All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
294 Chapters
Chapter 27 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Beth povLinda came back an hour ago laughing with glee at her mission or so she called it. She shot Nash and now Derek would be out for blood. We stare at her as she talks nonsense before jumping up and down happy."I was aiming for Hunter's mate but Nash dove in the way. Stupid kid took the shot ",she clapped happy. "You shot a pup",many voiced that didn't go with her. She nodded happily. "It was fucking great, she shrieked, Hannah was a mess crying for him and begging Hunter to help him. I bet he died it was bad",she gloated. She was insane and it was showing to everyone. "We need to run",a few said but she was off in her own world rambling and cackling. "R, I pulled him to our room, we need to leave here she will get us all killed",he nodded as he sat down. "We should sneak out tonight when everyone falls asleep, he suggest, I think we need to warn Derek of her plans",I nod as I pull out my cell and text my old alpha. "Derek, I begin, Linda is planning on shooting Mia, your p
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Chapter 28 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povWhen both smirk and smile I feel I'm in deep shit. I sit looking at them as they look at each other. Lucas sighs and his gaze goes to Hannah. "Are you certain your good with this Hunter?",I sigh."I wouldn't of said a damn thing if I wasn't certain Lucas",he looked at Hannah again and his eyes went to her belly. A soft smile touched his lips."It is just that sharing your mate is a big step and most would go full crazy at an offer of that",I sigh."I can tell she loves us all and if we all make her happy then I'm game. I'm not going to go full crazy here I just fully trust you both with my other half",both smile at me."How did your brother know?",Lucas rubs his neck."I don't know but if he supports it then I'm all in I leave you both to decide",I got up and headed to see if Nash was out of surgery. Both nodded as I left."Can you tell me if Nash North is out of surgery yet?",the nurse typed on her computer and sighed."It says still in operating room,she looked up, I can
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Chapter 29 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povI stepped out of the bathroom to Lucas and Mitch standing there looking horny. Both sniffed the air and growl."You relaxed now tiny?",Lucas moved to us and she touched him and he groaned."We smelt you cum baby and fuck it took all we had to not join in",Mitch kissed her shoulder. She moaned again."I'm sorry guys that was rude with all of you out here. I'm sorry",she looked ready to cry as both kissed her. I felt Lucas touch my back as he moved closer to us and lay his head on my shoulder by her head. She turned his way and kissed him. Once done both look at me but all I do is smile that didn't bother me at all. I'm not even upset I'm turned on by this."That sounded hot tiny",Mitch kissed her lips gently and she returned a soft kiss. I carried her to bed and once I put her down a knock on the door had us all looking that way.Simon came in and smiled at us and I felt relief. "Everything went smooth guys, he smiled, we got the bullet out and repaired the damage. Nash rece
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Chapter 30 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povAs the door pushed opened I stared as a nurse walked in and I felt something was off so I mind linked Simon to come back. She smiled as she stepped forward with meds and my wolf went on alert."Nash North",She read his arm band."Yes he hasn't woken up yet",Hannah looked at her suspiciously."Okay I was just checking I will come back later",weird shit my wolf mumbles. She looks at Hannah as she leaves but now I'm on edge and worried. Linda has many in her group could some be in plain sight. Simon ran in and I sighed."You just missed her, he looked worried, she had meds with her and I've never seen her around the hospital ",Hannah said looking at him. "I got hospital security looking for her. Did she give him anything?",he looked at Nash a worried look on his face."No but she looked extremely suspicious and stared at my pup,",I growled."I notified alpha as well, Simon sighed as he checked Nash's machines and tubes, I will post security at the door",he looked sad. Linda ha
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Chapter 31 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povHannah keeps yawning and after getting changed into comfy clothes I carry her to bed. Nash is still snoring softly which fills me with relief. Him waking up in pain bothered me."Our son is extremely strong ",I comment as I stare at him."He didn't even hesitate to jump in the way for her, Lucas caresses Hannah's belly, I felt such fear when he dropped",I knew that fear I felt it in my flashbacks and the night my pup got shot. He had a wonderful night for it to end like that."That bitch deserves to die brutally ",I add as Hannah turns in her sleep but whimpers."Stop kicking so hard meanie",she says in her sleep. We chuckle."This pup is strong",Mitch touches her belly."I can tell, I look at her, constantly drains her and she eats a ton but isn't really getting huge. They say a c section may have to happen ",both look at me scared. "What? Why?",Lucas stares at her worried. "Look how tiny she is Lucas, I sigh sadly, she is very little and the baby already measures big",bo
