All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
429 Chapters
Chapter 111 Partiality
Xuanyuan Mo took a look at the red bridal dress held by Duanmu Xi and nodded."I also think this one is quite good." Then, Duanmu Xi put down the dress, picked up a bridegroom suit embroidered with the pattern of dragon and put it before Xuanyuan Mo to see if it fitted him.A glint of amazement flashed across Duanmu Xi's dark purple eyes, "You look so good in red clothes."Red clothes were suitable for both Snow and her father but they rarely wore red clothes. She had seen her father wear red clothes at her grandfather's 60th birthday celebration once by far. As to Snow, he didn't wear clothes of other colors than black and white.Xuanyuan Mo's lips curved into an enchanting smile. He directly bent down and whispered to Duanmu Xi's ears, "Are you in such a hurry to see me dressed in red?"Hearing that, Duanmu Xi blushed and wanted to take back the bridegroom suit before Xuanyuan Mo but her hand was grabbed by him.
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Chapter 112 I Only Want Him Regardless
In the Eastern Palace, a man in black was half kneeling in front of Duanmu Xi."Your Highness, His Majesty beckons to you to the imperial study."Looking at the man in black, Duanmu Xi slightly narrowed her eyes. It was Long Yue but not Eunuch Wang who was sent to find her. Grandpa's intention was self-evident.In the imperial study, Huangfu Cang was reviewing the memorials."Grandpa!"As Duanmu Xi arrived, Huangfu Cang immediately put down his pen (a pen using red ink originally used by an emperor in signing decrees), "Xi, there you are!""What's this?" Upon entering the imperial study, she saw two piles of red things."This is why I ask you to come here," Huangfu Cang walked to Duanmu Xi and explained, "These two piles of things are sent by Prince Regent of the Xuanwu Empire and Second Prince of the Baihu Empire on their own."Duanmu Xi subconsciously frowned. Her grandpa's 60th
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Chapter 113 The Refining Pharmacists' Guild
A few days after Duanmu Xi arrived at the Central State, she directly had the closed-door training with Situ Kong to refine medicine. Xuanyuan Mo had no other choice but to occupy Elder Xie's instrument forging room every day. As a result, Elder Xie kept asking Xuanyuan Mo to take him as the disciple but he just got rejected every time. In the end, Nalan Xi assigned a new instrument forging room to Elder Xie, which finally put an end to this matter.The world was like a fleeting show.Time flew very fast. More than three months passed in a blink of an eye.In the medicine refining room, Situ Kong looked at Duanmu Xi and nodded with satisfaction. This girl was exceptionally talented indeed. He didn't misjudge her.Duanmu Xi was still a yellow-grade level-seven refining pharmacist three months ago. Now, she had become a dark-grade level-nine refining pharmacist. Within three months only, she got promoted by 11 levels. Her speed even
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Chapter 114 Talented Disciples?
"Those two people should be his disciples," an old white-haired man in grey walked from the wall behind the young man and said."Disciples?" The young man looked at the old man in grey, his eyes glittering. He didn't expect that Situ Kong would recruit any disciples. More astonishingly, he had two disciples now.The old man in grey looked at the surprised face of the young man and said, "You don't believe that old guy would have disciples either, do you? I was shocked to hear of that too." He didn't believe it until his people received the most accurate information.Situ Kong had been a refining pharmacist for more than 200 years. As he was the top refining pharmacist, countless people wanted to acknowledge him as the master, including bigwigs and some highly talented geniuses in medicine refining. However, he just refused all. This time, it was said that he had two disciples at one time, which was really incredible indeed.The old
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Chapter 115 Awe
Duanmu Xi subconsciously looked at Situ Kong, only saw that Situ Kong was still facing forward, and did not look back to talk to her. While wondering, Duanmu Xi heard that voice saying, "Don't look at me, this is thousand-mile voice transmission."It turned out to be thousand-mile voice transmission. No wonder Duanmu Xi could hear her master's voice without seeing him talking to her.Situ Kong glanced at the young man, turned his head to Duanmu Xi and Xuanyuan Mo and said, "Xi, Mo, this is our Second Elder, Ye Wuya."Duanmu Xi nodded faintly when she heard her master's words, but did not say anything. By comparison, Xuanyuan Mo appeared to be more arrogant, and he did not even give a look to Ye Wuya.As a result, Ye Wuya burned with anger. But because Situ Kong was there, he could not flare up. Finally, he could only hold back his rage.Situ Kong also ignored Ye Wuya's darkened face and looked directly at a gray
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Chapter 116 A God-given Wizard
