All Chapters of Daddy Dominant's Good Girl: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
180 Chapters
Chapter 161: An Extra Dinner Guest
Olivia POVEllis and I peered out the window in the bedroom of our estate. Holding hands while watching the sun slowly settle into the horizon felt romantic and beautiful to me. I couldn't help but smile. I leaned into Ellis and I could feel his arm wrap around me. But he still held onto my hand. I enjoyed our time together. Even if we did absolutely nothing. It had been several weeks now since we last saw Carl. But Ellis did make that dreadful phone call to his son. I listened as Ellis invited his son to come stay here with us. We waited for him to show up. I still felt nervous and anxious about it. After all, Carl did say some weird and creepy things to me last time. Without a doubt in my mind, I knew this reunion would be awkward. I didn't know what to expect and I knew Ellis didn't know either. I placed my hand on Ellis’ shoulder and could feel his body tense up. Hearing him sigh loudly and feeling his body start to shake made me feel the anxiety radiating off of him. But wi
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Chapter 162: Shopping For Baby
I couldn’t take my eyes from Bethany’s baby bump as I rested a hand on my own. “Yeah,” I said, still in shock to see her, my voice was barely audible. “You look well,” Bethany said. She gave me a sly smile. “ I shifted uncomfortably and didn’t say anything. “What do you want?” I asked. “I mean I thought you were in prison.” “I found out I was pregnant just before my trial. When I found out I was pregnant, the judge took pity on me and granted me early release on parole. I had to take parenting classes and I must remain on probation for a few years, but for now I am free and I want to be a good mother.” “That’s…incredible,” I said. “I just don’t understand why you are here.” Bethany grinned, “I came to see Carl.” I cocked my head in confusion. "You want to see Carl? Why?""You will find out soon enough." Bethany giggled at my shocked expression.Then I saw Carl rushing in. Carl’s face lit up when he saw Bethany. He ran to her and embraced her. For a moment, I thoug
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Chapter 163: First Day at Work
**EllisI woke up before six in the morning. I didn’t mind. Especially since I was more of a morning person anyway. I liked being up early in the morning to get ready for the day ahead. As I lay there on the bed, I did still feel a sense of heaviness as I thought about my son. Who now stayed with me since I asked him to come here. Now I just wonder how things would go for all of us. It’s now been two days since Carl and Bathany came to live with us in the Peterson estate.I closed my eyes and thought of the long day ahead. The tour of the building projects I had going on in the city, followed by a visit to the office in the afternoon to read over rules and codes with Carl would certainly be an all day task. It would be a new experience for both of us. I opened my eyes and rose from the bed. I felt a pull of anticipation in my chest.Olivia was still asleep when I finally finished getting dressed. I took my time putting on my suit and then I leaned down and kissed her cheek. I smi
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Chapter 164: A Dead End
**Olivia POV I awoke to the sounds of morning. Birds chirping outside, the small breeze of fresh air running through the open window, and the tree branches swaying along beside the windows. But the empty space over to my other side was nothing sweet to look at. Obviously because my husband wasn't lying there beside me. The quiet loneliness came rushing to me once again. That comes with being the only one in bed. The sun was already out, its glorious rays spilled through the curtains. I lay there for a moment. Just to relax. My eyes were closed and my heart felt heavy with the knowledge that Ellis had left as usual without waking me to say goodbye. But then I refused to let this moment be one of heartache and decided to make the best of the day. Throwing off the covers, I quickly got dressed. I went to Ken's room and saw him sitting up in bed. Seeing my son gave me joy. I went over and sat down on his bed. I smiled at him and reached my arms out. Ken smiled back at me as he wrap
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Chapter 165: No Respect
**Olivia POV I spent several days thinking about the strange incident with Bethany. I didn’t like her attitude towards me or the fact that she thought she could disrespect me in my own house. I heard from Ellis how well things were going with Carl at work so I wanted to give Bethany another chance.But still, I realized I had to get Bethany under control or else she would get worse and there would be no other solution than making her leave. There was no other way around it. This could not continue. I knew that I didn’t deserve all of those rude comments from her. It was mid afternoon when I stepped into the living room to find Bethany there. I felt the tension immediately. Bethany was sitting on the sofa, thumbing through a magazine, I could tell she knew I was there but she didn’t bother to even look my way as I walked towards her. While I walked, Bethany continued avoiding my gaze. She didn't make eye contact with me whatsoever and I even felt as if she were trying to turn away fro
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Chapter 166: It’s Them or Me
