All Chapters of Red Wedding: Princess of Rebirth: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
581 Chapters
Chapter 161 Prod the Prince
After the hot summer, it was getting cool in the capital city in July.Everybody in the imperial palace were preparing for Mo Xiangbin’s 45th birthday party and the envoys from other countries.The people in the East Palace took the lead. After being told to receive the envoys, the crown prince Mo Junyu started to be busy with work and didn’t have time to rest.After he finally arranged everything, a servant ran in a hurry to report. “The envoy team from the Liang Country led by Prince Yelü has arrived at the capital city. They beat a civilian on the way as soon as they entered the city. Lord Fu from the Ministry of Rite went to mediate, but the people from the Liang Country refused to go to the embassy and insisted that civilian in the way apologize. They aroused the public’s resentment and made a fuss at the north gate of the city.It’s quite serious. Lord Fu asked you to go there in person, since you might be able to comfort the
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Chapter 162 Mo Junyang behind the Scenes
With his smile spreading, Qu Yuebai seemed not to mind Wu Yalei’s abrupt question.He explained peacefully, “Please don’t worry, everybody. In our country, the criminals would never go unpunished. How would we let the guilty ones who harmed the relationship between two countries get away with it? Wouldn’t the loss outweigh the gain?”He said that, but the precondition was that the one who should be punished must be guilty.The simple-headed Yelü Anchen didn’t notice the hidden meaning in Qu Yuebai’s words. Hearing that, he thought this official from the Mo Country was eloquent, so he nodded. “In this case, I will leave these nobodies to you. Don’t let me down!”Wu Yalei shouted hurriedly, “Your Highness, we can’t!”“Shut up!” Yelü Anchen impatiently interrupted Wu Yalei and stated coldly, “I can make my decision. I don’t need a spado like you to say more.”Yelü Anchen didn’t lower his voice and revealed in
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Chapter 163 You Will Die First as You Are Capable
Mo Junyu had expected that the envoys of the three countries would reach the capital city about ten days before Mo Xiangbin’s birthday, but the people from the Liang Country had come more than half a month ahead of time.No matter if the spies of the Liang Country were capable or there were traitors in the Mo Country, neither of the two reasons could make Mo Junyu happy.If a country couldn’t clear up the spies, how would the people pull together?When he was thinking about the way to deal with the spies, a servant came to report that Prince Yelü was feeling bored and asked the crown prince to hang out with him.Mo Junyu got the message and his face turned ghastly pale out of anger. He believed that the servant tried to say something nice, and Yelü Anchen wanted him to distract them from boredom.“A crown prince would be like a clown to make others laugh. How can you do that? Your Highness, you can’t go.” Mo You was fu
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Chapter 164 Mo Junyang’s Weakness
Mo Junyu was forced and had no choice. Even if he lacked confidence, he had to agree. “Prince Yelü, since you have an interest, I will keep you company. But please give me some time as I need to get changed first, okay?”There were two kinds of men’s clothes in the Mo Country. One was tight fit for daily life, and the other was specially designed for sports, as military uniform.Yelü Anchen didn’t have so much to consider. Their people were nomads and few of them made clothes, and most of the fabrics were exchanged from the neighboring countries. Only the royal members and nobles could afford to wear fabric clothes. Who would get changed before fighting?But Yelü Anchen wouldn’t admit that they were poor. He just looked unhappy. “Aren’t we just going to spar? Why do you have so many rules? Are you afraid of me?”“How come? Since I want to fight with you, I should come when I am at my prime. And it’s to show my respect to you, right
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Chapter 165 Beat up Prince Yelü
As soon as Mo Junyang got into the ring, Yelü Anchen tried to punch him first.When his fist was going to hit Mo Junyang, the latter dodged to the right and avoided his fist. Then Yelü Anchen waved his left elbow and swiped to the left. Mo Junyang was forced to lean backward and finally avoided his attack.All people focused their eyes on the ring and watched that Yelü Anchen assaulted Mo Junyang repeatedly and almost cornered him several times.Mo Junyang was about to be hit for a few times, but he escaped at last.The people from the Mo Country under the ring were scared by the shocking fight and their hearts beat fast.Although Mo Junyang wasn’t hit from the beginning, the fight was too breathtaking, and Yelü Anchen attacked Mo Junyang all the time. They hadn’t seen Mo Junyang take action.Mo Junyang seemed to be forced without a way out, but Yelü Anchen who got the “upper hand” didn’t feel he won but g
