All Chapters of Alpha's Jake & Emmett: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
86 Chapters
truth & lies
CHAPTER 31.*Emmett’s Pov*We just got back into town and Maddy and I agreed to get settled before setting up the meeting with jake.“That bastard.”I cannot stand that he has been with Maddy all these years. And the fact that he took her virginity pisses me the fuck off, but at the same time, I can’t blame her for her actions. Us younger wolves don’t see the mate bond like the pacts did for years ago. We’ve chosen more of the modern ways of life. Most pacts still chose to wait for their mates, but also will choose a chosen mate if that’s where their heart is.I just arrived back at my pact and my pops isn’t exactly happy that I took off for the weekend without giving him heads-up in advance, but he can’t really blame me it’s not like Maddy and I knew we would be leaving town for a couple of days.I’m walking back to my room when I feel hands wrap around me from the back and “I know already know it’s Lana.”I freeze right in front of the elevator.Damn!“How am I supposed to break this
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CHAPTER 32. *Maddy’s Pov* I just kissed Emmett goodbye. We decided to get settled in for the night, then meet back up tomorrow. I’m going to call Jake in the morning to inform him that I’m back in the pack and to come over for lunch, but really, it’s so that I can break things off with him. “I love Emmett.” It wouldn’t be fair to continue both relationships with the two men that I love. I still cannot believe that Emmett and I have found each other. His scent has gotten a little stronger and “I just know that he is my mate.” I’m so excited to move forward and start our lives together. I’ve spent the evening unpacking and sitting by the fire with my parents, just discussing my birthday party that’s coming up soon. “I’m really missing Ryan right now.” I’m surprised he hasn’t called me since we pretty much been attached at the hip for the last three days. Mama, daddio, I think I’m going to head up to bed now. I’m whooped and I need to get a good night’s sleep, since tomorrow is do
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CHAPTER 33.*Maddy’s Pov*“I couldn’t take it anymore, so I hung up the phone.”I threw my phone across the room and it hit the wooden bed post and shatter in pieces, but I do not care. I can just get a new phone tomorrow, along with a new number.“The pain was too much, and I broke out in sobs.”I felt like I could no longer breathe.After hearing Ryan fuck Lana when he was supposed to have broken up with her is too much for me.Fuck him!I refuse to go through this pain because of him.. I will make him pay. I no longer care that my relationship with Jake is as perfect as I would like it to be, but I’ve loved him for four long years.“I promise you, young Alpha Emmett, you are dead to me!”I need to see Jake, and I need to see him now. I’m going to Mindlink him. It’s not like I need my phone for that, anyway.Jake?Maddy baby, what’s wrong? Why do you sound upset?“It’s nothing Jakey, I just need you.”I need you too, my love. I’ll come to you as soon as you’re back home from New York
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Change of plans
CHAPTER 34.*Emmetts Pov*The elevator opens and continued to carry Lana to my room. “Her mouth has never turned me on this much before.”I’m turned the fuck on and my dick wants to be set free to destroy that fine ass of hers.I toss her on my bed and, without hesitation, I rip all her clothes off of her. Don’t get me wrong. I’m crazy about Maddy, but I cannot help but allow myself this one last night with my baby Lana.In the morning, I have every intention of washing Lana off of me, then I’ll go to my nymphos house and watch her break things off with that loser.Fuck Jake.“Maddy is mine.”But for now I’m choosing to forget about her because at the moment my sweet baby Lana has my full attention.I take my jeans off and toss them on my bed. They land by the side of my knee, but I’m too impatient to move them further away and instead, I grab Lana and ram my dick into her.While I’m fucking Lana, Dad mindlinks me, but I ignore him. Then right after my phone starts ringing but, fuckit
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CHAPTER 35.*Jake’s Pov*I was laying in bed with Liza sleeping in my arms when I got a Mindlink from my baby Maddy.All I heard was her say “Jake” and by the sound of her voice something raw clicked in me and I knew that for the first time, “Maddy actually needed me.”Ive known Madd since we were kids and not once has she ever needed me and it always bothered me. It rubbed me the wrong way, you know. “I mean, what man wants to know is that his woman is strong enough without him.” It made me feel small and, in a lot of ways, unwanted.I’ve never had it in me to confess how I truly felt to Maddy, but I will say that me not manning up to her about the way it really affected me.Fuck!Me not dealing with it made me into a monster! “Ive hurt so many innocent people.”All because I couldn’t deal with the love of my life not needing me because she’s strong all on her own…. “until now.”Something just told me that for whatever reason, everything would be changing after tonight. I kissed Liza
