All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
431 Chapters
Chapter 141 Pull His Clothes to Check the Bite Mark in Public
As Xuanyuan Mo said that, all the people in the Baihu Hall were dumbstruck on the spot. They stared at Xuanyuan Mo in astonishment. A moment later, there was an uproar among them."Oh my god! Did I mishear? His Highness asks Crown Princess of Zhuque to marry into our empire instead of himself marrying into hers!""His Highness wants Crown Princess of Zhuque to marry into our empire. He is rather ambitious indeed!""His Highness is being too whimsical. Crown Princess of Zhuque is the crown princess of two empires. How can such an exalted woman marry into Baihu?""I don't think Crown Princess of Zhuque will agree."Zhuge Weiming frowned and looked at Xuanyuan Mo with grim eyes. It turned out that Xuanyuan Mo was the most cunning one. Zhuge Weiming thought that Xuanyuan Mo would really give up everything in the Baihu Empire and marry into the Zhuque Empire. Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Mo turned out to be so ambitious.
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Chapter 142 Lose Her Spiritual Power Again
In the Xuelan House of Prince Zhan's mansion.Xuanyuan Mo was sitting in the bathing bucket. The clear bite mark on his right shoulder was discernible in the water. He stroked the bite mark gently in a trance.He couldn't remember anything about the bite mark. He had no idea who left it on his shoulder.As he suddenly thought of her touching the bite mark tearfully, he felt his heart aching. Why did he have some weird feeling every time he saw her.Then, he exerted force on his palm to press the bite mark harshly. His mysterious power made the bite mark imprinted on his shoulder forever. He had no idea why he wanted to leave the bite mark.After getting dressed, he got out of the room and looked at the full moon out of the window, thinking about the wedding to be held three days later.Suddenly, Xuanyuan Mo shouted somewhere, "Go into the imperial palace to guard her." The women in the imperial pala
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Chapter 143 Who Starts the Trouble Should End It
Carrying a basin, Phoenix Five stepped into the room only to see Duanmu Xi was huddling helplessly in the corner on the bed like an injured beast.Phoenix Five felt her heart aching and her eyes slightly flickered. Her eyes clouded with tears instantly. She took a deep breath and blinked her eyes to conceal her feelings. Gently, she put down the basin and walked to the bedside, saying respectfully, "Your Highness, I've fetched the water for you. You may wash up now."Duanmu Xi didn't raise her head but said in a low voice, "You get out first."Her voice was cold as usual. It was hard to tell her feelings."Yes." Hearing that, Phoenix Five immediately bowed herself out of the room.Upon hearing that the door was closed, Duanmu Xi raised her head slowly. Her eyes were a bit red and her face was covered with traces of tears.She got up slowly, got dressed quietly and washed up, still thinking about the
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Chapter 144 Three Monarchs Get Together
At the gate of the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire, a luxurious carriage arrived in a hurry. In front of the carriage and behind it, there were armored soldiers carrying spears. It was also surrounded by tens of people in black. Yet, both the soldiers and the people in black were all women.Those guards at the gate of the palace were all astonished to see the scene. Who was sitting in the carriage? This grand occasion could be compared with His Majesty's.The carriage stopped slowly. A woman in black beside the carriage immediately went forward and reported respectfully, "Your Majesty, Your Highness, here we are at the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire."Then, the curtain was lifted and a man came from inside. The man was dressed in white, looked handsome and charming. He was so good-looking that he didn't seem like a mortal being.What a handsome man! He and Prince Zhan, the top handsome man in the Baihu Empire, were
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Chapter 145 I Demand Resigning as the Crown Princess
Feeling Xuanyuan Mo's gaze, Duanmu Xi turned around and met a pair of deeply profound eyes.They looked each other in the eye. For the moment, time seemed to stagnate. They could see nothing but each other."Ahem... Um..." Looking at their affectionate eyes, Huangfu Cang was a bit disgruntled with his dark eyes slightly glittering. He put his fist at his lips and coughed twice.Hearing Huangfu Cang's cough, the two of them turned their gaze away. Duanmu Xi blushed and lowered her head, not daring to take another glance at Xuanyuan Mo anymore.Xuanyuan Mo also blushed a bit. At the thought of her bashful appearance, he felt a heat in his body.Huangfu Cang looked at Duanmu Xi's bashful bearing and sighed inwardly. Then, he glanced at Xuanyuan Mo again."Since Xi likes you, I will acknowledge you as my grandson-in-law then. However, the wedding mustn't be held in Baihu but Qinglong. Everything is read
