All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
294 Chapters
Chapter 76
Derek povSomeone poisoned Luke and I'm about at the point of snapping. Mia is in my lap a mess and I hold her needing comfort myself. She has been crying often as the doctors keep trying to find the poison but no luck. I ask questions but it looks grim we may lose him. His little body is doing bad and Lucas and Mitch have been taking turns giving him blood."I want my baby back",Mia sobs as I hold her tight. "I know love I want him back too",I hate this shit I know it is a losing battle. I wonder if Miles had someone do this. I sit up almost knocking Mia off my lap.Miles that fucker. "I wonder if Miles had someone do this",every pair of eyes snap to me. I gently put Mia on the chair and stalk out heading for the prison. Hunter follows while my dad stays with my mom and Mia."How do you want to do this Derek?",Hunter walks beside me."I'm getting answers, I growl walking in, he is going to talk or I'm ripping off his fingers and toes one by one",my brother chuckles darkly. "I can h
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Chapter 77
Derek povWe sat for hours waiting on news from Hannah's surgery and news if the antidotes worked. Luke is being taken off the coma meds and I can't leave my brother who looks ready to flip his shit.Hannah probably thinks he doesn't want her but I can see he does."She is tough Hunter",he nods sadly."The last thing I said to her was prissy and entitled Derek I'm a shit mate",I hug him as we sit waiting. My dad looks devastated and like he is to blame. He apologized so many times I had to ask mom to remove him for now so they went to sit with Luke and Mia."She will make it and give you hell",he sniffles and buries his face in my shoulder. The sobs that shake his body kills me and soon Mia joins our hug. She holds him and rocks him gently. "We got you Hunter",she plays with his hair. He hugs her crying and it hurts my heart to hear. I know mates are vital to your well being and life but Hannah was shot because a crazy bitch wants a man that is taken. Council is really fucking up it s
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Chapter 78
Derek povI step inside the cell and I swear she looks excited and I want to puke."Your going to wish you never came here",I glare at her."Nope, she popped the p, I'm thrilled I came and shook shit up. Tell Levi I want him to come see me",I growl."You killed him, her eyes go huge in disbelief, he saw my mom hurt and had a heart attack and died ",complete lie but she doesn't know that. Tears fill her eyes and she starts screaming loud incoherent shit. I growl so loud the room shakes."You lie!, she screams, your a fucking liar",I am but she can't read me so I make it believable. Hunter stands staring at her as she mumbles shit."Hunter, he looks at me, use you marine training to make her wish she was dead but don't kill her",he nods."Gladly bro ",he steps forward and cracks his knuckles. I stand leaning against the wall as he tortures her and the screams she lets out calm me a lot. Ryder watches amused as Hunter continues his torture and I see his military training has been worth it
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Chapter 79
Derek povI ease back from dad and he pats my cheek as he looks at me."Get rest Derek I'm okay",I nod. Once I move Hunter hugs him tight and dad tears up."Is Hannah okay?",dad looks to her bed."Yeah dad she is strong as hell and our pup is okay",my dad smiles as he looks her way again."Derek, I hear my mom and rush to her bed, is everything okay?",fuck she almost died again. I kiss her hand and she strokes my hair gently. "Everything is right as rain mom",she smiles. I hear dad ripping wires off as he moves wanting close to his mate."My love, he gets on her bed, you scared me half to death."I know and I'm sorry but you big jerk you had no right to have a heart attack ",he smiled. "Just shows my heart beats for you",she sniffles and he kisses her. I watch my dad get in her bed carefully and hold her even though he looks to be hurting. I sigh as Hannah starts to wake up and Hunter looks relieved. "Tiny do you hear me?",he kisses her fingers."Jerk face",she mumbles and I chuckle
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Chapter 80
Hunter povI hold Hannah as we lay in bed and my hand goes to her belly. Our pup Is in there and even though we are not getting along I want this. She sleeps as I watch her but my mind goes to my deployment I will be gone right after she gives birth and I will miss my pup. We had a good laugh after someone farted but that quickly stopped as everyone fell back asleep. She shifts in her sleep and I watch her snuggle closer. I feel awful as I think of all the firsts I will miss.He or she will probably be walking before I get home from deployment and that hurts. I gather her close and hold her tight to me.I kiss her head and settle in to sleep when I hear Luke whimper."Daddy, he whispers, I gotta pee",Derek is out so I ease out from Hannah and get up to help Luke."I got you buddy ",he nods as I lift him."I'm sorry uncle Hunter, I look at him, I didn't mean to wake you up",I kiss his head."Your good Luke I promise. You feeling okay?",he nods but I still see sorrow in his eyes. I put
