All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
294 Chapters
Chapter 56
Mia povDerek's mom hates me it seems and it hurts because I thought she liked me. She wants him with a girl that isn't even his mate. How fucked is that?Once in the office Abby sits looking pissed. Debbie and her parents are on the couch looking sad."I would like to go home to see my pups",she said looking at Levi who looked devastated. "After questioning mother",Derek looked annoyed."You saw it all Derek, she sighed, I want you with Debbie and you arrested us all",I sighed."Really sad that you try to break up mates",I look at her sadly."You wouldn't understand ",she hissed out."Oh I would but since you feel that a stupid request is necessary I can go one better, every eye is on me, execution seems fitting",I watch eyes go huge as I sit back in my seat waiting. "Angel, Derek moves to me, baby don't be hasty",I grinned."Why not?, I looked at my nails, seems they all planned for you to marry the whore,I pointed at his mom and Debbie and her parents, the punishment seems fitting
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Chapter 57
Mia povEarly the next morning I sat to go over all the proof Abby got working with Debbie's parents. I still felt weird around her but I hope with time that changed. I was deep in thought when Derek touched me and I jumped spilling papers everywhere. "Sorry Angel",he turned me to kiss."Its fine I was thinking ",I stretched up to kiss him."My mom is sorry Mia, he looked down at me, she really is ",I knew this but a small part would probably never trust her ever again. I didn't even want her near the pups. His dad came a few times and with reluctance I let him take our pups home but I was a mess the whole time. I think they could all tell I was not trusting of her."I know I just need time, I lay my head on his chest, it was a lot to take in",he strokes my back when alarms go off.A warrior runs in and words that make me cringe and worry are said."The prisoners escaped alpha",I sighed."Which prisoners?",they look at me and I already knew."The Marks escaped ",was said and I sat with
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Chapter 58
Mia povI was cleaning when his mom stopped by and I seriously didn't want to speak to her."I came to talk",I sighed but let her in."I'm pretty busy",I went back to my organizing as she sat at the counter watching. "I am sorry Mia, she started again, I truly am I know it went awful but I had to act to get them to trust me",I kept cleaning."I get that Abby but you should of clued us in on it all. I know you loved Debbie and I'm glad that nasty bitch isn't Derek's mate because she is nothing but a two faced whore",she nodded."I realize I went about it all wrong but I had to get the information so I pretended. I do want you and him together and that won't change. I hope one day you can forgive me",she left and I locked up behind her. I finished cleaning and went to check on my business which was still going great. I sent off orders and checked my profits before working out. After getting showered I started dinner and played with our pups. "Angel",I heard as Derek wrapped his arms a
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Chapter 59
Derek povI felt Mia grip my shirt as my mom rounded the corner when her eyes widen she looks at us sadly. I watch my mom step in front of us blocking the gun."Debbie please stop this I treated you good",I watched Debbie's parents cringe and look guilty. "Yeah sure you did you let her ruin my Derek",she looked insane. Mia huffed but stayed behind me."Your not making sense Debbie you had a mate you ruined you not Mia. Your not hurting my family",I feared for my mom at this moment. She kept her gaze on Debbie and the intruders."It will make perfect sense when she is dead", Debbie hissed as I felt helpless. My dad looked ready to shift as mom kept the guns solely on her."Just turn yourself in",my mom sighed out she looked exhausted. "Then I guess you die with her, Debbie glared at my mom, your team Mia and we don't like that",this bitch was crazy."I'm team my family Debbie you all know that. Tell these men the truth you hired them to take a mate away from his true mate and I was on
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Chapter 60
Derek pov Mom hasn't woken up and dad refused to leave her side even to rest. Mia brought him food and clothes everyday as we checked on my mom. She should be up by now and every second she wasn't had us worried. Dad was barely functioning as he sat vigilant by her side.My siblings were scared but banning together to keep the house running. Mia took over helping but I ordered her not to do to much. She made food and helped with homework plus met with teachers if any of them acted up and almost all were. The youngest pups just wanted my mom back and I couldn't blame them. I often found them crying so I confronted dad."The kids need you dad they keep crying and some aren't eating I know you want to be with mom but she would freak if she found out what is happening in your house",he looked at me and sighed. "We have been together for over twenty years Derek I haven't slept without her much. I feel useless and my pregnant daughter in law is picking up the slack. Abby would kick my ass
