All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
294 Chapters
Chapter 36
Mia povDerek was extremely horny and try as I might he wanted me but I felt awful. He didn't have his memories back fully and I felt like I was using him. He kept kissing me and I wanted him but I still didn't trust it. I know he woke up wanting Jon. Is he just settling for me?"Mia",he licked my mark making my body tingle. I loved the tingles and sparks from this. "Derek",I wanted to sob but I refrained."I want you Mia, he licked my neck, just you",tears filled my eyes and I moved to touch him but bumped my bad arm and whimpered in pain. Tears fell as I hissed it hurt."Derek",I cried as pain radiated up my arm."Shhh baby I got you, he went into protective mode and soon Hannah ran in and I sighed, she is here for pain relief angel",I held out my good arm and she injected the healing serum before handing me pills. I took them and Derek stared at me."I'm sorry, I sighed feeling stupid, I am Derek I....",he kissed me to silence me."Stop right there Mia, he gathered me close, your h
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Chapter 37
Derek povWe sent out trackers to hunt for Matt but it seems the fucker went underground. Warriors are constantly going out looking but nothing. I take over in two months but dad will remain in partial control till I get my memories back fully. Mia is still a mess at times but I'm determined to convince her I'm not leaving her for a male. Yes I woke up wanting Jon but after everything that happened I want her. Her cast comes off today and hopefully the bones have healed enough."Ready to go get the cast off Mia?",she nods."Yes finally, she tries to brush her hair, I'm tired of being one handed",I kiss her lips and clean up breakfast plates. "We leave in five",I load the dishwasher and wipe the counters. I just hope she healed properly. "I hope your healed as well baby I really want to touch you",she blushes. We get Luke ready and drop him off at school. We head to the hospital after. Once there I hold Mia in my lap while she gets x-rays and blood work done."I'm so nervous Derek ",I
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Chapter 38
Derek povI pick up Mia and set the alarm before heading to our room. Once in there I strip us but she gets nervous. Slow Ryder says in my head."I want to eat that pussy",I growl and she whimpers."Derek its been awhile, she looks down, I'm nervous ",I cup her face and kiss her slow enjoying the soft moan in my mouth."I've been dreaming of your pussy since you told me what I said that one time. It is literally all I can imagine angel. I need to taste it",she nods and I continue kissing her. I kiss down her body and part her gently but she still tenses up."Derek",she sounds unsure."Relax angel I won't hurt you",she watches as I suck a hard nipple and then switching to the next. A moan leaves her lips as I trail kisses down her body to her soaked pussy. My mouth waters and I smell her. Fuck me her scent is enticing. I lick her and my tongue travels into her folds lapping up the wetness."Derek",she gasps."So good angel you taste so fucking good",I latch onto her clit and she cums h
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Chapter 39
Derek povI'm going to kill this bitch we trusted her and she took our pups. Mia collapsed screaming as she sobbed. My dad was ordering warriors to follow the scent as he called in more men. I had Simon sedate Mia before I went outside and lost it on a tree. I screamed out my rage as I punched it. They took my pups."Son, my dad grabbed me as I screamed, Derek we have to move son. I swear to you I will get them back but I need you to go with me and be level headed. We picked up the scent Derek",I sank to my knees crying while my dad held me tight. She better not hurt my pups she will die with Matt. I went in and kissed Mia and Luke before we shifted and ran in wolf form. We arrived and sure enough there was Pam and my pups with Matt holding my daughter Ivy. He stroked her little cheek while she cried."She is beautiful like her mom",he looked up a smirk on his face. Pam looked uncomfortable but I glared at her."Give me my pups!",I ordered loud."Come and get them butt boy",I growled
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Chapter 40
Derek povI ran out and dad was heading in the same direction and coming to the area rogues were pouring in. What the fuck was happening? We killed the rogue leaders or so we thought. A few men stepped forward looking crazy as they looked around."Seems we are in the right place",they spoke to each other."This pack is bigger than the last but it should be easy to take over",cocky fuckers I see."State your purpose ",Dad and I say together. "We came to take this pack",I smirk as my claws extend. They really should do their research I think as warriors rush up. "Your not taking a damn thing",my dad growls loud. The men look around and some pack members move back as warriors step forward."Leave or die ",is all I say. he laughs and I growl viciously. "You killed our leader so as I see it, he pauses looking at his men, we get to try beating you and take your pack",I share a look with my dad and we both smirk."Lets see what you got",I look at the leader and crack my neck. He smiles as
