All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
429 Chapters
Chapter 311 Three Men, One Show
For a few days in a row, Xuanyuan Mo accompanied Duanmu Shi, which made Duanmu Shi become more and more dependent on him, in addition to the dependence, there were some indescribable things slowly growing in his heart.At night, Duanmu Shi in bed tossing and turning how can not sleep, do not know why, as long as she closed her eyes to see the whole body Xuanyuan Mo's silhouette, his gentle gentle coaxing, his careful thoughtfulness, his soft voice, all deeply imprinted in her mind, can not be waved.Another incense burner passed, and Duanmu Shi, who still couldn't sleep, sat up violently and put on his outerwear and went out of the room.The air in the courtyard was a little chilly, Duanmu Shi tightened the outer garment on her body and raised her eyes to look at the moon in the mid-air, her deep purple eyes flickering. Who was she in the end? And who was the father of the child in her belly? What had happened before to cause her to be seriously injured and lose he
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Chapter 312 Who is The Father of The Child?
As it turned out, Xuanyuan Mo's idea was right.Not long after Hei Yan and Jun Wu Xie left, Duanmu Shi began to feel sick to his stomach, at first it was only slightly uncomfortable, but then his stomach felt like it was turning over and flaring up.Duanmu Shi tightly covered her stomach, a small face was already white at the moment, and a layer of cold sweat was seeping out from her white forehead.His own stomach had really been spoiled by Asuka, only eating that little bit of raw congee made him hurt like this.When Xuanyuan Mo arrived, Duanmu Shi was already sitting on the ground, holding her stomach, unable to straighten up."Shi'er!" Seeing Duanmu Shi curled up on the ground, Xuanyuan Mo's heart was startled and he immediately rushed in and picked up Duanmu Shi from the ground in a horizontal hug.Seeing an anxious Xuanyuan Mo, Duanmu Shi pulled the corner of his mouth, "Asuka ......"Seeing Xuanyuan Mo, Duanmu Shi suddenly settled dow
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Chapter 313 How about Getting Sick?
In the pavilion by the small lake, Duanmu Shi was lying on the railing, somewhat absentmindedly feeding the koi in the lake.A Xue he, these two days do not come to find her, is not hate her, or is accompanying other women, Duanmu Shi thought violently shook his head, what is wrong with himself? Obviously he refused to see him, purposely avoiding him, and now he is coming back to nonsense.Just as Duanmu Shi shook her head violently, the small jade bottle in her sleeve suddenly fell out and rolled through the crack underneath the railing, landing on the edge of the small lake outside the railing.Asuka's jade bottle, looking at the jade bottle rolled down on the edge of the small lake, Duanmu Shi brows knit, lying on the railing to try to reach out enough, but the railing away from the small lake has a distance, Duanmu Shi vigorously enough to reach the two didn't reach, glimpsed the bench next to the Duanmu Shi didn't think much about it, directly stepped on the b
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Chapter 314 The Tragic Jun Wu Xie
Beside the Ice and Fire Pool in the back mountain of the Demon Realm, there stood a black and a red figure."Are you sure you really want this?" Jun Wu Xie looked at the red and white pool of ice and fire and swallowed.Xuan Yuan Mo, who was on the side, as if he had not heard Jun Wu Xie's words at all, directly stepped his foot into the Ice Fire Pool.Seeing this, Jun Wu Xie immediately pulled Xuan Yuan Mo back, "Eh, your internal injuries are yet to heal.""Aren't there you?" Coolly dropping this sentence, Xuanyuan Mo directly jumped into the Ice Fire Pool.Jun Wu Xie was directly dumbfounded at the words and stared at Xuanyuan Mo in the ice and fire pool with a face of remorse, he must have raped. He must have raped and pillaged and done all the bad things in his previous life to have made such a bad friend in this life.Two days later in the Underworld Palace, Jun Wu Xie hurriedly entered Duanmu Shi's room."Cousin Shi'er, quickly go che
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Chapter 315 I'm with The Doctor
After soaking in the medicinal bath for the night, Hei Yan finally felt his body relax a lot, and had just laid down when Phantom walked in."Greetings Ghost Master, Miss Yun Shi seeks an audience."Hei Yan's eyes lit up at the words and he immediately sat up and said, "Quickly invite her in.""Yes." Phantom immediately bowed and retreated upon hearing this.A moment later, Duanmu Shi followed Phantom in.Looking at Hei Yan, who was still pale on the bed, Duanmu Shi's brows unconsciously furrowed as she worriedly said, "Doctor, how are you? Your face looks so pale."Hei Yan's lips hooked at his words, "It's fine, it's much better today."Looking at Hei Yan's weak appearance, Duanmu Shi said with a look of concern, "What kind of disease did you have, even the sprite shadows can't do anything about it?"Because the doctor is sick, so for the past two days are the sprite shadow for her to boil medicine to check the pulse, as well as Asuka
