All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
294 Chapters
Chapter 16
Derek povI wake before Mia and groan low she looks fucking sexy and I want to be buried deep inside her. Instead I slip under the covers and make my way down to her pussy. I'm thinking I need to eat her out as a wake up."Already wet",I moan low as I lick her folds and bury my tongue in the sweet taste. She arches and moans my name in her sleep. I keep going and she cries out as I suck her clit. She cums hard and I rush up her body seeing her panting eyes wide open in shock."I gotta pee",she blushes and I chuckle. I lift her up we head to the bathroom so I can pamper her again. After we get in the tub I sink my leaking cock balls deep in her tight pussy with a groan."Fuck angel your so tight, I growl and she whimpers, you feel so good", I help her ride me till we cum and I have to wash her before putting her in bed. I wore her out and I love it. I want to tell her I love her but I don't think we are at that point yet and I don't want to say it so fast. I watch her turn over and I sm
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Chapter 17
Derek pov"Dad are you okay?" I link him but get no answer and it has been hours. Mia is asleep and I'm pacing in this fucking panic room worried my dad could be dead or hurt. I link everyone I could think of but get nothing."Jon,I link, are you seeing or hearing anything about the border breach?",he answers right away."Rogues, he links back, thousands of rogues. Your dad is okay",he cuts our link. I sigh relieved but wish I was out there fighting with everybody else. I sit and wait but I'm itching to go help. We can't leave mate my wolf growls. I know I growl back. Jon povI'm surprised Derek linked me but his worries aren't my concern right now. Rogues attacked us and it is in the thousands. I moved Jennifer to the safe room at the hospital and she is sleeping peacefully while I watch her and pace. Alpha Levi told me to move her and stay safe till he links me back but he hasn't linked back yet and I'm worried. We can't stay in this room forever. This has to be over soon because Je
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Chapter 18
Malcolm povThat fucker had my Mia and as soon as I can I'm taking her back. I loved her forever and she chooses him. I'm back at our underground headquarters telling others what happened and why before I go to my room. I'm taking a willing pussy with me because I still need to get my rocks off. I lay on my bed while this whore sucks my cock making me hold in a groan. Fuck that feels fucking good.I thrust up and she whimpers. "suck it harder",I growlI'm imagining Mia and I growl. I yank the female off my cock and flip her to the doggy style position and thrust in making her scream. I thrust hard and fast chasing my orgasm. I picture Mia as I pound this woman hard and fast. I feel her pussy tighten on my cock and she shakes and cries out as she cums. Fuck I moan in my head as I cum.I shove the female away and point to my door before heading to my shower. My only thought is I'm taking more back to get Mia because I want her for myself. Our childhood together was short and I fell in
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Chapter 19
Mia pov"I love you Mia",he repeated again as I cried harder."Derek, I sobbed, oh Derek",I hugged him tight crying into his neck. I was hoping and praying he loved me but I was waiting to say it. We still had issues and we still had to navigate our relationship but knowing he loved me made it seem more bearable. Derek was still gay in my eyes but in the bedroom he made me feel desirable and sexy. I still got the mental images of them fucking but it wasn't that frequent. Jon hasn't bothered us much but last I heard Jennifer was carrying three pups not one. I know he is to busy with her."I do angel, he kissed me softer, I love you so much",I cried more. I blame pregnancy hormones. "I love you Derek, I sobbed more, I love you too",he kissed me more and soon we are moving again chasing our pleasure. He holds me to him like if he lets go I will vanish. After refilling the tub we go at it a few more times before he dries and carries me to bed. I watch him lotion us up and kiss my lips be
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Chapter 20
Derek povAfter Mia's freakout I held her till she passed out and my dad chuckled at her little belly sticking out."You think she is showing you should see Jennifer her belly is huge",he chuckles."Three pups at one time has to be a lot for first time parents ",I grin."yeah well so is two but I believe you and Mia will be fine son. Take one day at a time and call for help if you need it",I smile as I cover Mia with a throw and reposition her to be more comfortable. "How many does he have dad?",my dad frowns as he paces."More than the last time son and many just want power they don't know Malcolm has ulterior motives for his attack. I bet he is telling them a bunch lies",I sigh."I will kill him this time around he threatened my pups dad",my dad nods and sits across from me."Keep using the underground tunnels and stay away from most pack members just in case we have a rat. Keep her happy and stress free son because she needs to have healthy pups. I got warriors coming to patrol aro
