All Chapters of Alpha King’s loathed obsession: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
198 Chapters
Chapter Ninety-one
Eleanor lost count of the hours she'd spent laying quietly in Drakken's arms. She could lay there forever if given the chance, but Emma came into the tent and cut their moment short. Eleanor pulled away from Drakken when she joined them.Their recent argument back there at the stream made Eleanor avoid eye contact with her. She was grateful to Emma for saving her life and at the same time, the words Emma had said to her were too hurtful to just let it slide."You're awake." She sounded relieved. Emma dropped the herbs she'd picked up in the woods and moved to hug Eleanor, surprising her.Was she going to forget their argument so soon? This reaction wasn't what Eleanor expected, especially from someone like her."Thanks to you," she murmured back in response, slightly wincing in pain. "Don't hug me too tight. It still hurts."Emma withdrew from her. "Sorry. I brought Dandelion herbs to help reduce the pain since I don't have much of my medicines or equipment here. We would have to impr
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Chapter Ninety-Two
Emma didn't need to look back to know who it was. She'd recognize her favorite scent anywhere. Warm and floral, like fresh cut flowers. It engulfed her as the person got closer and dropped down beside her.Sophia. Daughter of the shaman in the pack and Emma's mate. No one knew about their relationship but the two of them. They wanted to keep it that way until either of them dared to tell their families. Mostly her father. Emma could predict what his reaction would be. Her mother, on the other hand, was the more reasonable one out of them and she hoped her arrogant brother too. Eleanor had seen them fucking once when she walked in on them that night and promised to keep her lips sealed about it. Emma appreciated her for being discreet with it. She didn't act like it, but Emma was terrified Eleanor might blabber her secret out to someone someday.Time had proved that the human was trustworthy.Emma reached out to intertwine her fingers with Sophia's as they sat in silence, Sophia's hea
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Chapter Ninety-three
Eleanor was exempted from school activities due to her injury and she felt it was too much of a stretch. Emma wouldn't stop overreacting to the incident even with the days that had passed.She visited Eleanor every night to administer drugs and a couple of other things Eleanor couldn't name. They were endless.Today she walked into Eleanor's room holding more medicines and concoctions. Eleanor fought the urge to groan at the sight."Rise and shine." Eleanor rolled her eyes at Emma's enthusiastic voice and pulled the sheets away, sitting up on the bed."What are you making me drink this time?""Oh, nothing much," Emma waved it off. "It's for the healing process. Drink up."Eleanor took the cup from her hands and frowned into it. A curious mixture of things, like a bunch of brown liquid, swirling inside the cup."Just drink it, Eleanor. It's not poison," Emma said when she took too long to drink it."It sure does look like one.""This right here is made from a flower," she decided to ex
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Chapter Ninety-four
Drakken left.He came to her last night, got what he wanted which she foolishly gave him, and then left without warning. Eleanor couldn't help but feel like he'd used her to get his mind off what had been bothering him before he came to her.And she had mistaken it for affection. How stupidly naive she was.Surprisingly, his actions didn't make Eleanor hate him more as she should. If he came to her tonight again, she would most definitely welcome him to her bed. Drakken had her in a complete spellbound. She could not deny being bewitched by him anymore.Drakken might never see her more than a whore or a stripper and the more Eleanor tried to come to terms with it, the more she got hurt.In the hospital, she sat in a toilet stall, wallowing in her misery. It gave her more privacy as there were eyes everywhere, and Emma noticing the slightest change in her mood which might raise questions. Questions she didn't want to answer.Eleanor heard other students troop in and out of the toilets,
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Chapter Ninety-five
Eleanor walked back to the clinic alone after her stroll with Benjamin in the woods. To her surprise, she saw Drakken standing outside the hospital with an unpleasant scowl on his face.Good thing he didn't see her with Benjamin this time. All hell would've broken loose. The scowl did not leave his face even as she neared him. What would the hospital workers say if both brothers kept coming there to see her? Being a topic for their next gossip didn't appeal to Eleanor."Where were you?" Drakken asked as she warily glanced around. Fortunately, no one was paying them attention."We're in public.""And I do not care. Answer the question."Eleanor looked away from him, thinking hard about her response. He couldn't know she was with Benjamin. "I went out for a walk."She convinced herself it sounded believable and not strange to hear that she went out for a walk in the middle of work.But then Drakken yanked her towards him all of a sudden and her face collided with his chest, shocking he