The Elders on the high platform who intended to see Duanmu Xi make a fool of herself were all stunned. How could she be a medicine refining idiot? Instead, she was obviously a genius! If a person who had refined the top-level Spirit Recovering Elixir was considered as a medicine refining idiot, then what were the disciples that had not finished refining?Situ Kong, on the other hand, was looking proudly at Duanmu Xi on the contest stage. As Situ Kong's disciple, Duanmu Xi had not lived up to his expectations. In the first round alone, Duanmu Xi had already left those old guys' disciples far behind. Glancing at the gloomy face of Ye Wuya, a sneer flashed across Situ Kong's eyes. This was just the beginning, and more excitement was yet to come.The refining pharmacists on the stage were all stunned when they saw the top-level Spirit Recovering Elixir in Duanmu Xi's hand. By comparison, looking at their uncompleted refinement, the pharmacists immediatel
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Chapter 117 Stunned Again
"Since it has been confirmed that this elixir was better than top-level one, shouldn't we give this new level a name?" An elder suggested with excitement.Another elder heard his words and immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, there should be a name.""Then what do you think it should be called?""Since it's above top-level, how about calling it above top-level?""No, we'd better call it the special level." Several elders immediately gathered together and discussed eagerly.Looking at the crowd of elders who were involved in a heated discussion on the name of a new elixir level, Situ Kong secretly rolled his eyes and thought, "I am totally speechless. What does the Spirit Recovering Elixir refined by Xi have anything to do with them? Is it necessary for them to name it?"Looking at the elders who had a heated discussion, Yi Shusheng smiled lightly, "Guys, don't you think that this new level should
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Chapter 118 Earthly Grade
On the contest stage three days later, it was still Yi Shusheng who presided over the contest. But after two rounds of contests, there were only less than ten refining pharmacists left in front of him. Most of these remaining refining pharmacists were disciples of the elders, with only a few being casual ones.However, none of these refining pharmacists was Yi Shusheng's disciple. It's not that he didn't have disciples, but that none of his disciples participated in this year's refining pharmacist contest. Probably because of this, Yi Shusheng was chosen to preside over this year's refining pharmacist contest.Before this year, the refining pharmacist contest was always hosted by Situ Kong, who had always refused to recruit any disciple before. As a result, Situ Kong naturally resided over the refining pharmacist contest in the past.Yi Shusheng looked at the refining pharmacists on the stage and smiled slightly, "First of all, congratul
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Chapter 119 Sorry, I'm Not Interested in Being an Elder
Top-level Bodhi Elixir? Everyone was obviously not as shocked as before at this point. And they seemed to have been numb as they had gotten used to her outstanding performance. Now even if Duanmu Xi refined heavenly-grade elixirs, the people present might not feel much surprised.Having seen Duanmu Xi refined an earthly-grade level-one Bodhi Elixir, all the elders were only slightly amazed at the level of her Bodhi Elixir, because they did not expect her to upgrade the Bodhi Elixir in such a short period of time.The top-level Bodhi Elixir refined in this refining pharmacist contest undoubtedly broke the record set by the Chief Elder in his earlier years: a dark-grade level-nine elixir, the top-level Blood Soul Elixir."The second-place winner is Xuanyuan Hao, who made a dark-grade level-seven elixir, the low-level Mysterious Origin Elixir."When the crowd heard the results, they couldn't help but sigh: the world was so unpr
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Chapter 120 Two Couples' Wedding Night
On July 20, an auspicious day for marriage, two couples were holding a wedding in Zhongzhou City. One couple was Yue Ruye, the young master of the Yue Family and Chu Lian'er, the daughter of the Chu Family, the other couple was Xue Luochen, the young master of the Xue Family and Hua Ye'er, the legitimate daughter of the Hua Family.Early in the morning, all the people in Zhongzhou City crowded outside the Chu's Mansion.Today it was a joyous scene in the Chu's Mansion with lanterns and decorations hanging. The Chu's servants were dressed in red clothes and busy going in and out. When they saw the crowd, they distributed wedding candies and cakes. How lively it was!Pedestrian A exclaimed, "The Chu's Mansion is so busy today."Pedestrian B sighed with emotion, "Of course. The Chu's two young ladies are getting married together."Pedestrian A asked in confusion, "Two young ladies? Doesn't Lord Chu only have one si
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