All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
857 Chapters
Chapter 111 I Am Your Long-lost Brother!
After dinner, Senior Master Sheng asked all people to leave. When others returned to their room, the eldest branch entered the Spring House. Madam Feng grabbed her husband anxiously regardless of the presence of the children and the servants, "The reason why you and dad came late was that you were persuading dad to retract his promise?!"Senior Master Sheng said just now, "Lanci has persuaded me again and again, and I have already agreed to give the second branch a chance." All people would probably think that Sheng Lanci valued brotherhood ties, and the reason why the eldest branch agreed with the third branch to split the second branch off because Madam Feng couldn’t tolerate her brother-in-law.Madam Feng didn’t believe that her husband would get her into a fix, so she had to ask for an explanation.As expected, Sheng Lanci signaled her to calm down and entered the house and sat down. Then he ordered the servants to serve tea and fruits. Aft
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Chapter 112 The Funeral of Madam Bai
That day when Sheng Weiqiao returned to Zhuying Mini Villa, though it was already past the time when she usually went to bed, she didn't feel tired at all. Instead, she was somewhat excited.Because Lvjin and Lvqi were sent away before, they know nothing about her conversation with Sheng Shuihe. But they somehow sensed that she was in a good mood, wasn't she?"Did Miss finally reconcile with Childe?" The two maids exchanged glances and both of them felt relieved. Having been serving Sheng Weiqiao since young, they were naturally partial to Sheng Weiqiao.But Madam Feng had no son, and in the first branch, Sheng Shuihe was the only male descendant. However, Sheng Weiqiao was loved, she shouldn't offend her brother for the long term.Nevertheless, when their Miss got into a temper, she wouldn't listen to anyone.As maids, their only hope was that she would put away her prejudice. Fortunately, her grudge didn't persist fo
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Chapter 113 Madam Feng, "Still, the Worst Thing Happened!"
Concerning Xuanyu She's engagement, Xuanyu She said naturally that he would take some lovable concubines after he got married and had his eldest legitimate son, Sheng Weiqiao had been indignant for the sake of her future cousin-in-law who she had never met. If Xuanyu She hadn't compromised with her, it would have escalated to a fight.But later, when she overheard this cousin-in-law's ruthlessness from Xuanyu Zhiyu, Sheng Weiqiao began to wonder why this lady was her cousin's fiancée? Their marriage was literally the union of two rivals, wasn't it?Though her cousin hadn't married his legitimate wife, he had begun to think about taking concubines; While though her future cousin-in-law's manner, talent, and appearance hadn't been learned, she had well manifested her pitiless disposition.Wouldn't it be a lively scene after the two got married?Would the second branch of Sheng Family be comparable to it?Sheng Weiqiao, w
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Chapter 114 Grandfather, We Were Deceived!!!
Getting down from the horse in front of the mansion, before he could immerse himself in the sensation of homecoming, Xu Baomo was suddenly surrounded by dozens of people, who wore colorful clothes!The sudden commotion surprised both Xu Baomo and his servant. Xu Cong nearly shouted out 'assassins'. Fortunately, he recognized some familiar, charming faces in the crowd. For instance, there was Miss Xixi, who was touched by Young Lord Xu's amiable and considerate personality; there was Miss Ningqing, who was willing to marry Xu Baomo because of a pillow given by him with her name waved on it in the shape of plum branches; there was a girl, whose heart was tied to Xu Baomo across a thousand miles owing to a jade pendant deliberately dropped by him and found by her just in time...When Xu Cong suppressed his urge to shout out, those people went over him and vied with one another to hold Xu Baomo. Subsequently, the gate of Xu Family was inundated with pleasant vo
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Chapter 115 Heart-broken Young Lord Xu
"Bast*rd!!!" After a brief silence, what surprised Xu Baomo most was that Old Marquis Xu did not scold Old Master Sheng for his lies. Instead, he kicked Xu Baomo and burst into anger, "You got no idea of what kind of person Old Brother Sheng is! Back then, Old Ao and I lived in poverty, so we joined the army for the sake of survival. Old Brother Sheng, coming from a wealthy family, gave up the position of master and followed General Zhou despite hardships and dangers. He had fought in both northern and southern battlefields. He was truly a patriotic man! Old Brother Sheng has always fit his deeds to his words. All comrades-in-arms knew that about him!""You self-righteous little bast*rd! The moment you came back, you began flirting with girls! How dare you slander the conduct of Old Brother Sheng! Why would I have you as my grandson!!!"Xu Baomo was so stunned, "Grandfather, you wronged me! When I heard from Old Master Sheng that his granddaughter was beaut
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Chapter 116 Reluctant to the Distant Marriage of Their Daughter, Just Move with Her!
