All Chapters of Alpha King’s loathed obsession: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
198 Chapters
Chapter 131
Eleanor gasped and stepped back from the door, holding her chest. Her heart was racing and her mind was filled with confusion as she tried to process what she had just witnessed. How and when did Benjamin and Merit develop an intimate relationship?They were a pair Eleanor never imagined together. How did they even get that close?The sound of footsteps came from her right and her heart skipped as she turned to face one of the clinic's newly stationed guards.He was a tall man, with a stern expression and a flashlight in his hand. "What are you doing here so late at night?" he asked, his voice deep and intimidating.Eleanor peered nervously at the door to the storage room, praying that Benjamin and Merit wouldn't emerge just yet.She tried to keep her voice low as she approached the guard, but he seemed not to understand the urgency of the situation."Please, sir, can you keep your voice down?" she whispered.The guard raised an eyebrow. "I'll have to ask you to leave."Benjamin stepp
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Chapter 132
Drakken woke up with a start, sweat pouring down his face. He had just had a terrible dream, one where his deceased mother was crying out for justice. In the dream, she told him that evil was lurking within the Kingdom, brought by a stranger. The stranger was the only one in the pack who didn't belong, and she warned him to be careful. The dream was so vivid that it felt real, and it left Drakken feeling uneasy.He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest. He got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, turning on the cold water in the shower. As he stood under the stream, he let the water wash away the remnants of the dream. He tried to tell himself that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.But as he got dressed and made his way to his table and poured himself a glass of water, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. Eleanor was the only stranger in the pack his mother could be referring to. He couldn't help
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Chapter 133
Drakken was fast losing his hold on reality as Eleanor’s hand stroked him forth and back, using his precum as a lubricant to work him up.Eleanor didn't know what initially possessed her. All she knew was that she wanted his hands on her, or hers on his. Whichever way worked for her. Drakken had been slightly withdrawing from her. She could sense it. Maybe it was the mate bond.She had to remind him of the sparks they shared, how good he delighted in her hand on him. Eleanor continued to stroke where he was the most sensitive. Her breaths came out in light pants and his scent only made her more drunk on him at the atmosphere."Eleanor..." he let out a light breath of air. He was fast approaching his limit of what he could take, so her name on his lips was more like a slight warning.Eleanor heard it clear as day but was already far too gone to care. His skin felt so smooth, so hard, yet soft and when she got to his tip, the bit of wetness make her stroke him easier. Eleanor was mesme
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Chapter 134
Drakken sat at his desk, his eyes fixed on the door as he awaited Emma's arrival. He was eager to hear what she had uncovered about their mother's death. When she finally entered the room, he could see the exhaustion etched on her face."Well?" he asked, not wasting any time. "What have you learned?"Emma sighed and began to speak. "The potion Eleanor used on our mother was a foreign one. It's nothing like I have ever seen." Drakken listened carefully, his mind racing as he processed the information. "Such potions can only be concocted by powerful witches that come from a particular coven. But they're extinct now. Which means someone truly set Eleanor up. We just don't know who yet."Drakken let out a sigh of relief. It was confirmed now. Eleanor really didn't kill his mother. He had feared the worst, but was grateful for the truth that set his mind at ease."Do everything you must to find who did it," he declared. "What do you know about night sleepwalkers?"Emma lifted a brow at his
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Chapter 135
Mrs. Goldberg and Eleanor followed Evie through the ornate halls of the palace, their heels clicking against the marble floor. Eleanor had the poisoned potion in her hands, ready to experiment on them in Evie's mother's house as Emma had banned her from going to the clinic. Besides, it wouldn't look good on her if a guard caught her there again past working hours.Despite the maze-like corridors, Evie led them confidently, her knowledge of the palace evident in the way she navigated the twists and turns.They left the palace and made their way to Evie’s family house in the pack. As they approached their destination, the maid pushed open the door to her mother's abode.Evie's mother's house was a cozy abode with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The living room boasted a comfortable sofa, plush cushions, and an impressive bookshelf. The walls were adorned with colourful paintings, and the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. It was a small house, nonetheless.The agi