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Chapter 166 Dirty Tricks
All people present were attracted by Wu Yalei’s screams, so they didn’t notice that Shi Qingxue lowered her head with a sly smile on her red thin lips.Mo Junyang paid attention to Shi Qingxue all the time, so how would he ignore her smile?Although he was surprised, he didn’t change his expression. He held Qingxue’s hand and walked to the shed of the people from the Liang Country with the crowd.Wu Yalei still shrieked continually. The people from the Liang Country surrounded him and all showed anxiety on their faces but they didn’t know what to do.“What’s wrong with you?” As the receptionist, Mo Junyu asked politely even though he was happy to see Wu Yalei suffer.One of the people from the Liang Country supported Wu Yalei who was in pain and unable to open his eyes, explaining worriedly, “Lord Wu saw that His Highness was badly injured, so he wanted to send His Highness to the doctor at once, but as soon as we carr
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Chapter 167 Wait and See
Several days later, the envoys from the Zhao Country reached the capital city of the Mo Country.This time the Zhao Country sent the third prince Zhao Haoran and the princess Zhao Niaoniao as well as some civil and military officials, with a bigger number of people than the Liang Country.However, the Mo Country and the Zhao Country kept a good relationship, so the officials waiting in the south of the city didn’t feel threatened but welcomed them and happily led them to the embassy for the Zhao Country.But after the princess of the Zhao Country, Zhao Niaoniao entered the city gate, she refused to follow them to the embassy. She thought she was familiar with the city and people and told the driver to drive the carriage to the north of the city.She headed for King Rui’s mansion.The Assistant Minister of Rite, Fu Jian saw that and had a headache. He couldn’t stop the people from the Zhao Country and had to send someon
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Chapter 168 Regain Her Memory
Qu Yuebai tried to stop Mo Junyang fearlessly.Mo Junyang wasn’t blinded by the beauty at last and he pondered for a minute with a cold expression. But soon, he said politely and distantly, “I am sorry. I am busy now and I’m afraid that I can’t talk with you two. Please go back to the embassy first, and I will come to apologize another day.”Mo Junyang said that, and it was obvious that he took Zhao Haoran and Zhao Niaoniao as friends.But it was humiliation in Zhao Haoran’s opinion who was spoiled and respected by everybody since childhood.Zhao Haoran was furious. He held Zhao Niaoniao’s shoulder with one hand and pointed at Mo Junyang with the other, cursing, “Mo Junyang, who are you? It’s your luck that Niaoniao loves you. It’s fine that you didn’t refuse her but let her love you in the past. Now you even dare to abandon her. Do you think the princess from our country can be bullied easily?”He didn’t refuse her bu
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Chapter 169 Go Away as Soon as She Can Remember
Since Shi Qingxue shot the first arrow, Zhao Haoran was shocked with his mouth opened. Till she put down the bow and slowly walked to them, he was still dumbfounded and couldn’t come to his senses from the shock.As a weak woman, Shi Qingxue could even shoot arrows and was more skilled than him?It must be a joke!“No way!” Zhao Haoran murmured and couldn’t believe what he had seen.When Shi Qingxue passed by Zhao Haoran, she heard his words and tilted her head in confusion, gazing at him. “What? No way?”What he had witnessed was true and he couldn’t argue.Zhao Haoran said that just because he was too astonished and didn’t doubt Shi Qingxue’s ability. Hearing her question, the upright prince blushed.He had a weird feeling that he didn’t admit defeat and felt his face burning. He waved his hand in a hurry and replied, “No. I said nothing.”He took a deep breath and his eyes were
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Chapter 170 Send Shi Qingxue Away
Thinking of how nice Mo Junyang was to her these days and his ghastly pale face today, Shi Qingxue felt heartbroken.“It’s not that I insist on going back home. I am just…” Shi Qingxue couldn’t help but speak.She had the only thought that she wouldn’t make Mo Junyang show the same expression as when they came back, and she could do anything.However, before Shi Qingxue finished her words, the room door was opened all of a sudden.Mo Junyang still wore the same clothes and his expression returned peaceful, or rather, close to his distant expression as before, and any stranger couldn’t approach him.He walked to Qingxue and looked at her with a softer expression, asking gently, “Do you want to go back home?”“No, I…” Shi Qingxue didn’t want to make Mo Junyang unhappy and tried to deny it in a hurry.But Mo Junyang nodded in advance. “You haven’t been at home for a long time indeed, and General
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