All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
294 Chapters
Chapter 7 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povNash runs and launches into my arms and I catch him even though I'm still reeling from my flashbacks and memories. "Daddy, he whimpers, are you okay?",I choke out a cough."Yes buddy I'm good, I hug him tight, I just got all my memories back",he eases back to look at me."The bad ones?",I nod as he hugs me tight."Yes baby even the bad ones",I just stay on the floor because my legs won't hold me. Derek, Lucas and Mitch sit with me as I still try to reign in my emotions. I can't break right now or Nash will be traumatized. Poor pup has enough to deal with so I sit here holding him in my lap and he lets me. I hate the memories but I love them as well. I remember my tiny and my fuck ups by sleeping with other bitches. I remember her sad look and the pain in her eyes when she looked at me. "Hunter, I look at Derek, Do you want us to sit you on the couch?",I sighed as I looked at them."Please",I'm helped up and put on the couch and I hold onto Nash who is sleeping in my arms.
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Chapter 8 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI'm breathing hard after seeing Bruce covered in blood reaching for me. He choked out my name and I woke gasping for air. I decided to stay awake since I knew I would be dreaming of the explosion. As I got up I heard Garrett so I went in to get him and feed him before Nash woke."Hey baby",I kissed his head and changed his diaper."Dada, he smiled big, Dada ",I almost cried he was saying mama forever and now I get this. "Good job buddy. Lets go eat",he babbles as I put him in the highchair and as he ate. Nash stumbled in ten minutes later and I hugged him."Hi dad",he hugged me tight. "Hi buddy",we ate till I took him to school and Garrett to daycare. I needed to work on my house and Nash's art shed. I'm halfway through when Derek stops by and starts helping and I smile at him."I swear I'm good bro",he sighs. "What we seen was horrific Hunter, he stopped working, I don't know how you got through it or any man lives with what you've seen. Please talk to us if you feel....
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Chapter 9 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter pov We find out the pups have heard some parents say this just not their parents. The warriors look disgusted as they all sit in Derek's office. "I'm so sorry alpha, the mom's are in tears as their sons look upset, I swear we don't talk like that or act like that",the mom's cry. "I understand but I need the names, Derek looks at the pups, that way of thinking is weak minded and not acceptable in this pack",the pups look down they disgusted their alpha. "Right now you tell our alpha, a warrior looked ready to beat his pup, no excuses Dylan tell him now!",the pup jumped. I sighed. "So how often do you tell our pups they are unwanted?",all three pups look at me. I sit waiting and they look down. "Answer",their dads snap. "How could you, the mom's say together wiping tears, we didn't raise you like this",Derek growls and all three look ready to cry. "A night in the cells seems appropriate, Derek looks at them and all three tear up, I will call guards in and have you three l
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Chapter 10 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter pov I never wanted to hurt anybody like I did that therapist she had pups believing orphaned pups were bad and unwanted. I guess it was a good thing Nash spoke up because some of the pups were turning violent. The pack meeting was awful as the parents wanted vengeance and blood. Luke and Nash sat quietly as the parents went back and forth about what to do. "Nash, I touched him making him jump, do you want to speak son",he sighed. "Not really dad I just want to go see mom",I watched the parents look at him sadly. "Nash, Derek got his attention, what punishment would you dish out if you were alpha?",pups sat alert and you could smell fear fill the room. "Nothing uncle Derek, many looked confused, they aren't worth it so I would just move on because those that knock others down will eventually get the worst karma ever so I would sit back and watch then all fall down",to say many looked freaked out was an understatement. The bully pups started to shift uncomfortable and even t
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Chapter 11 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povSimon and Lucas stepped out and I stopped pacing as both walked up to Sylvia and Sean. Both stood and Nash stood with them."Dylan is....resting now he had a concussion and some brain bleeding. The vampire blood healed that and he is sleeping peacefully. Once he is settled I will have a nurse take you back",Simon ran off after getting paged and Lucas smiled at Dylan's parents. Sylvia launched at Lucas weeping and he caught her but his eyes went huge."Your welcome Sylvia, he looked to Sean for help, I would do this for any pack member",he awkwardly patted her back as she sobbed. Sean pulled her off and looked embarrassed as he shook Lucas's hand."Thank you Lucas we really appreciate it ",he sat his mate down. Nash looked at me and the smile I got made my heart race. I love this pup so much."Great news, Derek sighed relieved, thanks Lucas",he nodded as he kneeled in front of Nash. "I saw you on the video rush to help Dylan and I'm so proud of you Nash, Lucas had a way with
