All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
859 Chapters
Chapter 131 Four Battles and Four Failures
Sheng Shuihe pinched his chin with a strange expression behind the tombstone not far away.Three steps behind him, the light of the moonlight reflected a blue garment and made it like water. Gongsun Xi asked calmly, "Chief, do you want me to follow Second Miss Sheng?""You stay and take care of Yingjiang." Sheng Shuihe's eyes flashed for a moment, and he said with a smile, "I'll go and see what sweetie is going to do?"Sheng Weiqiao was looking for clues.She first searched the places around where people could hide, but found nothing— this is not surprised. If Sheng Shuihe sent someone to protect them in secret, they must be good at material arts. It was easy not to be noticed by Sheng Weiqiao who was a powerless and weak lady.Sheng Weiqiao did not dare to guarantee that her eyesight could notice that whether someone had hidden in these places or not.But she quickly found other ways to confirm that Sheng
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Chapter 132 Sheng Shuihe thinks, "Here Comes My Chance!"
Sheng Weiqiao was sent back to Zhuying Mini Villa with frustration. Because of her four horrifying failures, our sweetie was traumatized mentally, and she stayed up all night, rolling on her bed from time to time.Seeing the sunlight, Sheng Weiqiao got up by herself. At this point, Lvjin and Lvqi had already got up, and they were surprised to see it. Lvqi, who was more candid, fetched her some water and asked unconsciously, "Miss, why did you get up early today?"Immediately, Lvjin, who was tiding up Sheng Weiqiao's clothes and rolling up the sleeves, tipped the wink on her, "You just can't take the hint, can you?"Lvqi was surprised and looked at Sheng Weiqiao unconsciously. Luckily, even though Sheng Weiqiao was irritated, she only said, "I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up."Then, none of the two maids had the guts to talk again. They helped her dress up in silence, and fetched her the breakfast from the kitchen, while Sheng Wei
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Chapter 133 The Siblings Could Get Along? It Was Impossible!
Not knowing how long it had been, Sheng Weiqiao woke up from a deep sleep. She found that she was dressed and lying on the bed under the north window in the study, covered with a thin quilt, instead of lying on the round-backed armchair.Through the sandalwood screen that was inlaid with micas and carved with mountains and rivers, she could see a person sitting at the table with his back to the screen among the shadows of all kinds of things. Although she couldn’t see his face, she could hear the faint sound of flipping a book and she knew Sheng Shuihe was still reviewing his lessons now.She was dazed for a while, and then she sat up to see the copper funnel (A timepiece in ancient China) in the corner of the room.It was already three to five in the afternoon.She came here at ten in the morning. So, had she slept for such a long time?It made her feel annoyed, but she was not ashamed, because she came here for a pur
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Chapter 134 Young Lord Xu Put His Head on the Block
Xu Baomo came here at this time because he had thought on the way here, “I have always been perfect in front of Big Weiqiao, and I can sweet-talk her easily. So, I think it’s not difficult to apologize. But she must see me so that she can mediate in the dispute for me! If Sheng Family prevented me from entering or deliberately concealed my arrival from her, she could not know anything and speak for me!”After all, Xu Baomo thought that Chuli was just a servant, and what she said would not carry the same weight as his words. Besides, he had not given himself away when he lived in Sheng Family before. But Sheng Family doted on Sheng Weiqiao too much!She was the apple of their eye. If she felt a little bit aggrieved, they would think she felt extremely aggrieved!So, how could Xu Baomo not worry about the reaction of Sheng Family?To his knowledge of Senior Master Sheng, but for his sickness, Senior Master would have come to the door
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Chapter 135 Sheng Weiqiao, "How So! He Oversteps the Border!"
