All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
294 Chapters
Chapter 86
Hunter povMy pup was born right before Simon took Luke for brain surgery and I hope and pray he makes it."He will make it",I sit by Derek as we sit quietly waiting. "I hope bro, he says looking stressed, I really fucking hope so",I look at my pup. "Meet Garrett ",my brother smiles as he looks at my pup."He looks like you",He strokes his head."Welcome to the pack Garrett ",Derek looks ready to sob so I hand Garrett to the nurses to be checked and get his newborn shots."He will be fine bro",I get a nod."Go spend time with Hannah and Nash",Derek says as I sit with him. I want to argue but I don't I just get up and hug him before leaving. Getting to the hospital room I see Hannah snuggling with Nash as she hides her pain. "Is Derek okay?",she asks softly. "I hope baby but for now lets focus on you",she nods. I kiss them and order us food as we sit waiting. Nash looks happy as he lays with us and for once I feel peace. The only thing that bothers me is I deploy in a month and I w
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Chapter 87
Hunter povI ship out today and all Hannah has done is cry. Nash looks sad as I pack my gear and dress in my military outfit. I hug my pups and kiss Hannah but she keeps sobbing. "I'm sorry my love",she sniffles. "I know and I will be fine I just hate that your leaving us",I know I hate it as well."I get it baby, I hug her tight, I do just promise you won't leave me",she glares at me."Hunter we are mates I'm not going out with anyone else I swear",I kiss her softly and kiss my pups. I stop by Nash's room and he looks at me with tears in his eyes."I will miss you dad",fuck I know I will miss them all."I'm gonna miss you all so much. Be good for mom buddy. Go to uncle Derek if you needs someone and mom is overwhelmed. I will get home as fast as I can, okay?",he hugs me tight and I want to cry."I will dad stay safe. I love you",fuck tears fill my eyes."I love you buddy",I hold him as he cries and once he stops I ease back wipe his tears and kiss his forehead. He looks ready to sob
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Chapter 88
Derek povI got a call early in the morning that Hunter got hurt bad and I'm meeting the transport to take him into our hospital here. I broke the news to my parents and my mom passed out scaring us all. Going to Hannah was hard as hell."Hannah, I knocked on the door and a tired looking Hannah opened rubbing her eyes, honey I need you to sit down and be calm for me",she teared up as my dad stepped in with Mia and Lucas."What happened Derek?",I sat her down. "Hunter is coming home but he got hurt bad honey, she started to cry holding my arm tight. Mia hugged her from behind, his vehicle was blow up and he was thrown from it. He is in a coma now but alive",I gathered her close as she sobbed in my chest. I just held her and Mia. Dad took the pups but Nash refused to leave his mom."I stay with my mom ",he broke away and ran for her. She grabbed him and hugged him tight her."Its okay Nash, she sobbed, it will be okay",he hugged her and I hugged them."When is he coming home, Hannah hel
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Author's Note
Hi my lovely readers,Thank you so much for loving my book. I am so grateful for all of you.I decided this to merge this book with I Never Wanted You, My MateIf you have already read the sequel please do not open the following chapters to avoid paying twice. I appreciate the reads and support so much.If you loved Derek and Anna's story you will love Mia and Derek's story in the sequel. I love you all and am thankful for all the reads and ongoing support. It means the world to me. The name Derek is his grandfather's name Derek from the first book I Never Wanted You, My Mate. His father is Levi and mother Abigail if that helps clear up some things.I appreciate the support so much. I Never Wanted You, My Mate would not be this far without all of you. Please continue to support me as I add more in this writing adventure. Book 3 in the series is being written so be on the look out August 1stThanks again, Annie
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Chapter 1 Book 3 Hannah and Hunter
Hannah povMy mate doesn't remember me so what do I do after he smacks my hand away I run. Hunter came back from deployment injured and doesn't remember me or his pups so I stay away because it hurts to try and trigger a memory. I moved out of his house so he could go home and recover there. Nash has been a heaven sent the last few months as I navigate life alone."Mom want to watch a movie?",I sigh but fake a smile."Sure baby I just need to finish my charts. Thirty minutes ",he smiles"Okay I'll be back",he leaves and I wipe my eyes. I miss my mate so much. Hunter hasn't reached out or tried to remember me so I stay away. Derek tries but I begged him to stop and let it come naturally or not at all. I sigh as I get up and head to find Nash might as well watch our movie now so I can snuggle him."Hey Nash, I call, I'm done now. I'll pop the popcorn ",I stand in the kitchen and pull out out movie bin and get popcorn ready. I sigh as I listen to the pops and I remember Hunter hugging me
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Chapter 2 Book 3 Hannah and Hunter
