All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
434 Chapters
Chapter 161 Mei Luo Is Missing
Feeling the dual coercion of ice and fire on Xuanyuan Mo, Situ Kong slightly frowned. What was wrong with Xuanyuan Mo? Why was he so bad-tempered? This was so not like him.Situ Kong, who was so confused, shook his head. He wanted to go into the room but was stopped by Xuanyuan Mo."Chief Master, Second Master, Xi can't meet you now--it is not convenient. You can tell me if anything."His voice was cold with apparent disgruntlement.Situ Kong looked up at Xuanyuan Mo and glimpsed the apparent hickeys on the neck. Instantly, he seemed to understand something and blushed. His eyes slightly flickered. Oh no, it seemed that he had disturbed Xi and Mo. Well, Xi was too wild!He turned to glance at Nalan Xi. They communicated through eye contact."Old chap, you have guessed it right? Why didn't you stop me earlier? Did you deliberately embarrass me?" Situ Kong thought."Hey, it's because you
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Chapter 162 Being Pregnant
In the study of Prince Zhan's mansion.After reading the last official document, Xuanyuan Mo rubbed his temples with fatigue."Your Highness," outside the study, Yu Ying knocked on the door and called Xuanyuan Mo."Come in."Hearing the reply, Yu Ying pushed open the door gently, walked inside and knelt on one knee before Xuanyuan Mo, "Greetings, Your Highness."Xuanyuan Mo looked at Yu Ying in front of the desk and slightly knitted his eyebrows, "How is everything doing? Any news?"Instantly, a glimmer of guilt flashed across Yu Ying's eyes. He slightly hung his head and said with guilt, "I’m sorry that I failed you. Please punish me, Your Highness."Over the past month, they searched around the whole Baihu Empire but they still couldn't find any information about Duanmu Xi's third master. Neither had anyone seen her. She was like vanishing into thin air.Hearing that, Xua
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Chapter 163 I'll Return the Injury to You Tenfold
Seeing Duanmu Xi's sudden reaction, Xuanyuan Mo was startled and directly followed her outside without thinking much.Phoenix Five aside saw the scene and followed outside. Mixed feelings of worry and regret were etched on her face. She shouldn't have listened to Her Highness's order and made the fish soup.No sooner had Duanmu Xi run outside than she couldn't help throwing up. Yet, she had just vomited all the things in her belly. Now, she had nothing to vomit. She could only keep retching.Seeing Duanmu Xi retching, Xuanyuan Mo was startled and subconsciously knitted his eyebrows, "Xi, are you okay?"Hearing Xuanyuan Mo's worried voice, Duanmu Xi straightened up in a flutter and wiped the corner of her lips with her sleeve. Then, she turned around and grinned, "I'm fine."Xuanyuan Mo scurried to Duanmu Xi and looked her up and down, "What's wrong? Why are you vomiting?"Hearing that, Duanmu Xi was
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Chapter 164 I Mind It But I Still Love You!
Looking at the strange man in front, the woman in black slightly frowned. The comer was not that woman.He slowly walked to the woman in black. Looking at the woman who got into such a mess and yet looked composed, Xuanyuan Hao couldn't help admiring her."Should I call you Mei Luo or Mu Wan?" His deep voice was somewhat mischievous.Mei Luo was surprised to hear that. He was from the Wilderness Holy Region? She scrutinized his appearance and narrowed her eyes at once.It was him. It was the man who ran into her on the day when Xi got married. She remembered that this man seemed to be Xuanyuan Mo's brother.He teleported himself in front of Mei Luo and directly bent down to whisper to Mei Luo's ear, "Maybe I should call you aunt."Mei Luo looked quite astounded, "You are her child?"Her voice was no longer cold as before but a bit hoarse. This was the first time that she had spoken for
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Chapter 165 The Sacred Maiden of the Wilderness Holy Region
In Xuelan House of Prince Zhan's mansion.Phoenix Five looked at the dishes not much eaten on the table and slightly knitted her eyebrows, her eyes full of worry, "Your Highness, are the dishes not to your liking? What would you like to eat? I will make it for you."Hearing that, Duanmu Xi stroked her chest and waved her hand, "There is nothing wrong with the dishes. Just take them away."She felt nauseated even when she looked at the dishes, not to mention eating the dishes.Hearing that, Phoenix Five said with worry, "Nevertheless, how can you not eat anything? You are pregnant now. Even if you are not hungry, your baby still needs nutrition!"Her Highness rarely ate anything recently and only forced herself to eat something while Mr. Xuanyuan was around. Yet, she would still vomit what she had eaten afterward. Phoenix Five really had no idea how she was going to face Her Majesty if anything went wrong with He
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Chapter 166 No Asking for the Position of the Princess Consort
