All Chapters of Reborn to Be A Noble Wife: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
592 Chapters
Chapter 121 A Couple Looking for Their Daughter
Qu Zhizhen’s ankle was not severely injured. He recovered pretty quickly and could walk already. As long as he didn’t walk too fast, he wouldn’t even feel pain.“My lady, one day I saw a strange couple waiting at the back door of our mansion. Then Fourth Lady’s private maid named Yu Dong came out and talked to them. They seemed to have an argument. Then Yu Dong handed them a small bag and urged them to leave.”“I found the whole thing very weird. I heard only a wet nurse was staying with Fourth Lady to take care of her. It should be people like a couple who served her. After Yu Dong left, I went to ask the old maid who guards the back door. She told me that this couple came several times these two days. And...and...”“And what?” Qu Qiuyan asked in shock.Behind the wall, Qu Zhizhen’a attention was caught by the maid’s words too.“And the old maid told me that Yu Dong has been giving things to that couple. It sta
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Chater 122 Looking for a Past, Loyal Servant
“Good to see you, First Master Ji!” Yue Wenhan bowed back and said frigidly, “I received a message from your family saying that my uncle suddenly passed away. So, I came here to see if you need any help. Please don’t mind me if I’ve done anything inappropriate!”“That’s very kind of you, Mr. Yue. Please follow me inside.” Ji Yong’an cast a glance at the carriage next to Yue Wenhan, wondering who was inside. Yue Wenhan hadn’t married yet, so he had no idea who it could be. But it was not the right time to ask now.Ji Yong’an led Yue Wenhan into the gate in person and accompanied him to the place where the carriages parked. Then he saw Qu Moying getting off the carriage and was stunned for a moment.Qu Moying’s outfit was different than ordinary people’s. The long veil on her face could let people immediately figure out her identity. Even for people who had never seen her before, they could tell who she was right away.Qu Moyi
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Chapter 123 Persuasion
“Fourth Lady Qu, you can’t just go inside like that. You need the First Madam’s permission first,” the old maid said with an awkward face, but she had to try everything to stop Qu Moying.“I just want to take a look. Or you can go back to report to the First Madam right now?” Qu Moying said carelessly.The old maid hesitated.If she went back for the report now, no one could keep an eye here. Even if Fourth Lady Qu went inside, she wouldn’t know about it and would probably be scolded by the First Madam. When the people sent by the First Madam got here, Fourth Lady Qu would probably have seen whatever she wanted to see.“I...I...” The old maid was a clever one, but even she was confused by Qu Moying’s unpredictable behavior“Alright, the lady just wants to take a look. Nothing will happen. If you report to the First Madam and come back, the lady will probably be done already. Even if the First Madam gives her per
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Chapter 124 An Old Piece Played Once Again
The only place in the Earl Ling’an’s Mansion that nobody was allowed to visit today was the Crown Princess’s old yard. The Second Madam had warned every servant that they couldn’t take anyone around that place since the Crown Prince would be there. If anyone disturbed the Crown Prince, the whole Ji Family would be blamed for it.Moreover, the Crown Prince’s presence in the Earl Ling’an’s Mansion could not be known by any outsiders. Because he shouldn’t show up here. Knowing the severity of the situation, the old maid started to sweat as her lips kept trembling. She was so scared by Fourth Lady Qu’s intention and didn’t even know how to stop her at the moment.She finally realized that weak as Fourth Lady Qu looked, she was not as obedient to the rules of etiquette as other noble ladies.An ordinary servant like her was not able to stop this determined lady, let alone under the glare of another maid who looked fierce. The old maid even ha
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Chapter 125 Seizing the Opportunity to Reclaim a Gift
The leading person who rushed over was the current hostess of the Ji Family, Xiao. She noticed Pei Luo’an and hurriedly lowered her head to greet him. After she couldn’t hear Pei Luo’an’s footsteps, she lifted her head and looked at the yard whose door was slightly open. A maid standing at the door was curtsying to her obediently.“Where’s your master?” Xiao asked coldly with an irritated look on her face.“The lady is inside,” Yu Dong said. He was standing in front of the door, but he pretended that he didn’t realize he blocked Xiao’s way.“This is the Crown Princess’s old yard. No one can enter this place without permission,” Xiao said angrily. She didn’t expect Fourth Lady Qu to be so bold and find the Crown Princess’s yard by herself.Once she heard the bad news from the old maid, she immediately rushed over but still came late. She couldn’t see the Crown Prince’s expression from a distance, but she could tell he was not
