All Chapters of Red Wedding: Princess of Rebirth: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
584 Chapters
Chapter 181 The Hypocrisy and Sincerity
As soon as Dong Hui heard the beginning, she felt dizzy and almost couldn’t stand steadily.Shi Qingxue wanted to tell the truth, but she didn’t expect that her mother would be so scared. She hurriedly supported Dong Hui and asked, “Mother, what’s wrong with you? Call for a doctor…”At the moment, Shi Baoning walked over in haste and supported Dong Hui to replace Qingxue forcefully. There was anger which was not obvious but clear in her pretty eyes, but she controlled herself and stated coldly, “Let me take care of Mother. Go to call for the doctor first.”Shi Qingxue didn’t need to call for a doctor in person. Shi Baoning just didn’t want her to support Dong Hui.While Shi Qingxue listened to Shi Baoning and went out to bring Doctor Qin.After Doctor Qin checked Dong Hui’s pulse, he explained, “Madam is pregnant and should better relax and keep calm. She can’t get mad or be provoked. Otherwise, it would be harmful to
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Chapter 182 Turn the Table
Zhou Ruyu and Shi Baoyan could say nothing and just looked at Shi Qingxue in despair.They hadn’t expected that with so solid evidence, Shi Qingxue could still turn the table, as if she had been prepared and waited for them to fall into her trap.Shi Baoyan immediately “realized” that everything must be Shi Qingxue’s plan. She intentionally showed her slip and planned to change the situation when they came to tell on her, with a purpose to embarrass them and make Shi Junhe hate Shi Baoyan.Shi Qingxue was so mean.Shi Baoyan imagined and went to extremes while thinking, so she hated Shi Qingxue more.Especially when Shi Junhe asked what else they could say, Shi Baoyan gritted her teeth and glared at Shi Qingxue secretly for several times.Shi Qingxue pretended that she didn’t see that and didn’t give them a chance to speak. She said that Dong Hui was unwell and needed to rest quietly, so she kicked out the
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Chapter 183 Threaten and Tempt
The Moon Lake was at the foot of the Moon Mountain and far away from the noisy capital city. In early autumn, the breeze rippled the shining water on the surface of the lake, and it looked quiet and beautiful, like a princess who had been sleeping for one thousand years.The party was held by the Moon Lake, and there was a corridor set up around the lake, decorated with roses, like a fantastic wonderland.Shi Qingxue told the servants to collect the scattered petals and put them on the ground, which looked like a square flower sea.“It’s so beautiful!” Mo Yuzhen could hardly look away from the beautiful scenery in front of her eyes.She grabbed Qingxue’s hand and shouted joyfully, “Qingxue, how come you got the idea of decorating it like this? It is like the residence of the fairies in the sky. It’s so beautiful that I can’t believe what I have seen.”“It’s nothing. I learnt it from a book and thought it must be great.
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Chapter 184 “Cheat on Him”
Zhao Niaoniao didn’t expect that Shi Qingxue could keep calm under her threat. She was surprised and thought this woman was so fearless.No wonder her brother raved about this woman after seeing her only twice. Shi Qingxue must know that he loved courageous women, so she seduced him intentionally.The princess thought with jealousy and hated Shi Qingxue more, imagining that Shi Qingxue was a bad woman who liked to flirt with men.“I am a princess of the Zhao Country, and you are just a noble lady. Even your father should respect me. Do you think your emperor will refuse if I ask him to let you be my maid?”Shi Qingxue thought Zhao Niaoniao would deal with her viciously, but it was merely…Gee, was she just a simple-minded girl?Even though Shi Qingxue knew that the girl in front of her was her rival in love, she didn’t hate this little princess but just thought the other party was inexperienced.
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Chapter 185 Why Would I Endure?
