All Chapters of Alpha's Jake & Emmett: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
CHAPTER 41.*Jake’s Pov*After waking up to Maddy’s version of morning breakfast and finding our releases, my favorite morning ritual begins. “Rubbing Maddy’s back.”Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for the way we make love, but there’s some special about taking away her discomfort and making her feel good at the same time.“Jake, a little to the left, please.”Right here Maddy?Yes, Mmm, right there, precioso. “It feels so good Jake.” (precioso: gorgeous)“I love you, baby girl.”Bet not as much as I do you, pretty boy…Never ever in this sick life, call me pretty, Maddy. I'm a man and men aren't “pretty”. We’re fuckin beasts, you got that.Ooh my bad, haha, I forgot my big bad alpha can be sensitive.Looks like my future Luna is asking for it right now, huh? “You sure you wanna test me right now, small fry?”“Maddy giggles.”Come on, Jake, we need to get out of bed. We need to get ready for our appoint I really don’t want to be late again.“Nope, you’re gonna shower by yourself this
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CHAPTER 42.*Emmett’s Pov*To say that I haven’t been the same since I lost Maddy to Jake would be in understatement.“Every day I feel like I am dieing a cruel death.”I’ve become obsessed with Maddy’s social media. It’s the only way I can see her smile.As far as I know, my family and I are still invited to her birthday party. I know when I finally get to see her, she’ll have gotten her wolf already. And I am praying to the goddess that her wolf will still choose me, “even though I royally fucked up my relationship with Maddy.”I walk around with pain in my chest that refuses to allow me to forgive myself for what I did to her. What if she doesn’t forgive me? What if she won't take me back? “I’m so sick of seeing her post or being tagged in photos or videos of her with Jake.”Fuck that piece of shit! She belongs to me, not him. I’m her goddamned mate, me only me!All I need is for her to see me, and I know she’ll be back in my arms where she belongs.“I don’t know what I’m going to
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Dr. Krane
CHAPTER 43.*Maddy’s Pov*We finally made it to our doctor’s appointment with Dr. Krane and I swear if I catch her giving Jake googly eyes again, “Ima punch that slore in her face.” (slutty whore)Nonetheless, I’m freaking excited to see our babies again. We will be seeing them in 3D. I cannot help but pull Jake behind me like a little girl going to a toy store.Jake laughs behind me..“Slow down, hermosa.” Why are you trying to run when you can barely wobble?I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him. “What do you mean I wobble, Jake?”With the biggest smile on his face, Jake says..“Do not worry, hermosa, you have the sexiest wobble I ever did see.”Humph, sexy wobble, huh? You better say that or I’ll whack you in your sleep and raise these boys with your sexy twin brother!I continue walking to the building when Jake stops..What the fuck do you mean, my “sexy” twin brother, huh Maddy?That’s right, I said he’s sexy! So sexy I’ll cover him up in chocolate with sprinkles and eat h
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CHAPTER 44. *Jake’s Pov* I warned that damn Dr. not to fuck with my hermosa, but her jealous ass just couldn’t help herself and opened her ugly mouth, anyway. Now I had to let my father now to send a cleanup crew to deal with the mess I made of Dr. Krane. “May the bitch rest easy.” I stopped a nurse in the hall and asked her to send the longest standing female OB there is on staff. I’m fuckin’ pumped to see the 3D photos of our twins. “I’ve got to admit, though, it makes me miss my little girl.” I never thought I would go a day without seeing my daughter. I sure as hell never expected to miss out on the birth of my second newborn daughter. Liza is heartbroken and I wish I could make it better, but I cannot afford to lose Maddy. She means more to me than anyone. “She’s the very air that I breathe.” Both of my sweet little girls are in safe care with their mother and her family, but I do make sure I financially provide for my babies. “They won’t ever know what it is to go withou
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CHAPTER 45.*Maddy’s Pov*Now that Jake is off dealing with the rogues, “I can be sneaky and look Emmett up on his social media.”I never did get a chance to see what this Lana chick looks like, but I cannot help but be curious about the woman who so easily tempted my fated mate.What I’m finding very strange is that no account comes up when I type his name in search, which is weird because Leah just recently told me he posted a new picture of his “precious” car.Did he block me?“If he did, that’s absolutely ridiculous.”Good thing I have a fake profile under the name “chinga su madre” to creep on slores that I don’t get along with haha like Liza. (chinga su madre: fuck his mother)I made the account when I was a freshman and it comes in handy now and then. “So the name I chose was just hilarious to me at the time.”I type in Emmett’s name again and, sure enough, his profile is the first to pop up the list of Emmetts in the area.“Son of a bitch.”His sorry ass really did block me, b