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Chapter 126 A Venomous Couple Blaming Each Other
Yue Wenhan and Ji Yong’an showed up nearby. Yue Wenhan was walking in front, and his cold gaze fell on Xiao’s face, sending a cold shiver down her spine. This one was not a weak girl like Qu Moying but the real vice minister of the Dali Temple, who had solved many cases and sentenced many people to death. Thinking about Yue Wenhan’s background, Xiao couldn’t suppress the fear in her heart.No matter how tough Xiao was in front of Qu Moying, she was still a female and didn’t have the guts to confront a person like Yue Wenhan.She threw a stern glare at Ji Yong’an, following behind Yue Wenhan, and cursed him inwardly for bringing Yue Wenhan here. How could Ji Yong’an bring a male to the inner yard?Ji Yong’an had his own difficulty. Since Yue Wenhan tried every means to meet Ji Yongming for the last time after he entered the mansion, Ji Yong’an had no other choice but to bring him here. Ji Yongming’s body was not even here. How could they
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Chapter 127 Another Secret Meeting
“What did you find out in the Earl Ling’an’s Mansion, Cousin?” Yue Wenhan directly asked her.Qu Moying shook her head, “Nothing really. But I ran into His Royal Highness.”“His Royal Highness was in the Earl Ling’an’s Mansion?” Yue Wenhan was surprised, feeling something was strange.“Yes, he was there, staying in our cousin’s room,” Qu Moying nodded.“Why was the Crown Prince in the Earl Ling’an’s Mansion instead of hosting the Crown Princess’s funeral in the Eastern Palace? Also...” Yue Wenhan paused, feeling weird about it. Even though the Crown Prince came for Earl Ling’an, why he was in the Crown Princess’s yard instead of Earl Ling’an’s yard?Was His Royal Highness really deeply in love with the Crown Princess? Yue Wenhan smelled something fishy but couldn’t figure out the reason.“Our cousin married into the Eastern Palace with a grand dowry. Shouldn’t the Crown Prince return her dowry to th
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Chapter 128 That Third Lady Might Not Be Dead!
Pei Yusheng walked in through the door.He noticed the curtain splitting the room into two parts and politely stopped in front of it. Through the curtain, he could see a female’s ambiguous figure curtsying to him. Then his gaze fell on Chun Xiu, standing aside, and realized Lady Liu was behind the curtain. A faint smile showed up on his face.“A pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness,” the female voice sounded soft but a bit low.“Same for me, Lady Liu. I heard you are here and came in a hurry. Please forgive me for any inconvenience I may cause you,” Pei Yusheng said politely.“Not at all, Your Royal Highness,” Qu Moying said softly.Pei Yusheng sat down on a chair aside naturally and looked at the curtain. It was not thick, but the light behind it didn’t seem to be enough. He could only see a vague female figure with a veiled hat. Of course, he couldn’t see her face at all.“I’ve been to your m
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Chapter 129 How About Marrying Lord Jing?
“The youngest daughter of the Ji Family, Third Lady Ji, didn’t die of sickness. They didn’t hold a funeral for her, not because it would affect the wedding. That Third Lady is a misbehaved one who eloped with a man. To stop this scandal from spreading out, the Ji Family covered it up and only said Third Lady Ji died, and there’s no Third Lady Ji in the world. Having his two daughters ending up like that and his injury, Earl Ling’an surely couldn’t survive,” said Pei Yuanjun carelessly.His words smashed hard on Qu Moying’s heart. So, this was the “truth” behind her younger sister’s death!She grabbed a corner of the table and held back her tears. “But she...she is only ten years old!”“So what? She is not the first little girl who elopes with a man at this age. Well, many of them got deceived, of course,” Pei Yuanjun gazed at Qu Moying and said in a flat tone.So, her younger sister died while being accused of such shameless
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Chapter 130 Another Funeral
Qu Moying got up in the early morning the next day. After washing up and eating some congee, she headed to the Old Lady’s yard with Yu Dong and Yu Chun.People from the East Mansion had already arrived. Qu Moying saw Luo sitting aside with Qu Xuexin and Qu Caiyue.Qu Moying curtsied to the Old Lady and seated herself. Then she looked up at Qu Caiyue, who so happened to sit opposite to her. They hadn’t seen each other for a while, and surprisingly, Qu Caiyue seemed like a different person. She acted more discreetly, sitting there in silence with her head lowered.Feeling Qu Moying’s gaze, Qu Caiyue lifted her head, threw her a stern glare, and lowered her head again.Confused by her reaction, Qu Moying moved her eyes away.Today they would go to mourn for Earl Ling’an. The only one missing was Qu Qiuyan now.After the Old Lady sent people to urge Qu Qiuyan several times, she finally showed up in the
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