All Chapters of More Than Best Friends: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
207 Chapters
Chapter Seventy
“So why are you here? I didn’t call to tell you I’m hungry?” Elena asked, taking another slice of the pizza and munching it.“I also didn’t tell you my address. She gave you that, right?” She asked, nodding her head without waiting for an answer.Craig sighed as he stood up from the chair, dipping his hand in his pocket and bringing out a customized paper that was folded to the last bit.“She asked me to give you this.” He said as he stretched it to her.Elena eyed the paper for a bit while she chewed, “drop it.” She said.Craig's lips curled up with a small smile as he dropped it on the table beside the sofa.“She was thinking you won’t collect it.”“I will. I’ll read it and do exactly what someone did to me, which is not to do anything about it.”“Elena,”“Craig, this is none of your business. What is going on between the both of us is none of your business. You sit back and watch.” She cut him off before he could say anything.“I know it’s between you guys. But Elena, Gaby has been
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Chapter Seventy One
Elena’s eyes roamed the contents of the letter, a part of her touched and the other not moved a bit.“What’s that?” She heard her mother say as she hurriedly crumpled the paper in her hands.“It’s nothing.” She replied, standing up and walking away to her room.She closed the door, locking it before flopping onto the bed. She brought out her phone and met a message from Craig.“Hi, I’m home already.”Her lips curved into a small smile as she texted him back, the both of them immersing themselves in a conversation.“Did you read the letter she wrote to you?” He asked after an hour of chatting.“I did. I wasn’t touched by that.” She texted back.She was about to continue texting when a call entered. Rolling her eyes and laying on her back as Craig’s name was displayed on her phone.“So you won’t call while we’re chatting but would because of Gaby?”“Elena, please.”“For fuck’s sake,” she cut him off. “I told you already not to get involved. We’ll sort it out; it’s a girl's matter, not a
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Chapter Seventy Two
By the time Elena was done dressing, only a few minutes were left before Craig arrived. “We did a good job here,” Silver and Elena's mom said, making a high five as they checked out Elena in the mirror. Her hair was down to her neck, with curly tips. Her face was full of makeup that complemented her skin tone. “I’m fucking pretty,” Elena said as she stood up. A silver necklace her mother borrowed her sat on her neck, and the pair of earrings also dropped down to her shoulder. “Let’s go downstairs. Take some pictures, and we’re all set.” Her mother said as she picked up the black bag Elena took with the dress. They had just gotten to the last step when Elena’s phone came alive, her tone blaring. She exchanged a look with Silver as a small smile bloomed on her lips, “He’s here.” Silver said before getting down with her. “Nope. I’m taking pictures of my beautiful daughter before she steps out of this
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Chapter Seventy Three
Days passed, and neither Elena nor Craig were talking to each other. And Silver became her Uber driver, carrying her to school and returning her home every day. She missed her chances with Xavier because there was no way she would let Elena be. “This is the last time. If you call me again, I’m not going to carry you. You’ll start taking your Ubers or take any other thing.” “Or I can follow you and Xavier to school.” “That’s not an option,” Silver replied, killing the engine of the car as they both got down. Rumors were now flooding the school forum much more than anything. Neither Gaby nor Bianca has not returned to school, and the escorts of Bianca’s parents have also filed a report for their children being bullied. As much as that was a serious issue and needed to be curbed, the students had no interest in that. Most of them talked about how Elena and Craig seemed to avoid each other while Matthew and Sarah followed each other like
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Chapter Seventy Four
“Mum!!!” Elena yelled out for the umpteenth time. “I’ve told you it’s nothing huge; it’s a movie date, not an evening date, so I don’t need all this.” She said, stomping her foot to the ground and dashing out of the room. “Then put..” “I don’t want!” She cut her off. The day for the movie date between Elena and Craig was already here, and a few minutes from now, he would be outside her door, wanting her to get inside the car. Elena’s mom, Clara, was begging her to put on some makeup and wear something more fashionable than the baggy trousers and sweatshirt on her. “Elena, even if it’s a movie date, you’re still supposed to dress….” Elena stopped in her tracks, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw before turning to face her mother, “Mom, I’m dressed the way I want, and I’m so comfortable in this. I don’t see why I should dress any other way when I’ll just watch a two or three hours movie, take some ice cream, maybe or mayb