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Chapter 61
Derek povMia glared at me as the contractions intensified and she squeezed my hand hard making me wince."You did this to me",she growled. "We did this together angel",I said the wrong thing she smacked my arm hard and I winced."I swear, she panted, you big jerk",tears filled her eyes and a whimper left her lips."Alpha lick her mark that usually helps Hannah smiled at us."If I lean close she will kill me, I teased but her whimper had me moving anyway to help her, calm down my angel, I kissed her mark then licked it, I would do this anyway death be damned",she giggles and puts her head on my shoulder."It hurts Derek",she whispers and I look her in the eyes. Fuck I love her so much."I know angel but your tough as they come and I know you got this, she looked at me, plus I'm right here angel till we meet our pup together. I'm not leaving this spot ",she smiled then frowned as a contraction hit. Her chin wobbled and I kissed her lips distracting her. Ever since my brother left she h
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Chapter 62
Derek povHunter looked at us waiting for a name but we never discussed it because we couldn't decide or agree on one. Mia liked certain names but I hated them or I liked certain names and she hated them."We didn't or I should say can't decide on names",he chuckled."He looks like a Dean, Hunter mumbled or Axel",Mia sat up and hissed making us look at her worried."I like Dean, she looked at me hopeful, Dean Xavier maybe or Dean Allen",my dad looked at her amused."I like them as well but Axel has a badass written all over it",I winked and Mia giggles. Hunter picked up Luke and Mia looked ready to protest till he sat holding him. "We had a talk when I walked off with him, he rubbed Luke's back, kid is overwhelmed with life and he thinks eventually with all the kids your having you will wake one day and realize you don't need a kid that isn't really yours in the house or family ",Mia gasped and started to cry."I would never get rid of him, she whimpered, he is mine. I'm never pushing
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Chapter 63
Derek povHannah started to explain stuff while I held a crying Luke who kept saying he didn't hurt mommy."I know you didn't baby, I kissed his head, calm down for daddy",he put his face in my neck and was shaking. Hunter stood by Mia and held her hand. "She hemmoraged Alpha I gave her the healing serum we give all pregnant mothers when this happens, she said softly, we will keep her a few extra days to observe her and give more if needed. There is no need for surgery right now but that could change ",Luke sniffles and Hannah looks at him sadly she strokes his back then leaves."You did nothing buddy I swear this happens sometimes to pregnant she wolves so don't blame yourself",he nods and holds on still crying. I know it had to be scary waking up and being covered in blood like that so I hugged him tight letting him cry as long as he wanted. Hunter stayed by Mia as she watched us. Nurses cleaned her up and changed the bed while I got Luke calmed down. "Is he okay?",her soft voice r
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Chapter 64
Derek povI watch Hunter as his eyes take in Hannah as she leaves the room after getting paged."Something you want to tell me Hunter",he looks at me and rolls his eyes."What am I suppose to tell you Derek?",I sigh."You keep eyeing up Mia's doctor and I swear I saw your eyes change ",he sighed."And?",was he being serious right now."Hunter, I sighed out as he stood and paced, you can tell us we won't judge you bro",he looked torn."This isn't about me or potential mates Derek this is about Mia and her bleeding so focus on her",he looked upset so I dropped it."Hunter, I heard Mia say softly, Are you mad she is your mate?",his eyes flashed then went to her. She had tears in her eyes as she tried to move. My brother ran to help her and when tears slipped he wiped them gently. "Don't cry sis, he wiped more, I'm not mad just worried I'm in the military for three more years and most mates won't like that. I'm not making any promises to any female because I could get blown up wherever I
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Chapter 65
Derek povHunter was gone all night and I knew where. Hannah is his mate and I hope they get along at least."Daddy I gotta pee",I jump because I honestly forgot he was here."Go pee baby",he nodded and ran in as my brother came back through the door smiling. "I see you managed to not kill each other",he scoffed."I'm hot and a marine bro chicks dig that shit",I roll my eyes as I look as the bathroom door opens. Luke races out and for Hunter but trips and falls. I hurry to him as he hits his face and starts crying. "Ouch daddy it hurts",he sobs as we clean him up. His forehead is bleeding and big tears fall down his face."Easy baby, I wipe it, your okay",he sniffles and reaches for Hunter who takes him and walks back into the bathroom. I hear them talking and when they come out Luke has his head on Hunter's shoulder. Both look relaxed. My poor pup is a mess and now hurt. The bruise is bad and when Hannah walks in she gasps seeing his face."Did he fall?",she checks him and looks sad
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