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Chapter 12 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter pov"I need you to come to my office Hunter, I hear Derek after I drop Nash off at school and Garrett at daycare, I got something to show you". I head there and walking in I see warriors and Mia all looking sad."What is wrong?",I know it can't be my pups I was just with them."I pulled all surveillance and the hospital tapes show someone going in Hannah's room late last night staying five minutes then leaving ",I start growling."I'm moving her home, nobody argues, I want her in the house where I can watch over her. Not her house our house and I would like guards on my house",Derek nods and sighs relieved. "I'm having her moved today Hunter and I will have Simon moving through the tunnels to come treat her daily",I nod."Thanks Derek, I smile softly, I appreciate all you do",he smiles back. Mia rubs his shoulders and I watch my brother relax under her touch. "Go to the hospital and move her home man I will have some pack members go pack up her house and move everything to you
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Chapter 13 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povMy pup teared up and started to cry making me kneel in front of him and gather him close. Mia sniffles while she cuddles Garrett closer and Derek just smiles big at my boy."Daddy",he cries."You deserve this buddy, I kiss his head, your talented and any good parent would support that",he hugs me tight and sniffles. I ease back and wipe his tears away."You got so much",he shudders."I want you to paint, draw, do sculpting or whatever makes you happy Nash. Uncle Derek and I got this done in three weeks because we saw your talent and you light up when you create so this is your art shed. Create away baby",he giggles and hugs me tight before running for Derek who scoops him up into a tight hug."Thanks uncle Derek ",he kisses his cheek and my brother chokes up."Your very welcome nephew I still want you to do a family painting for me so when you get time let me know what you need",Nash nods and hugs my brother again before Derek puts him down. He goes to move and look around b
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Chapter 14 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI'm sitting by Hannah and I see her fingers move and I know I'm not seeing shit."Tiny, I move closer to see and pray she is coming back, baby can you hear me?",she moans and my heart starts racing."She is starting to respond, Simon checks the monitors, this is awesome Hunter",he smiles big."Hmmmm",she says as I kiss her lips. "Come on tiny",I'm cheering her on. She looks ready to just wake up and give me hell but her movements stop and she is back to sleeping or whatever this is. I sigh sadly."This is a start Hunter, Simon smiles, give her time she will come back",I look at her sadly but smile. I know she will but I hate waiting. I don't mention this to Nash when I pick him up I'd rather wait till she is actually up so he can see for himself. Garrett is whimpering when I get him and as I kiss his forehead I'm worried he is burning up. The daycare workers said he just started the fever and she believes he is getting more teeth. "I'm here baby, I kiss his hot forehead, y
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Chapter 15 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povHannah waking up is fucking great but I'm still worried she will slip back into a coma. The test showed someone was keeping her highly drugged to mimic coma and none of us knew. Bringing her home was a blessing because whoever was slipping her the drugs couldn't do it now. I tucked our pups in bed and headed to shower before bed. Guards were outside but I still locked up and set the alarm."Fuck, I washed my body , I hope I don't freak her out tonight",I dried off and walked to bed unaware Hannah was watching me. I rubbed a hand over my chest as I moved the blankets back and crawled in beside her."Hunter, I jumped, sorry ",she chuckled weakly. "Damn tiny I almost had a stroke baby. Are you hurting?",she sighed. I turned to face her and she was already on her side."Not hurting, she sounded drained, I'm so mad at you and I was hoping my rejection would of been approved ",I sighed."Derek got it sent to him your rejection was denied",She sighed. "I just..I need...",I moved
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Chapter 16 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI get up and go get Garrett to bring him back to see his mom and when he sees her awake he burst into tears. I'm shocked as he does grabby hands for her and I hand him over. He keeps saying mama and buries his face in her chest. Hannah starts crying and I wipe at my eyes watching them reunite."My baby",she kisses him and he babbles mama a lot."Dad can we make breakfast?",I look at Nash as he sits watching Garrett hug his mom."Yeah buddy we can, I'm reluctant to leave, lets give mom and Garrett time to cuddle ",I lift Nash and he hugs me tight."We still love you dad, I pause mid step to look at my pup, just because mom is back doesn't mean we love you less. I still love and want you here. You won't leave, right?",my heart I stare into his worried eyes."Nash I'm never leaving you three son. I love you all way to much and I got all my memories back so leaving would crush me",he sighs and lays his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head and head for the kitchen."Good because
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