All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
294 Chapters
Chapter 17 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povHannah yawned as Simon took blood and took her vitals."Sorry Simon, she looked embarrassed, I fall asleep at random times",he smiled."No problem honey. Your going to be tired you were out for awhile and your healing. Any pain?",she sighs. "No just tired",she yawned and I chuckled."Well all I can say is rest as needed and if you feel like it eat food. If you start feeling sick call me but you know your body Hannah and if you feel off say something ",she nodded."I really want a burger, fries and sex ",she gasped covering her mouth and Lucas laughed loud from the hallway."You go girl!",he called making her blush. Hannah covered her face embarrassed and I chuckled."Well if you want those things, Simon looked uncomfortable, then do it or eat it...oh my I'm heading out. Just rest",I never seen him run away that flustered. I chuckled more as Lucas walked in and wiggled his eyebrows at us."So much for rest I bet you freaks went at it the first night she woke up",Hannah sighe
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Chapter 18 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povDerek showed up fast and I showed him the video which he was pissed about."So you technically didn't lose your memories?",I was drugged to forget which means someone knew the right medicine to use and the combination to keep me in that memory fog. They made me fuck up and cheat on Hannah. "Seems that way",Lucas looks at him."Fuck so the cheating and disregard for Hannah was drugs? What did they use?",he looked worried. My worry was who is the other people helping them. I was out of my mind at times and basically taken advantage of. "We need to do a deep dive in everything since you came home from the war",Derek moves to me and I see how sorry he is. He was mean to me at times. Hell he put me down at times as well. Hannah was still sleeping and Derek looked at her with worry."Does she know?",he looks at Hannah again."Yes she cried, Mitch strokes her cheeks, I offered my body but she hasn't answered me yet",his cocky smirk made me shake my head."Your a perverted fella,
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Chapter 19 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI spread the massage oil on Hannah's back and rubbed enjoying her moan."That feels good Hunter",she moaned. I kept massaging everywhere and she got more turned on. My fingers kept brushing her clit and I added more pressure and loved the whimper she let out."Feel good?",I asked even though by her moaning I knew it did. She tried to get me to finger her but I kept moving my hands away drawing this out."Hunter please, she begged, you know it feels good. Please fuck me",I was a little taken back but didn't show it. Hannah was more vocal lately on her wants."After your massage tiny",I was savoring every moment because I felt she would leave me. I didn't notice I stopped till she turned and was staring at me."Hunter, she sounded worried as I stared off my thoughts fucking with me, Hunter!",she grabbed my face bringing my mouth to hers."I'm sorry tiny, I stared at her after the kiss that snapped me back here, I'm just worried ",she put my hands on her tits and I looked down
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Chapter 20 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Beth povI sent another video to Hunter hoping he would come to me but nothing. I loved his huge cock but he barely finished when I fucked him. I was hoping to get pregnant but only your mate can knock you up. I had stupid Hannah drugged but once they moved her our access went away. Derek also had access to Hunter and the vampires helped get his memories back ruining our plans. We got about ten members to our group and we all hate Derek, Mia, Hannah and now Hunter.He should be mine but no he is with that little tart. I will keep sending videos till they start fighting and maybe by some small miracle I will get him back. Linda paces every damn day spouting her crazy shit but I barely pay attention to her. I rewatch my sex with Hunter and play with myself imagining it is him. He is huge in the cock department and it seems unfair Hannah gets him. That little bitch has it all a sexy mate, being a doctor and pups to him. Well one pup but I bet they are fuccking like crazy now."Did you se
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Chapter 21 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povDerek says he knows where they went but we are waiting till they think we eased up on our patrols."Once they think we eased up we are attacking ",he mind linked me."Great once this crazy ends I can enjoy my mate and pups, I link back, remember tomorrow is Nash's art exhibition",he chuckles in the link."I wouldn't miss it bro our pup is talented",I know it. I lay beside Hannah and cup her belly gently. She ended up pregnant again but is considered high risk. I carry her everywhere which annoys her. Nash chuckles but I catch him drawing her all the time. She falls asleep at random times and he snuggles up with her. I even rub her feet which puts her out as well."Daddy,I look up and Nash is holding up a drawing, I did this for mom",I'm stunned he caught her sleeping and my hand on her belly. I smile as I sit up slowly as he knocked softly then walked in."That is beautiful buddy, I take it to admire and stare, your so gifted ",I pick him up and hug him to me."I just want m