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Chapter Seventy Five
“Hey,” Elena shyly greeted, pulling out a chair from Matthew’s table and taking her seat. She called for a waitress who brought her snacks from their table and dropped it off for her. “Is everything fine with him?” Sarah questioned, munching down the crackers in her hand. “Sure. Just an emergency.” Elena retorted with a small smile, taking her phone out and continuing with her message with Silver. She was a bit nervous, seating with them and eating. She should have just maintained her table until they were ready to go and she could go with them that way. She clenched her jaw at intervals, trying her best not to show how nervous she was. “Are you okay?” She heard his voice and her heart took a sharp turn. “I’m fine.” She looked up at him and replied, smiling a bit before turning back to her phone. “When you’re done, let’s go.” Matthew said after as she looked up again. She wasn’t really interested in the
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Chapter Seventy Six
“Thanks,” Elena muttered as Matthew’s car came to a halt, opening the door and getting out of it.She had just taken a few steps when she heard the slam of the door and turned back to see him following her. Pausing the music she was listening to, she stopped and waited until he got close to her.“Do you want to come in?” She asked.“Nope. I’ll see you to the door, make sure you get inside like Craig asked me to, and go back home.” He replied with a grin.Elena nodded as they walked together towards the porch of the house. Her eyes kept darting towards him at intervals, and she rubbed her hand together, not knowing why she was nervous beside him.“Thanks,” she mumbled as she opened the door, looking at him with his hands in his pocket.“Go in.” He nodded to her.She turned to enter the house but stopped in her tracks,“Matthew,” she called and faced him again.Without saying anything, she approached him and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around him and leaning her head on his
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Chapter Seventy Seven
Matthew dropped Elena off at home that afternoon again, leaving after getting a hug from her. Elena was feeling much better and the feeling of recklessness was getting to her again.“Have a safe drive,” she said to him before walking towards her door and closing it in his face.She leaned against the door, her heart full of joy and warm out of happiness. They both exchanged texts today in the class, doing their silly thing of making best of teachers and even though she didn’t sit with him during lunch, he had ordered her food before she got there and just brought it to her table.“Why are you smiling like someone in love?”Her mom’s voice startled her as she hurriedly moved away from the door.She was dressed in a lazy sweater, a mug in her hand and her fluffy slippers in her legs.“Nothing. What are you doing at home by the way?” Elena retorted quickly, moving towards the stairs to get away from her mother.“Did Craig do something romantic and sweet you’re not telling me? Or what?” He
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Chapter Seventy Eight
Three weeks and Sarah could say it was pure torture for her. She didn’t even have any reason to complain about or else she’ll be the problem in their relationship. Three weeks and Elena and Matthew’s relationship has drastically improved. Coming from people who would just nod at each other during lunch and whenever they see, to the funny Elena and the quiet Matthew all over again. She couldn’t say exactly what was going with Elena and Craig, but she knew Elena was pissed off at him. “Welcome back to the gang officially.” One of Matthew’s friends said to her and Sarah felt the urge to roll her eyes. “I’ve been sitting here with you guys and you’re just telling me this today. Why?” She asked as she popped a chip into her mouth, chewing it slowly. “We thought you might leave after some days but here you are, still smiling with us. Thank God for bringing us back together,” one of Matthew's friends said again. Elena nodded before replying
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Chapter Seventy Nine
“Okay,” Gaby replied weakly. She was putting on an oversized sweatshirt and a big pants. With the look on her face, she was sweating nervously even though there was no heat. “You’ve not been taking care of yourself,” Elena said as she walked towards her door. She unlocked it and allowed her go in first, before Silver arrived. “Hi silver,” Gaby greeted too. She stood in the middle of the room, not living last few inches from the door. “I just came here to apologize and tell you I’m so sorry for doing such thing. I know no amount of sorry can make up for everything but I just needed to say it and clear it off my chest.” “I’m moving away.” She added as her lips stretched out. “To where?” Both Silver and Elena said at the same time. “To another school, another city. A boarding school this time, mh parents are not moving.” She retorted. Elena couldn’t find the words to use. She had forgott
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