All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
294 Chapters
Chapter 66
Derek povFuck this can't be good as I rush back to my mate and pup. I left both with warriors to hurry to Hunter's location because he seen the ex council member in the hospital so I know he is here to try to get Debbie and Lucille. Back up generators kick on and the hospital lights back up and we run for Mia's room. Walking in both are still asleep but a note is on the table. I growl reading it and call for more warriors to surround the hospital. "He wants Lucille and Debbie",my brother scoffs."We should kill them now",I sigh and then sigh again as I stood there I know we need to kill them but I didn't want to risk it with my family here. The only other thing I needed to do was to try to lead them away but I didn't know exactly how many were in the hospital right now. This ex council member was going to be a fucking huge problem for us." Derek I could go back to the hallway to see if maybe they are looking to see if Debbie is here. I don't know how she still alive she had no medic
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Chapter 67
Derek pov I fight to control Ryder as he tries to force a shift because the enforcers have their guns raised and my family is in this room. I hear Mia call softly to me and it makes him back down a little bit but he still fears for her. "I need you to take this outside this room while I have my wolf under control because right now he wants blood and he doesn't care who he has to go through to get it",they look at me."Move out",is ordered."Fuck that", Roger snarls."Come out Roger or die now",I growl. Ryder is still pushing to get out but I can't shift safely in here. Mia whimpers and he calms not liking that our mate is distressed like this. I walk to her and she reaches out."Calm down angel, I gather her close and kiss her head, I need you to calm down for me. She puts her face in my neck and whimpers more."I'm trying Derek, her voice is soft and shaky, I just want them all out away from Luke and Dean",both pups are still asleep which is amazing. "I know angel but me, dad and H
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Chapter 68
Derek povDerek",I look up at Lucas my chest heaving."What?",I growl as my chest heaves. I've never been so raged out and wanting go kill like I was now."He is alive, he sits beside me, we got to him in time and our blood healed him. He needs rest but other than that he is fine",I sag to the ground tears filling my eyes."I'm so fucking angry, I say trying to calm down, so fucking angry I want to kill him all over again. I want to kill Debbie and her parents just to wipe them from the earth. I can't go back to Mia and my pups like this Lucas",he yanked me to him and hugged me tight."Let it out bro we got you",I felt Mitch move behind me as I screamed and cried out my anger. Both held me tight as I lost it and when I was done a few hours later we sat beside each other not talking."Thanks guys, I sighed out, you have no idea how much I needed that and someone to listen ",both patted me."Sometimes you just need to flip your shit",Lucas smirked as I laughed."Yeah sometimes losing it
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Chapter 69
Derek povBorder alarms sounded making us jerk up and go alert. Warriors were mind linking me so I left to see what was going on and right outside our border was pups of all ages. Most were crying and a few were bloody. We started to search for their parents but only found more pups. "What the fuck is happening?",I look around confused. "We just found them alpha ",is said as we start checking them. Nurses run out and the younger pups were dehydrated and malnourished. "Call in more medical staff",I look around. This shit is crazy. Where did all these pups come from?"We got rooms set up for them alpha",Hannah is in the mix helping. She looks exhausted and Hunter looks ready to pick her up. She has bags under her eyes and looks ready to pass out."Tiny, he starts and I cover my smile, you need rest baby",others stare at them and Hannah blushes. "I get off in an hour Hunter",she yawns as she checks a pup. She pulls her hand back bloody and the pup starts crying in pain. I gently lift
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Chapter 70
Mia povI woke to a lot of people in my room and I jumped as they speak. Lucas was above my bed staring down at me and I blushed."Hi honey",I smiled and sat up slow expecting pain but I got no pulling or pain at all."What?",my eyes go wide as he chuckles."We gave you more blood last night and it healed your girl problems in there",he pointed at my belly."I hoped you didn't weaken yourselves ",I worried about them a lot."No honey we are fine, he brushed my hair back, you need to take care of yourself better",I looked down in guilt. "I will try",he was about to say more when Derek walked in carrying food and my belly growled loud making everyone awake chuckle. "She gonna eat like a hungry bear",was remarked and I giggle and it felt good to laugh because before if I moved it hurt and I had to fake being okay. Derek rushed over to kiss me and I hugged him tight."Feeling okay angel?",I nodded happy my stomach wasn't hurting like before."Yes I feel good now",his eyes widen because h
