All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
427 Chapters
Chapter 101 The Weird Incident in the Longyin Hall
"Here arrives His Majesty."The guards for the Longyin Hall all prostrated themselves to receive His Majesty upon seeing the royal carriage of the emperor.Huangfu Cang got off the royal carriage and glanced at the chief guard in front, asking in a fierce voice, "Where is the intruder who broke into the Longyin Hall?"Feeling Huangfu Cang's disgruntlement, the chief guard started to slightly tremble, "Your Majesty, the intruder is still inside. We dare not break into the Longyin Hall."The Longyin Hall was the holiest place in the imperial palace of the Qinglong Empire. The guards couldn't go inside randomly.Huangfu Cang narrowed his black eyes and then asked further, "Did you see who broke in?"Hearing that, the chief guard immediately broke out in a sweat with droplets of sweat rolling from his forehead to the ground, "It's...""Tell me!" Huangfu Cang yelled grumpily."I
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Chapter 102 The Good-looking, Scheming Dragon
In the space of void, Duanmu Xi felt that she had walked for a long time but she still couldn't see anything.Oh no, she had no idea how long she had been in here. Grandpa and the others would worry about her if she stayed here for too long."Lanze, Hongling, Lyuzhu, Zimei, all of you come out."As Duanmu Xi summoned, four mythical creatures immediately showed up in the space of void.Staring at the four mythical creatures in front, Duanmu Xi leaped on the back of Zimei."Think about a solution for me to get out of here." Duanmu Xi glanced over the four mythical creatures and eventually settled her gaze on Hongling."Hongling, do you have any idea to get me out?" It was Hongling that asked her to enter the Longyin Hall. Now, it should have a way to get her out of here.At the moment, with its eyes closed, Hongling was feeling the Qi that was extremely familiar to it in the space of void
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Chapter 103 The Secret
The next morning, Eunuch Wang took the imperial edict with him and went to the Jinxiu Palace, where Consort Qin dwelled."Here arrives the imperial edict. Consort Qin shall come and receive it."Qin Shushuang seemed to have anticipated the arrival of the imperial edict. She had been well dressed up and waited on the seat of honor in the Jinxiu Palace. Hearing the voice of Eunuch Wang, Qin Shushuang stood up and flattened her luxurious clothes before kneeling slowly."Pursuant to the Mandate from Heaven, the Emperor hereby makes the announcement. Qin Shushuang has a vicious temper, manipulates power for personal ends in the harem, fails to educate her daughter well and disobeys the women's virtues. From today onwards, she shall be reduced to an ordinary woman with her title of the consort abolished and sent into the cold palace. She mustn't get out of the cold palace from now on. Respect this.""I hereby receive the imperial
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Chapter 104 The 60th Birthday
In the Longxiang Palace, Huangfu Cang, with clenched fists, listened to the report of the man in black. The more he heard, the more tightly he clenched his fists. In the end, Huangfu Cang's eyes had been red.Bang. A desk that was closest to Huangfu Cang was thumped by him into pieces.Faced with Huangfu Cang's fury, the man in black was rather calm. Actually, he had anticipated the emperor would react like this. After all, being cuckolded was unacceptable for any man. Even though Consort Liu was not favored, she was still the emperor's consort. Chief Elder was too bold. He not only had an affair with Consort Liu but also..."Where is that bitch?" Huangfu Cang's voice was full of anger. It seemed as if he was gnashing his teeth with vexation."In the Zhaoyang Palace."After the man in black said that, Huangfu Cang just rushed out like a gust of wind.In the Zhaoyang Palace. Liu Xinmei was still some
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Chapter 105 The Empress Kneels Three Times to Resolve the Past Grudges
When Xuanyuan She saw clearly Xuanyuan Mo's face, he was greatly shocked and then knocked over the glass on the table. The wine dripped along the edge of the table onto his qilin costume. However, he didn't notice it at all. With a shocked facial expression, he still fixed his eyes on Xuanyuan Mo who was walking forward.Xuanyuan Mo was not dead. He was not dead...Xuanyuan Hao standing next to Xuanyuan She was not so shocked. Only a shimmer of astonishment flashed across his black eyes.Lian Zhengyu behind Zhuge Weiming was also surprised to see Xuanyuan Mo. He subconsciously looked around Xuanyuan Mo but he didn't see the familiar figure. He couldn't help feeling a bit depressed.That day, Xuanyuan Mo also jumped off the cliff. Since he appeared here safe now, she should be fine too. Did Xuanyuan Mo not save her that day and she...At the thought of the possibility, he felt a heartache as if his heart were pri
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Chapter 106 One Day or One Year?
