All Chapters of Romance of the Resurrected Crown Princess and the Cold-blooded Wolf King: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
427 Chapters
Chapter 331 Imperial Father, Is That You?
Venerable Tian Lu froze at the words, then his brows gently knitted, but only for a moment but then relievedly hooked his lips, the emperor is not there, Your Highness is the most suitable person to inherit the emperor's power isn't it?Venerable Tianlu bowed slightly to Duanmu Shi, "Your Highness is willing to take on the great responsibility of the Immortal Realm, it is indeed a blessing for the Immortal Realm, the old minister will take the princess to the Immortal Spirit Hall." Venerable Tianlu said and walked to the front to lead the way for Duanmu Shi.Together, the three of them followed Venerable Tianlu to a palace.Duanmu Shi looked at the mysterious palace in front of her, her brows gently knit, she had been in the Immortal Palace for more than a thousand years surprisingly didn't know that the Immortal Palace had such an Immortal Spirit Hall.Seemingly aware of Duanmu Shi's thoughts, Venerable Tianlu gently smiled, "When the princess was here, this
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Chapter 332 Come back, Your Highness, the White Tiger Needs You!
One bell rang followed by another, and the immortal bell rang a total of ten times before stopping.Listening to the ringing of the bell, Duanmu Shi's frown tightened."What's going on, something happened in the Immortal Palace?" Jun Wu Xie was also puzzled and furrowed his brows, as far as he knew the Immortal Bell of the Immortal Palace would only ring if there was something big going on, if he wasn't wrong, this Immortal Bell had struck ten times in total, that would be a big event with a big top.Xuanyuan Mo's eyes flashed with a flash of light when he heard this, and he thought of something in his heart, but he didn't say it.Duanmu Shi's heart tightened at the words, and her brows knit tightly as she said, "I'll go to the front to take a look."Xuanyuan Mo nodded at his words, "Let's go together."The three had just taken a few steps when they saw a group of people in front of them hurriedly walking towards this side.Duanmu Shi took a
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Chapter 333 Your Majesty, you must hold on and wait for the Prince of War to come back
The Green Dragon stopped fighting, and the Vermilion Bird's army also remained parked outside Quzhou City to the south of the White Tiger, as if they just wanted to scare the White Tiger, not really wanting to make a move.In the Vermilion Bird camp, a woman in black hurriedly entered the largest tent in the middle of the camp."Greetings, Your Majesty.""What is it?" Duanmu Xue glanced faintly at Feng Wu, who was bowing."News has come from Shengjing that the Green Dragons have called a truce." Feng Wu said and handed over the letter in his hand.Duanmu Xue sniffed and glanced at Huangfu Che by her side, then with lightly furrowed brows, she took the letter in Feng Wu's hands and opened it to read it together with Huangfu Che.After reading the letter, Duanmu Xue's eyes flashed lightly, raised her eyes and looked at Huangfu Che frowning, "Father retreated so easily, is this Mu Hao Da trustworthy?"Huangfu Che hooked his lips at his words an
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Chapter 334 Isn't it said that the Ghost Lord is cold and unsmiling by nature?
The corner of Xuanyuan Hao's lips rose slightly, not a little surprised, as if he had already known that Xuanyuan Lie would surely agree, raised his hand and waved off the guards, took out the long-drafted imperial decree, and walked to the bedside.After Xuanyuan Hao left, Eunuch Hu knelt down in front of Xuanyuan Lie with a "plop", "Your Majesty, it's all the old slave's fault, it's the old slave who dragged you down."Xuanyuan Lie glanced at Eunuch Hu on the ground and faintly said, "Get up, it's not your fault.""But ..." Eunuch Hu wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Xuanyuan Lie raising his hand."You think if I don't agree, he won't be able to ascend the throne, whether I answer or not doesn't change anything." Now the whole palace is controlled by him, even the court is basically controlled in his hands, the dynasty is afraid that more than half of the officials are now his people, so whether he writes an imperial edict or not, can not aff
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Chapter 335 You're lighting a fire.
