All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
862 Chapters
Chapter 141 The Little Aunt Disowned by Sheng Family
Madam Feng had only one sister in her original family, Madam Feng, who was even older than her. So, the little sister she mentioned now was surely her sister-in-law. Instead of Sheng Lanxin, it was another little sister-in-law who hadn't been spoken of for long in Sheng Family— Sheng Lanling.The little daughter of Senior Master Sheng and Old Madam Ming was the youngest child among the generation under the name of Lan in Sheng Family.Out of the fear of irritating Senior Master Sheng, no one had ever mentioned Sheng Lanling all these years in Sheng Family. Because what Sheng Lanling had done really had embarrassed Sheng Family. She eloped with the childe for whom she had fallen at first sight after her father formally engaged her to another family!And worst of all, the fiancé to whom she had been engaged was a peer of Sheng Lanci, who was affluent, virtuous, and from Chang'an. Because he admired Sheng Lanci's erudition and cultivation, he had
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Chapter 142 Another Trip to Daimao Island
Sheng Weiqiao certainly did not want to make another trip to Daimao Island. Back then, she did not receive shocks or mistreatment on the island. Instead, she was treated with care and respect. Over the past two years, she frequently called on Madam Feng at the Xuanyu Family and transformed her views on many things. However, having been brought up in a wealthy family, she could hardly grow a favorable impression of that pirates' lair.Nonetheless, Gongsun Yingjiang had begged her to come along for two days, which stirred her from her resolve. Finally, she compromised, "I need to consult with my parents. If they don't give me the permission to leave, I can't accompany you no matter what!"Hearing her words, Gongsun Yingjiang went along with her to see her parents. The moment she saw Sheng Lanci couple, she knelt down all at once, begged for their mercy, and implored them to permit Sheng Weiqiao to accompany her back to the island. Otherwise, she would possibl
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Chapter 143 Sheng Shuihe Was in Silence...
Two years ago, when Sheng Weiqiao went to Daimao Island, she killed Young Master Han, which made her terrified. She felt even worse since she was unwillingly at sea. All those led to her high fever. For four days, she was asleep with a high fever. When she woke up, she found herself in Gongsun Yingjiang's room. She wasn't aware of how she went on the island, not to mention appreciating the scenery on the way.After all, she has not been far away from home. Although it was an unwilling trip for her, she felt happy and was interested in many things. While the ship left from the bank and moved toward their destination, the sea seen through the porthole was bluer with seagulls circling around above the ship and fish leaping out of the sea. Her unwilling feelings quickly disappeared.Though she and her maids showed much interest in this, Gongsun Yingjiang, as a descendant of the family of Gongsun, felt bored of such scenery.On the first day, she co
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Chapter 144 Gongsun Yingdun's Abnormality
The incident of falling into the water was certainly thrilling for the siblings, and they actually walked at the juncture of life and death. However, because the two people did not talk to other people after boarding the boat— Sheng Shuihe was too angry and did not want to say anything; Sheng Weiqiao was too kind, thinking that "although that Sheng Shuihe bragged about it, I still don't want to expose him for the sake of the sibling's relationship, lest he would be too embarrassed." Then, she didn't talk much about it too.So, everyone did not take that very seriously.Only the two maids of Sheng Weiqiao, Lvjin and Lvqi, climbed up and took a look worriedly. Seeing that she was full of energy and her face became rosy after she drunk up the ginger soup and changed her clothes. She was so energetic that her maids couldn’t find any reason to express their concern. Then they laid back relievedly and waited to land on the island.However, even so, w
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Chapter 145 Little Five: This Female Looks Delicious!
