All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
294 Chapters
Chapter 46
Mia povI look around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do as I hear screams. "Mommy, he whimpers softly, I'm scared",I know the feeling I am as well."Me too baby I'm afraid too but we need to stay quiet and figure out what to do",I look up and see the heating and air conditioning ventilation system. We can climb up and go through them to get out. "Mommy, he whispers, I hear them",I slow my breathing and go quiet. Yep I hear doors being kicked in."Luke we are going up there sweetheart, I point to the duct, We need to be quiet but quick. Ready?",he nods and we move. I brought a chair in earlier to sit and braid my hair so I use it. I push him up there first then I jump up and we start crawling through together and I keep looking around. "I want daddy",he cries."I know baby I want daddy too",we go quiet when we hear louder screams. "Where is she!?", I motion to Luke to be quiet and he nods."I don't know, a female voice says, I just got to work",it is a nurse."Useless bit
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Chapter 47
Derek povHe actually lept towards Mia but my dad caught him by the neck and squeezed lifting him up in the air."Wrong move fucker, he growled loud, that is my daughter in law",he tossed him against the wall and it cracked."You okay angel?",I watched her shake."Yes I'm good. Is Luke okay?",I nodded as I pointed to him."He got caught by a warrior he loved it",she sighed."Is it over Derek?",her voice trembled as she moved closer to me shaking."One escaped angel the rest are dead",she whimpered and put her face in my neck. I held her closer then moved her back and kissed her lips as I walked back to her hospital room. She was a mess. Luke was quiet but looked better as my dad held him close. Hannah was all doctor as she tended to the injured. "I'm exhausted, she whimpers in my neck,I just want to sleep for a week",I knew the feeling but we were on the hunt for the escaped fucker that was after my mate. He left his friends behind and ran. I wanted to go after him but dad said no Mia
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Chapter 48
Derek povWalking in vampires sat at the tables and I smiled."Thanks for coming",they nodded."So hunters again?",one looked pissed by this."Yes we thought we wiped them out ten years ago but nope they are back and helping the rogues",I sat with a sigh."How is your mate? We are sorry about her miscarriage if we can assist in healing we will",I smiled softly and cleared my throat I didn't need to get emotional right now."I really appreciate that, I cleared it again, she would love to meet you if you don't mind but she is in the hospital with our pup",they looked alarmed."Yes we heard of their attack, one vampire stood and paced,Is the pup's head okay?",I nodded but felt unsure."He gets headaches but seems okay. I hope he is okay",my dad patted my shoulder then squeezed it trying to comfort me."So I got four big covens that can join us in this war and with your allies I'm sure we can finally wipe out the rogues and hunters",is said as I sit listening. "Derek, Mia mind links me so
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Chapter 49
Derek povWe started early the next day talking battle plans and I was frustrated. I took Mia and Luke home about four in the morning and was back up at eight to head to the meeting room. The vampires were all there and most looked ready to fight."So today is discussion day",is blurted out as soon as I sit."Yes, I yawn, we need to go over battle plans and how to be extremely sneaky",they look amused."Sneaky?",Is chuckled out."Yes sneaky as in sneak attacks and so forth",they look amused."Our covens arrived this morning and are ready",I smiled."Our allies are on the way and by late tonight will arrive ",I sigh."How is your dad?",I sigh sadly."Resting",they nod."He will be fine Derek we promise. Now that we gave blood it will go away and he will be in remission forever ",I was thankful but also hurt he never told me he was ill. I was hurt my mom and dad kept this from me. We talked more till all I did was yawn and we called it quits. I headed home to Mia but ran into Jon on the
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Chapter 50
Derek povOnce I'm our room I lay her down after stripping her down. Fuck she is gorgeous. I watch her blush and I love it. My cock goes rock hard as I strip and her eyes take my body in."It should be illegal to be this hot",she pouts."It should be illegal to look as sexy as you angel",I kiss up her leg before going to the next one. Before I can get to her pussy I redirect making her whimper. I'm teasing her but I'm teasing myself as well. I'm leaking all over as I lick her inner thighs. "Derek",she whimpers."Fuck angel",I dig in and lap at her pussy enjoying the taste. Mia arches and I love it as I watch her body bow and tremble under my touch and my tongue."Yes, she whimpers, yes...Derek please",I suck her clit and have to hold her down as she arches and screams my name. I move up her body and line up at her entrance before sinking in. With a growl I start thrusting and she digs nails in my back. "Fuck angel you feel so good",I thrust harder and faster and before I can stop it