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Chapter 316 Duanmushi Remember, You Can Only be Mine Forever
Looking at Xuanyuan Mo's appearance as if he was struck by lightning, Duanmu Shi's eyes flashed with a flash of pain, hanging on both sides of the small hand clenched into a fist, long nails deeply embedded into the palm, but did not feel the slightest pain."Heh ......" Xuanyuan Mo suddenly snorted, "You want to marry him, do you know what you're talking about?"She was clearly his wife, they had loved each other like that, and now she was telling him that she was getting married to someone else, which was the funniest joke in the world.Looking at the self-deprecating smile on the corner of Xuanyuan Mo's lips, Duanmu Shi's heart violently throbbed, lightly inhaling a breath, raising her eyes to look at Xuanyuan Mo and earnestly saying, "I know what I'm talking about, I've already decided to go out with the doctor and if we get along with each other well, we'll get married."Once again from the mouth of Duanmu Shi heard the word "marriage", Xuanyuan Mo's ent
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Chapter 317 Regulus Mo I'll Never Forgive You
Duanmu Shi was even more anxious at the sight, in addition to anxiety there was also fear, such an Asuka, really made her feel afraid.Xuanyuan Mo's speed was very fast, he reached the bedside in only a few breaths and then threw Duanmu Shi onto the bed without the slightest bit of mercy.Looking at Xuanyuan Mo, who was pulling his clothes while continuously moving closer towards her, Duanmu Shi moved backward with difficulty, inch by inch."Ah Xue, calm down a bit ......" Duanmu Shi's voice carried a slight light tremor, at this moment, she was really scared to the extreme.Completely ignoring Duanmu Shi's fearful eyes, Xuanyuan Mo directly ripped off his outerwear and threw it to the ground, then leaned down to cover Duanmu Shi's petite body and began to tear Duanmu Shi's clothes.Duanmu Shi was pressed down by Xuanyuan Mo, her body began to tremble gently, her hands gripping her clothes tightly, her feet still constantly rubbing back, "Xuanyuan Mo, d
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Chapter 318 Yun Shi, Let's Get Married!
Beast World, Ink Palace.Xuanyuan Mo stood in the newly built gazebo, looking at the koi carp in the lake in a daze.Not far away, Red Spirit looked at Xuanyuan Mo's forlorn back, her eyes flickered lightly, "Do you guys feel that Lord Beast God's return this time is very strange?"Blue Zephyr, who was beside him, nodded at his words, "It's indeed quite strange, he's been back for a month and I haven't even heard him say a word."Red Spirit frowned at his words, "That's not the strangest?"Blazer raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Red Spirit in confusion, could there be anything more strange?Everyone else also looked at Red Spirit with puzzled faces, waiting for her words to follow.Looking at the crowd's puzzled eyes, Red Spirit frowned in acceptance, "Lord Beast God has been back for a month, and he hasn't even gone to the Ghost Realm to see his master, don't you guys think it's strange?"The crowd all nodded with a dazed look
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Chapter 319 Is My Child Yours?
Xuanyuan Mo only felt a tightness in his back, and an extra pair of slender hands came out from his waist and embraced him tightly.That drop of rolling tears, an aggrieved whimper, and that sentence of I hate you made Xuanyuan Mo's heart break.No longer can not help but turn back sharply, will Duanmu Shi embraced into the arms, raised his hand gently for Duanmu Shi wiped the tears on his face, gently coaxed, "Good, hate me, hate me, as long as you don't cry, casually let me do what can."Hearing Xuanyuan Mo's gentle and light coaxing voice, Duanmu Shi's tears fell even more rapidly, and her hands hugged even tighter.Duanmu Shi hugged Xuanyuan Mo and cried for a long, long time, and in the end, she actually fell straight to sleep.Looking at the little person in his arms who cried herself to sleep, Xuanyuan Mo's amber eyes flashed with a touch of heartache, leaning down to kiss away the tears at the corners of Duanmu Shi's eyes, pulling over the thin
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Chapter 320 You Were Indeed Once My WCife ##
Hei Yan sniffed, his pure eyes dimmed, the corner of his lips once again hooked up a self-deprecating smile, "I just want to fight for a chance for myself, it's just that even though I've done so much, the result is still the same, no matter what I do, I can't change the arrangement of fate."No matter how hard he tries, he will always be a bystander, and what a sad bystander.Xuanyuan Mo's brows knitted lightly at the words, but he didn't say anything.Hei Yan raised his eyes to look at Xuanyuan Mo and said with a sincere face, "Congratulations on your win, she's yours."When Xuanyuan Mo heard this, his eyes flashed lightly and he said with a haughty face, "I said she would only be mine."Looking at a face of arrogance Xuanyuan Mo, Hades Yan lips gently raised, pure eyes flashed a touch of relief, if he also have him such self-confidence, perhaps he may not lose, every time with her together, he subconsciously always remind himself that she is his, her
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