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Chapter 146 The Arrival of Three Masters
Not only Duanmu Xi but also Duanmu Xue was touched. Duanmu Xue knew that her father-in-law loved Xi but she never expected that he would love her to this point. Even Che back then was not treated in this way.Duanmu Xue couldn't help thinking, "Back then, Father didn't agree with Che to marry into Zhuque and even wanted to attack Zhuque. In the end, it was because Che went on a hunger strike that Father had to agree. Eventually, Father not only abolished Che's position as the crown prince but also cut off the relationship with Che."Now, Xi only has shed a few drops of tears. Father not only agrees with her to marry into Baihu but also reserves her position as the crown princess. Evidently, he loves Xi so much."Huangfu Che's dark eyes were moist with tears. Of course he was happy that Xi could be so much loved by her grandpa. Besides, he also felt pitiful for his father. In a patriarchal empire like Qinglong, it was definitely not an ea
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Chapter 147 The Treasure That Can Recover the Memory
In the Yingyue Palace.Upon seeing the visitors, Phoenix Five greeted them with a curtsy and served tea and desserts for them.Duanmu Xi stared at Phoenix Five who was busy working and then ordered, "Put this aside. Go and clean several rooms for my three masters, grandpa and parents.""Yes." Upon hearing the order, Phoenix Five immediately replied and bowed away.Seeing Duanmu Xi send Phoenix Five away, Situ Kong asked with a frown, "Xi, do you have anything to tell us?"Hearing that, Duanmu Xi nodded and looked at them, saying seriously, "I do have something to tell you. You are my closest people. I hope that you can help me.""Xi, just go ahead."Duanmu Xue looked at Duanmu Xi with pity. Xi had never vented her grievances to them. She always dealt with them on her own. Now that she was willing to air her grievances, she must have encountered some problem she couldn't handle.
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Chapter 148 Memory Recovering Elixir
"But what?" Duanmu Xi looked up with excitement as if grasping the last straw.The others also looked at Mei Luo expectantly upon hearing that there was a way to recover Xuanyuan Mo's memory.Faced with the others' expectant eyes, Mei Luo said casually, "But no one has seen this treasure by far. Legend has it only the Celestial Maiden of the Wilderness Holy Region is qualified to have this treasure. Other people cannot use it even if they obtain it. And I only know it is a magic weapon."Actually, these were the top secrets of the Wilderness Holy Region. As the sacred maiden of the Wilderness Holy Region, she shouldn't have voiced out the secrets. However, today, she revealed them for the sake of Xi. She believed that the people present wouldn't leak the secrets.The people were frustrated to hear that. No one had seen it. All they knew was its name only. No matter how capable they were, they couldn't find it anyway! Besides
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Chapter 149 The Grand Wedding: Fetching the Bride
It was a bright and sunny day.Today, the Imperial City of the Baihu Empire was a sea of people. These people were from Qinglong, Zhuque, Xuanwu, Central State and of course Baihu. Almost all the people in the Hantian Continent were crowded here. They gathered here for nothing but to attend the grand wedding held here today.All the people flooded towards the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire simply to get a glimpse of the bride's appearance.Now, there were crowds of people outside the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire. Two men in the crowds were saying something."It is said that Princess Consort Zhan will set off from the imperial palace of the Baihu Empire. Prince Zhan will come to the imperial palace to pick up the bride later. I'm here to see Princess Consort Zhan on purpose. I heard that she was incomparably beautiful. I would die for seeing her once."Then, the man in cyan stood on tiptoe and craned
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Chapter 150 The Grand Wedding: Getting into the Wedding Sedan
Xuanyuan Mo's bride-fetching team arrived at the gate of the imperial palace soon.Upon seeing Xuanyuan Mo, those people guarding the gate of the palace immediately started cheering."Prince Zhan has arrived.""Prince Zhan is coming to fetch Princess Consort Zhan.""I can see Princess Consort Zhan now. I'm so curious!"...The bride-fetching team stopped at the gate of the palace. Xuanyuan Mo entered the imperial palace with Lishang and Yu Ying only.Seeing the Yingyue Palace getting nearer and nearer, Xuanyuan Mo was expectant and nervous. His heart also subconsciously beat faster.In the Yingyue Palace of the imperial palace in Baihu.Phoenix Five came inside in a hurry and then reported to Duanmu Xi, "Your Highness, Mr. Xuanyuan has arrived."Upon hearing Xuanyuan Mo had arrived, Duanmu Xi slightly blushed with a shimmer of fluster in her dark p
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