If he had been in Xu Family... more accurately, in the Xu Family which hadn't been purged under his grandparents' orders, and he had seen such a scene after the bath, Xu Baomo would have put on a knowing smile, "If it's not another lonely elfin coming to pay me a visit?"But having been received by Sheng Family in that way, his bruised body still hurt badly. Even if he had been silly, he wouldn't have figured that feeling bad for his long trip. Sheng Family expressly sent over a pretty maid in order to comfort him. It was absolutely Sheng Lanci's trap!So, he dressed swiftly and said in a deep voice as he opened the door, "Miss, body contact isn't allowed between men and women. Please... Chutao?!"Xu Baomo was disguising an upright man when he suddenly fell silent. Peering at the familiar fine countenance and breathing the strange fragrance of jasmine from her, he felt like in a dream and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"To te
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Chapter 136 The Siblings Ganged up on Xu Baomo
In Xiezhu Pavilion, Sheng Shuihe saw that Sheng Weiqiao got something on her mind when she stepped across the threshold, and he knew it. He couldn’t help chuckling, “Sweetie, you have known what happened in the guest house?”Sheng Weiqiao dragged the round-backed armchair to the place where it was yesterday, keeping a poker face, and said after sitting down, “I have known it. What do you want to say?”She was ready to quarrel with Sheng Shuihe. Of course, she wouldn’t leave with anger even if she lost this time. She had to watch him and prevent him from sleeping!Unexpectedly, Sheng Shuihe did not laugh at her this time but consoled her, “There are so many good men in the world, sweetie. You don’t need to care about him! Besides, since he is in Sheng Family alone, I will teach him a lesson and retaliate for you!”Sheng Weiqiao was suspicious and frowned, instead of being touched, “What do you want? I remember you said that I had no
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Chapter 137 The Lost Memories and Past
On that day, Sheng Weiqiao did not go to Xiezhu Pavilion to watch how his brother strove for his bright future, because she got to go back to Zhuying Mini Villa to sort out her thoughts. She thought about how to spend the next few years prior to her marriage. She needed to decide whether to idle about or do as Sheng Shuihe suggested and take Madam Feng as a model, learning all kinds of necessary skills to be a shrewd Madam in a big family and preparing for various crises in advance, such as having a vile or playful guy as her husband!Sheng Shuihe watched her leave and headed back to Xiezhu Pavilion to study.Gongsun Xi sent away other servants and served him by his side, grinding ink and handing out writing brush. When Sheng Shuihe got tired of reading and stood up to relax a bit, then Gongsun Xi said, "Chief, you made painstaking efforts and beat Xu Baomo up, even though you're not recovered yet. Did you do all this so that Second Miss Sheng can turn out
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Chapter 138 Sheng Weiqiao Made up Her Mind!
The conversation between the master and servant in Xiezhu Pavilion was unknown to others, but Sheng Weiqiao, who was the center of their topic, didn't return to Zhuying Mini Villa, because she met Old Zheng on the halfway. He told her that Senior Master Sheng invited her to Jinxue House.Sheng Weiqiao was with a guilty conscience on the way, because she worried that Sheng Shuihe had beaten Xu Baomo too hard. If so, Senior Master Sheng would be unable to explain this to Old Marquis Xu, and he, therefore, called her over to criticize.However, Senior Master didn't mention that when Sheng Weiqiao arrived. On the contrary, he showed his care for her with tears in his eyes and gave her a longbow brought back from Beijiang. In the end, he regretted that he didn't force her to practice Kungfu when she was a little girl, "But Weiqiao is a talented girl, so it is not too late for you to practice Kung Fu. When I recover, I will teach you, Ok?"Although S
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Chapter 139 Tianning Festival
In fact, Senior Master Sheng’s worries were superfluous, because Xu Baomo believed firmly that Sheng Weiqiao was so obsessed with him so far that she would certainly forgive him, and would also help him to persuade others in the Sheng Family to forgive him. How could he suspect Sheng Weiqiao would team up with Sheng Shuihe to deal with him?So, after noon on that day, Senior Master Sheng, who was on crutches, rushed to the guest house in a sick body and roared him to drive him out of the house. Although Xu Baomo realized that he had been schemed by the Sheng Family, he still felt, "Sheng Family bought off Chutao to cheat me, but Big Weiqiao really stood on my side! It was a pity that the Sheng Family tried so hard to break us. Even if I was willing to obey my grandfather's order, I could do nothing now!"Due to the fierceness of Old Marquis Xu and Old Madam Xia, after Xu Baomo was expelled from the gate of Sheng Family, he did not immediately go back to his
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Hold books and a sword in twenty, travel west to Chang'an City! Chapter 140 Jieyuan
Sheng Shuihe went back to Sheng Family at the beginning of the summer of the 30th year of Xuanjing, and he was listed in the genealogy book as Eldest Childe based on the birth order after the fete in the ancestral hall of Sheng Family on New Year's Eve. Therefore, the ranks of the rest of the generation were moved backward correspondingly.In the commission examination of the 31st year of Xuanjing, Sheng Shuihe took the first place of all three examinations, which was called "Xiao Sanyuan" traditionally, a title that his father had never achieved. Sheng Lanci succeeded in the government examination when he was twenty, while he had never taken the first place in other preliminary examinations.After the first success of Sheng Shuihe, the whole Sheng Family was thrilled.Suggested by Senior Master Sheng, Sheng Lanci even handed over his business to Madam Feng and Sheng Fu to make time for instructing the study of Sheng Shuihe for the next year.
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