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Chapter 51
Derek povWe attacked each and each hit hurt but I won't show it. This is literally a fight to the death and we both know it. "Your mate will be mine",he gloats."Your life will end here fucker",I punch him in the ribs making him stagger back and wheeze. I know that hurt I let Ryder put his strength into it. "You know your no match for us and the hunters Derek, I growl as he kicks my side and I stagger some, we will kill you and your whole family ",I ignore his talking as another rogue jumps at me. I slash his throat and he falls dead at my feet."Impressive alpha ",is said sarcastically. "Give up now",I kill another rogue followed by another as their leader stands and watches. He has no compassion or care for his rogue pack at all. A true alpha would mourn each loss."Your a shit alpa, I start and his nostrils flare, your brothers were shit as well. A true alpha mourns any pack member loss while you stand watching them fall. Your a disgrace to our kind",he snarls as some of his pac
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Chapter 52
Derek povMia was beyond upset over Debbie and I could feel it. After Debbie left Mia looked at me sadly."Really Derek?",she all but sobbed."Angel.. ",Was all I got out before she went off."Three days Derek, she fumed, three days we were stuck in that panic room scared and worried about you. You didn't mind link me or send word you were okay. I get told to come to the hospital but find a whore in here trying to block me from you. Please explain ",she looks ready to flip."I grew up with her Mia, I sigh out, we have been best friends since diapers and my parents thought she would be my mate but nope. She went away to college and just came back home for good",I rolled my eyes."She is going to be an issue",she says sadly ."No she won't Mia",she sighs louder and sits."Yes she will Derek you didn't see the look she gave me. She even tried to block me from coming near you after not seeing you for three damn days",I wanted to hold her."Angel I missed you so much",she sniffles. "I miss
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Chapter 53
Derek povI carried Mia home against doctors orders because being there made me worry. Debbie seemed unhinged and I didn't trust it so I went home. Getting there I locked up and hit the button for the protective panels to engage. I put Mia to bed and looked in on our pups before showering and pulling on sweats. "Son, my dad mind links, did you leave the hospital?",I sighed. "Yes dad, I mind link back, Debbie is unhinged I needed to be home to protect Mia better. I am having her tracked",he sighed. "Okay be careful, he links back, I'm explaining all this to your mom",fuck my mom loves Debbie. I check to make sure I locked everything before setting the alarms. The protective panels are down so I feel somewhat better. Debbie could try to hurt my mate or my pups. I know damn well mom may try to talk sense into her. Mia povI wake to every panel down in our home and I'm still confused on how we got here. I get up and head to the kitchen hungry for French toast today. Derek is already th
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Chapter 54
Derek povBefore I could fuck my mate I was called to the office by my dad who sounded upset. Getting there my mom was with him and both looked upset."Son we got complaints ",I sighed because I knew who was doing this. Fucking Debbie."Debbie",I said and my mom glared at us."She said you threatened her Derek she wants to notify council ",I laughed."Let her, both looked shocked, I got cameras in every crack and corner all over this pack so let her and I will show them everything ",my mom looked down sadly."Couldn't you just try to be friends son?",I sighed."No mom I'm sorry but my mate comes before her and her family. She all but insinuated she wants the luna spot and she would make a better luna. She purposely tried to prevent Mia from getting to me when I was injured and to me that is a huge red flag. She keeps up I will banish her",my mom gasped."Did Mia put you up to this?",I growled at that question. "No mom my wolf can't stand Debbie and said to do this. I listen to my wolf
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Chapter 55
Derek povI use the tunnels to get to my dad who is pacing and in tears. My siblings are in bed and he hands me the note and my mind races. Lucas and Mitch walk in and look at the note. "We got men out looking and we will find her Levi, Lucas hugs him, we promise",my dad sits with a sad sigh as we watch. He looks broken now."I can't go on without her",he says to no one and I hold in my roar of anger."We will find mom dad don't you dare give up",he sighed. "I will try to not give up but if I lose her I don't know if...",he stopped talking as Lucas hissed and stalked over to him."Your not giving up my friend, he made dad look at him, do you hear me Derek? Your never giving up we all need you and care for you my friend ",dad nods as tears fill his eyes. My dad barely cries but the possibility of losing your other half is heartbreaking. I sit beside him as Lucas makes calls and Mitch talks to their trackers. Vampires have a keener scene of smell and can find anyone easily."Dad we wil
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