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Walking in walking out
CHAPTER 36.*Maddy’s Pov*The sound of moans and groans awakened me…Opening my eyes, I see the morning light shining through my curtains. I look up and Jake is gently moving in and out of me. He has the sexiest look I have ever seen on his gorgeous face.He looks at me and his eyes take my breath away. The crazy thing is, “I feel like I’m seeing the real Jake for the very first time.”I unexpectedly let out a low sob and tears fall down my face. I reach out for Jake and without hesitation he leans down, taking my bottom lip between his and gives me the most ravishing passionate I have ever experienced in my entire life.He pulls away and one tear falls down his cheek…Maddy, my baby, I have never loved you more than I do right now. I cannot breathe without your permission, baby. “It’s you for me and only you.” Do you hear me, Maddy Roe Shaw?“Yes,” I hear you Jake Anthony Barbero, “my forever love of my life.”Please Jake, breathe for me baby, always breathe for me. “Promise me you’l
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CHAPTER 37.*Emmett’s Pov*After I fucked Lana’s brain out… “my beautiful girl.”I went to dad’s office laughing to myself because I know I’m about to get an earful from him. I knock on his office door. Hey Pop, can I come in?Bring your reckless ass in here now, Ryan!I open the door and walk in, getting ready to take one of the seats in front of dad’s desk.Whip that stupid ass smirk off that mug of yours! Where the fuck have you been, Ryan?Come on, pop, do I really need to get into this right now with you? It’s not like I was needed this weekend, anyway. Besides, “I needed that time away.”I don’t give a flying fuck what you needed! The next time you leave my pack grounds, you open your fuckin mouth and ask me, Ryan Amory Emmett. Especially if your horny ass leaves the goddamn state!Alright pop alright..Now tell me, son, who’s the girl that got you to leave on such a short notice? And don’t fuckin lie and say that it was Lana, because her goofy ass was asking for your whereabout
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Mi rey
CHAPTER 38.*Jake’s Pov*“I’m no fool.”I’m aware my Maddy was heartbroken when she called out to me last night. And I’m fuckin aware that I am not the cause. Not that I want to be, but fuck now, I know I was right that something was going on with her and that bitch Emmett.After being in a relationship with her for all these years and knowing her like the back of my hand, I know her heart.“I know her.”So, if she had the heart to step out on me and cheat, then Emmett must be her mate. That would explain them being drawn to one another. The idiot must have been caught slipping with his chosen Luna.“I won’t ask her about it.”All that matters is that she’s safely back in my arms and if anything, I should thank the fucker for hurting her because he practically caused her to give me her whole heart.Maddy Roe Shaw is mine now and after her birthday I’ll make it official by giving her my mark.“Fuck, and I that I was the fool in Maddy’s life.”It’s morning now and I’m a starving man tha
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CHAPTER 39.*Emmett’s Pov*“My world is shattered.”I sat in my car not understanding what I just seen how could Maddy do this to me? She said she is in love with me. “What the fuck am I missing here?”Not wanting to destroy the interior of my car, I pulled out of the driveway and drove my bitter ass out of Jake’s sorry ass pack.I finally made it back to my pack. And drove far out to the mountains. I put my car in park. I told myself to calm down, that I need to breathe, that I needed to figure out what happened.I grabbed my phone and went to my call log. “I need to speak to her.” Maybe this time she’ll answer her phone. Hopefully she’s still not letting that loser fuck her.Wait what? Why does it show that I spoke to her for five minutes? Shit, it shows Maddy had called me! I looked at the time the call came in.I feel the air leave my body. “No, no, no, NO!”She called when I was in the middle of fucking Lana last night. “Shit, shit, shit!” That means she heard us fuck! “Maddy hea
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CHAPTER 40.*Maddy’s Pov*Weeks have gone by since that morning young Alpha Emmett walked in on Jake and I making love. A part of me wishes I can say I miss him, but I don’t. Every time I hear someone mention him or anything about his pack, I feel numb and, to be honest; I prefer it that way.What I am loving is Jake. “He has made my life seem unreal.” It’s like I keep waiting for someone to awake me from this beautiful dream that has yet to end.Jake has been more than perfect.It’s like the moon goddess dipped him in all things passion and then handed him back to me. If people thought we were inseparable before then haha, it is definitely worse now.“We haven't left each other's side since the first night I called him.”I’ve been staying with Jake at the pack house during the school week. And when Friday hits, we like to come back to my house to get away from all the pack members and the noise that comes with it.Dad only brought Emmett up once, and that was enough. As far as he’s c
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