Semua Bab Alpha King’s loathed obsession: Bab 111 - Bab 120
198 Bab
Chapter 111
Eleanor got out of bed the next morning and recalled last night's events. She did not muster the courage to question Benjamin's motives for taking her to a vampire's lair during a blood moon, though it was an odd place to go for a date, especially as a human.Other than that, she had spent the night eating and drinking to her fill. Which was why her head buzzed a bit this morning from the alcohol she had consumed. Benjamin coerced her into drinking more than she could manage and Eleanor had given in.She was starting to regret it as she already felt a slight hangover coming up.It all went away when she took a cold shower. Eleanor got ready to visit the Queen, confident that the potion would have worked its effects. She took along the rest of the potion and hastened there.The Queen was up when she went in. Eleanor smiled and walked up to her."How do you feel this morning?""Quite amazing. I had a good night's rest thanks to you."Eleanor's grin spread wider. "The pack doctor is not
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Chapter 112
Drakken walked out of a meeting with Duncan behind him when they were finished. The Alphas of Red moon pack and Silvercrest had been engaged in boundary disputes that were escalating to war, which meant Drakken had to involve in their cases. The two packs were at war for it for months until Drakken decided it was time to clear the misunderstanding.The Alpha of Silvercrest had been the most difficult to deal with despite running the smallest out of all twelve packs. Drakken was reminded why they never got along in anything.Fatigue nipped at his bones. The sun was hardly down but he needed to retire and rest for the day."Cancel the rest of my schedule," he instructed Duncan. "I'm done dealing with everyone today."Duncan didn't ask questions and simply nodded. The chauffeur held open the door for Drakken as he slipped into the backseat. He rested back on the seat, letting out a sigh of contentment over today's successful meeting.A sharp pain suddenly sliced across his chest. Drakke
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Chapter 113
"Somebody help me!" Eleanor cried as she ran down the familiar maze the has been seeing recently in all her nightmares, an eerie wind billowing wildly followed by the crow of the evil bird as it flew over her head as though guiding the angry men that thundered after her.Her white dress was shredded in different parts, and her wild hair flew about her that due to the angry wind, most times covered her face.But no one was there. And the maze was endless. Soon, she rounded a corner at the same time, she heard the mocking laugh of the men whose faces she couldn't see but were intent on catching her by all means. "Come back here, you little wench!" One of them swore and as he tried to grab her, the earth began shaking fiercely beneath Eleanor who fought to hold on but as it intensified pulled her with it that soon she was falling, falling and as her hands flailed for balance so did her voice claw in her throat and then..."Open the door!"Elanor jolted up from the bed in full force, he
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Chapter 114
Very early the next morning even before Evie came to her room, Eleanor hurriedly went to check on the Queen. She was still fast asleep and her temperature was stable. There was nothing amidst. She dropped a scented Lilac potion in the hands of the omegas to give the Queen once she woke up. It was to keep her hydrated and replenish whatever strength she might have lost. She also informed them not to allow her out or to do anything stressful. Or eat anything heavy. After that, she went back to her room, prepared and hurried out. She had a lot to do today, one of which was finding out about Silverweed and its effects on werewolves. She really wanted to ask Emma but then asking Emma would bring up questions. Questions she wasn't able to answer. So, she opted for a better option, the clinic library.She did her ward rounds and then she sneaked off to the library.She went through the different shelves in search of anything relating to the topic and finally on the plant shelves, she saw
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Chapter 115
Eleanor found herself standing in the middle of the garden after her conversation with Emma. She did not have much time to waste. The Queen's life was on the line and the pack doctor had not returned yet with a remedy. She picked up the cannabis flower, a plenty amount of them- that she received questionable looks from workers in the garden. If Eleanor noticed, she paid no heed. She hurried back to the healing school to mix the flowers in the new potion she recently concocted as the previous one was almost finished. Eleanor intended to mix it so it would be ready before evening when she would serve it to the Queen. Grabbing the container from her bag, she hurried back into the lab to blend them. However, to her dismay, Merit suddenly appeared out of nowhere and bumped into her, causing the container to slip from her hands and shatter on the floor. Eleanor's heart was devastated at the sight of her hard work being destroyed. All the content that had been preserved was gone. She was