**OliviaPOVI begged Ellis over and over to get Carl and Bethany out of the Peterson mansion before they could cause any more problems. I put my hands together and pleaded as we were alone in our room. “Please, make Bethany and Carl leave, Ellis. Before anymore problems arise.” I reached for Ellis and rubbed his back.Ellis moved slightly away from me. I felt disappointed as he shook his head at me. “No, Olivia. I won’t make Carl leave. I finally am getting a connection with Carl.” Ellis pointed out the obvious fact.“I know, baby. That’s great. But can’t we just get rid of Bethany?” I asked in a hopeful voice.Ellis nodded, but his face twisted around as if he looked concerned about my idea. “We could. But I think that would cause a problem as well, Olivia. I think Carl would leave with Bethany if we were to kick her out. I don’t want my son to leave.”I groaned loudly in frustration. I stomped my foot loudly as the anger grew inside me. “How much longer will he need to stay here, El
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Chapter 167: Angry and Passionate
**Olivia POVI couldn’t believe what he was saying.“But this could cost us a bad reputation, Ellis. People are talking about all of us. This will not look good on any of us. Do you want that?” I asked in a bold tone.“I don’t care what people think or say. People will talk no matter what. Ignore it. I will not force my son to leave. Do you understand me?” Ellis said in a rude tone.“But,” I started to say.“End of the discussion, Olivia. Now, I am going to bed. Goodnight.” Ellis ripped his clothes off and I watched him climb into bed. “Ellis, I am your wife and Bethany is constantly disrespecting me in my own house, yet you act like you don't even care about my feelings.”“I do care about your feelings, Olivia. I know it is difficult. But, I’m just asking you to give me a little more time with Carl. It’s not an ideal situation but throwing her out would also mean tossing out my grandchild. What kind of man would I be to do that?”I heaved a heavy sigh… I couldn't argue any more. No m
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Chapter 168: A Fake Baby
**Olivia POVI felt more than a little conflicted the next morning when I woke up to find that Ellis had already gone to work without saying goodbye again. I was disappointed. When I agreed to marry Ellis, I never imagined having to deal with Bethany at all. And now, with her carrying Carl’s baby it looked like we would be forever stuck together. I knew that if I wasn’t going to leave then I would have to find some way to make peace with Carl, Bethany and the entire situation. I did think about calling my mother and letting her know everything that was going on, but I never liked to worry her about problems she couldn’t help me solve. I stretched and got ready to go through the daily routine of getting the boys off to school and having breakfast by myself.After that I decided to visit with Grandpa Herman and see how he was doing. It wasn’t until I was halfway through venting about Bethany and Carl that I realized why I wanted to see him.“Olivia, I understand that this is a diffi
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Chapter 169: Gone Olivia
**Ellis POVI came home late as usual and walked through the quietness of the mansion towards our bedroom. It had been a long and hard week, especially coming home every night to the tension that was building up between Olivia and Bethany. I had given serious thought to what she said during the day and I figured that it wouldn’t be too much to ask Carl and Bethany to move out of the mansion and into their own place. They might even like it better once they were out on their own.When I got to our room, I turned on the light and it took a moment for my vision to get used to the brightness. Once I had my vision back, I looked towards the bed to see that it was empty. Suddenly, I was very aware of the eerie silence. I walked around the room. Searching for a sign of where she might have gone. Then I bolted from our room and went to see if I’d somehow missed her in the living room or the kitchen. But there was no sign of Olivia. It felt as if she vanished into thin air. Like maybe Oli
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Chapter 170: Olivia In The Attic
**Olivia POVI woke up with a sneeze, turning over on a dusty old mattress. My head was pounding as I wiped my eyes, I noticed something white and flaky on my fingers, like a powder. It was plaster dust. I smelled the must and dust where I was. It was a little too dark to see, so I reached out with my hand. My fingers brushed against a soft fabric as I moved, it was a blanket. It seemed to be one of those big blankets I’d seen people put over old furniture. I waited for my eyes to adjust to my dim surroundings wondering where I was. The last thing I remembered was confronting Carl and Bethany and then blacking out. As my eyes adjusted I realized that I was in an attic. It was the only place old furniture like that was kept. I wiped more plaster dust off of my face so that I could see better. It was still very dim, but I could see in the low light coming from a small window. What time was it?I got up and carefully looked for a light switch but couldn’t find any. My hand brushed ov
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