"Shi'er..." Xuanyuan Mo was startled and immediately rushed over to catch Duanmu Shi, then with an anxious face, he channeled his Beast God power into Duanmu Shi to restore her spiritual power.Jun Wu Xie and Hei Yan were also shocked when they saw the pale Duanmu Shi, especially Hei Yan who was even more guilty, if Yun Shi had any missteps because of him, he would not forgive himself in any way.Thankfully, Duanmushi woke up quickly.Seeing that Duanmu Shi woke up, Xuanyuan Mo slowly withdrew his Beast God power and wrapped his arms around Duanmu Shi and said, "How is it, better?"Looking at the anxious Xuanyuan Mo, Duanmu Shi appeased like hooking her lips, "Much better."Duanmu Shi said as she leaned into Xuanyuan Mo's arms, giving him her full weight.Looking at the tired Duanmu Shi, Hei Yan said with a guilty face, "I'm sorry Yun Shi, I'm the one who got you into trouble."Duanmu Shi shook his head at his words and said, "My Emperor's p
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Chapter 336 The Vermillion Bird Queen has come to settle the score
Xuanyuan Hao sniffed his eyebrows furrowed violently, his gloomy eyes shot straight at the bottom of the back straight, a righteous Mu Hao Da, just two days time he not only let the Qinglong retreat, but also find out the reason why the Qinglong Vermilion Bird rose up, I have to say that Xuanyuan Mo is still really a good vision.The dark eyes narrowed dangerously, and his face was also gloomy, "Today is the day I ascend the throne, these trivial matters will be resolved after I ascend the throne." No matter what he had to ascend the throne today.The left minister heard the frown, out of a step, bowed and said, "I thought the emperor is still alive, the crown prince ascended to the throne of the matter does not need to be in a hurry, but this is the matter of the green dragon and the vermilion bird, but also please explain the crown prince clearly."The voice of the left phase is not subdued, and his eyes are very firm, the matter of the Green Dragon and the Vermi
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Chapter 337 Xuanyuan Mo, you can't kill me!
The people in the great hall who heard the voice all froze, and after that, every face had a different expression.Duanmu Xue was ecstatic, it was Shi'er's voice.Huangfu Che was smiling lightly and lightly, his Shi'er had returned.Xuanyuan Hao, on the other hand, was in disbelief, was it her? She's still alive?Just as the group of imperial guards struggled with whether or not to still go forward, another cold and piercing voice rang out."Do all of them not want to live?" With that icy voice, the imperial guards surrounding Duanmu Xue and the others were all sent flying by a powerful force.As the crowd listened to the familiar icy voice, ecstasy all surged on their faces, it was the War Prince, the War Prince had returned!Hearing Xuanyuan Mo's voice, Xuanyuan Hao's eyes flashed with a touch of chagrin, damned Xuanyuan Mo, not coming back early or late, how did he come back at this juncture, he was so close to succeeding, but it turned o
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Chapter 338 The Compassion of Living and Dying Together
Seeing the sudden appearance of Xuanyuan Lie and Eunuch Hu, Xuanyuan Hao's face instantly turned pale, "Father ... Father ..."Hearing Xuanyuan Hao's voice of father, Xuanyuan Lie's eyes flashed with a touch of deep pain and sarcasm, "I dare not, I do not have such a disobedient and unfilial son like you."Xuanyuan Hao's body stiffened at the words, then a cold smile flashed across his face, ''All these years, have you ever treated me as your own son? Your eyes have never been anything but Xuanyuan Pardon and Xuanyuan Mo, have you ever thought about my feelings? The same is your son, why should you treat me like this!"As Xuanyuan Lie listened to Xuanyuan Hao's word-for-word accusation, his hand holding Eunuch Hu unconsciously tightened, and a flash of guilt flashed across his slightly drooping eyes.Because he has always behaved gently and courteously, not loving court politics, and long years away, so he did neglect him a lot, but he never did not take him
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Chapter 339 I'm sorry about that night. Can you give me another chance?
Looking at the familiar back outside the hall, Duanmu Shi's eyes instantly reddened."Grandpa ..."Hearing that soft murmur, Huangfu Cang abruptly turned around, and only as soon as he did, there was one more person in his arms."Grandpa, Shi'er misses you so much." Duanmu Shi hugged Huangfu Cang tightly, her deep purple eyes filled with tears.Looking at Duanmu Shi whose eyes were filled with tears, Huangfu Cang reached out in pain and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Are you trying to make Grandpa die of heartache?"Duanmu Shi sniffed, "Puffed" and laughed out loud, looking at Huangfu Cang, "Grandpa how do you know I'm back, is it father and mother informed you?"Huangfu Cang sniffed childishly and bristled coldly, "Hmph, where would they notify me."Huangfu Che and Duanmu Xue who had just walked out heard Huangfu Cang's complaining words and immediately lowered their heads sheepishly, they didn't want to ah, it wasn't becaus
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Chapter 340 I'm going to be a father
Hearing the voice, Fourteen turned around fiercely. Seeing Mikage, Fourteen immediately raised a bright smile, dropped the weeds, and directly jumped into Mikage's arms.Seeing Fourteen pounce, Mikage subconsciously reached out to catch him.Fourteen hugged Royal Shadow and said with a resigned face, "Royal Shadow, why did you just come out, I waited for you for a long time."Mikage froze and hugged Fourteen, dumbfounded, "You, you're not angry anymore?"Fourteen sniffed and knew that he was talking about Li Zhen, pouted, "It's been so long, where can I still be angry, am I that petty?"Separated for so long, her little bit of anger had long since been washed away by thoughts like a tidal wave, and besides, he had his own ideas, and it wasn't entirely wrong to be heavy-handed with a brother.Royal Shadow's heart was delighted at the words and immediately shook his head, "No, how could my fourteenth be such a petty person."The corners of Fou
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