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Chapter 116
"Is he back yet?" Drakken questioned the minute Duncan walked into his study. He had been anticipating George's return from a kingdom mission, missing his gamma's company more than he wanted to know how his mission went. Plus, he was tired of receiving guilt-tripping looks from his Beta. So, he was excited when that morning, Duncan came in with good news. "Yes. He arrived just last night." Drakken slammed the file in front of him shut, not interested to spend even a second more in his study. He was already out the door. "Tell him to meet me up for fencing." An excuse was what he needed, to take a break from working. Sitting there in his study all day almost drained the life out of him. George's absence in the palace had him realizing his gamma was more useful than he thought. There were not many people Drakken loved spending time with. His mother always stayed in her quarters these days for some odd reason and so he rarely saw her, he was also ignoring the vampire princess for obv
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Chapter 117
It was Friday and Eleanor didn't have many activities that day. It gave her more time to round up the potion she started preparing last night for the school's project. She put some aside for the Queen and made a mental note to visit her quarters later on.Eleanor had rushed out for work this morning and created no time to visit Bettie. She wondered what improvements her health made.She studied the cannabis flower more that afternoon in the lab, reading on its components. Eleanor did it for the greater good of all the omegas who had no one caring enough to make potions specifically for them.She'd only seen Emma and the others create medicines for the more powerful werewolves and none for the weaker creatures. They deserved fair treatment even if they were the lowest in the pack.It was a few minutes later when Emma strolled into the lab, her reading glass drawn down to her nose. She inspected the flowers Eleanor experimented with and picked one up."You're making progress," she sound
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Chapter 118
Drakken had never stared at her the way he did now. At least not since the first day she met him. The anger in his eyes was crippling. Eleanor never knew she could witness such a look in his eyes ever again.While still confused about what was going on, Eleanor rushed to the Queen's bed where Emma cried quietly. The pack doctor stood at the other side of the bed, gazing down at Bettie's lifeless body.The Queen wasn't responding to her touch when Eleanor tried to wake her up. Eleanor's blood ran cold.No.It couldn't be what she thought it was. The world spun below her feet as reality began to hit harder. The Queen was dead. Dead to the world."She's gone. There's nothing I can do to save her." Hearing the pack doctor confirm the Queen's death did more damage to Eleanor's heart. It clenched and contracted. "The Queen had been fed poison which was killing her slowly from the inside all this time. The dose she took last night broke down all her defences and killed her at once.""That ca
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Chapter 119
"There could be a mistake somewhere. I personally don't think Eleanor killed your mother." George held the door that was about to be slammed in his face and followed Drakken into his study. "Be rational with your thoughts. Eleanor has no reason to kill her.""Get out. I wish to be alone.""I understand, but..."With a violent sweep of his hand, Drakken shoved all items on his desk to the ground and slammed his fists on the table, causing it to slightly sustain a crack."No, you don't understand. My mother is dead! I do not care what anyone has to say about this. Someone has to pay.""That's not fair to Eleanor. She's innocent. I think you should release her to have a proper dialogue about what really happened."Drakken shook his head, not wanting to even hear anyone speak her name. "That would not be happening. She shall rot there as long as I see fit."He was too overpowered by grief, too angry to even think straight. If he didn't find an outlet for his emotions soon, then he might j
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Chapter 120
The cold in the dungeons was intense.Eleanor hugged herself tighter on the floor and shivered. She didn't know how much time had passed since she was thrown into the dirty cell. It couldn't be more than twenty-four hours. Maybe more or less.She was starving, tired, and also grieving the Queen. In her time alone, Eleanor had convinced herself that she was at fault. She might not have indirectly killed the Queen, but she had a hand in it. She'd fed her poison.There was no way to prove her innocence.Everyone would've been coming up with bizarre theories by now relating to why she killed the Queen.Drakken had wasted no time casting her to the dungeons without hearing what she had to say. His face before the guard dragged her away stayed etched in Eleanor's mind and disturbed her. The cold look in his eyes was chilling, all adoration he had for her was gone and void. She jumped to her feet when she heard a sound coming from the dungeon's entrance, hoping it was Drakken coming to see
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