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Chapter 22 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povWe ate and Tiny sat looking beautiful and I looked at Lucas and Mitch both were watching her. Both were around more now which didn't annoy me because I knew they would watch over her if I wasn't here."Is it good baby?",she nodded as Nash sat leaning on her his little hand touching her belly often."Yes thank you, she smiled and handed fries to Nash, here baby eat for mama",he nodded. He looked up and she wipes his mouth."Okay mama ",he ate more.Lucas handed a burger to Hannah and she ate tiny pieces."so good",she murmurs as he chuckles."It is wonderful to see you eating tiny",she blushed as she swallowed. "This pup got me starving all the time I swear all I want to do is eat",Mitch smirked."Sex tiny don't forget you want that constantly ",I'm glad Nash was in the bathroom at this moment because Mitch got a potty mouth most times. Hannah got red and smacked at him and he over exaggerated like usual and fell out the chair. Hannah looked scared as he laid on the ground s
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Chapter 23 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Beth povI'm so sick of sending videos but getting no reply back. Those videos were hot and I enjoyed making them. The last video was Linda wanting to fuck Hunter but I freaked out. R was new to the group and the only man that made me cum so far. Hunter makes me wet but R makes me cum which is weird. I sigh as I text Hunter but recieve no reply. "Still not getting a response from lover boy?",R steps behind me and caresses my neck."No I'm not",I sighed as I turn to face him. He looks tired today."Are you okay?",he stares down at me."I will be",I lay my head on his chest."Want to watch a movie?",he nods yes and I lock my door and shut off the lights. Linda has been holed up in her room for days plotting and yelling into her phone. We told her R wants me not her and she shrugged before walking off."I don't fucking care",was her only response. I'm laying in his arms when he talks."Is all of this really worth it Beth?",I pause the movie and sit up."All of what? Revenge? Yes but I'm
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Chapter 24 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povOnce at the art exhibition I sit Hannah beside Lucas and help Nash with his art pieces. We help the art gallery director hang them up and it looks amazing. Hannah gushes over all of the pieces while she sits there."Oh Nash they look amazing. I'm so proud of you baby",she gets up but Lucas doesn't let her run around. He gently lifts her and walks around. "Not so fast tiny, he growls, your to pregnant to be running around in those heels. Speaking of heels you look fucking edible in this dress",her blush cracks me up."Daddy, I hear Nash, How does it look?",we all turn and I'm amazed. I tear up."Beautiful baby, I kneel down, absolutely beautiful I love each piece",he looks shyly at the others.Hannah was put down after telling Lucas she wouldn't run in the heels. She got down to hug Nash and he smelled her."You smell good mama, she kisses his cheek, Does the pieces look okay mama?",she cupped his face and wiped the lipstick off his cheek."Baby the pieces are extraordinary.
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Chapter 25 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hannah povMitch holds me tight as I cry and shake before he just sits holding me."Is Nash okay?",I sob out."Tiny he was removed so fast he was a blur Lucas took him home so he doesn't have to see the mess",I sigh. "I'm sorry I'm so hormonal Mitch, he looks at me and pulls my face out his neck so we are face to face, I'm just afraid to lose any of you",I'm admitting more than I want to right now."I don't mind baby, his eyes go to my mouth then back to my eyes, I haven't wanted a female in years. A hundred years to be exact. You drive me crazy Hannah",I feel him harden under me. My eyes are huge as Hunter rushes up and checks over me."We lost them",he kisses my head."Are any of you hurt?",I'm still shaking."No tiny we are good baby I need you to calm down. We locked this event down and Lucas is on his way back with Nash",I sigh relieved as Mitch stays hard under my ass. Fuck he feels huge. Nash looks relieved to see us and he runs for my arms but stops before plowing into me. I p
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Chapter 26 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povLinda came back in with more men and aimed her gun at my mate. When she fired screams filled the room but my heart shattered as Nash jumped in front of his mom taking the hit. His little body jerked as he collapsed to the floor. Hannah was on her knees trying to help him as he laid there. Looking up Linda and her idiots were gone."No baby, she sobbed, no Nash please wake up. Hunter help him",she sobbed. Derek rushed to check Nash and Lucas took him and used vampire speed to get to the hospital."Come baby, I hear Mitch let me run with you to the hospital ",he was off as I raced after pissed and scared.Once getting there Derek is pacing while Mia sits hugging Hannah both are crying. I worry for our pup she is carrying. "Any word?",I'm itching to kill now, Derek nods no as I feel my wolf growl. Kyle is pissed. he wants out to kill. Mitch and Lucas called in their enforcers and once they show up I feel better but still scared for my son. Simon walks up and Hannah looks ready
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