When Duanmu Xi heard that, her eyes slightly flickered. With a smile, she said, "I'm not hungry. I want to eat this."Then, she pulled the plate filled with the waxberries aside to herself.Looking at Duanmu Xi eating the waxberries with satisfaction, Xuanyuan Mo slightly smiled, "If you like waxberries, I can ask them to send several baskets of these to our mansion.""Okay." Hearing that, Duanmu Xi nodded with delight, picked up a waxberry and put it at Xuanyuan Mo's lips.Xuanyuan Mo ate it docilely. Instantly, an extremely sour flavor filled his whole mouth but he still ate it with a straight face. He would eat whatever his wife fed him, even if it was poison.As Liqing opposite saw their lovey-dovey interaction, her coquettish eyes were full of malice that was as wicked as a venomous snake.Maybe because the eyes opposite were too sharp, Duanmu Xi looked up and happened to meet Liqing's vicious
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Chapter 167 Mo, I'm Pregnant with Your Baby
From start to finish, Xuanyuan Mo didn't cast any glance at Liqing at all. After giving his reply, he directly dragged Duanmu Xi out of the hall.His ruthless words stabbed Liqing's heart harshly like a knife. She turned to look at Xuanyuan Mo going farther and farther from her. With her eyes full of fierceness, she shouted, "Mo, do you really not remember me? I'm Liqing who helped break your seal!"Her voice was extremely plaintive as if suffering extreme wrong.Hearing her mention breaking the seal, Xuanyuan Mo hedged and looked fierce. Dang. It was that wolf woman. Why was she here? When did she become the sacred maiden of the Wilderness Holy Region?Xuanyuan Mo felt a dart of panic, clenched Duanmu Xi's hand and walked faster.Duanmu Xi next to Xuanyuan Mo could clearly feel his emotional swing. The feeling of fretfulness welled up in her heart again.Zhou Manyun watched Xuanyuan Mo flee in a fl
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Chapter 168 Sadness
The clear sky slowly became cloudy. The moon was gradually covered with clouds. As the wind blew by, the yellow fallen leaves were lifted from the ground.Seeing that Duanmu Xi turned around without a lingering look, Xuanyuan Mo was flustered and subconsciously wanted to grab her. However, at the thought of her disdainful words for him, he just didn't dare to touch her. He could only watch that lonely figure go away from his world.The lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled. Within a blink of an eye, it started to pour with rain.Xuanyuan Mo stood still in the rain, leaving himself soaked in the rain. He fixed his amber eyes on the place where Duanmu Xi disappeared and clenched his fists with blue veins standing out. Another bolt of lightning flashed by. He was still worried about her and with a flash, he ran after Duanmu Xi.The cold rain lashed at Duanmu Xi. Very quickly, her clothes were totally wet but she didn't feel
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Chapter 169 Lian Zhengyu Is My Baby's Father
In the study of Prince Zhan's mansion.Xuanyuan Mo stood still by the window. His amber eyes were utterly dull and drained of luster as if he lost his soul.Outside the window, the wind whistled by from time to time. The leaves of the phoenix tree in the yard fell with the wind. Occasionally, one or two leaves would drop on the sill."Your Highness, Her Highness Princess Consort is back..." Yu Ying suddenly rushed inside and said with excitement.Hearing that, Xuanyuan Mo was instantly spirited and directly dashed outside.Yu Ying only felt a gust of wind blow across him. When he raised his head, he found that His Highness was already gone. The corners of his lips twitched. Meanwhile, he felt relieved. Her Highness worked like a charm indeed. His Highness finally cheered up.His Highness had been standing still by the window since he came back that night. He hadn't eaten, drunk or slept for three da
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Chapter 170 Cook for Her
In Xuelan House of Prince Zhan's mansion.On the arhat bed, Xuanyuan Mo was lying there with his eyes closed and his forehead covered with sweat. His hands were clenching the quilt."Xuanyuan Mo, listen. Lian Zhengyu is the father of my baby. On the full-moon night of the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, Lian Zhengyu and I stayed in the cave for a whole night..."Suddenly, Xuanyuan Mo sat up, put his hand on his chest and clutched the front of his clothes harshly.He felt as if his heart had a big hole. It was so hurtful that he wanted to rip the whole heart out.With a squeak, the door was opened. Yu Ying walked inside with a tray. He was delighted to see Xuanyuan Mo sitting on the bed, "Your Highness, you are awake!"When Long Yue sent His Highness here last night, he was really freaked out. It was the first time that he had seen His Highness so lifeless. His Highness was always in a good healt
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