All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
431 Chapters
Chapter 131 Zhou Manyun's Plot
The next day, Xuanyuan Lie was marking the memorials in the imperial study.Eunuch Hu walked in and bowed to report, "Your Majesty, the princess of the Xuanwu Empire wants to meet you."Hearing this, Xuanyuan Lie frowned and put down his vermilion writing brush. He looked at Eunuch Hu and asked, "Is she alone?"Immediately, Eunuch Hu answered with respect, "Yes."Xuanyuan Lie's frown deepened. Why did that woman come to him alone?"Let her in.""Yes." Eunuch Hu bowed out of the imperial study.In a short while, Eunuch Hu led Xiahou Shan in.Xiahou Shan saw Xuanyuan Lie and slightly bent down to salute him, "Your Majesty, greetings.""Princess, rise." Xuanyuan Lie's voice was lukewarm. Somehow, he couldn't take kindly to the eldest princess of the Xuanwu Empire.Upon hearing it, Xiahou Shan stood up straight and looked at Xuanyuan Lie. For a moment,
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Chapter 132 Xuanyuan Mo's Bleeding Hand
In the Xuelan House of Prince Zhan's mansion.Xuanyuan Mo looked at the round moon outside the window and was inexplicably agitated. He felt that something would happen.Suddenly, his waist was clasped, then he felt a soft body leaning up behind him. He looked around and was Duanmu Xi's worried eyes. With a trembling heart, Xuanyuan Mo turned around and hugged her tightly.Duanmu Xi felt Xuanyuan Mo's weakness and tightened her grip on his waist. She looked up at him and said seriously, "Snow, take it easy. I will always be with you."Tomorrow was the full-moon night. She would never leave his side. No matter whether she could alleviate his pain, she would stay with him.Seeing Duanmu Xi's affectionate purple eyes, Xuanyuan Mo's inexplicable agitation was disappearing gradually.Xuanyuan Mo covered Duanmu Xi's lips and kissed them tenderly and intently. He was breathing out his deep feelings.
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Chapter 133 The Full-moon Night
On the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival.The moon rose in the sky like a bright mirror; the divine music broke the silence of the night.The fairy wheel divided equally autumn hue; accompanying clouds for miles and miles in view.The hare of jade couldn't make the full moon brighter still; nor could the golden toad of its light eat the fill.Could I go on a raft hand in hand with my peer? I should wait till the Silver River's crystal-clear.The Mid-Autumn Festival was also known as the Moon Worship Day. On this day, every family set up an incense burner table and worshiped Luna.Today the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire was also extraordinarily lively. His Majesty held a mid-autumn banquet in the imperial garden. Besides, the emissaries of the Xuanwu Empire and the crown princess of the Zhuque Empire were invited to enjoy the full moon together.There was
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Chapter 134 Xuanyuan Mo Is Invaded by the Heartless Worm
Xuanyuan Mo arrived outside the Yonghe Palace together with Duanmu Xi and Zhou Manyun.Zhou Manyun turned to Duanmu Xi, "Crown Princess of Zhuque, follow me in, please!"Duanmu Xi frowned at her words and looked at Xuanyuan Mo.Seeing this, a calculation flashed in Zhou Manyun's phoenix eyes, and then she gave a gentle look at Xuanyuan Mo, "Prince Zhan, just wait outside the palace. We'll be out soon. Crown Princess of Zhuque, please!"Xuanyuan Mo nodded. This was where a consort lived, so it was indeed not inappropriate for him to go in. He stroked the hair on Duanmu Xi's forehead and said, "Go ahead. I'll wait for you outside.""Fine," Duanmu Xi replied softly and gave Xuanyuan Mo a deep look before turning to the Yonghe Palace with Zhou Manyun.Along the way, Zhou Manyun kept talking to Duanmu Xi, while Duanmu Xi just listened quietly without a response or interrupt.They walked to t
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Chapter 135 Who Is the Winner in the End?
Looking at Xiahou Shan, a killing intent flashed in Liqing's eyes. She fished out a glittering dagger from her arms."You... Do you want to kill me?" Seeing the dagger in Liqing's hand, Xiahou Shan turned pale instantly and struggled to get up. But because she was too badly injured, she was unable to move.Liqing sneered, "You've been stupid all your life. This time you're finally smart.""Why do you want to kill me?" Xiahou Shan's voice began to tremble slightly. The near-death fear strained her body to the extreme.Hearing this, a bloodthirsty killing intent crossed Liqing's eyes again. How dared Xiahou Shan ask her why? Xiahou Shan was so stupid!"It's because you deserve to die!" With the last word "die" full of bloodthirsty killing intent, Liqing stabbed her dagger into Xiahou Shan's heart hard.This woman dared to plant the Love Worm in Xuanyuan Mo's body. Of course, she deserved to die.