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Chapter 81
Derek povI watch my dad look mad as he looks at the text and I order warriors to lock the pack down. I clear my throat and everyone looks at me."Amber and Miles escaped, many gasps, they killed two council members and ran",Pam tears up and Lucian gathers her close. "Shhh my love I got you both",she whimpers and he pulls her to his lap. She hugs him and shakes."I got the pack locked down and warriors heading out to search both are injured bad and won't get far",I sigh as I adjourn the meeting and pick up Mia as I head out. I watch Hunter lift Hannah and follow and I smile we all do this it seems. "Did they really escape?",Mia whispers to me."Yes angel they did but I got men on it and so does council. Both are to be killed on sight",she sighs."I just wish we got our peace now Derek it is one crazy ass thing after another",I chuckle."I know baby but soon we will get our peace",I hug her close as we head back to Luke's hospital room. I left him sleeping there because he still neede
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Chapter 82
Derek pov I stand anger filling me as the border alarms sound loud and I glance at Luke his little face is scrunched up scared and concerned. I start ordering warriors to go see what's going on before I go myself. I know deep down I hate leaving my family but I feel like here we go again. I thought all threats were gone but obviously not. I head out and tell Mia to lock the door behind me so I know they are safe. Getting into the hallway I see Hunter standing there looking pissed because he's been trying to spend every available moment with Hannah before he gets deployed."Who do you think it is?",he follows me out."Don't know but I'm sick of this shit now",he sighs.We get to the border and standing there are wolves we have never seen before they don't look threatening or ready to fight just exhausted. I look at them and I'm wondering what is happening now before I ask them in a deep, loud voice "Why are you here?, Who sent you? What do you want?""We heard you offer safety and hel
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Chapter 83
Derek povI thought these wolves were the last but it seems everyday more wolves show up because Amber murdered their leaders. Gavin has slept for a long time after his bath and food. He sobs a lot and screams and thrashes from nightmares. Luke cries with him and both have bonded it seems. Luke reads to him a lot and he drifts to sleep from it."He is a good big brother",Mia mumbles laying beside me and I kiss her head."Yes he is I feel blessed with all our pups",she smiles."So we are keeping Gavin",I had moments but that little guy wormed his way into my heart and I'm hooked. I hold him a lot and I love it. He is quiet at times but he has been through a lot. We got Luke and Gavin in therapy which has helped but I still worry for them. "Derek, I hear Hunter walk in, my deployment orders have been postponed ",he appears happy. "Damn bro that is awesome ",he looks happy because in a months time Hannah is due and he is extremely overprotective of her. They even took in a pup that lost
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Chapter 84
Derek povI get word more wolves are coming and I sigh as I head down to the border. On the way I call Hunter who reluctantly joins me as we walk there."How is Nash?",he sighs."Called us mom and dad today but hates his therapist so I'm stopping the visits. She wanted to put him on meds and when I said it was his choice she had a fit",I stop and look at him."Which therapist?",I'm curious. "The woman her name is Linda and she is nice but pushes meds to much",I stop because our pups see her."I'm going to talk to Mia and pull Luke and Gavin from her care to Luther I heard kids love him. He doesn't force meds or demands they start",Hunter nods."He asked to stop therapy so we are letting him. I told him if he needs to talk he can",sounds good I think as we reach the border and wolves stand there haggard and crying. What the fuck?There has to be a reason why there's so many wolves coming right now for sanctuary and safety. I share a look with Hunter as we take in all the wolves that a
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Chapter 85
Derek povI head to the hospital carrying Luke and I feel his fear as I walk."I'm sorry daddy",I kiss his head."Don't be baby sickness happens ",he sniffles and Hunter meets us at the door. "He okay?",I nod no."Simon wants him observed for a few days",I kiss Luke's head again. I fear losing him as we head to the floor and I check him in. Simon is there and test begin.Hours later Luke is sedated and I sit waiting and hoping our boy is okay because losing him isn't an option. I cover him as the door opens and a wolf walks in gun aimed at me."Alpha",is said as I mind link warriors for help."Who are you?",he smirks."I'm the one you forgot about, he paced as Hunter walked in carrying food, I was under your noses the whole time but ignored like usual ",Hunter scoffs."What makes you think we ignored you Breck, he looked surprised at this, we had eyes on you this whole time. We knew you were related to those fucks we just wanted to see your reaction and what you would do",he scoffed.
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