All Chapters of Red Wedding: Princess of Rebirth: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
579 Chapters
Chapter 151 Raise Little Qingxue
Shi Qingxue certainly refused to move and looked at Mo Junyang with her shining eyes.Mo Junyang had to take the cake back and took a bite. Then he gave it to Shi Qingxue’s mouth, soothing her helplessly. “Are you happy now?”Shi Qingxue showed a beautiful smile and acted like Mo Junyang, lowering her head to take a bite. She laughed with satisfaction and grabbed his hand. She bit it gracefully, eating like a little squirrel.Seeing that Shi Qingxue finished an osmanthus cake soon, Mo Junyang wanted to pick up another one for her, but his arm was gripped and couldn’t move, so he had to ask, “Would you like another one?”Shi Qingxue didn’t answer but still lowered her head, focusing on chewing the food in her mouth. After swallowing it, she stuck out her tongue and licked the fragments on Mo Junyang’s fingertip. After that, she still enjoyed it and then held his index finger in her mouth.The warm feeling was from his i
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Chapter 152 Against His Principles
The Love Xue House was built according to the shape of the Cold Palace Shi Qingxue had stayed for three years in the previous life. Especially from the appearance, it looked shabby and crude. And the guest room was next to the bedroom.Compared with Mo Junyang’s bedroom, the guest room was small and simple, without fancy furniture, but the materials of everything were top-grade. Shi Qingxue lived here and wouldn’t be shabbily treated.Shi Qingxue was put on an unfamiliar bed. She looked around and then turned to Mo Junyang in doubt. She opened her mouth and couldn’t speak anything but “Ah, ah”.“You will live here.” Mo Junyang pointed at Shi Qingxue and then pointed at this room.Shi Qingxue repeated what he did. “You will live here.”Mo Junyang was helpless and looked at Xia Mang, seeming to ask, “It’s what your lady asked. What can I do?”Xia Mang said, “…Your Excellency, how about you go out first? Leav
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Chapter 153 Kiss and Hug
Mo Junyang pondered for a while and believed Qu Yuebai had offered a practical suggestion.Earlier he had thought in a wrong way that the injured and weak Shi Qingxue should be under his protection and he should look after her, forbidding anybody to covet or hurt her.But Shi Qingxue was so intimate to him and unwilling to part with him. How could he give up such a perfect chance to declare his ownership?“Go to prepare the carriage. We will enter the palace.” Mo Junyang decisively carried Shi Qingxue and walked out.Qu Yuebai was depressed.He didn’t want to ask who “we” were as Mo Junyang mentioned.The three sat in the carriage heading to the imperial palace. Qu Yuebai looked at the two hugging each other and thought he was a pest. He had to bring up the same question. “Junyang, I think you’d better figure out if you will take her into the palace.She is as pure as a child and has no abilit
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Chapter 154 The Mascot
Mo Junyu looked at Mo Junyang speechlessly. Could he be like a true man as he aggressively expected the world to be in turbulence?He took a deep breath and decided to ignore what Mo Junyang said, telling him his purpose. “I just want to tell you that now, after one thousand years, there are rumors about a colorful phenix showing up.Do you know what it means?”“What does it mean?” Mo Junyang smiled playfully. “Does it mean that the mascot can finally be changed?”The mascot Holy Monarch Zhou might be speechless.Mo Junyu goggled and showed his strong resentment. “I am not joking with you. The colorful phenix shows up in the world and everyone will fight for it. The Qin Continent might be chaotic again.”Mo Junyang shrugged and asked about the key point. “So where is the honored colorful phenix as you mentioned?”“Not long ago, somebody hunted a colorful phenix in the eastern wasteland. The on
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Chapter 155 The Shi Family’s Fame and the Token Granted by the Emperor
In no more than two days, the news that Shi Qingxue had woken up spread all over the capital city.Then it was said that Duke Shi came to King Rui’s mansion to take his daughter back home but he was rejected. At last, somebody solemnly revealed that he had seen that the smart and talented girl Shi Qingxue had become a fool who couldn’t recognize anybody or even speak.For a time, it was spread everywhere in the capital city. With Mo Junyang’s shocking act that he went ballistic because of the beauty, when it was rumored that Shi Qingxue became a fool, many people secretly laughed at Mo Junyang and thought that he did everything in vain and lost more than gain.Somebody with evil intentions guessed that it was a rumor that Duke Shi came to pick up his daughter and was rejected. The fact was that the Shi Family had abandoned Shi Qingxue who was good for nothing.However, before the rumors to the disadvantage of Shi Qingxue caused a t