The aunt and niece had just arrived. Although the maids would unpack the luggage, they needed to know where it should be placed exactly by the instructions of their masters.Therefore, after talking to Gongsun Yingdun for a while, Sheng Weiqiao and Gongsun Yingjiang left with their maids to set up their rooms.After Lvjin and Lvqi set up the inner room, Sheng Weiqiao asked them to move the osmanthus to the outer room, "These days you felt dizzy on the ship, so we won't use any incense, or you will be even more disgusted. I would like to use some osmanthus to fresh the air around the bed curtain, which seems occasional.""If so, we should use apricot flowers instead!" Lvjin and Lvqi thanked her with a smile. When they were about to follow the instruction, Jinli, the little maid, had already started the work. Impressed by her attentiveness, they didn't stop her but continue to talk to Sheng Weiqiao, "After all, Eldest Childe has been Jieyuan alre
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Chapter 146 Abrupt Incident
Sheng Weiqiao became furious and lifted her skirt and kicked him, shouting, “Shut up!!! It was you who didn’t make clear to me and made me misunderstand you. How could you blame me! Is it reasonable?!”“Sweetie, look. A small puddle is over there, and I think it was from the rain two days ago.” Sheng Shuihe evaded and suddenly pointed to the front, “The two days are fine days, so the puddle must be clear.”“What does it have to do with me?” Sheng Weiqiao looked at him inexplicably.She saw that Sheng Shuihe looked at her with an evil leer and walked faster to move away and then said leisurely, “Sweetie, you can look at yourself in the puddle! You are indeed beautiful, but you are not so beautiful that all people who see you are willing to ignore human relations. Believe me. Not all beauties can damage the country and cause suffering to the people!”Well, then the siblings rushed into the valley all the way.Sheng Weiqi
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Chapter 147 Sharing One Quilt?
"You meant it was Sea Master Gongsun instead of Yingdun who had plotted this?" Sheng Weiqiao's mouth parched and tongue scorched. Pausing a while, she continued, "That's why no one has come to pick us up?""Eldest Brother took charge of the family in a hurry, and many elders of Gongsun Family did not accept that at that time. When you came to the island the year before, Yingjiang must have told you this." Sheng Shuihe stopped looking toward the beach and started gazing at the bonfire, saying, "Although father helped my Eldest Brother kill those elders, their subordinates couldn't be killed in a short period of time. That was why Eldest Brother chose one as a Young Sea Master. He wanted them to know that he had a successor, so they should stop daydreaming.""Just after you and Yingjiang left, Eldest Brother scolded Yingdun to go back. He told me that Yingdun might have been instigated by them and might do something wrong!""I have thought they f
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Chapter 148 Lost in Thought
Tucking under the same quilt was Sheng Weiqiao's idea. However, she regretted it and clenched her fit subconsciously when Sheng Shuihe agreed to it and walked towards her. She was nervous and taunted him in an attempt to conceal her nervous feeling, "You accept good advice without hesitation. I thought you would at least hold out longer than that!""What's the point of holding out?" Sheng Shuihe stood in front of her and leaned slightly to her. They lit only one candle, and the candlelight was dim in the cave. They stood very close to each other, but their expression was somehow vague. Only their eyes were bright as stars. He curled his lips and smiled pleasantly, "Judging from the wind, I say it may rain tonight! Sweat girl, you said earlier that autumn nights were cold. When given a chance to sleep on the bed with the quilt, why would I turn it down and have the cold wind blow my face at the entrance of the cave?"He stretched his hands, petted Sheng Weiq
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Chapter 149 The Past (Part 1)
Sheng Weiqiao felt that the anger was mounting up within her!How could he do that?!He made the promise, and he threw it off in a blink?!Or seeing her as a child, he was just fencing with her?!Did he care about the Spring Exam?!Did he even care about his own health?!She reflexively wanted to get up and berated Sheng Shuihe for eating his words. But considering the gap of martial art between them two, she held it back, inhaled deeply, pinched her palm, brewed her mood, and uttered timidly, "Brother?""Eh?" Sheng Shuihe, who was originally seated there with crossed legs and bowing head, instantly turned back and rested his eyes on her.Constantly shooting across the night, the lightning illuminated his peaceful face and non-bleary eyes. Seeing that, Sheng Weiqiao's heart became sour and bitter: The wind and rain being heavy and strong, the thunder striking loudly, even she, the
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Chapter 150 The Past (Part 2)
Back then, Sheng Shuihe was 12 years old. He just gained a foothold in Daimao Island, with a less influential status than that of today.He took a great risk begging for leniency for the sake of the sibling. He sincerely wished that the elder brother could take care of his younger sister for good and live up to her sacrifice.Back then, he thought the worst scenario would be that the younger sister would take her life for what she had endured on the island.He didn't expect that the elder brother would do this. It was easy for normal people to figure out that the sister was intended to end her life, but she was committed to a man for the sake of her elder brother. It was obvious that she deeply cared about her elder brother, and she put his life before hers.How would she turn her back on her elder brother when she returned home?Later, when Sheng Shuihe went ashore to kill the elder brother, he asked him why he did wh
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