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El gallo negro
CHAPTER 46.*Maddy’s Pov*I’ve been devoting so much of my time to Jake that my best friend Leah has been griping about not being able to spend time with me.So now I’m getting ready to meet her downstairs. We have dinner reservations at our favorite Mexican restaurants in town. “El Gallo Negro.” (the black rooster)“Their enchiladas de mole are mouth watering good.”Leah’s waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs..Good goddess Maddy, can you be anymore pregnant? “You couldn’t hide that belly if your life depended on it.”I giggle, shut up Leah, just wait until you find your mate and get pregnant.Haha, well, I’m sure when that happens I still would not be as big as you. Twins only come from having a mate who is a twin already.Girl, clearly you did not pay attention in our werewolf biology class. Jake is a twin and neither of his parents have a twin, so check your info before you try to school someone. haha you're not so smart now huh Leah?“Oh, bite me, you overgrown pregnant hag
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His lies
CHAPTER 47.*Maddy’s Pov*Leah starts laughing at Liza..I’m sorry, but did we hear you right? Liza, did you just say you have a family with Jake?Good goddess, this chick is standing incredibly still and the only thing moving is her tears. Ugh Liza, I hate to break it to you, but you’re being real nutty right now. I mean, it’s one thing to have a crush on my male, but it’s a whole separate situation when you're standing there acting fatally.I give Leah the look and she wastes no time mindlinking Jake and Allred to get here now!Hey Liza, are you okay? You seem really upset. I mean, I understand that you’ve liked Jake for a long time, but you do realize he’s mine, right?But all she does is keep repeating, “is I have his family.”Leah and I exchange another look and I reach for Liza’s hand. Liza, maybe you should sit down and have a drink of water. “I didn’t mean to come off as harsh.”Liza sits down next to me and keeps staring at my pregnant belly, then begins whispering no, no, no
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CHAPTER 48.*Jake’s Pov*It erks me that I had to go handle the rogues instead of being home with Maddy rubbing her little fat, swollen feet.Upon reaching the area where the rogues were sighted, I discover Allred had already detained a couple of those bastards. He had them bound on their knees, awaiting me.When we returned to the pack house. Allred and I took the fuckers down to the cells. But before we could even begin to interrogate either one of them, Leah screams at me through the mindlink.Jake, come quick! “Liza has lost her damn mind.” She is claiming to share a family with you!“I feel like I’m going to have a heart-attack.”What the fuck is Leah thinking? She couldn't believe a stunt like this would get me back. If anything, I’ll kill her, leaving whomever her sorry ass mate is fucking mateless!Allred, we need to leave these losers in the cells for now. I need to head out to El Gallo Negro. “Liza seems to have lost her shit seeing Maddy’s pregnant belly.”Fuck me, this is
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CHAPTER 49.*Maddy’s Pov*I couldn’t move from my seat in the restaurant. Allred had to lift me up and carry me bridal style, but I could not stand to be anywhere near Jake, so I had asked Allred to take me back home to my father’s house.I cried the whole way home when Allred had carried me in his arms. Jake got angry. “He had tried to take me from him so he could carry me himself.” I need time to cry through all the lies and emotions I am feeling.Dad opens the front door before we even have time to reach it. By the look on dad's face, I know he was informed of the show that just happened. “El Gallo Negro has been ruined for me and I will never return.”Dad steps back and allows Allred through the front door. He carries me up to my room and laid me down on my bed. He turned around and picked up the throw blanket I had folded at the end of my bed, then steps closer to me, “covering me with the blanket.”Thank you Allred for bring me back to my safe place.You are welcome, Maddy, but
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CHAPTER 50.*Jake’s Pov*I was left in a fucked up state of shock at how fast my perfect relationship with Maddy had turned to complete shit, “all because Liza could not keep her fucking mouth shut.”After I completed the rejection with Liza, Allred had the balls to lift Maddy up and carry her in his arms like she was his!“My wolf Mateo is weak because of the rejections, so I could not do anything to stop him.”“It did not help that I was caught off guard by Allred losing his shit on me because I betrayed everyone for my own selfish reasons.”Haha, but I do not give a flying fuck how everyone feels. I only care about how Maddy is feeling. “She is my world.”I’m left here staring at Liza, looking all broken and pathetic. All I know is that to the very core of my heart, I hate this bitch like no other right now. She has ruined everything!Liza, where are my babies?“Fuck you, Jake, they are no longer yours.” I will raise them by myself without a father. As of today, “all they will ever
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