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Chapter 156 The Choice
There was a small torture room in the Shou’an Hall, and it was seldom used at ordinary times. Generally, the servants who made mistakes would come in to reflect, but all kinds of instruments of torture were inside.A stick with salt water, a torture-rack and so on were included. More than ten kinds of instruments were used to torture Dong Shuang, and she was almost beaten half dead till Mo Shujun asked coldly, “Tell me. Where is the token granted by the Emperor?”Dong Shuang couldn’t even open her eyes, with blood all over her body, and she almost had her last breath. She repeated her answer feebly. “I really don’t know.”“It appears that you still don’t know my capability before I show you…” Mo Shujun sneered and waved at the tormentor, gesturing for him to continue.At this time, somebody suddenly reported from outside, “His Lordship asked to see you.”Shi Junhe had come.The tormentor heard that and sto
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Chapter 157 A Surprise
Shi Junhe was worried that undue delay might bring trouble, so he went back to the East House and told Dong Hui about Mo Shujun’s requirement. He even swore, “Hui, don’t worry. It’s just a temporary expedient to marry Leng Yan. I won’t get close to her. Let’s take her as a piece of valuable furniture in the East House, okay?”Dong Hui instantly roared, “Shi Junhe! Don’t forget what you promised to me when you married me. You will never love anybody else. Now you even want to have a concubine? You have gone too far!”“No, I didn’t mean it!” Shi Junhe wished that he had more mouths to explain. “I said it’s Mother’s requirement. If I want to save Qingxue, I have to marry Leng Yan. Otherwise, she will disown Qingxue.”Dong Hui sneered and grunted, “Don’t mention so many excuses. I only remember that you promised to me, if you dare to have a concubine, we will end our relationship as a couple.”Shi Junhe was shocked by Dong Hui’s crueln
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Chapter 158 Cry for Candies
Shi Junhe was stunned and then shook his head to deny. “No way! At that time, my cousin admitted without hesitation that the sachet was hers. Hui couldn’t have framed her.”Mo Shujun snorted and seemed to laugh at Shi Junhe’s foolishness, saying leisurely, “Of course she had to say that it was hers. Otherwise, if others knew that she was an unmarried woman but secretly brought a sachet which was thrown away by a man, how would she have the face to live on?But later the sachet was checked and there was musk in it. It was too late for her to deny…”While speaking, she suddenly gave Shi Junhe a weird smile and then added in low spirits, “Junhe, didn’t you think that sachet looked familiar then?”Shi Junhe’s face stiffened and he tried to argue after quite a while. “No way! I promised Hui that I would never have a concubine, and she loves our children so much. How could she have framed somebody else to hurt others and herself…”
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Chapter 159 I Want the Marriage Certificate
Shi Junhe witnessed Mo Junyang and Shi Qingxue’s interaction.Seeing that Shi Qingxue was so happy and Mo Junyang doted on her without limit, he felt sour and then joyful and relieved.He didn’t know if it was Shi Qingxue’s best choice to be with Mo Junyang.But he admitted that even he couldn’t be compared with Mo Junyang when he faced Shi Qingxue who had lost memory and was like a newborn baby.Shi Junhe had too many responsibilities and burdens that he couldn’t give up. He would never and was unable to just consider Shi Qingxue’s feelings regardless of anything else. He was an incapable father who couldn’t even protect his daughter’s fame.How could he fight with Mo Junyang for Shi Qingxue?“Duke Shi, since you came to my home, please have a cup of hot tea.” Although Mo Junyang was talking with Shi Qingxue, he also paid attention to Shi Junhe all the time.After watching the complicated exp
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Chapter 160 The Failing Relationship between the Mother and the Son
Shi Junhe got good news in King Rui’s mansion, but he didn’t feel relieved after going back home.In fact he was anxious and asked somebody random for help. He had actually believed that Mo Junyang could solve his problem.After he thought it over, he believed that it was not that simple.His opponent was not an ordinary person but Mo Shujun. He couldn’t go against her.Even though he was critical of what Mo Shujun did, it didn’t mean that he could turn against his mother.“Alas!”Shi Junhe walked to the East House with complicated feelings. A young manservant ran to him in a hurry. “My Lord, bad news. The people in the Shou’an Hall said that Princess Royal made the maid Leng Yan her sworn daughter and would grant her marriage!”“Ridiculous!” Shi Junhe rebuked him automatically and then realized Mo Shujun’s intention.He had never expected that Mo Shujun who always paid attention
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