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Chapter 71
Derek povMia rides me slow and easy and I'm about to cum as her pussy tightens on my shaft. Fuck she feels incredible as I help her ride me."Fuck angel your so tight",I love being in this tight pussy."Derek, she whimpers, I'm gonna cum again",I smirk as she starts to bounce on me faster chasing her orgasm. I love being able to have her now instead of months from now thanks to vampire blood. She cums and I follow both of us panting. "That felt so damn good angel. Are you okay?",I still worry for her and I hope she is fine down there. "Yes I'm good, she blushed, thanks for being gentle ",I cup her face as I make her look into my eyes."Angel I would never hurt you during intimacy. I love you way to much to do that. Are you sure your okay?",she kisses me and I hold her tight. I pull out and wash us and kiss her the whole time. Her little hands trail over my muscles and I love the blush she gives. After we dry I lotion her up and dress her before pulling on my sweats and tee shirt. "
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Chapter 72
Derek pov I growl as I hold him up and he still struggles to breath."Why should I hand him over dad? He deserves death for all he has done",my dad sighs."We all know he deserves death son but these kids deserve to see him punished for all his crimes. Council is on the way",I drop him and he coughs on the ground glaring at us."I won't be punished",he chokes out."If they don't punished you Miles then I will. I will decapitated your sorry ass and let the vultures have you",his eyes widen in fear. We hear murmurs and soon Jim and the rest of the council show up and Miles tries to flee. Enforcers grab him as he fights and screams."Miles , I watch Jim look at him disgusted, you caused so much trouble for so many. Who stands with him?",none of Miles pack reacts."You chicken shits, Miles says looking pissed, I took care of you all",many scoff."You killed whoever opposed you Miles and you beat innocent pups for no reason but to put fear in them. You tortured the pups and killed their pa
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Chapter 73
Derek povI motion warriors to come closer and they do."The prisoner escaped I want a few of you to track him, they nod, if he fights kill him but being his body back",Jim looks tired as he sighs."I would like my enforcers to tag along to help",I growl at him. We stare at each other before I nod. "Fine, I sigh annoyed, but if this fucker attacks they get to kill him",he nods and I watch him walk away. I'm being a dick but we have been through so much shit I'm sick of it.I go inside and dad is still up and he knows Miles escaped. "We should get out there and help hunt him down Derek",I know but I don't have the heart to leave Mia and my pups. "I would dad but Mia just had Dean and my pups need me here. You just woke up from being shot as well. Let the warriors hunt him and if they have no luck we will go out",he nods. Mom is asleep and he crawls in with her. I stand by our bed my eyes taking in my mate as she moves around to get comfortable.Hunter povI watch Hannah run herself i
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Chapter 74
Derek povAfter four hours we are back in our room and Hannah is on the couch sedated. She has cried a lot but she went through a scary moment because of that crazy bitch Miles. I have guards on his cell because I don't trust council. An enforcer is also right outside the door helping."He won't escape Derek",my dad sighed as we sat talking."If he gets out I'm killing him on sight dad",he nods. Hannah moves in her sleep. "She did a great job, my dad looked at her fondly, she had every reason to lose it but she cried and worked on you",I smiled."Do you think Hunter is okay?",he smiled."That boy is tough as nails son and Simon is an incredible doctor. Hunter will be fine",I sigh as I rub my eyes and sit looking at my family. Dad yawns and crawls back in with mom and I go to Mia who is curled up on her side.Hunter povI woke in a recovery room and couldn't find Hannah but Simon stood there looking relieved. "Glad you up Hunter, he smiled, got the bullets out and you were given vampi
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Chapter 75
Derek povWe got home and I settled the kids in as Mia made food. Luke followed her around and I smiled as she talked to him softly. "Mommy, he said softly, Can i go play?",Mia looked at him."Of course baby go ahead I will call you to eat",he hugged her legs and ran off when Mia looked after him worried. I wrapped arms around her waist and kissed her neck."You look edible ",she giggles. "Behave you beast",her laugh is cute. I kiss her mark and before I can lick it our doorbell rings. With a sigh I head for it and find Hunter looking upset. "Let me guess you said stupid shit to Hannah ",he sighed."She hates my house",I chuckle."I'm serious Derek I took her to my house and the look of disgust was right there. I called her prissy",I cringed."Wrong use of words you idiot. She is a doctor Hunter she works her ass off to make money so she can spend it. She isn't prissy just sure of herself ",he sighs sadly."We marked and mated already and she is upset with me. She stormed off crying
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