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Chapter 41
Derek povI wake to Mia curled up beside me and she looks so peaceful. "Son please come to the office",my dad mind links so I get up and dress. I kiss Mia and leave using the tunnels so I can be secretive. Getting there dad has a note that was found by border patrol early this morning. "What is wrong dad?",he sighs."Those rogues are coming back, he hands me the note, they want to challenge us for the pack. Apparently they promised Matt and Malcolm to seek revenge if either die",I sigh loudly."This is utter bullshit",I'm tired of getting no peace."I know son but Matt was crazy and so was Malcolm. We just need to eliminate them",I know this."So when do you think they will attack the letter just says revenge will come swift and fast",he sighs."We need to prepare for anything son so I think we need to have a meeting and let the pack know",I sigh."When?",he smiles."Today. This will be more familiar when you run the pack without me",I sigh."Okay I will go tell Mia and get the kids
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Chapter 42
Derek povWe head to the border that got breached and I'm pissed I was close to getting pussy and they ruined it."These mother fuckers",I growl as we run and the amount of rogues that are pouring in is crazy."Stay in tight formation ",my dad ordered out."Kill them all",I growl as we clash together. Warriors joined us and it was bloody. The three men are leading hundreds of rogues into our pack land and I know this is it this is the battle. We need to win right here right now. Losing is not an option."Did Mia get into the tunnels?",Das asked through mind link."Yes dad, he nodded as he punched a rogue knocking him down, good",he kicked another."Did mom get in?",he nodded as he hit another."Yes her and your siblings got in. Is Luke, Daniel and Ivy okay? Are they with Mia?",he kicked another rogue. Screams filled the air as we fought.Mia povI ran in the tunnels all the way to our house and I hit the code to get in. The nanny looked relieved to see me as I hit the button to shut th
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Chapter 43
Derek povThose fuckers are in my house attacking my mate making me haul ass to get home. Dad and a few warriors run with me as I run."I'm killing them all!!",I roar as I run. Getting outside my house I hear gunfire and my heart drops."Luke!!!",is screamed by Mia as I put the code in and rush in. Fran is trying to fight off a rogue ripping her shirt open. A rolling pin in her hand and she swings and battle cries. She blocks the hallway to my pups."Asshole!!!",she yells swinging. He roars in pain as she connects with his shoulder. "You bitch!",he goes to hit her when a warrior catches his arm a deadly roar escaping his mouth."Don't hit my mate, he yanks the rogue back and snaps his neck, fucker",he drops him and rushes to Fran."Luke, Mia sobs as she clutches him to her, baby wake up look at mama",he is out his little head cut open. I growl catching the rogues attention that was going after Mia."Get the fuck away from my mate and pup",I growl my tone deep as I feel my claws extend
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Chapter 44
Derek povMy dad caught me as I sobbed."Son what happened?",he held me tight."The fall made her have a miscarriage dad",he held me tight as I broke down. I will have to tell her and I know she will lose it. "She is tough son, he held me tight, I promise you both will get through this. How is Luke?",I sighed."Severe concussion and they can't say when he will wake. I'm scared dad",he kissed my head and I was brought back to my pup days when he comforted me. My dad always comforted me if I needed him. I really need him now."I love you Derek, he stroked my hair, I love you so much",I held on."I love you so much too dad",he kissed my head again."No matter what Derek we got your back",he helped me up and I needed it. We sat down as Hannah came in and injected healing serum into the bag hanging on the pole. I hope Luke gets brought in soon because when she wakes seeing him may help especially with the news I gotta deliver. A few hours later Luke's bed is brought in and I hurry to his
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Chapter 45
Derek povLuke whined as he looked at us sadly."My head hurts",he whimpers again."I will get Simon baby",I went out not liking that my son was hurting. Fucking rogues."What is wrong?",Simon was charting and looked up as he stopped typing. "He just woke and said his head hurt",he got up and followed me back. Entering Mia was trying to get up as Jennifer begged her to stay still. She looked upset as Luke cried and held his head. Jon blocked her way and she looked surprised. "Please just stay still Mia, he begs, please",I'm shocked I thought he hated her. She gets my good dick now."I just want to hold him, Mia looked ready to cry, please bring him here",I sighed. "Mia, I heard Simon move beside her bed, Luke needs to stay in his bed but we can move his bed closer. I got pain meds for him as well. Here buddy take this then eat something ",Simon handed him liquid medicine. Luke sighed as he drank it. Aburger and fries was placed in front of him and I watched our boy eat. He looked ha
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