The old couple of Xu Family was very enthusiastic about making his grandson marry Sheng Weiqiao. After beating their grandson, they went to the study to write a letter. Of course, they couldn’t ask whether Sheng Weiqiao was really as problematic as what Xu Baomo described. After all, she was praised by the honest and upright Senior Master Sheng. In contrast, how could he believe what his son, a dissolute guy, said?Therefore, he wrote the letter to know whether his grandson behaved terribly or spoke something wrong."If he did, we had to hurry up to find an excuse for him; If we can't make them forgive him, we can beat him again and offer a humble apology! Our aim is to let Sheng Family know that he would never do that again." Old Madam Xia Hou said so, "Or, how could he marry Weiqiao?"Old Marquis Xu agreed.In the ending part of the letter, he inquired about reasons for Ao Family to go there: Senior Master Ao and Old Marquis Xu w
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Chapter 117 The Maid's Revenge
"Dad, don't be angry. Those were told by the woman who made the trouble. We don't know whether they were real or not!" Sheng Lanci worried about Senior Master Sheng's health and quickly comforted his father after being clear in mind, "What if she was a normal maid driven out because of making mistakes? She might hate her master's family and went here to trouble us after knowing that Weiqiao might marry Baomo. If we became furious, we could be fooled by her!"Madam Feng wanted to make it clear as soon as possible, lest her daughter feels wronged. Feeling the meaning indicated through the eyes of her husband, she suppressed her urge and comforted her father-in-law, "That was right! Father, if the woman was really a close maid of Baomo, people of Xu Family were not stupid. They would not give her the opportunity to come to our door! The maid must be sold far away, and we will never know this!"Sheng Lanci added, "Don't you know that Uncle Xu is an upright pers
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Chapter 118 Gongsun Yingjiang: Aunt, you need to thank me!
Sheng Lanci’s couple had no mood to deal with the affairs, and they returned to Spring House to have a discussion in gloomy expressions, "Are that maid's words true or false? Do we need to call the messenger of Xu Family to confront her?""If the kid of Xu Family was really romantic and Uncle Xu had never said anything to father, how could he not tell the people around him to beware of us?" Sheng Lanci turned around in the room, and after standing stably, his eyes flashed coldly. He said in a low voice, "So even if we found out the bugs, I was afraid that Xu Family would already have their own explanations. Our rash act will alert the enemy!"After a pause, the expression between her eyebrows became more and more fierce, "It is clear that the maidservant wanted to provoke and revenge, but since she dared to say that let us send someone to Cangwu County and just find any brothel to check, then we can hear Xu Baomo's affairs, I’m afraid.. I’m afraid that what
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Chapter 119 Sheng Weiqiao's Scheme
The elders of Sheng Family had no time to care about the messy situation in Qiongpa House at this moment.Senior Master Sheng wrote a reply letter hurriedly on that day. The messenger of Xu Family noticed it was still early, so he declined to stay in Sheng family. He just took some food and left.When the messenger just left, a group of people who were recruited urgently from the village by Sheng Lanci also quickly packed up their luggage and left— At this time, Sheng Shuihe just took his homework to ask for advice. Seeing Sheng Lanci’s depressed expression, he couldn't help but ask, "Father, is there anything annoying you?""Just before a maid who claimed that she and the guy of Xu Family had an affair came to our house!" Sheng Lanci didn't even think about whether to tell his daughter about this or not, but when his son asked him, he didn't need to hide it. He sighed now and said angrily "According to her words, the guy of Xu Family was not h
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Chapter 120 Sheng Weiqiao: Is There Still Time for Me to Apologize?
Sheng Weiqiao sent her sister away delightedly. After taking a bath, she asked Lvjin and Lvqi to wake her up earlier tomorrow, "If something funny happens in Qiongpa House tomorrow, you must inquire about it and tell me!"As a stingy man who sought revenge for the smallest grievance, she was convinced that he would get back at Gongsun Yingjiang."How will Sheng Shuihe get back at Yingjiang?" Sheng Weiqiao rolled over on her bed and thought happily, "Theoretically, he owed Gongsun Family a lot, so that he wouldn't go too far…. However, Sheng Shuihe is a cunning man, which means he may get back on her while she could only take it on the chin. Well, Yingjiang will know the consequences of using her aunt, and she will never dare play her little trick!""I have to get up early for this hilarious scene, nope, for intermediating between the uncle and niece who fight for no reason."With this thought, she was even happier, "At that time, f
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