happening to me. Thoug
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Chapter 88
Blake:I growled as I saw my brother shifting, no longer able to contain himself as his instincts took over.The portals revealed the manipulators that were summoned by my wife, and I couldn’t help but find myself growing proud of her strength. To say the least, I knew that she was going to grow a lot stronger now that she knew who she was and what she was capable of.Drake let out a low growl, and I couldn’t help but recall the fact that the man wasn’t even in his head. Whatever was going on, I knew that the witches were having some sort of control on him, and though it pained me to consider, I knew that I had to end this one way or the other.Natalia looked at me and I nodded in assurance as I watched Crystal take flight. The fact that she fought against the control of the witch made me proud of how strong her bond grew with Natalia despite the short period.I took a step toward my brother, my stance ready for his attack as I saw Ariana and Riya, the two who pretended to be on our s
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Chapter 89
Natalia:My heart raced as I looked at the demon who formed in front of me.The fact that she was burning the room that was beside me, the room that had my mate inside, made my heart race. And that was something that I knew she was going to try and play with, my fear, anger, and worry. But that wasn’t something that I wanted to give her. “I do believe that it would make things faster if the two of you choose to give up.” She said, her voice sending chills down my spine as I looked at my mate who was trying to stay as far away from the fire. I tried controlling it, but nothing seemed to work. The fact that I knew that Jaiden, the man who was supposed to be my father, was fighting his own dad at the podium scared me. If anything, the fact that they were a father and son getting into this was something that broke me inside, but I knew now that no matter what I was going to say or what I was going to do, nothing would matter. It wasn’t even about me and my husband, these witches were ai
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Chapter 90
Blake:My heart raced against my ribcage as different monitors kept beeping. I squeezed my eyes tightly before forcing them to open, reminding myself of my ability to use my motors.However, that didn’t go as well as I planned for it to as I found myself squinting my eyes shut, trying to avoid the light that was in the room.“Blake?” My mum’s voice filled my ears, and though I was hurt by her and dad, I couldn’t describe the pain that I felt because of them, I couldn’t help but feel thankful for her presence.“Natalia?” I said, shaking my head as I tried finding her. My heart raced and I couldn’t help but frown when I saw her laying beside me, her chest rising and falling with each breath that she took. She didn’t have an oxygen mask, unlike the one that I had, but I could see the bandages that were almost all over her body.“She is just asleep right now. The doctors have instructed that she gets as much rest as she can as she would need to regain her strength after what happened.” M
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