Mo Junyang’s cold but handsome face changed because of Yelü Anchen’s words. He looked ghastly pale, with anger on his brows.Yelü Anchen wasn’t afraid at all but got excited secretly, thinking, “Huh, I just want to drive Mo Junyang crazy.”But Mo Junyang said coldly, “Prince Yelü, please speak with caution. If you ruin the fame of a noble lady from our country, I am afraid that it will influence the two countries’ diplomatic relation.”Yelü Anchen was speechless for a while. If Wu Yalei didn’t stop him from behind, he might fight against Mo Junyang again.For a moment, the men’s group fell silent, in embarrassment.Mo Junyang looked low-key, but he was stubborn and hot-tempered, and even Mo Xiangbin could do nothing to him. While Yelü Anchen was like a bomb which could explode at any time, and he didn’t know what apologizing was.When the two were at loggerheads, about to cause trouble, Mo Junyu hurriedly
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Chapter 186 God’s Will
Mo Junjiu looked at Mo Yuzhen unhurriedly and smiled. “Why are you anxious? Father knows that the colorful phenix would cause the public to criticize but still wants to have it sent to the capital. Nobody would be to blame if there is something wrong.”Mo Yuzhen was astonished and responded subconsciously, “But I have heard that Father told somebody to send the colorful phenix to the capital after his birthday party. How would…”“It was said like this, but it’s a long distance from the east to the capital, and the colorful phenix is so priceless. If there is an accident, nobody can take the responsibility. Of course the earlier it is sent to the capital, the safer it will be,” Mo Junjiu replied leisurely.“But Father told them to send the colorful phenix later just to prevent the evil intentions of the envoys from the other countries. If it is sent to the capital in advance, it would cause much trouble. Father won’t do that.”Mo Yu
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Chapter 187 The Colorful Phenix Is Inferior to a Chicken
All people present were clear about what the holy bird of the Qin Continent, the colorful phenix stood for.The one who got the colorful phenix could control the world.The Mo Country got the colorful phenix, if nothing else, all people on the Qin Continent might think that the emperor of the Mo Country would replace the declining Holy Monarch Zhou and rule the continent.He was much more justifiable than the King of the Liang Country who threatened the Holy Monarch and gave orders.Since Mo Xiangbin dared to show the colorful phenix, he was ready to cope with the other countries’ coveting eyes.So he answered unhurriedly, “The holy bird of colorful phenix naturally belongs to all people on the Qin Continent, but it is tender and valuable. We can’t take it out and show it to all people, right?”He was reasonable.Yelü Anchen was unable to speak a word.Then Mo Xiangbin added slowl
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Chapter 188 The Coming Storm at the Party
“How, how beautiful it is!”Somebody sighed with emotion first, and all people came back to earth, but the shock and admiration couldn’t be concealed on their faces.It was at dusk and almost getting dark outside, and the door and windows around this room were covered with black heavy cloths, with no light from outside.However, the room which was supposed to be dark as night shone with dazzling colorful light, which was gorgeous and brilliant, even covering all people at the door.“Chirp…”Suddenly the clear and long birdsong came from inside.They saw a round bird cage in the middle of the room, and it was about three meters tall and two meters wide.There was a big bird as tall as a grown-up man in the bird cage.Its head was like a chicken’s, but it looked more exquisite and vivid than the common chicken. It had a long and sharp beak and a tall and thin neck like a swan’s. It
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Chapter 189 The Colorful Phenix Almost Died
Mo Shujun had granted Leng Yan to be Shi Junhe’s concubine, so Leng Yan desired to please Shi Qingxue who was favored by Shi Junhe, but she wouldn’t mind making things difficult for her “rival in love” Dong Hui.Shi Qingxue knew Leng Yan’s intention and didn’t bother to think about how to convince Mo Shujun to agree that she and Dong Hui wouldn’t attend the party in the imperial palace. Mo Shujun perhaps hoped that Dong Hui would lose the baby in her womb and wouldn’t consider so much. Shi Qingxue had to sigh helplessly and agree.“In this case, please tell Grandma that my sister and I will attend it in time, Leng Yan. My mother is not feeling well and it’s better for her to stay at home to rest and keep the baby safe.”Leng Yan was surprised. As far as she knew, the sixth lady of the Shi family was a spoiled girl and always stood upon her pantoffles. Others listened to her all the time, and she had never made herself suffer. So Leng Yan didn’t
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Chapter 190 The Crown Prince Was Almost Deposed
Shi Qingxue was extremely astonished and almost stared at Mo Junwen blankly for a long time before she came to her senses.But she had complicated feelings and was restless.Logically, they barely had connections in the past, and Mo Junwen had no reason to consider so much for her. Would he do it because he felt pity for her?Of course Shi Qingxue wouldn’t believe such a ridiculous reason. But Mo Junwen was calm from the beginning, so she couldn’t doubt that he did that just to please her.It was unnecessary and impossible.Then…Before Shi Qingxue figured it out, Shen Luo was brought by somebody in a hurry. Behind him were the emperor Mo Xiangbin and the royal family members as well as noblemen, who were supposed to be at the party.Mo Junyu’s face darkened, and he glared at Mo Junjiu.Mo Junjiu didn’t deny it but shrugged and told the crown prince directly that he had informed t
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