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Chapter 136
Eleanor trudged back to her room, the frustration of the day weighing heavily on her shoulders. No matter how much she tried, she seemed to be going nowhere with the case of the Queen's death.Every lead turned out to be a dead end.It was as if this was designed to be unsolvable.As she pushed open the door to her room, Eleanor let out a heavy sigh. She longed to speak to Emma but their last encounter had not gone well. Emma was still mad at her. The tension between them was palpable.Eleanor sat down heavily on her bed, her thoughts whirling around in her head. She knew that she had to find a way to talk to Emma again, to try and repair their relationship. But how could she do that when every attempt seemed to backfire?As she lay back on her pillows, Eleanor made a decision. She would try to talk to her again and explain her reasoning with the hope that Emma would understand.Eleanor couldn't wait any longer. She had to make things right with Emma, and waiting until morning felt li
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Chapter 137
The sun rose on a solemn day in the kingdom. It was the beginning of the late Queen's mourning, a day when the pack would come together to mourn their loss and pay their respects to the deceased. The air was heavy with sorrow, and a sense of mourning hung over the entire pack.Drakken was driven to the town square with him in the back seat, and George in the passenger's seat along with Duncan. No one said a word on the ride there as Drakken wasn't in the mood to engage in conversation.He looked somber as he stepped out of the car when they arrived, his head held high. Drakken was known as a strong and fierce leader but today, he wasn't just an Alpha King. He was a son who had lost his mother and his emotions were fragile.As Drakken stepped onto the platform, he saw that the square was filled with wolves, dignitaries, and representatives from other packs. The entire pack was present, and they all looked to him, waiting for him to speak.Drakken cleared his throat, and his voice echoe
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Chapter 138
Eleanor stirred as she heard a soft knock on her bedroom door. Her eyelids fluttered open as she gradually emerged from slumber. She stretched her arms and legs, feeling the warmth of the blankets against her skin. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table, groggily realizing that it was already morning. As she sat up in bed, she felt a wave of surprise wash over her when she saw Emma standing at her doorway.Emma looked equally surprised, and for a moment they just stood there, taking each other in. Finally, Emma spoke up. "Hey, sorry to wake you up this early."Eleanor rubbed the sleep off her eyes, forcing herself to be fully awake. "Is something wrong?""Not really. I just wanted to inform you to resume work at the clinic starting today," she said. "Don't forget to see me in my office as soon as you arrive." Then she walked back out of the room too quickly and didn't see the big smile on Eleanor's face.Eleanor could barely contain her excitement as she got ready for her first
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Chapter 139
Emma looked at Eleanor with confusion, wondering how she knew about the Darkfurs pack. They had always kept their existence on a low. She couldn't have easily figured it out."How do you know about them?" Emma queried. Her eyes followed to the book in Eleanor's hands where she pointed."I've been on it for hours on end. What about you?""I saw it in a divulgence just now in the lab. I was examining a silverweed specimen I'd ordered from an online werewolf store when it happened."Eleanor stared at Emma in disbelief. "How often do you get visions?" she asked, still trying to comprehend what Emma had just said."I don't have time to discuss that. Come with me." The urgency in Emma's voice had her moving on her feet."Where are we going?""My brother's," was Emma's brief response. "We need to tell him. Then we go for a search to find this Darkfurs pack.""We?""Stay behind if you're too scared to go." Now wasn't the time to get paranoid, so Eleanor shook off the feeling. No one said ge
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Chapter 140
Drakken rose early that morning, his mind already focused on the task at hand. In his room, he began the process of preparing for the journey to the DarkFurs pack.He packed his bag with the essentials - weapons, a few pieces of clothing, and a map of the area. He checked and rechecked each item, ensuring that nothing was forgotten.Failure was not an option. This mission could be their last hope in finding out the truth.Drakken had just finished packing his bags when Gwen burst into his room without knocking. He turned to face her, surprised at her sudden intrusion. Before he could even question her actions, she started spewing out her displeasure."I hear you're going on some trip with that girl," Gwen began. "Your mistress, isn't she?""Who says Eleanor is my mistress?" Drakken tried to deny, raising an eyebrow. How had she gotten to know that? "You can't just assume things like that."Gwen huffed and crossed her arms. "Oh, please. It's obvious you've been seeing her. And now, you
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