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Chapter 136 Mo, I'll Remove the Worm for You
Staring at the sweat on Xuanyuan Mo's forehead, Liqing said softly, "Snow, are you feeling hot? Let me take off your clothes."Then, Liqing was about to take off Xuanyuan Mo's undergarment.Xi... Xuanyuan Mo grabbed Liqing's right hand.Liqing was forced to stop taking off his clothes. She raised her head to look at Xuanyuan Mo's handsome face and couldn't help being infatuated.He was so handsome, better-looking than any man she had ever met. She had fallen in love with him at the first sight.She loved him. She wanted him. She wanted to remove the worm for him. She didn't want any woman to tarnish him. In this world, only she deserved to be with him. Even if he would forget her after she helped remove the worm for him, she wouldn't regret it. As long as she could get him, she would balk at no sacrifice, whatever it was.She raised her left hand to stroke Xuanyuan Mo from his face, down the side of
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Chapter 137 The Seal Is Broken and His Virginity Is Gone
A faint scent came from Xuanyuan Mo's mouth to his brain, which made his body stiffen instantly. As Duanmu Xi's kiss grew increasingly passionate, the familiar sensation in Xuanyuan Mo's body roared again.Xi...He was gradually losing his consciousness again.No, he couldn't...Xuanyuan Mo clenched his hands and forced himself not to hug his beloved girl.Because he clenched too harshly, the originally healed injury on his left hand immediately opened up and the white gauze was also slowly stained with blood.The pain of his injury slightly brought him to his senses.Xuanyuan Mo turned his head to avoid Duanmu Xi's kiss, saying in a hoarse voice, "No... Don't remove the worm for me..."He remembered that woman said that Xi would be in pain if she removed the worm for him. Whether it was true or not, he didn't want to take risks.Hearing that, Duanmu Xi slowly
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Chapter 138 We Slept Together Last Night
In a room of some inn in the Imperial City, a man was lying on the arhat bed with his eyes closed.His sharp brows were slightly knitted as if he were having a bad dream. His lowered long eyelashes slightly twitched. It seemed that he was about to wake up anytime. He puckered his red lips tightly and seemed very restless.He was covered with a thin quilt, his arms exposed in the air and his long black hair scattered beneath his body like a piece of black silk fabrics. He was so good-looking but he just displayed an unapproachable air.A woman was lying next to him. The woman was facing inside, whose face couldn't be seen clearly. Yet, her fair-skinned arm exposed in the air, as well as her naked back, was tempting enough for the men in the world.Suddenly, the man opened his eyes, his eyes full of coldness and indifference.Xuanyuan Mo looked at the strange roof of the bednet and then slightly frowned. Where was
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Chapter 139 Her Snow Is Gone
What a beautiful woman! He had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Of course he had seen various kinds of women, including the female monsters of the beast clan, the female devils of the demon clan and the female spirits of the immortal clan. He had seen all the beauties. However, he was still impressed by this woman. It was not only because of her stunning appearance and enchanting purple eyes but also due to her otherworldly demeanor of elegance.Yet, why did she call him Snow? If he remembered it correctly, his name in this life should be Xuanyuan Mo but why did the name of Snow sound so familiar?Seeing the grief and distress in the woman's eyes, he inherently felt pitiful and sad. Then, he subconsciously said, "Miss, you've mistaken me for someone else. I'm not Snow."Hearing that, Duanmu Xi widened her eyes and then stared at Xuanyuan Mo. Was he not Snow? Were there such two identical men in the world? They were so much alike
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Chapter 140 I Pick You But You Need to Marry into My Family Rather than I Marry into Yours
Everyone was shocked to hear that because it was not Prince Zhan but Young General Lian of the Xuanwu Empire who said that.Lian Zhengyu's words made Xuanyuan Mo instinctively frown and feel somewhat jealous.Hearing that, Xuanyuan Hao sneered. Young General Lian was clearly lying through his teeth. Xuanyuan Hao knew the truth best. Last night, he had fought with Lian Zhengyu for the whole night.Duanmu Xi also stared at Lian Zhengyu in astonishment. Why did he lie? She was not with him last night.Around 9 p.m. last night, she looked for Snow with Qingfeng and then stayed with Snow in the cave. Now, Snow didn't remember her. She had no other witness to testify her at all. However, she didn't need any witnesses either. She believed that truth would speak for itself. Xiahou Shan was not killed by her. No matter what Zhuge Weiming asked, the fact couldn't be changed.Hearing that, Zhuge Weiming frowned and narrowe
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