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Chapter Ninety-Six
Eleanor hid in a patient's ward for the rest of the day. She couldn't face Emma, not after what happened back there in the storage room. She felt ashamed of her actions and wished she could hide forever.She obviously was not thinking straight when she let Drakken take her right there in the hospital. Emma was right. What if someone else had seen them? Eleanor would never show up to work again if that had happened.Work hours were soon over and Eleanor sneaked back out of the patient's ward she'd been hiding, keeping her eyes peeled for Emma. She planned to avoid her even if it was just for today.Emma was nowhere in sight, so she took the opportunity and fled from the clinic- only for Eleanor to walk into her at the entrance doors."I've been looking everywhere for you," Eleanor lied, smiling nervously. "There you are.""Cut it out. I know you've been hiding." Emma shook her head, crossing both arms over her chest. "So we're even now, huh?""What?""You've previously walked in on me
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Chapter Ninety-seven
Eleanor woke up the next morning in a better mood, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun that seeped in through her curtains. She hummed as she brushed her teeth, and sang as she smoothened out the creases on her bed.Last night's conversation with Emma made her feel like she now had total control over things. Which she did if she executed her plans well without fail. The Lunaqueen’s kind gesture was also an added boost. It would've been a shit show if both parents disliked her.Drakken's father was like a difficult problem to solve, and Eleanor wasn't mentally ready to venture into that yet. She had bigger things that needed her focus.Eleanor couldn't hide the smile on her face even when Evie walked in."Good morning, Miss.""It's a good morning indeed, Evie," Eleanor beamed. "Even the birds outside chirp merrily."The maid eyed her suspiciously. "Do you care to share why you're unusually enthusiastic this morning?"Eleanor waved her off with a scoff that sounded like a laugh. "I'm
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Chapter Ninety-eight
In his study, Drakken went through the list of meetings to be attended the following week. The other piles of files on his desk lay there unattended, but they weren't his cup of tea. He had spent the whole day sorting out his meeting schedules for the weeks to come."Is this all?" he asked Duncan who stood a few feet away from him."I believe so. All meetings for next week are to be held here in the palace," Duncan informed him. "The alphas already agreed on it."It was a convenient arrangement for him. Drakken nodded in satisfaction, putting the files aside. Duncan seemed like he still had more to say but was unsure of himself."Is there something else I should know?" Drakken asked. "Tell me.""The vampire king wants to know if you'd be free tomorrow.""For what reason?" Drakken wondered. He'd been avoiding the man like a plague the same way as his daughter. Were his actions becoming too noticeable?"He says he has a lot to discuss with you and would be honored if you'd create time t
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Chapter Ninety-nine
Gwendolyn was speaking to him but all Drakken wanted to do was go after Eleanor. His wolf threatened to burst out and Drakken took control of it this time, fighting an inner turmoil.If he left and went after Eleanor, Gwendolyn's suspicions might raise. Drakken felt like he was pulled in two different directions with his wolf wanting to act on impulse, and him trying to act rational about the situation.She shot up an eyebrow, expecting a response from him. "I want to know how you are connected with that girl. She would not have walked in here so easily if you both are not very acquainted.""She is..." his wolf wanted her to know Eleanor was his mate, but Drakken knew better. He paused, rearranging his thoughts. "She...""Are you perhaps sleeping with her? Is that what this is about?" her eyes searched his face to read his reaction to her accusation."I am not sleeping with her," he quickly denied. "She is nothing.""I am no fool, Drakken." Gwen stepped closer to him. "She is one of y
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Chapter One hundred
Eleanor came back from a night stroll that was meant to clear the disturbing thoughts from her head. She couldn't say it worked because she still felt worse. The image of Drakken and the vampire princess kissing played in her mind like a broken record. Eleanor could not get it to go away.Her plan to make him jealous was failing before she even began. She found Drakken's beta standing in front of her room when she climbed back up and frowned. What does he want?Duncan turned to stare at Eleanor as she approached him."Do you need anything?" she inquired."The AlphaKing gave instructions to check on you but you weren't in."She wasn't a child, Eleanor thought. He didn't need to act like he cared when he had another woman in his room."I went for a stroll," she replied. "I am fine on my own.""It's not safe to be out this late at night."A huff escaped her lips. "I'll do whatever it is I want."He waited as she went into the room and closed the door behind her, then she heard his footst
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