Unifying the four empires was her mission? Was it why she was made to come to the Hantian Continent? Somehow, she felt the cyan dragon knew something but judging from his enigmatical appearance, she knew that he wouldn't reveal much to her.Fine. Such being the case, she might as well contract with him. Just let nature take its course.Duanmu Xi got a drop of her heart's blood and dripped it into the middle of the cyan dragon's eyebrows. Instantly, the life contract was successfully made."Mistress."Duanmu Xi looked at the cyan dragon who was reduced to the seventh level from the ninth level and kind of understood why he insisted on her becoming a level-nine Wind Spiritual Deity. He was just afraid that his level wouldn't be as high as Hongling's after he contracted with Duanmu Xi! It seemed that she had been deceived by this scheming dragon. She thought she had got a mythical creature without effort. It turned out that she
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Chapter 107 The Heiress of the Qinglong Empire
Smelling the rich scent of the elixir, Xuanyuan Hao took a look at the elixir that was glistening with a white halo in the sandalwood box, exclaiming in surprise, "This is Heavenly Origin Longevity Elixir!"Duanmu Xi didn't expect anyone here to know Heavenly Origin Longevity Elixir! She frowned and looked in the direction where the voice came from. When she saw Xuanyuan Hao, her dark purple eyes glistened. This man looked like Snow so much! Then, she glanced at Xuanyuan She next to Xuanyuan Hao and then took a tumble. This man should be the second brother of Snow!"It is Heavenly Origin Longevity Elixir indeed." Her voice was casual and distant.Xuanyuan Hao's black eyes glittered with a shimmer of intrigue. Duanmu Xi was probably the first one who was not attracted after seeing his face!When Xuanyuan Mo saw the strange luster in Xuanyuan Hao's eyes, a glint of fierceness flashed across his eyes.Upon hearing
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Chapter 108 She Will Let Them Know Why
Huangfu Cang looked at Huangfu Lian who was the first one to stand up, his eyes full of rich killing intent. On what ground could this bastard stand up and object?Seeing that Huangfu Lian had stood out, Huangfu Zhao also stood forward and said, "Father, I can't accept this either. Since ancient times, the ruler of the Qinglong Empire has always been male. There has never been a female on the throne. Please think about it twice."Huangfu Cang also hated Huangfu Zhao but he didn't say anything. He only looked down at all the people, waiting for the others' reaction. He knew that there wouldn't be two objectors only.Huangfu Xin struggled to get up from the ground and pretended to look at Huangfu Cang with grief, "Your Majesty, do you intend to give our Qinglong Empire away to the Zhuque Empire by issuing this imperial edict?"Hearing that, Huangfu Cang narrowed his black eyes fiercely but he still said nothing and turned to look at
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Chapter 109 Feign Madness and Act Like an Idiot
In a damp dark chamber, Huangfu Xin who was stunned by Qingfeng woke up slowly.Huangfu Xin felt so much pain! He rubbed his head that was splitting and slowly sat up. It was so dark here. Where was he? Why was he here?With a squeak, the iron door of the dark chamber was opened. The sudden light was so dazzling that Huangfu Xin couldn't open his eyes.Long Ri came inside and glimpsed Huangfu Xin, who was sitting on the ground with his eyes squinted. A glint of surprise flashed across Long Ri's eyes. Huangfu Xin woke up quite quickly. It seemed that the bucket of cold water wouldn't be necessary.Amidst thinking, with a splash, a bucket of cold water passed by and was poured all over Huangfu Xin."Argh..." Huangfu Xin was startled by the cold water pouring on him all of a sudden.Long Ri looked around and took a glance at Long Yue behind.Looking at Long Ri's confused eyes, Long Yue said with
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Chapter 110 The Historic Enmity of the Previous Life and This Life
After Huangfu Cang left with the others, only Duanmu Xi, Long Ri, Long Yue and Huangfu Xin were left in the Council Hall of Elders."Go and guard outside." Duanmu Xi gazed at Huangfu Xin coldly with her purple eyes.Long Ri was a bit hesitant to hear that but he was dragged out by Long Yue aside.Looking at the back of Long Yue, Duanmu Xi showed a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. When the two of them arrived outside, Duanmu Xi finally turned to Huangfu Xin.Huangfu Xin tightly clutched the dagger in his hand, staring at Duanmu Xi in front of him with his black eyes.What grudge on earth did she hold against him? Was it because he schemed to let her enter the Longyin Hall? She was actually fine now. And she even got to contract with the cyan dragon because of his scheme. He didn't understand why she hated him so much.Duanmu Xi looked at Huangfu Xin, her dark purple full of bloodlust. Before she died in m
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