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Chapter 32 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Linda povI got bombs set up and I just sent a mass text with a timer counting down."All of you will see I'm serious ",I smirked as I watched Derek look around after looking at his cell. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I couldn't tell all were mad."We got the bombs set",I looked at the man who hasn't left my side. He follows orders perfectly. "Good, I smile big, real good. Has anyone seen Beth or R?",both went shopping but haven't returned. Beth even cut me off from her money. The bitch is a millionaire but stingy as fuck. She destroyed the cards or canceled them so my weapon buying was halted."No both haven't returned, the man mumbles, maybe they got caught",he added watching Derek's pack run around. Many of my people have been caught or surrendered but I'm determined to cleanse them. "The cleanse will still take effect, I smile as warriors rush up and I motion for us to leave, I'm not stopping anytime soon. We need to leave so they don't spot us",we walked away as bomb
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Chapter 33 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter povThe timers kept coming and everyone was pissed. Derek snapped at everyone including Mia and she often was crying but didn't show how much he hurt her. I could understand it was stressful but we kept hunting for Linda. Each day trackers went out and looked for the crazy bitch that had our pack in turmoil. After a few days we found her family and took them."We have something that belongs to you",a text was sent and it didn't take long for Linda to take the bait. A picture of her family was sent back."Seems we got mommy and daddy",she blew up in the text."Let my parents go!",I laughed."They die soon as your punishment. You caused this",we wanted her so yes we were playing a game. Linda was a mess and her messages showed it. "Don't kill them",she messaged."Turn yourself in, your people too and we may kept them alive",a long pause as we waited. Derek paced till a message popped up."Have Derek meet me and I will",a trap ran through my head. This was a trap."Derek it's a tr
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Chapter 34 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hannah povMia hasn't been right since we got taken and I blame myself. I was fixing breakfast when she stopped by and thankfully my pups were sleeping in the panic room because Linda walked right in and took us. My warriors were knocked out as we were dragged by them. I felt fear.Now we are sitting in chairs and I'm worried for her as Linda slaps her hard across the face. Mia just keeps staring at the ground. "Mia",I look over at her as blood runs down her chin."Hand over the luna title Mia",I'm worried as Mia just sighs."Take it Linda but be warned he is abusive and likes it up the ass",we all freeze. "I like it up the ass too",Linda says smugly and I gag.Mia sighs as she spits blood and I watch Derek glare at Linda. "Tiny, I look at Hunter, hold on my love",he mind links me. "Mia isn't doing good Hunter, I link back, she took several hard kicks to the ribs. She stayed in front of me protecting my belly",I see him glance at Derek. Worried glances as Mia wheezes from pain and
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Chapter 35 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Linda povI'm luna now I walk around the place we are staying excited. I drowned the whores of the pack and it feels awesome."I'm luna now",I say out loud as the others just sigh."Want something to eat?",Phillip asks me as I pace."Yes please",I keep pacing. I need to get my parents from Derek if they are still alive. He was pissed I threw her in but once we fuck he will forget all about her. "Have a shower and relax, Phillip mumbles as he puts towels down, I will head out to pick up our order",I nod absently as I make plans for the redecorating of the North pack. Many will bow to me or die like Mia and Hannah. I hurry to shower. Phillip is gone for awhile but when he comes back I smell amazing food and my belly growls loud."Smells so good",I dig in."Got dessert for us as well. Was the water pressure okay?",he smiled as we ate."Perfect. Thank you",he kept eating."Great I can't wait to shower now I fixed the shower head and filter system I was hoping it worked better. Is the burg
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Chapter 36 Book 3 Hunter and Hannah
Hunter pov"Derek, I mind link, come see this bro I found the nurse that is helping her sneak in and out the pack",he comes quickly and we watch different times they met up.Linda is animated and the nurse flinches the whole time."Fuck me", he growls. "This is her inside person by either voluntarily or involuntarily. We need to question her",he sighs."I barely got Mia talking Hunter, he rakes fingers through her hair, she sobbed for hours locked in the bathroom",I sighed."You snapped at her Derek, he looked ashamed, poor thing was only giving her opinion and you snapped at her. She looked ready to breakdown after",he looked up sadly and nodded."I'm going to go back and check on her, he sighed, I got warriors going for the nurse so relax here with Hannah. Be ready to move",he left and I looked at my tiny who was curled up against Mitch sleeping soundly. Fuck she is stunning I think as I step closer."We can stay with her Hunter so you can go with Derek, Mitch kissed her forehead, w
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