Hannah povI drag my ass home and yawn as I walk up the steps to the front door. I don't see Hunter till he is right there and I jump dropping everything I was holding. "You startled me",I pick up the stuff."I wanted to see the pups again",I sigh."Okay, I stand and unlock the door, Nash your father is here!",I call and head for Garrett who just woke up. I come back and hand him to Hunter. I ignore him as I head to my room to shower and relax. I get done and pull on shorts and a tank top before falling on my bed exhausted. I'm out in seconds.I wake to covers over me and my curtains closed. I hope he wasn't in my room and covered me up. I head to the kitchen and start making food while yawning. "I can make dinner ",I hear Hunter but ignore him."I got it",I yawn out. I finish the food and plate it up before calling for Nash. He kisses my cheek and we sit but all I do is pick at my food and look at it in disgust. "You should eat Hannah ",I hold in my smart ass remarks and set the f
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Chapter 3 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI head home and stop to get my pups because Mia demanded I start the child care for them. Both want their mom and explaining to Nash is easy but Garrett cries mama all damn day. "I know buddy , I rock him as he cries for her, mama is sick",he whimpers and I get a memory of him as a newborn whimpering in my arms and Hannah laughing as she pops out a boob to nurse him."You don't have these big guy",she smiles at me and I get turned on watching her. I shake my head as the memory fades but fuck me that hurt. "Is mom ever going to wake up?",Nash sits beside me and I can tell he has cried some."I hope buddy, I rub Garrett's back, I really hope so but she needs rest so in her own time she will wake up",he sniffles. "I miss her snuggles and her mashed potatoes",he starts crying and runs off. I hate they are stuck with me their dad that has limited memories of this life. I rock Garrett to sleep and put him in the crib before going to check on Nash. He is talking on his cell to
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Chapter 4 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI got this dad thing down but there are days I want to scream. Garrett is use to me but still says mama all the damn time. Nash seems calmer but sometimes I hear him crying late at night. We visit Hannah everyday and she looks better but fuck if I don't feel guilt for how I treated her. I have dreams of our convoy and the bomb then I wake here at home."Hey Hannah, I sit by her bed and look at her hands, I'm doing okay with our pups and I get flashes of our life I guess",she doesn't move so I tell her everything and feel bad I fucked the whore instead of trying to remember this tiny creature. "She looks better, Simon says from behind me, just wish she wake up already. Her vitals are great and I see no issues just her not wanting to wake. The nurses call her sleeping beauty ",I grin."She is beautiful, I look at her face, fucking stunning ",I shake my head as I sigh."How are you feeling Hunter?",I look back surprised nobody has asked me that in a month."Okay till I get a m
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Chapter 5 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI growl viciously and she freezes. This bitch just tried to attack my pup. Nash is behind me as I stare at her hate filling me."You stupid bitch, I'm pissed, how dare you go after my child",she looks ready to shit herself. "Hunter",she tries to act sweet."Shut up you whore, I'm barely staying in control, my pup is off limits and I will gut you for trying to hurt him. I made the biggest mistake ever getting with you over my mate. Get lost before I do something I won't regret",she starts crying as people stare at her."Dad, I feel Nash hug me, I'm okay dad",I turn and kneel looking him over. He looks at me surprised but happy."I'm sorry buddy, I feel guilt now, I know I messed up and I'm sorry to you boys and your mom",he cups my face."I know dad and I forgive you. I love you. Now can we get my art stuff I still need to show you my pieces",I smile as I hug him tight."Lets go bud and I love you more",we head in and fuck is this a lot of art supplies. I grab a cart and Nas
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Chapter 6 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter pov Beth is popping up everywhere and I'm about to snap as I tell her to fuck off. "Come on Hunter, she begs as I grab groceries and Nash gags, I'm sorry",I scoffed. "Leave me alone Beth, she sighs sadly, Derek is already pissed you tried to attack his nephew and I won't hesitate to kill you if you go after him again",she glares at me. "He isn't even yours, she points at Nash and I growl loudly, I bet your mate had him to someone else",I stopped walking when my son stiffens up. "Whore",Nash snarls and she lunges at him. Mia punches her sending her flying into a shelf. Mia joined us to get out of the house for a few hours and Derek was worried letting her go. "Not my nephew bitch",she looks ready to kill. Nash quickly rushes to his aunt. "Oh my goodness aunt Mia , he looks shocked and happy, uncle Derek is gonna poop bricks",she glares at Beth. The stupid bitch flicks us off and runs as warriors followed by Derek rush in. "Mia for goddess sake you know better, he fumes,
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