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Chapter 21
Derek povI stepped out the bathroom while Mia talked to Luke and he seemed drawn to her. My dad was talking to warriors and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.Is Luke here to distract us? Is he a ploy to fuck up our focus? Is this Malcolm's way of trying to make Mia bow to him?"We attack at dawn",my dad whispers to me. He hates men who abuse kids it makes him almost feral at times."It could be a trap dad", I feel this is a complete setup and Luke was let go to close to our pack. He said he ran but I think they let him escape to see our reaction. "I know son but if other kids are going through what he has we need to try for them. He looks younger then seven Derek so our job is rescue them and kill the rogues",I sigh."I can't lose her dad, he looks up from his cellphone and makes eye contact as I stand there, I can't I fucked up so much with her in the beginning dad. If I lose her I'm done ",he steps closer and grips my shoulder. "we don't aim to lose Derek, he squeezes g
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Chapter 22
Mia povI wake with Luke against me and he is rubbing my belly as I wake up fully."Hungry baby?",he nod and his belly growls."Yes I hungry....please",I kiss his little head and we scoot away from Derek to go eat. Once in the kitchen I look through the fridge and cupboards. "How about bacon and eggs Luke?",he shrugs. I look at him my forehead furrowed."I never ate that",he looked away embarrassed. "Well your in for a treat baby they are so good and I'm going to make a lot so we can pig out",he giggles and I smile. Getting to work I don't hear Derek come in and wrap his arms around me. I jump as he kisses my neck and sniffs me."I could just eat you",he whispers in my ear and I giggle. He looks at Luke who is looking down and we both feel for him."Hey Luke you ready to eat a lot?",Derek asks him. "I not allowed to eat a lot or I get hit",I want to cry as Derek goes and scoops him up kissing his little face."Well at our house you can eat all you want Luke and we won't hit you or y
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Chapter 23
Derek povI clean up while Luke plays but he doesn't want to make a mess. He picks up his toys right away and even Mia has tried to get him to let loose."No mess, he mumbles as he puts the toys in a bin, no mess. No get in trouble ",I sigh. "Luke, I call and he looks up a frightened look on his little face, come here buddy",he walks over but he is shaking as he looks up waiting for hits I bet."Your allowed to be messy buddy. Your allowed to have fun here and your allowed to eat all you want. We will not hit your or yell for any of it",he nods and I squat down to gather him into a hug. Little arms wrap around my neck and I hate that I feel his little body shaking. I kiss his head and he lays his head on my shoulder. "I tired daddy",he yawns and my heart beats faster."Ready for a bath and bed honey?",he nods and yawns more. Fuck I really like this pup and I'm glad he escaped to here. Malcolm would be in for a rude awakening because tonight we attack. Hours after Luke and Mia are in
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Chapter 24
Derek pov (in his coma)I'm heading home when Jon calls me and I pick up happy to hear from him."Hey sexy pick up more lube",I chuckle as I swing by the store to get some. "Any flavor you want me to get?",he chuckles."fruity or coconut is good",he responds back. I chuckle as I go in and keep talking. I think I hear a familiar voice and I turn fast looking but nothing."I made dinner for us Liam",he drones on and I'm confused by the name. A female voice pipes up about babies and being due but again looking I can't find her."I'm starving",I growl and he giggles."Jennifer will be away for a month, he says happy, so we get to have fun the whole time",I smirk."You just want my cock in you",I state as I pick up lube, candy and ice cream. I pay and head to our meet up spot. I know my parents are disappointed we do this but we have years as a couple. Jennifer stays away and I barely interact with her at all. I did hear she had miscarriages but I can't bring myself to care. Once at the sp
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Chapter 25
Mia povDerek is still in the coma and we are coming up on two months now. Both pups are healthy but I didn't name them wanting to wait for him. Luke is doing somewhat better but Levi has stepped in to help him for now. I sit most days alone and crying. "Get some sleep Mia we got them, I hear Levi and his mate say behind me, you need more rest honey",I sigh."I'm not tried",I get up and move to the sink full of dishes but Levi blocks my way. He looks at me before cupping my face. I'm weary and he can see it."Don't make me alpha order you Mia, he wipes my cheeks, I don't like using alpha orders on family. Go take a nap we got the pups",he kisses my forehead and Abigail hugs me tight rubbing my back. As I head out the kitchen Derek's siblings are cleaning my house and I start crying. They look at me and his sisters rush to hug me. His brothers join and I'm held tight. I want my mate so much it hurts."Have you eaten sis?",I whimper."Mia, I sniffle and black spots dance before my eyes,
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